BREAKING: Seminal study, core of the amyloid-Alzheimer theory, was FABRICATED!


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
It rarely gets any more damning for a scientific field than what was just announced today. Namely, the study considered the most important/influential in maintaining scientific support for the central dogma of dementia research - the beta-amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD) - was not just wrong, but directly and deliberately FABRICATED in order to "better fit a hypothesis". Here is the **cough** FRAUDULENT**cough**...I mean, "seminal", study in question.
A specific amyloid-beta protein assembly in the brain impairs memory - PubMed

In addition, as if this direct scientific fraud was not bad enough, another recent post of mine discussed the discovery that there is an active medical conspiracy in existence that prevents any progress, or at least change in direction, in AD research. In other words, the entire AD field is based on provable fraud and conspiracy!

I could probably end this post with that statement as the info presented so far would probably be enough for most people to make up their minds about the state of affairs in neurological research/diseases. However, just in case the revelations above are not convincing enough, please consider also the article below, which states that virtually ALL research on AD over the last 2 decades failed to produce any significant advance in understanding or a treatment for that disease.

Since most of those clinical trials were based on the "amyloid hypothesis", which we now know to be fraudulent, it is hard to see why the outcome of those trials would have been any different. In fact, the failure of all those trials is actually kind of amazing, as it suggests the trials themselves were/are still conducted with some form of scientific integrity. Otherwise, fabrications like the one described below would have occurred in at least one those trials considering the billions in costs for each one them and thus the incentive to cheat and get a drug (fraudulently) approved. Another amazing thing is that, as it has become usual, instead of doing a mea culpa and prosecuting the fraud to the fullest legal extent possible (given the massive poisoning effects the fraud had on science, as well as the direct harm to MILLIONS of innocent patients) the pharma industry and its medical supporters are trying to defend the amyloid link and continue to gaslight the public. I think that is probably the most depressing part of the article below - i.e. despite the obvious/open FRAUD it will still be "business as usual" - i.e. the industry will continue to both waste money on a fraudulent idea as well as harm innocent patients. So don't expect true AD cures or even so-called disease-modifying therapies to come out of Big Pharma any time soon. Now, for many people who do not really follow pharma/medical news, it would probably be reasonable to just brush this aside as a serious but rare instance of scientific fraud that does not undermine the health system as a whole. However, another one of my posts a few years ago demonstrated that similar direct fraud has also happened in other high-impact scientific areas (e.g. ionizing radiation risks, serotonin-depression link, estrogen-cancer link, etc), with the explicit goal of helping business/sales and with the knowledge and participation of the highest echelon of government, science and pubic health brass. Here is the one about ionizing radiation fraud, a crime of truly global impact/proportions, affecting several generations of billions of people around the world.

If our "health" experts can openly and unabashedly lie about matters of global health and scientific importance, fabricate scientific "evidence", while relentlessly gaslighting the public whenever exposed, then how much confidence can one really have in regards to public health, scientific or even government/political matters?? I guess not much, and while many people will find that thought depressing I'd say that such news/realization may be a blessing in disguise. Why? Well, it may do more for pushing people away from the health industry and Big Pharma than all the COVID-19 scams over the last 2+ years combined. This way, we can at least drastically lower the third leading cause of death - i.e. the iatrogenic one.

@Drareg @Regina @Rinse & rePeat @charlie @tankasnowgod @area51puy @burtlancast @aguilaroja @ecstatichamster

Science | AAAS
Seminal Alzheimer's study may have been manipulated

"...The data behind the most influential theory of what causes Alzheimer's disease may have been 'manipulated', a damning scientific probe has claimed. Experts fear the allegedly falsified results have misled research over the last 16 years, potentially wasting billions of pounds of funding. A six-month investigation by Science, considered one of the world's most respected research journals, uncovered 'shockingly blatant' tampering of results in the seminal 2006 University of Minnesota study."

"...The paper pointed to a particular protein — known as amyloid beta — as the driving force behind Alzheimer's. It was the first substance in brain tissue ever identified that seemed to be behind the condition's memory-robbing effects. Published in rival journal Nature, the study became one of the most cited articles on Alzheimer's ever published. Around £1.3billion ($1.6billion) of funding for studies mentioning amyloids was spent by the US Government over the last year alone. It made up half of the country's total Alzheimer's research funding. But images from the study, which involved injecting mice with the protein, appear to be doctored to 'better fit a hypothesis', according to Dr Elisabeth Bik, a forensic image consultant who was asked to review the data. Charities today slammed the 'extremely serious' allegations."

