Science Is Stagnant, No Real Progress Since Early 20th Century


Jan 1, 2013
This post is extremely important, as it exposes the problem of internal science sabotage.

Most of the proposals for science project funding are sham projects destined to fail after having spent the maximum ressources possible.

The press is 100% complicit and protects these lies.

The best example is the Rossi cold fusion scam the mainstream medias likes to promote everywhere. It's absolutely mindboggling.

Meantime, the real cold fusion scientists cannot get any funding. Nobody has had the funds to replicate and research further the transmutation work of Louis Kervran, who published half a century ago.

Read the books of Robert O Becker and how they cut his funds for limb regeneration and acupuncture investigation. All this was 50 years ago already !

Why can nobody come up with a cheap, reliable and lasting battery for renewal energy storage, while Edison already built one ( iron-nickel battery) a century ago but got bought out then shut down permanently out of the market by the lithium interests?

Haidut's post hit the bullseye: the only real news is science, and it's being pulled right under our feet, with most scientists forced to toe the party line or change professions.
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Oct 11, 2016
Meantime, the real cold fusion scientists cannot get any funding. Nobody has had the funds to replicate and research further the transmutation work of Louis Kervran, who published half a century ago.

I agree with most of your post as usual... But "real cold fusion scientists"? Seems oxymoronic. When does fusion happen that isn't at a high temperature? And furthermore, high temperature fusion *could* break even - but there is nothing in science demonstrating that it *will* or *should* break even, is there? In fact, there are whole phenomena that work against break-even, like bremsstrahlung cooling.


Oct 11, 2016
Sorry, but I've seen CRISPR work in the lab to rescue gene mutants. It does work. Sure it has some bugs to iron out and more is still being learned about it, but it is a MASSIVE breakthrough in being able to manipulate DNA, with the hope that one day you can eridicate horrible genetic diseases like Huntington's and others.

You said a lot in your posts, but it meant very little - at least to me. What does this actually mean that CRISPR was made to work on a gene mutant? You mean that a genetic mutation was fabricated and then a genetic cure was temporarily fabricated? If so, then why is that a big deal and why shouldn't we consider that a parlor trick?

I worked in several labs, and 0% of the people I met were able to apply their knowledge to make themselves optimally healthy. I found this truth more meaningful in the long run.


Mar 29, 2016
I get the sense that most of us in this forum can identify with the sad state we are in. We can see how marginalized the pursuit of the understanding of truth is. We may be thankful that we have computational abilities that previous periods could only wish they've had, yet we are bogged down by misguided assumptions forced upon us to work with. And I shouldn't use the pronoun "we." I should say "them" and "us." They are well-funded. We're not. They are the influencers, we're living off the fringe.

There is so much profit to be made from obfuscation, and this is the model of our civilization. Sickness propels the growth of health insurance systems, monolithic hospital complexes, and an army of salesmen, marketers, researchers, doctors, politicians, and pharma corporations. This dead weight is impossible to break free from.

One needs to go back into the nuclear shelter of Encino Man, with the tools of the modern age in tow, absent the propaganda and misdirection, to steer the ship back upright, with a stable keel, and bring science back to its respectable place. Or hijack a ship to Mars. Or wait for a new dawn for Earth.

Can we make music like Mozart did? Can we build the castles that last forever, and dispense with concrete structures (skyscrapers, bridges, roads) that last at most only a hundred years? Can we once again become disposable, yet sturdy beings, instead of being flimsy and requiring high maintenance and needful of health insurance and all its empty promises? At the same time, let our things be sturdy and fixable, instead of being cheaply made and disposable?

We will be enjoying the truth dividend. I wonder if it would be a boring world if everyone were just normally happy and contented. Is this utopian? Is this heaven? Would we attain a higher spirituality or would we just end up destroying ourselves out of boredom?


Jan 1, 2013
I agree with most of your post as usual... But "real cold fusion scientists"? Seems oxymoronic. When does fusion happen that isn't at a high temperature? And furthermore, high temperature fusion *could* break even - but there is nothing in science demonstrating that it *will* or *should* break even, is there? In fact, there are whole phenomena that work against break-even, like bremsstrahlung cooling.

You need to research the work of Pons and Fleishmann; they did achieve fusion at low temperature: a lot of ensuing scientists have replicated their experiences, but were refused further funding.

Look for the accounts by Eugene Mallove and Steven Krivit.


Oct 11, 2016
You need to research the work of Pons and Fleishmann; they did achieve fusion at low temperature: a lot of ensuing scientists have replicated their experiences, but were refused further funding.

