
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I am posting this not so much because the link is strong but because the official message is that EMF is "completely benign" and cannot cause any disease because there is no known mechanism of action for it. That is of course a lie, and I posted a Q&A on Reddit that occurred a few years ago in which the world's leading expert on biological effects of EMF said that the primary effects of EMF are to suppress oxidative metabolism, likely through calcium channel activity.
In addition, I posted quite a few studies on ALS being a mitochondrial disease and one that is undeniably linked to lower metabolism. The recent studied with DMSO/copper solution treating ALS rely exactly on this hypothesis - i.e. copper activates cytochrome C oxidase and that is what helps reverse the ALS pathology.
Anyways, this study found that exposure to EMF doubles risk of developing ALS and while the study is observational, the authors openly state that the link is likely causative.

"...Workplace exposure to electromagentic fields is linked to a higher risk of developing the most common form of motor neurone disease. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease that ravages the body’s nerve cells, leaving people unable to control their bodies. People can die as soon as two years after first experiencing symptoms. “Several previous studies have found that electrical workers are at increased risk of ALS,” says Neil Pearce, at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. “We don’t know why the risk is higher, but the two most likely explanations involve either electrical shocks, or ongoing exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields.” Now an analysis of data from more than 58,000 men and 6,500 women suggests it is the latter. Roel Vermeulen, at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, and his team found that people whose jobs exposed them to high levels of very low frequency magnetic fields were twice as likely to develop ALS as people who have never had this kind of occupational exposure. Jobs with relatively high extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields levels include electric line installers, welders, sewing-machine operators, and aircraft pilots, says Vermuelen. “These are essentially jobs where workers are placed in close proximity to appliances that use a lot of electricity.”

"...The team have stressed that this study is observational – it has not proven that the fields themselves cause ALS, just that this factor is linked to a person’s likelihood of developing the disease. However, it provides the best evidence yet that magnetic fields could be to blame for the disease. “This study has much better information on exposure to magnetic fields than previous studies,” says Pearce. “It shows that the increased risk of ALS in electrical workers is most likely due to magnetic field exposure, rather than to electrical shocks.”

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Interesting, there also observational evidence that people who undergo a lot of muscular electrical stimulation from PEMF machines, such as professional athletes also have a higher chance of getting ALS.
Nov 26, 2013
Stephen Hawking, Jason Becker... not your everyday minds...


Jul 3, 2014
Interesting, there also observational evidence that people who undergo a lot of muscular electrical stimulation from PEMF machines, such as professional athletes also have a higher chance of getting ALS.

I'm not aware of many athletes using e-stim frequently. Do you have reason to believe they are? Many many sports teams own e-stim but they seldom use it. What observational evidence are you referring? I think what is more likely is that there are hundreds of thousands of hours of breathless exercise in being a pro-athlete but I am open to your interpretation, just would like some more evidence.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I'm not aware of many athletes using e-stim frequently. Do you have reason to believe they are? Many many sports teams own e-stim but they seldom use it. What observational evidence are you referring? I think what is more likely is that there are hundreds of thousands of hours of breathless exercise in being a pro-athlete but I am open to your interpretation, just would like some more evidence.
I heard this on a health podcast so cant give too much additional info. It's well known that pro-athletes have a much higher incidence of ALS but it is not known why. If they do use a lot of electrical stimulation then that would line up with the above study. I thought PEMF was standard treatment for athletic injuries. Maybe this has changed in recent years. This guy on the podcast actually said that they were using this therapy back in the 1930s and Lou Gehrig was a big user. Cant confirm that though. Whats also interesting is that ALS like many other diseases is relatively new and therefore must have to do with some thing happening in the modern world. I don't think that breathless exercise or at least exhausting physical work is all that new.
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Sep 28, 2016
Heard from someone who studied ancient traditions. Being grounded has been considered a part of being
healthy even in ancient times
What has being grounded have to do with cinnamon on the toes?


Jul 3, 2014
I heard this on a health podcast so cant give too much additional info. It's well known that pro-athletes have a much higher incidence of ALS but it is not known why. If they do use a lot of electrical stimulation then that would line up with the above study. I thought PEMF was standard treatment for athletic injuries. Maybe this has changed in recent years. This guy on the podcast actually said that they were using this therapy back in the 1930s and Lou Gehrig was a big user. Cant confirm that though. Whats also interesting is that ALS like many other diseases is relatively new and therefore must have to do with some thing happening in the modern world. I don't think that breathless exercise or at least exhausting physical work is all that new.

Human beings aren't what they used to be. What was once eustress to us is now stress because of our increasingly challenging environments, pufa consumption, fluoridated water, bad pre-natal health, emf, etc. etc. etc. I do think breathless exercises is relatively new. The idea of forced exercise is relatively novel and a big part of the world doesn't even do it save for the neurotic Americans. I think it is far more likely that athletes get something like parkinson's from the chronic inescapable stress of being an athlete as opposed to something like EMF. It is a standard part of care, sure, but is still seldom used and is very ineffective, imo. Most e-stim does create a protective inhibitory contraction which I think is problematic for many reasons, but I digresss.


Jul 8, 2015
aside from cinnamon on the toes (ground of course)
nutmeg and pumpkin spice might work in a pinch?

anyone have any good data on how to best manage the seemingly overwhelming amount of EMF out there?
(aside from maximization of oxidative metabolism)


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
You have to use ground cinnamon obviously, that's what grounded means. Were you thinking of using a cinnamon stick?
LOL... good wholesome humour right there Mmmm

Meanwhile she still hasn't produced a shred of evidence besides "my friend said so" and yet probably slathers her toes in cinnamon jam before bed every-night.


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
aside from cinnamon on the toes (ground of course)
nutmeg and pumpkin spice might work in a pinch?

anyone have any good data on how to best manage the seemingly overwhelming amount of EMF out there?
(aside from maximization of oxidative metabolism)

Unplug devices before bed. If you are conncerned past that, albeit the alck of evidence so far, then jsut hardwire everything your house.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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