"...Dr Matthew Schrag, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilty University in Tennessee, was the first to uncover problems with the Nature study. He noticed anomalies in the original images, published by Dr Sylvain Lesné and his team, during another probe into an experimental Alzheimer's drug. They had 'the potential to mislead an entire field of research', Dr Schrag told the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Science, the publication of the AAAS — American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted its own investigation to the research, finding 'strong support for Dr Schrag's suspicions'. Ms Bik told the journal: 'The obtained experimental results might not have been the desired results. 'That data might have been changed to... better fit a hypothesis.' German psychiatrist Aloiz Alzheimer first identified plaques in the brain in dementia patients in 1906. A study in the 1980s then suggested amyloid beta was behind the build-up. But hundreds of trials over the next 20 years, designed to finally find a therapy that targets the toxic accumulation of proteins in the brain, were unsuccessful. The theory had lost momentum until the landmark University of Minnesota paper in 2006, which became the basis of hundreds of studies since. Reviewing the pictures used to prove amyloid beta's effect on mice in the study, Dr Dennis Selkoe, a Harvard University neurologist, claimed 'there are certainly at least 12 or 15 images where I would agree there is no other explanation' than manipulation. Dr Sara Imarisio, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: 'These allegations are extremely serious. 'While we haven't seen all of the published findings that have been called into question, any allegation of scientific misconduct needs to be investigated and dealt with where appropriate. 'Researchers need to be able to have confidence in the findings of their peers, so they can continue to make progress for people affected by diseases like dementia.' She described the amyloid protein as being 'at the centre of the most influential theory of how Alzheimer's disease develops in the brain'."
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Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
@haidut bit off topic but related there was a big reddit conspiracy post about how supposedly the plan is, vaccines will be publicly announced as harmful, leading to global collapse of governments society etc, and everything will become privatized. Everyone who received covid vaccine will be told they need to take a life long drug for the Alzheimers caused by covid vaccones. Most Massive wealth transfer in human history, supposedly it will cost 56k a year for tje drug, so people will be using up savings for it. Supposedly biden saying in 15 years every hospital bed will be filled with Alzheimers patients.

Your post is making me think even more that post was true. THere were other reasons/signs mentioned of a new Alzheimers drug coming


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut bit off topic but related there was a big reddit conspiracy post about how supposedly the plan is, vaccines will be publicly announced as harmful, leading to global collapse of governments society etc, and everything will become privatized. Everyone who received covid vaccine will be told they need to take a life long drug for the Alzheimers caused by covid vaccones. Most Massive wealth transfer in human history, supposedly it will cost 56k a year for tje drug, so people will be using up savings for it. Supposedly biden saying in 15 years every hospital bed will be filled with Alzheimers patients.

Your post is making me think even more that post was true. THere were other reasons/signs mentioned of a new Alzheimers drug coming

At this point, nothing is out of the long as it leads to wealth transfer and further destruction of societies/civilization. I would not be surprised if the elite runs multiple competing plans with the ultimate benefit of any of them materializing going to the same people. The plebs think they have won, when in reality the elite did, regardless of the specific "scenario" that materialized.
Somebody on Reddit's thread on MegaCorp we discussed recently here gave the following example. If there is truly only one MegaCorp that owns pretty much all other companies, then the owners of that company can have one investment bank they own long the marker and another one short it. This guarantees a win for one of the banks and if the one that lost had a loss exceeding the win of the other one then...well...the elite calls the Fed and asks for a bailout of that bank - i.e. that bank just gets a secret repo loan at zero interest that it has no intention of repaying and it just gets indefinitely rolled over.
So, the vaccines causing diseases that then destroys the patient financially or makes them a slave is probably quite likely. It does not need to be Alzheimer though. Any chronic disease would do. CVD, diabetes, and even cancer.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
At this point, nothing is out of the long as it leads to wealth transfer and further destruction of societies/civilization. I would not be surprised if the elite runs multiple competing plans with the ultimate benefit of any of them materializing going to the same people. The plebs think they have won, when in reality the elite did, regardless of the specific "scenario" that materialized.
Somebody on Reddit's thread on MegaCorp we discussed recently here gave the following example. If there is truly only one MegaCorp that owns pretty much all other companies, then the owners of that company can have one investment bank they own long the marker and another one short it. This guarantees a win for one of the banks and if the one that lost had a loss exceeding the win of the other one then...well...the elite calls the Fed and asks for a bailout of that bank - i.e. that bank just gets a secret repo loan at zero interest that it has no intention of repaying and it just gets indefinitely rolled over.
So, the vaccines causing diseases that then destroys the patient financially or makes them a slave is probably quite likely. It does not need to be Alzheimer though. Any chronic disease would do. CVD, diabetes, and even cancer.
the post sais the great reset stuff posted on WEF website is the exact opposite of the truth. It said the constant embarrassment of governments worldwide, for example biden and others, is intentional and coordinated. Democrats are goong to be eliminated, conservatives will take over worldwide and then essentially privatize everything including all highways, parks, etc. essentially government will be replaced with companies like blackrock, google, etc.

