Gravity Is A Property Of The Ether, Can Be Created/Manipulated By Electricity


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This study is perhaps the most direct evidence in favor of the ideas proposed by the Electric Universe Theory (EUT), and of course (Nikola) Tesla. Given that it was published in an official physics journal and is already generating waves of controversy on social media, I think it may just generate enough momentum to throw the EUT into the major spotlight that it has been seeking for the last decade. I posted a few other threads on electromagnetic phenomena being at the core of processes such as planet formation/shape and generation of X-rays, and even creating a force similar to anti-gravity capable of stopping solid objects like people. User @pimpnamedraypeat also posted a few very interesting studies on the topic, as did @nikolabeacon.
Force Similar To Anti-gravity Observed In Real Life
Possible Confirmation Of The Electric Universe Theory (EUT) In The Lab
X-rays, Nuclear Fusion Are Electromagnetic Phenomena, Can Be Created At Home
Friction In Absolute Vacuum - Possible Confirmation Of Ether Existence

But this study goes even farther. It defines a direct relationship between gravity and electromagnetism, much like the papers of Miles Mathis do. Based on that relationship (see equations 14, 17, and 18 in the study below), the study concludes that a magnetic fields with strength beyond 2,800 Tesla would be needed to make a change to an existing gravitational field like the Earth's. This is an enormously strong magnetic field and so far only one man-made device can achieve such power - the Z Machine at Sandia Lab (Z Pulsed Power Facility - Wikipedia). However, despite the difficulty of producing such fields, several groups of scientists around the world have managed to create such fields inside the lab and the technology gets better/cheaper every day. In another example of "synchronicity", one of the teams (Russian) created a magnetic field with exactly 2,800 Tesla strength.
Magnetic Field Record Set With a Bang: 1,200 Tesla
Watch Scientists Accidentally Blow Up Their Lab With The Strongest Indoor Magnetic Field Ever

So, I am hoping that it probably won't be long before we see the predictions of the study below tested on a large scale. As that study below explains, this inability of affordable man-made devices to generate such strong magnetic fields are likely the reason we have not seen the relationship between gravity and electromagnetism earlier. However, the measured electromagnetic fields of many observable objects in the Universe are quite strong and easily exceed this threshold. Either way, the gravity/EMF relationship is pretty straightforward if you look at the formulas presented in the paper. Perhaps most importantly, the study points out that notions like the gravitational constant (G), electrical charge (Q) and mass (M) are simply reflections of fundamental properties of the underlying ether, as Peat and EUT folks have been saying for years. This ether is known in quantum mechanics as the (non-empty) "vacuum". Btw, for the people who did not know it, the ether existence was confirmed as recently as the 1980s. But the results of that experiment never made front page news despite the fact that it likely invalidated Einstein's Relativity Theory.
Friction In Absolute Vacuum - Possible Confirmation Of Ether Existence

Let's see how long before a physics boffin gets on TV and tries to debunk this study by starting off with "curved space exists, therefore..." or "vacuum exists, therefore...". Same story with the "essential" fatty acids...

Gravitational-magnetic-electric field interaction - ScienceDirect

"...In quantum mechanics, a vacuum would not be “empty” but with vacuum fluctuations. Therefore, G also may reflect some of features of the vacuum. 4) In the microworld, the features of vacuum reflected by ε0 and μ0 may be same while in the macroworld they expressed as electric and magnetic field. Because a graviton is different from a photon, G may be a different reflection of the features of the vacuum in the microworld...Under the condition that G and ε0 reflect some of features of the vacuum, it means that the charge and mass reflect some characteristic of the vacuum. While Sqrt(G μ/ U 0) → (Q/M)*v . It reflects the motion of Q/M."

"...Electromagnetic and gravitational field are two very important fields. It is very significant to know the interaction between them. Eqs. (14) and (17) show that, the gravitational field could be manipulated with a magnetic or electric field just as that the electromagnetic field is done with the Faraday’s law of induction. For example, gravitational communication [31] should be possible with them. And, a GemDrive [32] could be designed by varying the gravitational field with a strong magnetic/electric field in one part of a spacecraft to produce a gravitational potential difference between two parts of a spacecraft which propels this spacecraft to move. It shall lead to use the gravitational field as used the electromagnetic one. In astronomical observation, many electric and magnetic fields are very strong. Eqs. (15) and (18) are useful for the observation."

