
Peat already discussed this

"I had been interested in N.A. Kozyrev's ideas about energy and time when I read Michael Polanyi's description of the actual Michaelson-Morley experiment, and Dayton Miller's subsequent years of measurement of the ether drift effect; the physics texts and courses of the time were simply lying about it, the way biology texts and courses lied about Darwin and Lamarck.

Some other important observations that I think connect local physics to astrophysics are: Dror Sadeh's experiments with a cesium clock on a truck synchronized with one at the bureau of standards; N.A. Kozyrev's planetary observations and experiments; Helmut Schulz's laser-crystal-electron beam experiments; Halton Arp's galaxy pictures. Frederick Soddy, long before anyone had measured the "cosmic background radiation" and presented it as proof of a Big Bang, had suggested that cosmic rays were newly born atoms, and predicted that microwave energy produced by these constantly renewing atoms would be detectable.

I see physics, since the quantum innovation, as a way of preserving the subjective idealism that was being challenged in other areas of culture. I.e., religious philosophy, blended with some engineering.

J.L. Anderson, "Non-Poisson Distributions Observed During Counting of Certain Carbon-14 Labeled (Sub) Monolayers," Journal of Physical Chemistry, Vol. 76, No. 4 (1972). (Shows that the decay rate of Carbon-14 is influenced by the local atomic environment.)
Non-Poisson distributions observed during counting of certain carbon-14-labeled organic (sub)monolayers
John Lynde Anderson
J. Phys. Chem., 1972, 76 (24), pp 3603–3612"

- Ray Peat, 1/19/15​

That the ether exists is a surety. If light is a wave what is vibrating? Vibrations in air and water travel in compression waves.

Vibrations in solid travel in shear waves, perpendicular to direction of propagation (like a snake).

And since the light waves vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation, that must mean that whatever is vibrating is solid....Or crystaline

From louis hissink:

S-Waves [shear waves] are periodic undulations in an elastic solid in which particle motion is at right angles to the direction of propagation. These waves cannot travel through gases or liquids.​

Raleigh waves are surficial waves no deeper than one wavelength in the material, and are similar to S-Waves and occur on solids.

Ocean waves are presently interpreted as Raleigh Waves. Except that a Tsunami could hardly be described as a Raleigh Wave. And if water is a liquid a problem exists.

S-Waves are propagated via elastic media that is one physical object. So what’s going on with ocean waves.

Gerald Pollack has re-discovered that water exists in four physical phases, solid, liquid, gas and liquid crystal, the latter phase being colloquially described as EZ-Water or Exclusion Zone Water where protons and particulate matter are expelled by water in contact with hydrophilic boundary conditions. EZ water is contrasted from bulk water in that it has an ice-like molecular structure that behaves as an elastic liquid crustal. Bulk water has no crystalline structure and thus cannot propagate S-Waves.​

There's a deep untapped connection between the liquid crystal gel research going on in biology and the plasma universe research going on in physics.

I believe the ether is a crystal which is why it can support the s-wave movement of light. The ether turns into visible 'ponderable' matter when perturbed by spinning vortices which deflect light and electromagnetic waves like a spinning dreidel


We are just standing waves in the ether

Phycisist nobel laureate Robert Laughlin has this to say on the supposed non existance of the ether

"It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo."
Glass is a crystal is it not.
Great post @pimpnamedraypeat! Some fantastic quotes you gave. The ability of your post to synthesize these concepts into clarity made me pause. I am saving the link to this post and will share.
Dec 25, 2014
Great post @pimpnamedraypeat! Some fantastic quotes you gave. The ability of your post to synthesize these concepts into clarity made me pause. I am saving the link to this post and will share.

Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. This topic is so interesting because of the implications. Even when the ether was rebranded into the ridiculous curved space-time, physicists still couldn't help marvelling at its implications:

The Ontology of the Curvature of Empty Space in the Geometrodynamics of Clifford and Wheeler
For nearly two decades before 1972, Professor John Wheeler pursued a research program in physics that was predicated on a monistic ontology which W. K. Clifford had envisioned in 1870 and which Wheeler (1962b, p. 225) epitomized in the following words: “There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space. Physics is geometry.” In an address to a 1960 Philosophy Congress (Wheeler, 1962a), he began with a qualitative synopsis of the protean role of curvature in endowing the one presumed ultimate substance, empty curved space, with a sufficient plurality of attributes to account for the observed diversity of the world. Said he:
… Is space-time only a area within which fields and particles move as “physical” and “foreign” entities? Or is the four-dimensional continuum all there is? Is curved empty geometry a kind of magic building material out of which everything in the physical world is made: (1) slow curvature in one region of space describes a gravitaional field; (2) a rippled geometry with a different type of curvature somewhere else describes an electromagnetic field; (3) a knotted-up region of high curvature describes a concentration of charge and mass-energy that moves like a particle> Are fields and particles foreign entities immersed in geometry, or are they nothing but geometry>

It would be difficult to name any issue more central to the plan of physics than this: whether space-time is only an arena, or whether it is everything
[p. 361].​

Of course the idea of empty space curving or having a geometry is silly. It's a little joke physicists have to play to avoid mentioning the ether.

But the idea of one primal substance which underlies all matter and energy and their various interactions - that's no joke.

The problem with free energy people is that they imagine free energy being used to replace oil as a way to power cars and our industrial society.