THis concept of tje truth being exactly the opposite is a constant trend whether its politics, pharma, medicine, etc. its similar to the sfa and sugar bad, pufa and keto good. Once everything is privatized, all of us will probably be constantly monitored. It’ll be far beyond anything seen before. Apparently it wont be global communism its going to be vanguard, blackrock etc running and controlling everything. Its insane because economics class we were taught privatization is always good, the more the better. Its only good as long as theres some form of government to suppress it


Aug 17, 2016
It rarely gets any more damning for a scientific field than what was just announced today. Namely, the study considered the most important/influential in maintaining scientific support for the central dogma of dementia research - the beta-amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD) - was not just wrong, but directly and deliberately FABRICATED in order to "better fit a hypothesis". Here is the **cough** FRAUDULENT**cough**...I mean, "seminal", study in question.
A specific amyloid-beta protein assembly in the brain impairs memory - PubMed

Now, against that news please consider also the article below, which states that virtually ALL research on AD over the last 2 decades failed to produce any significant advance in understanding or a treatment for that disease.

Since most of those clinical trials were based on the "amyloid hypothesis", which we now know to be fraudulent, it is hard to see why the outcome of those trials would have been any different. In fact, the failure of all those trials is actually kind of amazing, as it suggests the trials themselves were/are still conducted with some form of scientific integrity. Otherwise, fabrications like the one described below would have occurred in at least one those trials considering the billions in costs for each one them and thus the incentive to cheat and get a drug (fraudulently) approved. Another amazing thing is that, as it has become usual, instead of doing a mea culpa and prosecuting the fraud to the fullest legal extent possible (given the massive poisoning effects the fraud had on science, as well as the direct harm to MILLIONS of innocent patients) the pharma industry and its medical supporters are trying to defend the amyloid link and continue to gaslight the public. I think that is probably the most depressing part of the article below - i.e. despite the obvious/open FRAUD it will still be "business as usual" - i.e. the industry will continue to both waste money on a fraudulent idea as well as harm innocent patients. So don't expect true AD cures or even so-called disease-modifying therapies to come out of Big Pharma any time soon. Now, for many people who do not really follow pharma/medical news, it would probably be reasonable to just brush this aside as a serious but rare instance of scientific fraud that does not undermine the health system as a whole. However, another one of my posts a few years ago demonstrated that similar direct fraud has also happened in other high-impact scientific areas (e.g. ionizing radiation risks, serotonin-depression link, estrogen-cancer link, etc), with the explicit goal of helping business/sales and with the knowledge and participation of the highest echelon of government, science and pubic health brass. Here is the one about ionizing radiation fraud, a crime of truly global impact/proportions, affecting several generations of billions of people around the world.

If our "health" experts can openly and unabashedly lie about matters of global health and scientific importance, fabricate scientific "evidence", while relentlessly gaslighting the public whenever exposed, then how much confidence can one really have in regards to public health, scientific or even government/political matters?? I guess not much, and while many people will find that thought depressing I'd say that such news/realization may be a blessing in disguise. Why? Well, it may do more for pushing people away from the health industry and Big Pharma than all the COVID-19 scams over the last 2+ years combined. This way, we can at least drastically lower the third leading cause of death - i.e. the iatrogenic one.

@Drareg @Regina @Rinse & rePeat @charlie @tankasnowgod @area51puy @burtlancast @aguilaroja @ecstatichamster

Science | AAAS
Seminal Alzheimer's study may have been manipulated

"...The data behind the most influential theory of what causes Alzheimer's disease may have been 'manipulated', a damning scientific probe has claimed. Experts fear the allegedly falsified results have misled research over the last 16 years, potentially wasting billions of pounds of funding. A six-month investigation by Science, considered one of the world's most respected research journals, uncovered 'shockingly blatant' tampering of results in the seminal 2006 University of Minnesota study."

"...The paper pointed to a particular protein — known as amyloid beta — as the driving force behind Alzheimer's. It was the first substance in brain tissue ever identified that seemed to be behind the condition's memory-robbing effects. Published in rival journal Nature, the study became one of the most cited articles on Alzheimer's ever published. Around £1.3billion ($1.6billion) of funding for studies mentioning amyloids was spent by the US Government over the last year alone. It made up half of the country's total Alzheimer's research funding. But images from the study, which involved injecting mice with the protein, appear to be doctored to 'better fit a hypothesis', according to Dr Elisabeth Bik, a forensic image consultant who was asked to review the data. Charities today slammed the 'extremely serious' allegations."