Look for the accounts by Eugene Mallove and Steven Krivit.

I will check it out, but you seem to be conflating "creating fusion" with "creating power using fusion." They're two very different things - hence my points on break-even.


Feb 18, 2017
You might find this talk, by Edwin Kaal, interesting:


He has come up with a completely different idea for the structure of the nucleus which does away with the neutron completely. (Worth noting that, according to some, the neutron was essentially voted into existence – and it wasn't unanimous – at one of the Solvay conferences.) And from his model he can deduce the chemical properties of the elements. Of course, making a model that can "predict" the past doesn't prove much – my statistics profs would rail against the use of step-wise regression for much the same reason – but he also deduces some new properties of the elements, and possibly even some new elements, so his model may be falsifiable. Either way, I find it very beautiful. Anyhow, after watching this and one or two other of his talks I contemplated selling my gold :)


Sep 20, 2015
Science is about as real as the economy or the monetary system. It's all b.s. meant to keep you enslaved. The ether is real free energy is real they have been using it for ages. Burning oil and coal is for slaves. The hollow earth is real it's all real.
We're all literally slaves kept deaf dumb and blind and there exists advanced breakaway civilizations with technology and science we can only dream of.

Do you really think they drink the same water they poison or eat the same food they genetically modify? This goyim gullibility has to stop.
Yes, "The Truth shall make you free," and the oligarchy wants to keep the truth for their own advantage and control so that we remain slaves. Is there a private, more advanced physics hidden from the people--perhaps with advanced knowledge gained from study of retrieved alien craft? Is there a breakaway civilization? Is military technology actually 50 yrs ahead of what we are allowed to know?
Nov 21, 2015
it's a market.

The science research universities and institutions are the sellers. There are a few government and big science buyers. The sellers churn away at whatever, and the buyers buy. Most of it is just research to consume dollars. Very little of it has value. Of course, occasionally it is very valuable. 1% of researchers are incredible, and 99% are just churning dollars.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Sorry, but I've seen CRISPR work in the lab to rescue gene mutants. It does work. Sure it has some bugs to iron out and more is still being learned about it, but it is a MASSIVE breakthrough in being able to manipulate DNA, with the hope that one day you can eridicate horrible genetic diseases like Huntington's and others.

So far it has not eradicated any such disease model even in rodents. Look, I want these things to work but after 100+ years of basically no medical breakthroughs I am not holding my breath.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
If you want a potion to restore you to homeostasis no matter what condition you've got yourself into, come back in 100-200 years.

Right, everything will be fine in 100-200 years /s.
Too bad we won't be around to remind the people living in those times that this failed so many times before. We have been told "time will tell" for 100+ years now. Zero progress in chronic disease cures. ZERO!
And now we get more of the same - 100-200 years and everything will be just fine. Trust us folks...and give us trillions more. You know, when a business venture fails, it usually closes shop. However, in today's institutionalized science, when a scientific venture fails it just gets more money to double down on its claims.
Considering the solid evidence that diabetes II or CVD can reliably be cured (at least in animal models) with restriction of PUFA and something as simple as niacinamide or aspirin, yet we continue to hear about genetic engineering as the ONLY way forward suggests it is yet another politicized money-making adventure that will of course take 100-200 years...of writing blank checks.
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Dec 25, 2014
Yes, "The Truth shall make you free," and the oligarchy wants to keep the truth for their own advantage and control so that we remain slaves. Is there a private, more advanced physics hidden from the people--perhaps with advanced knowledge gained from study of retrieved alien craft? Is there a breakaway civilization? Is military technology actually 50 yrs ahead of what we are allowed to know?

there is a private more advanced physics but it didnt come from any spacecraft it came from the fallen angels themselves aeons ago. it also comes from nature and can be discovered intuitively and independently as has been shown by many alternative scientists. western physics is retardation of the highest order.

there is a breakway civilization of course. we are like those natives on that island that build wooden replicas of the planes they saw dropping off foo and prayed to them.

this is us


military technology is 100 years ahead but we are the enemies not other countries. Might as well be a sheep on a farm asking if slaughterhouse technology is more advanced that we are allowed to know.
Dec 25, 2014
This post is extremely important, as it exposes the problem of internal science sabotage.

Most of the proposals for science project funding are sham projects destined to fail after having spent the maximum ressources possible.

The press is 100% complicit and protects these lies.

The best example is the Rossi cold fusion scam the mainstream medias likes to promote everywhere. It's absolutely mindboggling.