But what's the use of industry for if you need only think of something and it appears?

Surveying, mining, refining, manufacturing, shipping and distribution....all middlemen that would not longer be necessary

What's the use of car or air travel if you need only think of it and you dissapear where you are only to reappear on the other side of the globe without skipping a beat.

That's the technology of the future. Not alternative fuel or spaceships or asteroid mining but a doorway that, as you step into it, deconstructs your atoms and their molecular bonds and instantly recreates them thousands or millions of miles away. Your foot lifts on earth and lands on mars.

Nowadays when I watch hollywood movies with magic portal and stargates I can't help but wonder what these guys know


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur clarke

It sounds crazy at first but you can right now pick up a phone and transmit your voice or image anywhere on the globe instantaneously. Unimaginable 100 years ago...except by Tesla. And who knows what the next 100 years will bring?

If it can be done with voice or image...why not matter and energy?

"Long ago he [man] recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space--the Akasa or luminiferous ether--which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.
The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Can Man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding, more still--can he so refine his means of control as to put them in operation simply by the force of his will?
If he could do this he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear, and new ones of his planning would spring into being.
He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind, on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable.
He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe.
He could make planets collide and produce his suns and starts, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement which would place him beside his Creator and fulfill his ultimate destiny."
-Nikolai Tesla

Capturing the ether is the final step. The final frontier. If we can harness the ether the way we did electricity we would achieve a godhood not even Nietzsche could dream of.

Think of it!


Sep 29, 2017
"I was just talking to a friend in Mexico on the phone, who mentioned cold weather and having a “resfriado” (Spanish speakers make a stronger connection between chilling and respiratory symptoms than English speakers do with “a cold”); I think that mental process, of blurring together abstractions, theory, and symptoms, until language and lived experience make a functional reality, has happened with concepts of time and creation, cause and effect, substance and field, existence and non-existence, etc. “Nothing,” as it’s used by physicists and Christian theists, is a mental process with less justification than the process that makes a Mexican sneeze when there’s a cold breeze. Kozyrev was just using the 19th century reasoning about the relation of entropy to energy to make their assumptions obvious, and his use of the word “time” doesn’t add anything useful that I can see to the observations that he made, when he made a different assumption. But his observations were concrete, and seemed to confirm something about the thinking that led him to predict them. When a person questions the theological-authoritarian-rationalist physical system, which insists that deduction from their principles can explain everything,
science becomes a matter of seeing what is to be seen, rather than reasoning to a self-consistent conclusion from a perfect set of laws. A good hypothesis is one that leads you discover what wasn’t known, not one that just confirms present dogma.
There are many recorded observations that can be used as context for Kozyrev’s cluster of observations: J.L. Anderson’s non-random nuclear decay, Michael Polanyi’s surface effects on crystal properties, Edward Morley and Dayton Miller’s work on the velocity of light (ether drift), S. Warren Carey’s growing earth, Horace Dudley’s (massive) neutrino sea, Frank A. Brown’s biological sensing through shielding, Dror Sadeh’s atomic clock experiments, etc. The physics and religious establishments are essentially denying that (new) things are happening, the alternative position is to try to understand what it is, and what it means for us."


Ray Peat


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
We are just standing waves in the ether

Milo Wolff's physics describes the electron (and its anti-particle) as standing waves and says that is the only matter that exists. Everything else is built upon that.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. This topic is so interesting because of the implications. Even when the ether was rebranded into the ridiculous curved space-time, physicists still couldn't help marvelling at its implications:

The Ontology of the Curvature of Empty Space in the Geometrodynamics of Clifford and Wheeler
For nearly two decades before 1972, Professor John Wheeler pursued a research program in physics that was predicated on a monistic ontology which W. K. Clifford had envisioned in 1870 and which Wheeler (1962b, p. 225) epitomized in the following words: “There is nothing in the world except empty curved space. Matter, charge, electromagnetism, and other fields are only manifestations of the bending of space. Physics is geometry.” In an address to a 1960 Philosophy Congress (Wheeler, 1962a), he began with a qualitative synopsis of the protean role of curvature in endowing the one presumed ultimate substance, empty curved space, with a sufficient plurality of attributes to account for the observed diversity of the world. Said he:
… Is space-time only a area within which fields and particles move as “physical” and “foreign” entities? Or is the four-dimensional continuum all there is? Is curved empty geometry a kind of magic building material out of which everything in the physical world is made: (1) slow curvature in one region of space describes a gravitaional field; (2) a rippled geometry with a different type of curvature somewhere else describes an electromagnetic field; (3) a knotted-up region of high curvature describes a concentration of charge and mass-energy that moves like a particle> Are fields and particles foreign entities immersed in geometry, or are they nothing but geometry>

It would be difficult to name any issue more central to the plan of physics than this: whether space-time is only an arena, or whether it is everything
[p. 361].​

Of course the idea of empty space curving or having a geometry is silly. It's a little joke physicists have to play to avoid mentioning the ether.

But the idea of one primal substance which underlies all matter and energy and their various interactions - that's no joke.

The problem with free energy people is that they imagine free energy being used to replace oil as a way to power cars and our industrial society.

But what's the use of industry for if you need only think of something and it appears?

Surveying, mining, refining, manufacturing, shipping and distribution....all middlemen that would not longer be necessary

What's the use of car or air travel if you need only think of it and you dissapear where you are only to reappear on the other side of the globe without skipping a beat.