"...Dr Matthew Schrag, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilty University in Tennessee, was the first to uncover problems with the Nature study. He noticed anomalies in the original images, published by Dr Sylvain Lesné and his team, during another probe into an experimental Alzheimer's drug. They had 'the potential to mislead an entire field of research', Dr Schrag told the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Science, the publication of the AAAS — American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted its own investigation to the research, finding 'strong support for Dr Schrag's suspicions'. Ms Bik told the journal: 'The obtained experimental results might not have been the desired results. 'That data might have been changed to... better fit a hypothesis.' German psychiatrist Aloiz Alzheimer first identified plaques in the brain in dementia patients in 1906. A study in the 1980s then suggested amyloid beta was behind the build-up. But hundreds of trials over the next 20 years, designed to finally find a therapy that targets the toxic accumulation of proteins in the brain, were unsuccessful. The theory had lost momentum until the landmark University of Minnesota paper in 2006, which became the basis of hundreds of studies since. Reviewing the pictures used to prove amyloid beta's effect on mice in the study, Dr Dennis Selkoe, a Harvard University neurologist, claimed 'there are certainly at least 12 or 15 images where I would agree there is no other explanation' than manipulation. Dr Sara Imarisio, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: 'These allegations are extremely serious. 'While we haven't seen all of the published findings that have been called into question, any allegation of scientific misconduct needs to be investigated and dealt with where appropriate. 'Researchers need to be able to have confidence in the findings of their peers, so they can continue to make progress for people affected by diseases like dementia.' She described the amyloid protein as being 'at the centre of the most influential theory of how Alzheimer's disease develops in the brain'."
Thank you for posting.
I have been thinking the same thing. It's all pushing people away from the health industry and big pharma.

Only problem is soooo many hacks in alternative health. People will just run for B12 shots, HgH, stemcells, colloidal silver, glutathione shots, and more low carb and CBD everything.


Jul 24, 2013
... the study considered the most important/influential in maintaining scientific support for the central dogma of dementia research - the beta-amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD) - was not just wrong, but directly and deliberately FABRICATED i=...

Now, against that news please consider also the article below, which states that virtually ALL research on AD over the last 2 decades failed to produce any significant advance in understanding or a treatment for that disease.
Thank you. I had skimmed this–it is a long investigative piece.

The guess here is that the "one bad actor" meme wins in the short run, and that the amyloid Alzheimer's idea sticks around a while. Genetics has hardly lost enthusiasm with Mendel's 19th century too good to be true data:

The lack of effective therapy based on amyloid in dementia reasoning might be much more damning in the long run.

Matthew Schrag, who the Science article describes as whistleblower, was one of the participants in the high-cholesterol diet (rabbits) increase Aβ plaques paper, 16 years ago.

Of course, it is possible that serum cholesterol and beta amyloid accumulation is downstream to important, basic metabolic decline. But scolding about "cholesterol" and "amyloid" seems too appealing for scolders to abandon, promising "future studies" to further justify scolding:

"Evidence shows cholesterol modulates the functioning of enzymes associated with Amyloid-β peptide processing and synthesis. Lowering cholesterol using statin may help prevent or delay the progression of dementia. This paper ...recommends extensive future studies,..."

"Scientific" reasoning will naturally shift with patent expirations:
"Combining all payers, the decrease translates to $925.60...of annual savings per individual and $11.9 billion... for the US."
Mar 10, 2021
It rarely gets any more damning for a scientific field than what was just announced today. Namely, the study considered the most important/influential in maintaining scientific support for the central dogma of dementia research - the beta-amyloid hypothesis of Alzheimer Disease (AD) - was not just wrong, but directly and deliberately FABRICATED in order to "better fit a hypothesis". Here is the **cough** FRAUDULENT**cough**...I mean, "seminal", study in question.
A specific amyloid-beta protein assembly in the brain impairs memory - PubMed

Now, against that news please consider also the article below, which states that virtually ALL research on AD over the last 2 decades failed to produce any significant advance in understanding or a treatment for that disease.

Since most of those clinical trials were based on the "amyloid hypothesis", which we now know to be fraudulent, it is hard to see why the outcome of those trials would have been any different. In fact, the failure of all those trials is actually kind of amazing, as it suggests the trials themselves were/are still conducted with some form of scientific integrity. Otherwise, fabrications like the one described below would have occurred in at least one those trials considering the billions in costs for each one them and thus the incentive to cheat and get a drug (fraudulently) approved. Another amazing thing is that, as it has become usual, instead of doing a mea culpa and prosecuting the fraud to the fullest legal extent possible (given the massive poisoning effects the fraud had on science, as well as the direct harm to MILLIONS of innocent patients) the pharma industry and its medical supporters are trying to defend the amyloid link and continue to gaslight the public. I think that is probably the most depressing part of the article below - i.e. despite the obvious/open FRAUD it will still be "business as usual" - i.e. the industry will continue to both waste money on a fraudulent idea as well as harm innocent patients. So don't expect true AD cures or even so-called disease-modifying therapies to come out of Big Pharma any time soon. Now, for many people who do not really follow pharma/medical news, it would probably be reasonable to just brush this aside as a serious but rare instance of scientific fraud that does not undermine the health system as a whole. However, another one of my posts a few years ago demonstrated that similar direct fraud has also happened in other high-impact scientific areas (e.g. ionizing radiation risks, serotonin-depression link, estrogen-cancer link, etc), with the explicit goal of helping business/sales and with the knowledge and participation of the highest echelon of government, science and pubic health brass. Here is the one about ionizing radiation fraud, a crime of truly global impact/proportions, affecting several generations of billions of people around the world.

