
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I have always suspected most of "advanced" quantum physics as being little more than a mathematical smokescreen. The overly complex mathematics and the fact that many of the theory's propositions are so bizarre have resulted in quantum physics becoming an esoteric discipline, in which only the chosen ones are allowed to work, question and develop it further. It feels just like the authoritarianism in medicine that has resulted in such a dramatic deterioration of health that the notions of chronological age and biological age have become completely uncoupled (metabolic pun intended) - i.e. biological age remains constant (and advanced) across all levels of chronological age. TLDR: Everybody is old/sick regardless of when they were born.

Now back to quantum physics. One of the central tenets in this theory is the dual nature of reality/matter. Quantum physics claims that matter can be both a wave or particle, depending on the specific experimental conditions and whether in fact there is an "observer" or not. You see, the theory holds that without an "observer" elementary particles of matter do not really exist as individual units but are in fact (quantum) "waves", that can be described mathematically like classical waves (water wave, sound wave, EMF wave, etc) but are not in fact "physical" waves. Exactly what such waves are is still a subject of raging debate in quantum physics. I, personally, favor David Bohm's interpretation, known as Bohmian Mechanics.

Anyways, when an "observer" interacts with the quantum "wave" of interest, this "wave" undergoes a process called a "collapse" and becomes an individual particle with well-defined behavior typical of individual objects. The most famous experiment, on which much of subsequent quantum physics was based is the so-called "double-slit experiment". In this experiment, an individual electron is shot towards a screen and made to pass through a wall with two slits on it. When there is no "observer" of the electron's travel from the shooting device towards the screen, the reflection pattern the electron leaves on the screen (after multiple electrons are fired in succession one after the other) is what one expects would happen if the electron was an atomized, separate particle. Namely, the screen contains an "image" of the two slits created by the electrons passing through the slits and making an impression on the screen. Yet, when nobody is "observing" the electron(s) travel, the reflection pattern on the screen is an interference pattern composed of multiple dark, bright stripes, as if a wave had passed through the slits and then interfered with itself and formed this pattern. Famous quantum physicist Richard Feynman once opined that the "double-slit experiment" is the core of quantum mechanics and pretty much any other problem in this field can be reduced or shown to be equivalent to that experiment.

"R. Feynman: Any other situation in quantum mechanics, it turns out, can always be explained by saying, ‘You remember the case of the experiment with the two holes? It’s the same thing

Now, a Canadian mathematician and quantum physicist has called into question the veracity of the experiment and whether such "duality" of nature exists at all. Apparently, a known law in elementary particle physics, known as Duane's Law, explains neatly the "mystery" of the double-slit experiment without the need of invoking "duality" of nature, collapsing wavefunctions, multiple Universes, etc.

Duane's hypothesis - Wikipedia

Duane's Law is actually consistent with another physics theory known as the Wave Structure of Matter (WSM), which I have posted about in the past. Namely, actual particles as separate physical objects are no more separate/individualized objects than waves in the ocean are separate objects. Neither one of them is really a separate, atomized object, but are rather a perturbation (a wave) in an underlying medium (ether). Under the WSM theory, electrons are simply standing wave patterns in this ethereal medium.

Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) - Articles - The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) and the Origin of the Natural Laws

Going back to the quantum physics experiment, as the blog post below by the mathematician/physicist aptly notes, there can be no other explanation of the omission of the direct (and so far unfalsified) explanation provided by Duane's Law other than deliberate manipulation (fraud) on behalf of quantum physicists in order to protect the "mystery" of their profession and thus their well-paying careers. As it seems, the fraud in science is pervasive and certainly not limited to medicine. Ray Peat has a point when he says that "science" as a discipline/career is a dangerous cultural creation, mostly used for control and oppression rather than progress.

The following link is another post from the same author discussing the existence of the ether as universal medium, without which even Theory of Relativity does not make sense.

Twin Paradox Decrypted

And here is the post on the fraud/scam in regards to the double-slit experiment:

Double Slit Experiment No Mystery

"...The famous double slit experiment is an unfathomably deep mystery, any number of people will tell you. People who should know. Experts. Briefly, you shoot a beam of particles at a screen with vertical slits in it (maybe only two slits) and when they hit a detector screen on the other side you get a diffraction pattern. As if the beam were waves instead of particles. Even when you send one particle at a time. Mysterious … as Feynman says"