That's the technology of the future. Not alternative fuel or spaceships or asteroid mining but a doorway that, as you step into it, deconstructs your atoms and their molecular bonds and instantly recreates them thousands or millions of miles away. Your foot lifts on earth and lands on mars.

Nowadays when I watch hollywood movies with magic portal and stargates I can't help but wonder what these guys know


"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur clarke

It sounds crazy at first but you can right now pick up a phone and transmit your voice or image anywhere on the globe instantaneously. Unimaginable 100 years ago...except by Tesla. And who knows what the next 100 years will bring?

If it can be done with voice or image...why not matter and energy?

"Long ago he [man] recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, of a tenuity beyond conception and filling all space--the Akasa or luminiferous ether--which is acted upon by the life-giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.
The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance.
Can Man control this grandest, most awe-inspiring of all processes in nature? Can he harness her inexhaustible energies to perform all their functions at his bidding, more still--can he so refine his means of control as to put them in operation simply by the force of his will?
If he could do this he would have powers almost unlimited and supernatural. At his command, with but a slight effort on his part, old worlds would disappear, and new ones of his planning would spring into being.
He could fix, solidify and preserve the ethereal shapes of his imagining, the fleeting visions of his dreams. He could express all the creations of his mind, on any scale, in forms concrete and imperishable.
He could alter the size of this planet, control its seasons, guide it along any path he might choose through the depths of the Universe.
He could make planets collide and produce his suns and starts, his heat and light. He could originate and develop life in all its infinite forms.
To create and to annihilate material substance, cause it to aggregate in forms according to his desire, would be the supreme manifestation of the power of Man's mind, his most complete triumph over the physical world, his crowning achievement which would place him beside his Creator and fulfill his ultimate destiny."
-Nikolai Tesla

Capturing the ether is the final step. The final frontier. If we can harness the ether the way we did electricity we would achieve a godhood not even Nietzsche could dream of.

Think of it!

Unbeknownst to be, apparently an experiment by a respected and properly "authorized" physicist was made in 1985 that showed the existence of the ether and invalidated Einstein's relativity. Note how unless you are an "authorized" scientists your experiment and results are immediately thrown away as fabrication. As if a single person has more to gain from fabricating results form an experiment than a massive industry with billions of profit depends on denying its results!
I have not seen anybody else mention the experiment below nor its "refutation", but it matched perfectly the measurements of the cosmic background field. Of course, somebody was hired to explain away the experiment. The experiment, the explanation goes, was correct but the conclusion was not due to interference ambient temps with the results. There is no mention of why the cosmic background results agree with the "room" experiment...There is also no mentioning of why the "explainer"'s own results matched the original experiment more than 30 years ago...All the explainer does is focus on convincing the public the original experiment conclusion is "wrong". This is called misdirection, and very commonly used by illusionists.
Note how the "explainer" says the results match both sidereal and solar time. Why does he selectively choose to correlate with room temp and why does he choose that as the only explanation? And does the room temp interference from the "explainer" experiment invalidate the original Silvertooth experiment?!
"...A bit more searching led me to an actual article describing the experiment. Published in Speculations in Science and Technology, it outlines a way to measure the relative motion of the Earth through the aether. Silvertooth argues that if the speed of light changes, the wavelength of light must also change, analogous to the Doppler effect. He then describes how he compared wavelengths in the direction of Earth's motion with wavelengths perpendicular to Earth's motion. Since relativity assumes the speed of light is a constant, there shouldn't be any difference. But Silvertooth seems to find a difference, and measures the Earth's speed to be 378 km/s in the direction of the constellation Leo. Interestingly, observations of the cosmic microwave background shows that Earth is moving through the universe in that direction at 371 km/s. How very fascinating! This experiment shouldn't work, and yet it seems to overturn special relativity. Could Einstein have been wrong after all? The Silvertooth experiment is part of a range of experiments related to the one-way speed of light. The idea is that early experiments on relativity, such as the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, only measured the total travel time of light not the travel time in a single direction. What if the speed of light is slower in one direction, but faster in the opposite direction? What if the aether flowed past us like a river. The speed of light would be faster when moving downstream and slower coming back upstream, but the total travel time would be the same as if there were no aether at all.
The story of how early relativity experiments proved the aether doesn't exist isn't really true. What they showed was that the aether isn't needed to explain the results. By the 1970s it was demonstrated that if an aether exists it must be completely undetectable by relativity experiments. The results would still agree with Einstein. So over the decades interest in the aether mostly waned. Why assume there is an aether when relativity does just fine without it?
But then how to explain Silvertooth's results? It could be that he just got bad results, but the experiment was done several times and seemed to be consistent. And Silvertooth was no slacker. He was a physicist who joined Paramount Studios as an engineer during the great depression, won an Oscar for Technical Merit in 1942, and then went on to work for an Air Force think tank. But Silvertooth was also rather terse about the results, and since hundreds of experiments agree with relativity his results were probably wrong. The experiment faded into history, remembered mainly by the kind of people who think Aristotle was right about astrophysics.
This is usually where the story ends. Obscure experiments like this don't often get repeated, and when they do they're usually done by people who aren't trained experimentalists. But in 2012 Doug Marett actually repeated the experiment, and what he found is fascinating. Over the course of 18 months Marett recreated the Silvertooth experiment, and confirmed the result. There was an apparent shift in wavelength that varied with the orientation of Earth, and it did seem to show an apparent motion of Earth in agreement with Silvertooth's intial findings. But looking at the data more carefully, Marett also found that there was a lot of fluctuation in the data. Silvertooth's original claim was that the wavelengths varied over the course of a sidereal day. A sidereal day is measured relative to the motion of the stars. Our normal solar day is based upon the motion of the Sun. Because of the Earth's motion around the Sun, a solar day is about 4 minutes longer than a sidereal day. If Silvertooth was right, the wavelength variations should follow sidereal time, not solar time. Marett found there was so much noise in the data, the variation in wavelengths could be made to agree with either sidereal or solar time. Digging into things more closely, he saw a correlation between the observed wavelength shift and small fluctuations in the temperature of the room. The change in temperature was shifting the alignment of the experiment laser, causing the apparent shift Silvertooth saw. Marett also found that the calculated motion of the Earth only worked because Silvertooth assumed the data measured an actual wavelength shift. Silvertooth's results were real, but his conclusions were wrong."
Last edited:
Dec 25, 2014
Milo Wolff's physics describes the electron (and its anti-particle) as standing waves and says that is the only matter that exists. Everything else is built upon that.