If our "health" experts can openly and unabashedly lie about matters of global health and scientific importance, fabricate scientific "evidence", while relentlessly gaslighting the public whenever exposed, then how much confidence can one really have in regards to public health, scientific or even government/political matters?? I guess not much, and while many people will find that thought depressing I'd say that such news/realization may be a blessing in disguise. Why? Well, it may do more for pushing people away from the health industry and Big Pharma than all the COVID-19 scams over the last 2+ years combined. This way, we can at least drastically lower the third leading cause of death - i.e. the iatrogenic one.

@Drareg @Regina @Rinse & rePeat @charlie @tankasnowgod @area51puy @burtlancast @aguilaroja @ecstatichamster

Science | AAAS
Seminal Alzheimer's study may have been manipulated

"...The data behind the most influential theory of what causes Alzheimer's disease may have been 'manipulated', a damning scientific probe has claimed. Experts fear the allegedly falsified results have misled research over the last 16 years, potentially wasting billions of pounds of funding. A six-month investigation by Science, considered one of the world's most respected research journals, uncovered 'shockingly blatant' tampering of results in the seminal 2006 University of Minnesota study."

"...The paper pointed to a particular protein — known as amyloid beta — as the driving force behind Alzheimer's. It was the first substance in brain tissue ever identified that seemed to be behind the condition's memory-robbing effects. Published in rival journal Nature, the study became one of the most cited articles on Alzheimer's ever published. Around £1.3billion ($1.6billion) of funding for studies mentioning amyloids was spent by the US Government over the last year alone. It made up half of the country's total Alzheimer's research funding. But images from the study, which involved injecting mice with the protein, appear to be doctored to 'better fit a hypothesis', according to Dr Elisabeth Bik, a forensic image consultant who was asked to review the data. Charities today slammed the 'extremely serious' allegations."

"...Dr Matthew Schrag, a neuroscientist at Vanderbilty University in Tennessee, was the first to uncover problems with the Nature study. He noticed anomalies in the original images, published by Dr Sylvain Lesné and his team, during another probe into an experimental Alzheimer's drug. They had 'the potential to mislead an entire field of research', Dr Schrag told the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). Science, the publication of the AAAS — American Association for the Advancement of Science, conducted its own investigation to the research, finding 'strong support for Dr Schrag's suspicions'. Ms Bik told the journal: 'The obtained experimental results might not have been the desired results. 'That data might have been changed to... better fit a hypothesis.' German psychiatrist Aloiz Alzheimer first identified plaques in the brain in dementia patients in 1906. A study in the 1980s then suggested amyloid beta was behind the build-up. But hundreds of trials over the next 20 years, designed to finally find a therapy that targets the toxic accumulation of proteins in the brain, were unsuccessful. The theory had lost momentum until the landmark University of Minnesota paper in 2006, which became the basis of hundreds of studies since. Reviewing the pictures used to prove amyloid beta's effect on mice in the study, Dr Dennis Selkoe, a Harvard University neurologist, claimed 'there are certainly at least 12 or 15 images where I would agree there is no other explanation' than manipulation. Dr Sara Imarisio, head of research at Alzheimer's Research UK, said: 'These allegations are extremely serious. 'While we haven't seen all of the published findings that have been called into question, any allegation of scientific misconduct needs to be investigated and dealt with where appropriate. 'Researchers need to be able to have confidence in the findings of their peers, so they can continue to make progress for people affected by diseases like dementia.' She described the amyloid protein as being 'at the centre of the most influential theory of how Alzheimer's disease develops in the brain'."

All that you have brought to light here may as well apply to other diseases and their so called cures. My husband’s health declined within days of getting a tetanus shot which had him dead a little over a year later, and he was only 53. Is blood pressure and heart medications really helping or hindering the health of those who take them. After wearing a heart monitor for a couple of days,15 years ago, I was prescribed heart medication. On a follow up appointment the doctor was upset that I was only taking half of what was prescribed. I asked what was wrong with me and they said they didn’t know, but that I would have to take the medication, the full amount, for the rest of my life to keep me from having a heart attack. For most that would be a scare tactic, but I went home and flushed my pills and started reading about herbs and the heart and discovered it was my adrenal glands that were causing my irregular and sometimes painful heart beats. I addressed my adrenals and never had a heart problem again. Thinking about Alzheimer’s patients and their meds, I have never seen any of my friend’s parents ever improve once in the medical system. I have never seen anybody’s pain improve or heart improve or blood pressure improve on any of their medications. It’s like going to a bad mechanic to get a tune-up and he sabotages the engine ensuring you come back for more. My dad has done well with his Alzheimer’s because i discouraged him from getting on medication. In his case it is clear gluten and heartburn medications bring in his memory issues. When he avoids those two things he is rather normal. This below, that you posted in your other thread, is alarming. The medical system doesn’t operate on “why”, but rather “how” to get more people on drugs….