"...The experiment has been in the news again. Recently, the Scientific American reported that: Now, in a paper published Sept. 23 in the journal Nature Physics, an international team of researchers has caused a molecule made up of up to 2,000 atoms to occupy two places at the same time. What actually happened was that a team managed to successfully carry out the slit experiment with a beam of these huge molecules. Despite their size, a diffraction pattern showed up (I don’t doubt the experiment). What many don’t realize is that the double slit experiment (with particles), proposed by Feynman in 1963, was for decades only a thought experiment. Finally, in 2013, it was successfully performed with electrons. It’s easy to see why it took so long: the slits were 62 billionths of a meter apart. Like everyone else I was absolutely baffled by this phenomenon. But I never bought the so-called explanations. I didn’t believe that particles are at the same time waves, or that particles are accompanied by waves, or that the particles clone themselves and are in two places at once to interfere with themselves. And I certainly didn’t believe the more outlandish ones, e.g. that the universe splits in two etc. Anyway, one day I’m browsing in the physics shelves of Warwick University library and this book New Foundations of Quantum Mechanics caught my eye. The author is Alfred Landé, one of the pioneers of quantum mechanics. What a revelation! Landé argues that waves are waves and particles, in particular electrons, are particles. The fact that waves sometimes behave like particles, and particles like waves, is remarkable and important but does not change this basic fact. He rejects “dualism” – the wave/particle duality approach that says that electrons are both waves and particles at the same time. Whatever that would mean. What about the two slit experiment? It turns out that there is a simple explanation using a well established but usually overlooked rule of quantum mechanics, namely Duane’s Law (I don’t know why Wikipedia calls it a “hypothesis”)."

"...To understand the law, consider the slit experiment. An electron heads for the slitted screen and emerges on the other side – usually, not heading in the same direction. The electron’s momentum has changed – it has interacted with the screen and exchanged momentum with it. In particular is has exchanged momentum in the direction parallel to the screen and perpendicular to the slits. Classically, any amount of momentum is possible meaning the electron could head in any direction with straight ahead being most probable. But Duane’s Law says this is not what happens. Duane’s Law says that if a body is periodic in space in a given direction then momentum exchanges in that direction are quantized. That means that the emerging electron is more likely to go in certain directions than in others, depending on how many quanta of sideways momentum are exchanged. Guess what? When a stream of electrons is sent through, a ‘diffraction’ pattern results.

"...Duane and Landé, and others after them, have worked out the details and the pattern is quantitatively exactly what you get from a wave model. Duane and Landé have explained the slit experiment without resort to guide waves, wave particle duality, or multiple universes. Or to bodies being in two places at once. In fact, I regard the slit experiments as experimental confirmation of Duane’s law. Admittedly there’s still a bit of mystery left. How does periodicity in space quantize momentum (I think if it as a sort of resonance phenomenon). But it’s hardly an impenetrable, soul searing mystery that makes you question reality itself."

"...So how come hardly anybody knows about this? Landé himself asked this question. He called it a “closely guarded secret” and said he’s searched through the works of Bohr, Dirac, Pauli, and many others and found not a trace. It is inconceivable that Feynman didn’t know about Duane. Duane’s become a nonperson. Possibly, Landé is wrong about something and everybody knows. But I’ve never seen a rebuttal; just silence. Recently Anil Ananthaswamy published a whole book, Through Two Doors at Once, about the two slit experiment, the experiment that “captures the enigma of our quantum reality”. Neither Duane nor Landê are mentioned; their names are not in the index. One can only speculate why Duane’s explanation is such a secret … but it has two consequences. (1) it makes scientists seem superhuman, able to work with contradictory models and somehow know which to choose in a particular situation; and (2) it sends the message that ordinary people with ordinary, finite, rational brains, can’t grasp science any more. So don’t even try.

"...I can see that this narrative suits certain elite sectors of the population. Widespread knowledge of the Duane/Landé explanation would let the air out of quite a few tires. So it ain’t gonna happen (despite this post). What about the rest of QM? There are many more phenomena that are on the face of it mysterious. I don’t have explanations for all of them but I believe they can all eventually be cleared up. I think Feynman was (ironically) correct when he said: Any other situation in quantum mechanics, it turns out, can always be explained by saying, ‘You remember the case of the experiment with the two holes? It’s the same thing’"
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Oct 11, 2016
All of QM is a scam. Light is not a wave; a wave is what something does, not what something is. Light is not a particle either. EM slowing down in a certain medium and then speeding up in a subsequent medium breaks the laws of thermodynamics. Aether exists & Einstein is a fraud who ****88 his first cousin twice (or at least was sexually obsessed with his first cousin's daughter).
E=MC^2 | Einstein Married Cousin Twice.

Yes, there is a relationship between one's personal morality and one's "scientific morality." A liar cannot hide from the eye of those who know.


Apr 30, 2015
Lucifer and a lesser devil are standing around, hidden, watching humans.