Meantime, the real cold fusion scientists cannot get any funding. Nobody has had the funds to replicate and research further the transmutation work of Louis Kervran, who published half a century ago.

Read the books of Robert O Becker and how they cut his funds for limb regeneration and acupuncture investigation. All this was 50 years ago already !

Why can nobody come up with a cheap, reliable and lasting battery for renewal energy storage, while Edison already built one ( iron-nickel battery) a century ago but got bought out then shut down permanently out of the market by the lithium interests?

Haidut's post hit the bullseye: the only real news is science, and it's being pulled right under our feet, with most scientists forced to toe the party line or change professions.

It's not about financial interests or creating a monopoly. This is much bigger. This is spiritual. We are cattle for something and our misery and suffering is food


Feb 18, 2017

Read it and weep.

Excellent, thanks. So much of modern physics seems to be built on a foundation of arm-waving that completely ignores fundamentals that are known to be true. That gives an excellent example. He mentions working with Steve Crothers, who examined the mathematics underpinning black hole theory and found it to be literal nonsense that is completely ignored. (He has a number of interesting presentations available on youtube.) The response of mainstream science was to deny him his doctorate. Similar to what they did to Halton Arp, when he sent for publication his proof that a highly red-shifted object was at the same distance as a nearby less-red-shifted object. (It was a "daughter" galaxy). The highly prestigious editor wrote on the paper "This gives me a headache" and refused to publish it. And when Arp refused to retract they took away his telescope. At the time, Arp was certainly among our greatest astronomers. Not much has changed since Galileo. "And yet it moves."
Dec 25, 2014

Read it and weep.

Excellent, thanks. So much of modern physics seems to be built on a foundation of arm-waving that completely ignores fundamentals that are known to be true. That gives an excellent example. He mentions working with Steve Crothers, who examined the mathematics underpinning black hole theory and found it to be literal nonsense that is completely ignored. (He has a number of interesting presentations available on youtube.) The response of mainstream science was to deny him his doctorate. Similar to what they did to Halton Arp, when he sent for publication his proof that a highly red-shifted object was at the same distance as a nearby less-red-shifted object. (It was a "daughter" galaxy). The highly prestigious editor wrote on the paper "This gives me a headache" and refused to publish it. And when Arp refused to retract they took away his telescope. At the time, Arp was certainly among our greatest astronomers. Not much has changed since Galileo. "And yet it moves."

If the theory of general relativity aka "the ether killer" is knocked down by the liquid sun then the ether is back on the menu c'est ne pas?

If the ether is real then all the postulates concerning zero point energy and free enegy might once again be given mainstream consideration (but probably not) and people might start to wake up to the fact that 100 years of scientific advancement has been purposefully held back.

Free energy has applications to everything from health to agriculture. Disease would be unheard of and fruit trees would sprout from a seed before your very eyes. We could all literally be living in a post scarity utopia, a literal heaven on earth and yet here we are dying of cancer and choking on pollution.

This whole thing is such a bad joke it baffles the mind.


Feb 18, 2017
If the theory of general relativity aka "the ether killer" is knocked down by the liquid sun then the ether is back on the menu c'est ne pas?

If the ether is real then all the postulates concerning zero point energy and free enegy might once again be given mainstream consideration (but probably not) and people might start to wake up to the fact that 100 years of scientific advancement has been purposefully held back.

Free energy has applications to everything from health to agriculture. Disease would be unheard of and fruit trees would sprout from a seed before your very eyes. We could all literally be living in a post scarity utopia, a literal heaven on earth and yet here we are dying of cancer and choking on pollution.

This whole thing is such a bad joke it baffles the mind.
Mais oui. It was the Michelson-Morley experiment that "proved" there was no ether. But when I first ran across their actual results, it seemed to me like maybe it proved the reverse. But profs and texts said it did prove it, so what do I know. Have since run across qualified physicists (EU folks) saying the MM result did in fact prove the opposite of what they claimed it proved. (Sweet vindication!) There is an ether, and it is made up of plasma, and that plasma constitutes >>99% of the matter in the universe.

And I know nothing about free energy other than that Tesla built a gigantic tower to help transfer it. If Tesla believed it then so do I. Also, it is known that there is ~100 V electric potential per meter of altitude, so roughly 200 V between your head and the ground. (I think it declines at night to much less.) And you're right. Energy is the critical spark for both health and wealth, and anything that inhibits energy, like PUFA or useless carbon taxes, are bound to reduce both health and wealth.
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