“Between 2002 and 2012, they found 99.6% of trials of drugs aimed at preventing, curing or improving the symptoms of Alzheimer's had failed or been discontinued. This compares with a failure rate of 81% for cancer drugs."


Sep 9, 2019
With the recent expose around a fundamental tenet of psychiatry and this for neurology, I hope now for the same in oncology.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe

the post sais the great reset stuff posted on WEF website is the exact opposite of the truth. It said the constant embarrassment of governments worldwide, for example biden and others, is intentional and coordinated. Democrats are goong to be eliminated, conservatives will take over worldwide and then essentially privatize everything including all highways, parks, etc. essentially government will be replaced with companies like blackrock, google, etc.

THis concept of tje truth being exactly the opposite is a constant trend whether its politics, pharma, medicine, etc. its similar to the sfa and sugar bad, pufa and keto good. Once everything is privatized, all of us will probably be constantly monitored. It’ll be far beyond anything seen before. Apparently it wont be global communism its going to be vanguard, blackrock etc running and controlling everything. Its insane because economics class we were taught privatization is always good, the more the better. Its only good as long as theres some form of government to suppress it

I think the part about companies running the show and replacing govts is spot on. However, the part about Repubs and Dems is just smokescreen. Companies do not care who is in power, they have bought everyone who can be bought...and killed the rest. Dems, over the last 2 years, were very good at destroying small businesses and giving the power to big companies like Amazon. If a change of "color" in politics occurs it would be just as a distraction, not as a tactic that really changes the underlying processes. Dems want Big Govt, but if that govt is owned by corps (ie. so-called regulatory capture) then govt does not matter and corps still run the show. The events from 2008 and the bailouts in 2020 showed corps own govt. Repubs want small govt, which naturally results in more corp power. So, corps own the show one way or another, and I basically do not ascribe to the idea of "politics" any more. It is all actors (politicians) and their real employers (corps and elites who own them). Reddit needs to wisen up (get redpilled) and move beyond the idea that voting matters or that a single "savior" politician will radically change life for the better. We are the savior we have been looking for. We either fight and prevail or get enslaved for good and slowly get maimed/killed by Big Pharma.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Thank you. I had skimmed this–it is a long investigative piece.

The guess here is that the "one bad actor" meme wins in the short run, and that the amyloid Alzheimer's idea sticks around a while. Genetics has hardly lost enthusiasm with Mendel's 19th century too good to be true data:

The lack of effective therapy based on amyloid in dementia reasoning might be much more damning in the long run.

Matthew Schrag, who the Science article describes as whistleblower, was one of the participants in the high-cholesterol diet (rabbits) increase Aβ plaques paper, 16 years ago.

Of course, it is possible that serum cholesterol and beta amyloid accumulation is downstream to important, basic metabolic decline. But scolding about "cholesterol" and "amyloid" seems too appealing for scolders to abandon, promising "future studies" to further justify scolding:

"Evidence shows cholesterol modulates the functioning of enzymes associated with Amyloid-β peptide processing and synthesis. Lowering cholesterol using statin may help prevent or delay the progression of dementia. This paper ...recommends extensive future studies,..."

"Scientific" reasoning will naturally shift with patent expirations:
"Combining all payers, the decrease translates to $925.60...of annual savings per individual and $11.9 billion... for the US."

The accumulation of cholesterol esters is a confirmed feature of aging, CVD and several cancers and drugs inhibiting the various esterases have been shown to be therapeutic. But of course, Big Pharma uses those studies to ecstatically proclaim "You see! We were right about cholesterol, so keep taking those statins!". However, they conveniently ignore the fact that non-esterified cholesterol drastically declines in old/sick cells and taking a statin will make that worse. In fact, in sick/old people taking a statin lowers non-esterified cholsesterol more than not taking anything at all, since the esterases are upregulated and will deplete further the pool of cholesterol already lowered by the statins, which may cause many of the serious chronic diseases, especially cancer.

As far as the beta-amyloid, even the evidence that its accumulation is adaptive and may even have protective effects for other brain conditions such as multiple sclerosis, has not resulted in second thoughts for the Alzheimer community. Hopefully, the fraud will at least wake the public up.


Feb 18, 2016
They are in damage limitation mode by claiming the research may be fraud but the theory has been proven by research done since, its doesn't discredit it is the narrative, looks like they will just keep lying, they don't care, many are indemnified, this is why we need accountability for researchers, the weapons of mass destruction narrative came from an academic, he is still in a tenured position I believe.

The medical jenga tower is wobbling, it still has legs though, if they can get their global fascist system pushed through then the poisoning will escalate, total loons.