"...For Eqs. (15) and (18), the two questions are very important: 1) Is the result of that the directions of the gravitational and magnetic/ electric fields are parallel different from that the directions are vertical to each other or in other directions? 2) Is the result of that the two fields are moving relatively different from that they are static? Or what is the result with acceleration/rotation? These questions only can be known with experiment. Therefore, the two questions provide a new way to further know the gravitational field."
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Oct 11, 2016
I've always thought gravity to be a large-scale electromagnetic side-effect whose study can be confused by being within it (see "aether").


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I've always thought gravity to be a large-scale electromagnetic side-effect whose study can be confused by being within it (see "aether").

It seems rather obvious, doesn't it? Unfortunately, as Nassim Taleb used to say, it is easier to make pigs fly than find a physicist with common sense.
I wonder what @burtlancast, @Such_Saturation and @DrJ think of this study?
Dec 25, 2014
How interesting. There's a theory that the earth once had much lower gravity than it does now and that's why it supported much larger flora and fauna than is currently possible.

If gravity can be altered by electromagnetic fields and if it a property of electromagnetism then that theory starts to make sense.


Oct 11, 2016
It seems rather obvious, doesn't it? Unfortunately, as Nassim Taleb used to say, it is easier to make pigs fly than find a physicist with common sense.
I wonder what @burtlancast, @Such_Saturation and @DrJ think of this study?

It's something the space agencies could be testing if they weren't filled with Big Bang fundamentalists. Maybe the Japanese could be convinced.


Apr 13, 2017
Dr. Robert Dennis did the original research at NASA using electromagnetic fields to enhance growth and health of living organisms.

Micro-Pulse LLC


Jun 16, 2015
That was a smart move to use the change in energy of the photons due to gravitational frequency shift and use conservation of energy to connect it to a change in gravitational field strength. Not sure about using the concept of a graviton and it having frequency as a place to assign the energy to, but clearly the energy has to go somewhere.


Jan 2, 2016
Can anyone recommend a 'beginner's' book on EUT to get up to sppeed? I checked Amazon and there didn't seem to be a clear favorite. Thanks.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
That was a smart move to use the change in energy of the photons due to gravitational frequency shift and use conservation of energy to connect it to a change in gravitational field strength. Not sure about using the concept of a graviton and it having frequency as a place to assign the energy to, but clearly the energy has to go somewhere.

That's what I kept asking myself too. If the gravitation field absorbs some of the energy from the photons then how is this energy transferred? What carries it from the photon to the "graviton"? What is energy in this case? It is not an electron, right? What is the material representation of energy when it switches/jumps from the photon to the "graviton"? I don't think gravitons have ever been observed, have they?
Wouldn't a wave-like interaction between light and gravitation provide an easier explanation of the energy transfer? Basically, through wave interference/resonance?


Feb 18, 2017
The man himself, Wal Thornhill, explains gravity. Essentially every atom constitutes an electric dipole and all the dipoles of a body naturally line up, which means we are held to the earth by the cumulative effect of electric dipoles. The greater the charge in the earth, the greater the attraction, and the earth has received huge amounts of such charge since the dinosaurs. A bit high level but the basic ideas are there. (I’ve seen him get more detailed with more examples at a non-EU venue but I can’t find that one.)

Then this guy, Gerald Pollack, one of our greatest living scientists, in a somewhat related topic, explains how the earth’s magnetic attraction causes rain.

Also in a somewhat related topic, this guy, Edwin Kaal, appears to have figured out the structure of the nucleus of an atom, which explains chemistry, does away with the neutron, and obviates the need for a strong nuclear force.

All are from EU conferences.


Jun 16, 2015
That's what I kept asking myself too. If the gravitation field absorbs some of the energy from the photons then how is this energy transferred? What carries it from the photon to the "graviton"? What is energy in this case? It is not an electron, right? What is the material representation of energy when it switches/jumps from the photon to the "graviton"? I don't think gravitons have ever been observed, have they?
Wouldn't a wave-like interaction between light and gravitation provide an easier explanation of the energy transfer? Basically, through wave interference/resonance?