What about protons and neutrons? Are they built off anti-electrons? Makes sense.
Dec 25, 2014
Unbeknownst to be, apparently an experiment by a respected and properly "authorized" physicist was made in 1985 that showed the existence of the ether and invalidated Einstein's relativity. Note how unless you are an "authorized" scientists your experiment and results are immediately thrown away as fabrication. As if a single person has more to gain from fabricating results form an experiment than a massive industry with billions of profit depends on denying its results!
I have not seen anybody else mention the experiment below nor its "refutation", but it matched perfectly the measurements of the cosmic background field. Of course, somebody was hired to explain away the experiment. The experiment, the explanation goes, was correct but the conclusion was not due to interference ambient temps with the results. There is no mention of why the cosmic background results agree with the "room" experiment...There is also no mentioning of why the "explainer"'s own results matched the original experiment more than 30 years ago...All the explainer does is focus on convincing the public the original experiment conclusion is "wrong". This is called misdirection, and very commonly used by illusionists.
Note how the "explainer" says the results match both sidereal and solar time. Why does he selectively choose to correlate with room temp and why does he choose that as the only explanation!??
"...A bit more searching led me to an actual article describing the experiment. Published in Speculations in Science and Technology, it outlines a way to measure the relative motion of the Earth through the aether. Silvertooth argues that if the speed of light changes, the wavelength of light must also change, analogous to the Doppler effect. He then describes how he compared wavelengths in the direction of Earth's motion with wavelengths perpendicular to Earth's motion. Since relativity assumes the speed of light is a constant, there shouldn't be any difference. But Silvertooth seems to find a difference, and measures the Earth's speed to be 378 km/s in the direction of the constellation Leo. Interestingly, observations of the cosmic microwave background shows that Earth is moving through the universe in that direction at 371 km/s. How very fascinating! This experiment shouldn't work, and yet it seems to overturn special relativity. Could Einstein have been wrong after all? The Silvertooth experiment is part of a range of experiments related to the one-way speed of light. The idea is that early experiments on relativity, such as the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, only measured the total travel time of light not the travel time in a single direction. What if the speed of light is slower in one direction, but faster in the opposite direction? What if the aether flowed past us like a river. The speed of light would be faster when moving downstream and slower coming back upstream, but the total travel time would be the same as if there were no aether at all.
The story of how early relativity experiments proved the aether doesn't exist isn't really true. What they showed was that the aether isn't needed to explain the results. By the 1970s it was demonstrated that if an aether exists it must be completely undetectable by relativity experiments. The results would still agree with Einstein. So over the decades interest in the aether mostly waned. Why assume there is an aether when relativity does just fine without it?
But then how to explain Silvertooth's results? It could be that he just got bad results, but the experiment was done several times and seemed to be consistent. And Silvertooth was no slacker. He was a physicist who joined Paramount Studios as an engineer during the great depression, won an Oscar for Technical Merit in 1942, and then went on to work for an Air Force think tank. But Silvertooth was also rather terse about the results, and since hundreds of experiments agree with relativity his results were probably wrong. The experiment faded into history, remembered mainly by the kind of people who think Aristotle was right about astrophysics.
This is usually where the story ends. Obscure experiments like this don't often get repeated, and when they do they're usually done by people who aren't trained experimentalists. But in 2012 Doug Marett actually repeated the experiment, and what he found is fascinating. Over the course of 18 months Marett recreated the Silvertooth experiment, and confirmed the result. There was an apparent shift in wavelength that varied with the orientation of Earth, and it did seem to show an apparent motion of Earth in agreement with Silvertooth's intial findings. But looking at the data more carefully, Marett also found that there was a lot of fluctuation in the data. Silvertooth's original claim was that the wavelengths varied over the course of a sidereal day. A sidereal day is measured relative to the motion of the stars. Our normal solar day is based upon the motion of the Sun. Because of the Earth's motion around the Sun, a solar day is about 4 minutes longer than a sidereal day. If Silvertooth was right, the wavelength variations should follow sidereal time, not solar time. Marett found there was so much noise in the data, the variation in wavelengths could be made to agree with either sidereal or solar time. Digging into things more closely, he saw a correlation between the observed wavelength shift and small fluctuations in the temperature of the room. The change in temperature was shifting the alignment of the experiment laser, causing the apparent shift Silvertooth saw. Marett also found that the calculated motion of the Earth only worked because Silvertooth assumed the data measured an actual wavelength shift. Silvertooth's results were real, but his conclusions were wrong."