Feb 18, 2016
@haidut bit off topic but related there was a big reddit conspiracy post about how supposedly the plan is, vaccines will be publicly announced as harmful, leading to global collapse of governments society etc, and everything will become privatized. Everyone who received covid vaccine will be told they need to take a life long drug for the Alzheimers caused by covid vaccones. Most Massive wealth transfer in human history, supposedly it will cost 56k a year for tje drug, so people will be using up savings for it. Supposedly biden saying in 15 years every hospital bed will be filled with Alzheimers patients.

Your post is making me think even more that post was true. THere were other reasons/signs mentioned of a new Alzheimers drug coming
I mentioned this another thread last year or so, the idea is we are saved from the evil ones and we usher in a new system of equality based on central bank digital currencies etc, gates, fauci's, schwaubs are the fall guys etc , their in on it of course.

It was just random speculation, I doubted it as a strategy, I still do because nobody will buy into the new digital control system and another ruling class crew as saving us, its likely the nuclear option when the green fascist angle doesn't work, they are pumping the climate scam again now, one last try, the revolt is happening in the netherlands against it, its nukes if this fails, they ideally don't want nukes because it damages the environment, they want a pure environment left for them when the rest of us are gone.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I think the part about companies running the show and replacing govts is spot on. However, the part about Repubs and Dems is just smokescreen. Companies do not care who is in power, they have bought everyone who can be bought...and killed the rest. Dems, over the last 2 years, were very good at destroying small businesses and giving the power to big companies like Amazon. If a change of "color" in politics occurs it would be just as a distraction, not as a tactic that really changes the underlying processes. Dems want Big Govt, but if that govt is owned by corps (ie. so-called regulatory capture) then govt does not matter and corps still run the show. The events from 2008 and the bailouts in 2020 showed corps own govt. Repubs want small govt, which naturally results in more corp power. So, corps own the show one way or another, and I basically do not ascribe to the idea of "politics" any more. It is all actors (politicians) and their real employers (corps and elites who own them). Reddit needs to wisen up (get redpilled) and move beyond the idea that voting matters or that a single "savior" politician will radically change life for the better. We are the savior we have been looking for. We either fight and prevail or get enslaved for good and slowly get maimed/killed by Big Pharma.



Yes! For anyone interested, this is a must-read:
2017 Oct 23
SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-28

Center for Health Security releases risk communications exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
  • Written in 2017, "fictional pandemic scenario"
  • Refers to the vice president taking office after President Jaclyn Bennett (J.B.) doesn't run for a second term due to health reasons (Who does that sound like? How did they know?)
  • Pandemic that doesn't kill as many people as originally expected (Covid-19?)
  • Vaccines have severe side effects (Happening now!)
  • Ends with the President apologizing to the brave and patriotic Americans that took these experimental and harmful vaccines during a time of national crisis.
Exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
Verified in as of March 30, 2018 (!) Wayback Machine

UPDATE: I added reference links here for Biden's quote and information about the Alzheimer's drug and it's speculative relationship with prion disease -


What do Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Apple, Google, New York Times, Reuters, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all have in common? Their top investor is "Vanguard Group, The" and that means they have shared board members across all those companies. But it doesn't stop there. Damn near EVERY major corporation is controlled by the same people. This documentary really puts it into perspective:

UPDATE: The fact that video keeps getting removed just adds to its credibility... Here it is at another link -
... If it disappears again you can often find it by searching "Monopoly follow the money (VOSTFR)" --- Google has some similarly named videos as decoys so watch out. The real version is narrated by an attractive computer generated man of Indian descent (?), that's how you can recognize it.



Nov 18, 2019
I have never seen any of my friend’s parents ever improve once in the medical system.
Totally agree here and I would add not just parents BUT anyone at any age. Once in the system they just slow and steady go downhill - sometimes quickly.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
Totally agree here and I would add not just parents BUT anyone at any age. Once in the system they just slow and steady go downhill - sometimes quickly.
its a natural part of business thats supposed to have limits on it but somehow doesnt. for example, a restaurant might want people as hungry as possible. lawyers might want as many laws and regulations as possible. surgeons want as many injured people as possible. medicine wants people as sick as possible. through drug prescriptions and "advice" theyre able to actually make that a reality. it would be like mcdonalds putting stuff in the food to make people hungrier. maybe they do that.