It is basically not known. A graviton is just a theoretical thing, really, that satisfies some certain theoretical properties required to mediate the gravitational force, like masslessness. The ability to actually detect it - if it exists - is pretty much impossible unless we obtain technology to manipulate masses on the order of large planets.

It would not be an electron that mediates the energy exchange since that has mass and its 'signal transfer' is pretty slow relative to the speed of light. It's currently believed that gravity acts at the speed of light, which could be a big clue as to what it actually is (heh). The photon mediates the electromagnetic force, and if it's as is said in the paper - that the magnetic force can affect gravity - you would basically then expect that to also be mediated by the photon (a la dipole gravity), and photons are waves *and* particles as is currently thought, so a wave-like interaction would also be in play.

In the paper, the guy basically says "hey, let me just substitute in this equation for the energy of a graviton and I'm going to just say it has the same equational form as the equation for energy of a photon." Highly dubious. Who would know if a graviton would even have a thing like frequency as a photon does? That's the part he pulled out of his rear end. However, something has to go there to balance the equation, it just may not be the form that he guessed.


Jan 2, 2016
Do you think this is similar to CES?
Heal Yourself At Home
I have tried the MicroPulse device and felt absolutely nothing. As a result I'm very skeptical of the claims made by those who sell these devices. They usually have some great sounding testimonials and impressive explanations for how and why they work, but if these devices were clearly helpful I suspect you'd constantly read about their efficacy in magazines and blogs and you just don't. I'm certainly willing to reconsider if someone can convince me otherwise.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I have tried the MicroPulse device and felt absolutely nothing. As a result I'm very skeptical of the claims made by those who sell these devices. They usually have some great sounding testimonials and impressive explanations for how and why they work, but if these devices were clearly helpful I suspect you'd constantly read about their efficacy in magazines and blogs and you just don't. I'm certainly willing to reconsider if someone can convince me otherwise.
Thanks @ejalrp.
I have one that I got over ten years ago and I might try it out again soon. I'll let you know if I think it's helpful.


Apr 13, 2017
I have tried the MicroPulse device and felt absolutely nothing. As a result I'm very skeptical of the claims made by those who sell these devices. They usually have some great sounding testimonials and impressive explanations for how and why they work, but if these devices were clearly helpful I suspect you'd constantly read about their efficacy in magazines and blogs and you just don't. I'm certainly willing to reconsider if someone can convince me otherwise.

You tried it or you own one?


Apr 13, 2017
Do you think this is similar to CES?
Heal Yourself At Home

The CES is an affiliate page that takes people to the Sota Biotuner device, its similar in that its pulsed electromagnetic energy but i can't see the details on the waveform they are using.

I have tried many devices over the years, i really like the ICES MicroPulse, and Dr. Dennis the former NASA scientist that developed it keeps improving the technology. I had a good conversation with him a while ago, he feels it is the shape of the wave that is being produced is the key not the pulsing, the ICES MicoPulse uses a trapezoidal wave form most others on the market use a square wave, I am having excellent results with it, so are others.

ICES: Tool Combats Fatigue & Inflammation (Upgraded PEMF) - Selfhacked


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The CES is an affiliate page that takes people to the Sota Biotuner device, its similar in that its pulsed electromagnetic energy but i can't see the details on the waveform they are using.

I have tried many devices over the years, i really like the ICES MicroPulse, and Dr. Dennis the former NASA scientist that developed it keeps improving the technology. I had a good conversation with him a while ago, he feels it is the shape of the wave that is being produced is the key not the pulsing, the ICES MicoPulse uses a trapezoidal wave form most others on the market use a square wave, I am having excellent results with it, so are others.

ICES: Tool Combats Fatigue & Inflammation (Upgraded PEMF) - Selfhacked
Thanks for the additional information. The one I have is actually called Alpha Stim. That's interesting about the wave form. I personally don't like or use square wave forms in my line of work which involves breathing. I'll have to see if I can find more information on the waveform for the Alpha Stim. My wish list continues to grow with all the cool biohacking products you've mentioned @Daniel11.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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