Look back the Michelson-morisey experiment was not nearly enough to get the credence that it did. But the fact that light travels faster in one direction that the other has huge implications...

If ether was like a river light wouldn't be an s-wave. It must be something solid or resembling a solid.

The deformable einstein space-time seems like a gelatenous liquid-crystal


Perfect candidate for the ether.

Ray peat thinks the ether is a neutrino sea but that would only work if the sea was liquid-crystal not unstructured liquid like an actual cea


Unbeknownst to be, apparently an experiment by a respected and properly "authorized" physicist was made in 1985 that showed the existence of the ether and invalidated Einstein's relativity. Note how unless you are an "authorized" scientists your experiment and results are immediately thrown away as fabrication. As if a single person has more to gain from fabricating results form an experiment than a massive industry with billions of profit depends on denying its results!
I have not seen anybody else mention the experiment below nor its "refutation", but it matched perfectly the measurements of the cosmic background field. Of course, somebody was hired to explain away the experiment. The experiment, the explanation goes, was correct but the conclusion was not due to interference ambient temps with the results. There is no mention of why the cosmic background results agree with the "room" experiment...There is also no mentioning of why the "explainer"'s own results matched the original experiment more than 30 years ago...All the explainer does is focus on convincing the public the original experiment conclusion is "wrong". This is called misdirection, and very commonly used by illusionists.
Note how the "explainer" says the results match both sidereal and solar time. Why does he selectively choose to correlate with room temp and why does he choose that as the only explanation!??
"...A bit more searching led me to an actual article describing the experiment. Published in Speculations in Science and Technology, it outlines a way to measure the relative motion of the Earth through the aether. Silvertooth argues that if the speed of light changes, the wavelength of light must also change, analogous to the Doppler effect. He then describes how he compared wavelengths in the direction of Earth's motion with wavelengths perpendicular to Earth's motion. Since relativity assumes the speed of light is a constant, there shouldn't be any difference. But Silvertooth seems to find a difference, and measures the Earth's speed to be 378 km/s in the direction of the constellation Leo. Interestingly, observations of the cosmic microwave background shows that Earth is moving through the universe in that direction at 371 km/s. How very fascinating! This experiment shouldn't work, and yet it seems to overturn special relativity. Could Einstein have been wrong after all? The Silvertooth experiment is part of a range of experiments related to the one-way speed of light. The idea is that early experiments on relativity, such as the famous Michelson-Morley experiment, only measured the total travel time of light not the travel time in a single direction. What if the speed of light is slower in one direction, but faster in the opposite direction? What if the aether flowed past us like a river. The speed of light would be faster when moving downstream and slower coming back upstream, but the total travel time would be the same as if there were no aether at all.
The story of how early relativity experiments proved the aether doesn't exist isn't really true. What they showed was that the aether isn't needed to explain the results. By the 1970s it was demonstrated that if an aether exists it must be completely undetectable by relativity experiments. The results would still agree with Einstein. So over the decades interest in the aether mostly waned. Why assume there is an aether when relativity does just fine without it?
But then how to explain Silvertooth's results? It could be that he just got bad results, but the experiment was done several times and seemed to be consistent. And Silvertooth was no slacker. He was a physicist who joined Paramount Studios as an engineer during the great depression, won an Oscar for Technical Merit in 1942, and then went on to work for an Air Force think tank. But Silvertooth was also rather terse about the results, and since hundreds of experiments agree with relativity his results were probably wrong. The experiment faded into history, remembered mainly by the kind of people who think Aristotle was right about astrophysics.
This is usually where the story ends. Obscure experiments like this don't often get repeated, and when they do they're usually done by people who aren't trained experimentalists. But in 2012 Doug Marett actually repeated the experiment, and what he found is fascinating. Over the course of 18 months Marett recreated the Silvertooth experiment, and confirmed the result. There was an apparent shift in wavelength that varied with the orientation of Earth, and it did seem to show an apparent motion of Earth in agreement with Silvertooth's intial findings. But looking at the data more carefully, Marett also found that there was a lot of fluctuation in the data. Silvertooth's original claim was that the wavelengths varied over the course of a sidereal day. A sidereal day is measured relative to the motion of the stars. Our normal solar day is based upon the motion of the Sun. Because of the Earth's motion around the Sun, a solar day is about 4 minutes longer than a sidereal day. If Silvertooth was right, the wavelength variations should follow sidereal time, not solar time. Marett found there was so much noise in the data, the variation in wavelengths could be made to agree with either sidereal or solar time. Digging into things more closely, he saw a correlation between the observed wavelength shift and small fluctuations in the temperature of the room. The change in temperature was shifting the alignment of the experiment laser, causing the apparent shift Silvertooth saw. Marett also found that the calculated motion of the Earth only worked because Silvertooth assumed the data measured an actual wavelength shift. Silvertooth's results were real, but his conclusions were wrong."
Totally interesting and combined with what @pimpnamedraypeat mentioned below about the neutrino “sea” needing to be crystalline in nature/structure, this conversation gets even more interesting. @haidut super happy you are examining this field.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
What about protons and neutrons? Are they built off anti-electrons? Makes sense.