Aug 10, 2012
From 1994
The Scandal of Poor Medical Research
"When I tell friends outside medicine that many papers published in medical journals are misleading because of methodological weaknesses they are rightly shocked."
Prof. Altman


Feb 18, 2016



Yes! For anyone interested, this is a must-read:
2017 Oct 23
SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-28

Center for Health Security releases risk communications exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
  • Written in 2017, "fictional pandemic scenario"
  • Refers to the vice president taking office after President Jaclyn Bennett (J.B.) doesn't run for a second term due to health reasons (Who does that sound like? How did they know?)
  • Pandemic that doesn't kill as many people as originally expected (Covid-19?)
  • Vaccines have severe side effects (Happening now!)
  • Ends with the President apologizing to the brave and patriotic Americans that took these experimental and harmful vaccines during a time of national crisis.
Exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
Verified in as of March 30, 2018 (!) Wayback Machine

UPDATE: I added reference links here for Biden's quote and information about the Alzheimer's drug and it's speculative relationship with prion disease -


What do Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Apple, Google, New York Times, Reuters, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all have in common? Their top investor is "Vanguard Group, The" and that means they have shared board members across all those companies. But it doesn't stop there. Damn near EVERY major corporation is controlled by the same people. This documentary really puts it into perspective:

UPDATE: The fact that video keeps getting removed just adds to its credibility... Here it is at another link -
... If it disappears again you can often find it by searching "Monopoly follow the money (VOSTFR)" --- Google has some similarly named videos as decoys so watch out. The real version is narrated by an attractive computer generated man of Indian descent (?), that's how you can recognize it.


Its basically second order cybernetics in play, this is the philosophy soros follows, collapse the current system via 1st order cybernetics, inserting feedback loops into the first system to break it, have coherency available in the second order system for it to flow, the second system is built and ready to go.
They also use hegel's philosophy, promote the opposite to give rise to its opposite, they always knew we had progressive crazies in universities and general society, they just amplify the minority crazies, most folks equate amplification to power or resources, its gives them more confidence in their views, its a ruse and will be rugged pulled, even religious orders facing a wave of unbelief would promote extreme opposites to people to get people to turn back to religion, and engineered prodigal son narrative.

I don't think the privatisation/corporate narrative will be bought by the public, that's why I believe its a fascist takeover, a combination of both, nobody will turn to big corporate for saving, nobody trusts amazon, microsoft, facebook etc

I figured it could be a ruse when I seen the corona committee with reiner fullmeich enter the fray, he is connected to gates and soros, if he comes back on the scene to prosecute the people involved then its confirmation for me its a ruse.

While searching topics like this I found this guy in the UK, he is worth reading, take him with a grain of salt, sometimes I get europhile and climate scam vibes from him, I'm not 100% if he is or not, he does have some interesting theories though, he highlights the 14 signs of fascism quite a bit, I believe he is right here and we are witnessing a contemporary unfolding of said signs.

One last thing is to take any theories that exclude discussing depopulation/mass murder as evidence of information decoys, they can't enslave 7 billion people with geo fencing, the population needs to be culled, decoys claim they want enslave us all for continued profit and growth, they don't, they want de-growth, we have the technology right now for 500 million to thrive on this planet, the human bodies are no longer needed in excess for manual labor or canon fodder.


Feb 18, 2016



Yes! For anyone interested, this is a must-read:
2017 Oct 23
SPARS Pandemic Scenario 2025-28

Center for Health Security releases risk communications exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
  • Written in 2017, "fictional pandemic scenario"
  • Refers to the vice president taking office after President Jaclyn Bennett (J.B.) doesn't run for a second term due to health reasons (Who does that sound like? How did they know?)
  • Pandemic that doesn't kill as many people as originally expected (Covid-19?)
  • Vaccines have severe side effects (Happening now!)
  • Ends with the President apologizing to the brave and patriotic Americans that took these experimental and harmful vaccines during a time of national crisis.
Exercise scenario focused on medical countermeasures in a pandemic
Verified in as of March 30, 2018 (!) Wayback Machine

UPDATE: I added reference links here for Biden's quote and information about the Alzheimer's drug and it's speculative relationship with prion disease -


What do Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Apple, Google, New York Times, Reuters, FOX, CNN, and MSNBC all have in common? Their top investor is "Vanguard Group, The" and that means they have shared board members across all those companies. But it doesn't stop there. Damn near EVERY major corporation is controlled by the same people. This documentary really puts it into perspective:

UPDATE: The fact that video keeps getting removed just adds to its credibility... Here it is at another link -
... If it disappears again you can often find it by searching "Monopoly follow the money (VOSTFR)" --- Google has some similarly named videos as decoys so watch out. The real version is narrated by an attractive computer generated man of Indian descent (?), that's how you can recognize it.


The documentary is a decoy imo, what the megacorp thread guy highlights albeit salient point is who owns vanguard, this is what counts, they all own each other is how it looks on the surface.
What he is looking to do is find where the real owners are hiding, its like a rubics cube, the owners have hidden themselves in key areas of stock ownership that cloakes them, the pattern is there, I doubt its the rothschilds, whoever it is is in plain sight technically speaking, the simplicity is the genius.

Check this one out.
Last edited:


Mar 26, 2019
Sonoma County
Previously posted - always relevant.

Why Most Published Research Findings Are False
John P. A. Ioannidis

"There is increasing concern that in modern research, false findings may be the majority or even the vast majority of published research claims.
However, this should not be surprising."


  • Research Findings.pdf
    249.6 KB · Views: 8
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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