Lucifer is cleaning his cuticles with a toothpick, occasionally picking his teeth as well.

Nearby some men are on their knees, praying to god, sometimes giving away food to passerbys, other times blessing people and giving a kind word.

The devil says to Lucifer "yo big guy, these guys are really getting into it, really helping people here, shouldn't we do something?"

Lucifer briefly glances up, takes in the scene, and resumes picking at his nails "Don't worry about it, if they get serious, I'll organize it."


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Aether exists

Not many people know, but the existence of the ether was experimentally confirmed as recently as the mid-1980s. The guy who did the experiment was about as legit as they come, his study was accepted for publication and generated a lot of "controversy" (a euphemism for "exposing fraud"). Yet, the mainstream physics jackals kept insisting that his results were simply "contamination" due to room temperature variations. Nevermind that the author repeated the experiment several times and his results matched the much more recently discovered "earth drift" by analyzing cosmic background radiation distribution. And most importantly, if the 1986 experimental ether confirmation was spurious then why not petition to retract the study!? Clearly something of that magnitude would pollute a lot of research if it was false, right?
Friction In Absolute Vacuum - Possible Confirmation Of Ether Existence
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Oct 11, 2016
Not many people know, but the existence of the ether was experimentally confirmed as recently as the mid-1980s. The guy who did the experiment was about as legit as they come, his study was accepted for publication and generated a lot of "controversy" (a euphemism for "exposing fraud"). Yet, the mainstream physics jackals kept insisting that his results were simply "contamination" due to room temperature variations. Nevermind that the author repeated the experiment several times and his results matched the much more recently discovered "earth drift" by analyzing cosmic background radiation distribution. And most importantly, if the 1986 experimental ether confirmation was spurious then why not petition to retract the study!? Clearly something of that magnitude would pollute a lot of research if it was false, right?
Friction In Absolute Vacuum - Possible Confirmation Of Ether Existence

Yes, I'm annoyed with people who have seen through major lies in one field of "science," but somehow hold another as special/hard science/proven/etc. The same amount of effort studying each will reveal as much fraud and delusion in each - so long as one develops a real aptitude for seeing cause & effect.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

Have you come across this discussion on the Double Slit Experiment No Mystery article?

Double Slit Experiment No Mystery | Hacker News

I'm in no position to judge this one way or another, but it hardly seems like open and shut case.

The general question of whether the entire field of QM is fraud is indeed not yet open-shut case, according to those discussions. But the specific case of the double-slit experiment is pretty obviously a scam or deliberate obfuscation (which is still fraud). My post and the blog post of that physicist/mathematician is about that specific case, but the fact that so many "famous" quantum physicists are silent on the topic suggests this field has a lot to hide.
If you look through the HN discussions, you will notice how they quickly switch from the discussion of the double-slit experiment (which is what the blog post is mostly about) and start bringing up things like "retroactive causality", "virtual particles", "multiple Universes", etc. The author never attacked these topics in his post, and the fact that the discussion on the HN thread is immediately changed towards something even more nebulous and esoteric is a pretty obvious attempt (to me at least) that the defenders of the QM paradigm are nervous. Not a single answer in that thread countered the specific arguments against the double-slit experiment or discussed Duane's Law. It was all pretty much along the lines of either "This guy has no idea what is he talking about so I am not even going to bother responding" (he does know actually, he is a QM physicist and mathematician himself), or "Oh well, so what if the double-slit experiment is indeed no mystery or even fraud. Just look at all the other cool stuff QM talks about".
Weak stuff, to say the least :):...and strikingly reminiscent of my conversations with quite a few doctors who are considered famous "specialists" in their field. They either dismiss you due to lack of credentials, or if you manage to corner them with some irrefutable evidence the answer always is "this is such a small part of my field, that it does not matter you found fraud/manipulation in it. the rest of it is pretty sound...but...but...I don't want to talk about it."
The evidence to me is clear. More than a century of science stagnation, combined with collapsing health and economies worldwide, endless wars, and generally fascist attitudes in most countries around the world is (to me) strong evidence of massive fraud in pretty much any "scientific" discipline that has established itself as an official "career" path. QM and medicine are two of the most esoteric ones, sold as fields beyond criticism. As such, they are probably among the most corrupt and fake.
Science Is Stagnant, No Real Progress Since Early 20th Century
Nov 21, 2015
this post of yours was more mind blowing than anything I've read in several years, @haidut

I had no idea the two slit experiment was only a thought experiment!

And quantum mechanics has successfully been used lately for things like quantum encryption and semiconductor design...it has always been said to be the most successful theory of modern physics...

I find this all baffling.