Here is one of Milo's articles discussing this.
Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) - Articles - The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) and the Origin of the Natural Laws
is a scalar amplitude,
is the velocity of light, and
is the time. Its only linear solutions shown in Figure 1, are a pair of spherical in/out waves that form the simple structure of the electron or positron. The waves decrease in intensity with increasing radius, like the forces of charge and gravity. There are only two combinations of the two in/out waves. These form electrons and positrons, with opposite phase and spin rotation. Thus matter is constituted of two binary elements - like computer hardware. Although the variety of molecules and materials populating the universe is enormous, the basic building bricks are just two. Is there a profound meaning to this? Is the Universe binary?"

Just as the Tesla quote from your previous comment states - there is no such thing as isolated matter (separate objects). Everything is a composed of standing waves forming in the ether. So, matter is akin to waves in the ocean - i.e. they are perturbations OF the ocean but to speak of waves as separate from ocean makes no sense. I guess those standing waves Milo talks about are the equivalent of the vortices you and Peat mentioned, and Tesla wrote about. Peat says matter is vortices in the neutrino sea, he also says human consciousness (soul) is one such vortex. I guess different ways to say the same thing, but the summary of it is that there is nothing but ether. Everything "material" is temporary perturbations/waves/vortices/etc, which defract/interfere/reflect EMF (e.g. light - itself an ethereal perturbation) and this forms the observable world we can interact with. Ultimately, all interaction is indirect, based on electromagnetic forces (attraction/repulsion). So, the interaction of any two objects is really just the interference pattern of a few trillion vortices/waves in the ether.
At least that is my understanding of what Tesla and Milo try to convey.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Look back the Michelson-morisey experiment was not nearly enough to get the credence that it did. But the fact that light travels faster in one direction that the other has huge implications...

If ether was like a river light wouldn't be an s-wave. It must be something solid or resembling a solid.

The deformable einstein space-time seems like a gelatenous liquid-crystal


Perfect candidate for the ether.

Ray peat thinks the ether is a neutrino sea but that would only work if the sea was liquid-crystal not unstructured liquid like an actual cea

Then how would the crystal structure explain gravity? In the "sea" analogy, two bodies of "matter" basically shield each other partially from the inward pressure the ether is causing on all matter, and this creates less pressure in the space between them so they are push towards each other.
Oh, btw, in the experimen "refutation" above the guy who did the "refutation" found room temp interference in his OWN results, not Silvertooth's results. So, you know, Silvertooth by all mean MUST have experienced the same interference and this thus also got invalid results. /s
A Replication of the Silvertooth Experiment
"...After considerable study as detailed in this report, the “Silvertooth effect” as I have called it can now be fully explained. The diurnal change in room temperature, due largely to a combination of the heating/cooling cycles of the sun and routine human activity, cause slight changes in the beam exit angle from a HeNe laser tube. This in turn changes the length of the beam paths in the optical circuit, and ultimately the angle at which the beams intersect in interference at the photo-detectors SWD and PD. The net result is that when the stage is moved along these intersecting paths, the number of wave peaks and troughs counted at the detectors will differ in proportion to the temperature induced change in the beam angles. Thus the result of this experiment is not evidence of any directionally dependent difference in wavelength – it is in fact only a very elaborate thermometer! In Silvertooth’s own experiments this temperature effect was likely more dramatic since his laser was not frequency-stabilized. This revelation is undoubtedly a deep disappointment to many who held on to the notion that this experiment might represent elusive evidence of an optically detectable ether. Although I personally recognized that this experiment should in theory not work, I had hoped that perhaps Silvertooth had stumbled upon some fluke for breaking the so called “conspiracy of light.” My own persistence with this experiment was because of the uncanny correlation of the diurnal pattern in the data with the alignment of the interferometer along our direction of motion through space, which now appears to be simply a bizarre coincidence."

If I used the same logic in my computer science work to "invalidate" somebody else's experiment the professor would laugh me out of the room. And keep in mind, computers are assumed to have a lot more consistent performance (compared to real physical non-formal systems) across different machines, so the same program running on two different machines would have higher expectations to behave largely the same.
When 3 separate physical, real-world experiments, across 30 years, produce largely the same results, chances are it is not a fluke.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Look back the Michelson-morisey experiment was not nearly enough to get the credence that it did. But the fact that light travels faster in one direction that the other has huge implications...

If ether was like a river light wouldn't be an s-wave. It must be something solid or resembling a solid.

The deformable einstein space-time seems like a gelatenous liquid-crystal


Perfect candidate for the ether.

Ray peat thinks the ether is a neutrino sea but that would only work if the sea was liquid-crystal not unstructured liquid like an actual cea

Oh and here is yet another recent development proposing variable speed of light and doing away with Einstein's space-time. Look at the section starting with "João Magueijo".
Faster Than the Speed of Light? Pulsars Point to "Yes"
Dec 25, 2014
Here is one of Milo's articles discussing this.
Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) - Articles - The Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) and the Origin of the Natural Laws
is a scalar amplitude,
is the velocity of light, and
is the time. Its only linear solutions shown in Figure 1, are a pair of spherical in/out waves that form the simple structure of the electron or positron. The waves decrease in intensity with increasing radius, like the forces of charge and gravity. There are only two combinations of the two in/out waves. These form electrons and positrons, with opposite phase and spin rotation. Thus matter is constituted of two binary elements - like computer hardware. Although the variety of molecules and materials populating the universe is enormous, the basic building bricks are just two. Is there a profound meaning to this? Is the Universe binary?"