Jun 12, 2016
But it’s hardly an impenetrable, soul searing mystery that makes you question reality itself."

It compliments a culture that demands we dont believe our 'lying' eyes.

Its hard to challenge the strange ideologies of our institutions when the 'hard' sciences are caught up in esoterism. Physics is the modern ages equivalent of metaphysics, since philosophers and theologians are no longer relevant.

So how do you mount an intellectual appeal against the opinions of the powerful without a sound foundation?


Mar 29, 2016
All of QM is a scam. Light is not a wave; a wave is what something does, not what something is. Light is not a particle either. EM slowing down in a certain medium and then speeding up in a subsequent medium breaks the laws of thermodynamics. Aether exists & Einstein is a fraud who ****88 his first cousin twice (or at least was sexually obsessed with his first cousin's daughter).
E=MC^2 | Einstein Married Cousin Twice.

Yes, there is a relationship between one's personal morality and one's "scientific morality." A liar cannot hide from the eye of those who know.

I'm not sure but I had thought Einstein was "mistaken" about the validity of quantum physics, as he questioned it. He was ridiculed for not accepting it. Not sure if he eventually came around to agreeing. Didn't E=mc2 precede quantum theory?


Mar 29, 2016
I've doubted quantum theory for a while. What really is a quantum computer? There's this China "quantum satellite" that allows the viewer to see street level views at very high magnification without losing detail. And I would wonder whether it's a matter of calling a dog a dragon just to inspire awe. What is quantum about the computing power behind it?

Science and religion are becoming one I guess. We have many high priests of science in many fields. Quantum is another. If you don't understand that there are 3 persons in one God, then you need faith. If you don't understand quantum physics, if you don't understand how pumps and receptors work, if you don't understand modern monetary theory, if you don't understand deficit spending, if you don't understand genetics...


Aug 3, 2018
@haidut, I did not have time to read the whole thread but I am not finding the phrase "complex number". You reminded me of a lecture I saw on YouTube where the guy (to me) convincingly argued that many of the supposedly eerie quantum phenomena can be accounted for more simply by running complex numbers (e.g. 5 + 2i, unfortunately named for our purposes) through standard (Newtonian) physics equations. You might enjoy that. Sorry, I don't have the link.


Oct 31, 2016
These are beautiful discussions, done in the spirit of searching for understanding. One of the problems we have been confronting throughout the period of mankind's civilisation is the deliberate deceitfulness of those who are "appointed" to become the "Priests" of the sciences to serve the vested interests of those who stand to benefit. This has been going on since the dawn of man's emergence from the simple hunter-gatherer way of life. Those who are familiar of the writings of LaRouche will understand what is at stake here. Without such perspective, we do not have a solid basis to begin forming or laying a groundwork for understanding our universe.
For those new to this, a good article to begin is "The Case of Sir Isaac Newton—or, What Was God Thinking? by David Shavin.
SOCIOPATHIC LYING: The Case of Sir Isaac Newton—or, What Was God Thinking?
Perhaps after reading this, a new perspective will emerge in the mind of the reader. If we accept the fact we have been deliberately lied to by Newton, then we may begin to question whether or not other "appointed Priests of the Sciences" have been guilty as well. Lyndon LaRouche, as well as others, cover these subjects with great clarity and depth.


Mar 13, 2016
These are beautiful discussions, done in the spirit of searching for understanding. One of the problems we have been confronting throughout the period of mankind's civilisation is the deliberate deceitfulness of those who are "appointed" to become the "Priests" of the sciences to serve the vested interests of those who stand to benefit. This has been going on since the dawn of man's emergence from the simple hunter-gatherer way of life. Those who are familiar of the writings of LaRouche will understand what is at stake here. Without such perspective, we do not have a solid basis to begin forming or laying a groundwork for understanding our universe.
For those new to this, a good article to begin is "The Case of Sir Isaac Newton—or, What Was God Thinking? by David Shavin.
SOCIOPATHIC LYING: The Case of Sir Isaac Newton—or, What Was God Thinking?
Perhaps after reading this, a new perspective will emerge in the mind of the reader. If we accept the fact we have been deliberately lied to by Newton, then we may begin to question whether or not other "appointed Priests of the Sciences" have been guilty as well. Lyndon LaRouche, as well as others, cover these subjects with great clarity and depth.
ive read that 4% of the population are psychopaths

Owen B

Jun 10, 2016
A quantum ensemble is not "dualistic". It is "non-dualistic". It is both/and, not either/or.

And has nothing to do with "simultaneity". Indeterminacy only states the irreducibilty of the wave to the particle and vice versa.

The ensemble is diachronic not synchronic. It's time-centered, not timeless.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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