Just as the Tesla quote from your previous comment states - there is no such thing as isolated matter (separate objects). Everything is a composed of standing waves forming in the ether. So, matter is akin to waves in the ocean - i.e. they are perturbations OF the ocean but to speak of waves as separate from ocean makes no sense. I guess those standing waves Milo talks about are the equivalent of the vortices you and Peat mentioned, and Tesla wrote about. Peat says matter is vortices in the neutrino sea, he also says human consciousness (soul) is one such vortex. I guess different ways to say the same thing, but the summary of it is that there is nothing but ether. Everything "material" is temporary perturbations/waves/vortices/etc, which defract/interfere/reflect EMF (e.g. light - itself an ethereal perturbation) and this forms the observable world we can interact with. Ultimately, all interaction is indirect, based on electromagnetic forces (attraction/repulsion). So, the interaction of any two objects is really just the interference pattern of a few trillion vortices/waves in the ether.
At least that is my understanding of what Tesla and Milo try to convey.

Yes that is my understanding as well.

Interestingly neutrinos are supposed to be faster than light particles

I think The casmir effect can still work in a liquid crystal. Ocean waves are s-waves.

According to tesla, matter is constantly receiving enegy from the ether so the more mass something has the more etheric energy it is sucking in thus the more "gravity". Like a whirlpool.

This truth was so manifest to me that I expressed it in the following axiom: "There is no energy in matter except that absorbed from the medium.".....I asked myself again and again, was there not some force winding up the clock as it runs down? The axiom I had formulated gave me a clue. If all energy is supplied to matter from without then this all important function must be performed by the medium.

As for the nature of the ether, tesla did not think it was a solid nor a liquid. He once did an experiment where he was able to make a gas behave like a solid by electrically charging it

One of the most interesting results arrived at in pursuing these experiments, is the demonstration of the fact that a gaseous medium, upon which vibration is impressed by rapid changes of electrostatic potential, is rigid. In illustration of this result an experiment may be cited: A glass tube about 1 inch in diameter and 3 feet long, with outside condenser coatings on the ends, was exhausted to a certain point, when, the tube being suspended freely from a wire connecting the upper coating to one of the terminals of the coil,
In illustration of this result an experiment may be cited: A glass tube about 1 inch in diameter and 3 feet long, with outside condenser coatings on the ends, was exhausted to a certain point, when, the tube being suspended freely from a wire connecting the upper coating to one of the terminals of the coil, the discharge appeared in the form of a luminous thread, passing through the axis of the tube. Usually the thread was sharply defined in the upper part of the tube and lost itself in the lower part. When a magnet or the finger was quickly passed near the upper part of the luminous thread, it was brought out of position by magnetic or electrostatic influence, and a transversal vibration like that of a suspended cord, with one or more distinct nodes, was set up, which lasted for a few minutes and gradually died out. By suspending to the lower condenser coating metal plates of different sizes, the speed of the vibration was varied. This vibration would seem to show beyond doubt that the thread possessed rigidity, at least to transversal displacements.

Many experiments were tried to demonstrate this property in air at ordinary pressure. Though no positive evidence has been obtained, it is thought nevertheless, that a high frequency brush or streamer[electric current], if the frequency could be pushed far enough, would be decidedly rigid. A small sphere might then be moved within it quite freely, but if thrown against it the sphere would rebound. An ordinary flame cannot possess rigidity to a marked degree because the vibration is directionless; but an electric arc, it is believed, must possess that property more or less. A luminous band excited in a bulb by repeated discharges of a Leyden jar must also possess rigidity, and if deformed and suddenly released should vibrate.


So possibly the neutrino sea is a liquid that behaves as a solid under electro magnetic forces.

Same with structured water and gel

Also that force field at the 3m factory might have been a result of air being turned rigid by high frequency electric currents going through it

From like considerations other conclusions of interest may be made. The most probable medium filling the space is one consisting of independent carriers immersed in an insulating fluid. If through this medium enormous electrostatic stresses are assumed to act, which vary rapidly in intensity, it would allow the motion of a body through it, yet it would be rigid and elastic, although the fluid itself might be devoid of these properties.
Yes that sounds like neutrinos to me

Furthermore, on the assumption that the independent carriers are of any configuration such that the fluid resistance to motion in one direction is greater than in another, a stress of that nature would cause the carriers to arrange themselves in groups, since they would turn to each other their sides of the greatest electric density, in which position the fluid resistance to approach would be smaller than to receding. If in a medium of the above characteristics a brush [current] would be formed by a steady potential, an exchange of the carriers would go on continually, and there would be less carriers per unit of volume in the brush[current] than in the space at some distance from the electrode, this corresponding to rarefaction. If the potential were rapidly changing, the result would be very different; the higher the frequency of the pulses, the slower would be the exchange of the carriers; finally, the motion of translation through measurable space would cease, and, with a sufficiently high frequency and intensity of the stress, the carriers would be drawn towards the electrode, and compression would result​

I think he's saying that if the particles that make up the ether where di-polar they would all line up with the part of themselves that is more resistant to the environment facing in, like how oil act in water, the oil molecules turn the hydrophobic parts of themselves inward and away from the water, resulting in unique and seperate drops of oil floating in water as opposed to an oil/water solution.

Maybe that is how atoms work?

It also seems like hes saying that an electric currents could make etheric particles or "carriers" spread out or acummulate via the to and fro motion of the ocean.

Stars and planets and matter form in electric z pinches in streams of plasma so maybe those are regions of high frequency whirlpools in the electrically charged rigid-gas/liquid-crystal neutrino sea



Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
This stuff remembers me of my effort in translating the Emerald Tablets only to discover it is akin to an ancient description of an ether on the which Newton also has made his own translation off.
Apr 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Interesting @General Orange. Would you speak more about this? I am curious.
..part of the Hermetica appeared in the 4th-century Gnostic library found in Nag Hammadi. ...— another famous tract is the Emerald Tablet, which teaches the doctrine "as above, so below".

It appear to be written in green stone tablet and may be one of the earliest of all alchemical works we have that survived. You can find Newtons and others translations with commentaries: here
nice article here:
Sir Isaac Newton and the Emerald Tablet

my personal opinion is that the information on it shows ancient understanding of forces of nature that seem to point to re-creation of earth, in other words terra-forming capabilities, but anyhow, that have relations to the supposed aether in a way of an all permeating radiation that to me has something to do with gamma radiation.


..part of the Hermetica appeared in the 4th-century Gnostic library found in Nag Hammadi. ...— another famous tract is the Emerald Tablet, which teaches the doctrine "as above, so below".

It appear to be written in green stone tablet and may be one of the earliest of all alchemical works we have that survived. You can find Newtons and others translations with commentaries: here
nice article here:
Sir Isaac Newton and the Emerald Tablet

my personal opinion is that the information on it shows ancient understanding of forces of nature that seem to point to re-creation of earth, in other words terra-forming capabilities, but anyhow, that have relations to the supposed aether in a way of an all permeating radiation that to me has something to do with gamma radiation.
Fascinating. Thank you for the resources.


May 23, 2013
How do I get rich off of this experiment?

If I came up with an Antigravity device wouldn't it be impossible to patent because the explanation of how it works is not based on "sound science"?

@steel_reserve, such an anti gravity device (involving “ether”) may have been created as early as the 1800’s... and the powers that be did not tolerate it.


John Ernst Worrell Keely - Wikipedia

How John Keely Screwed Investors And Tricked The World With His Perpetual Motion Machine


Apr 1, 2020
I posted a few articles several moths ago on various interesting phenomena including the existence of electrical anti-gravity force, the creation of "cosmic" rays by thunderstorms, creation of X-rays by scotch tape, and even nuclear fusion by that same scotch tape. A lot of these phenomena back the idea of electromagnetism as perhaps THE most fundamental force in nature. However, ever since electromagnetism started as a science it has been marred by controversy in regards to its origin and method of propagation. The official version is that electromagnetic waves somehow propagate through completely empty space. The scientific name for this fully empty space is the Zero Point Energy (ZPE) or Absolute Physical Vacuum (APV, as Russian science calls it), and all kinds of paradoxical explanations currently exist to explain away the fact that this empty space is teeming with elementary particles and infinite energy.
Zero-point energy - Wikipedia

Regardless, the main part of the story is that the ZPE does not interact with ordinary particles of matter like the electron or atoms. Somehow, electromagnetic waves magically propagate through "empty" space and atoms quitely sit suspended into nothingness.
Well, this study shows that the ZPE (or "ether", as it used to be called) does in fact interact with elementary particles and exerts a friction force, which causes an atom to lose mass as it is hurtling through space. This is not unlike a tire that slowly gets eroded through the constant friction experienced by rolling on the road.

@pimpnamedraypeat @Such_Saturation

Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 053601 (2017) - Will a Decaying Atom Feel a Friction Force?
Friction in the vacuum?
"...When three physicists first discovered through their calculations that a decaying atom moving through the vacuum experiences a friction-like force, they were highly suspicious. The results seemed to go against the laws of physics: The vacuum, by definition, is completely empty space and does not exert friction on objects within it. Further, if true, the results would contradict the principle of relativity, since they would imply that observers in two different reference frames would see the atom moving at different speeds (most observers would see the atom slow down due to friction, but an observer moving with the atom would not).

"...This subtle but important detail allowed the researchers to paint a very different picture of what was going on. As a decaying atom moves through the vacuum, it really does experience some kind of force resembling friction. But a true friction force would cause the atom to slow down, and this is not what's happening."

"...What's really happening is that, since the moving atom loses a tiny bit of mass as it decays, it loses momentum, not velocity. To explain in more detail: Although the vacuum is empty and does not exert any forces on the atom, it still interacts with the atom, and this interaction causes the excited atom to decay. As the moving atom decays to a lower energy state, it emits photons, causing it to lose a little bit of energy corresponding to a certain amount of mass. Since momentum is the product of mass and velocity, the decrease in mass causes the atom to lose a little bit of momentum, just as expected according to the conservation of energy and momentum in special relativity. So while the atom's mass (energy) and momentum decrease, its velocity remains constant."
The Aether is a proven physical substance. My suggestion is the examination of the work of Paulo Correa.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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