A real medical "conspiracy" is the reason for failure of Alzheimer treatments


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
A meta-review study I posted about years ago stated openly that 99% of all clinical trials for Alzheimer Disease (AD) have failed. In addition, another recent post of mine discussed that the very theory underpinning most Alzheimer research was actually FRAUDULENT.
It is hard to call this anything but abject, miserable failure pointing to the fact that the hypothesis on the pathology/origin of AD is dead-wrong. However, it is hard to imagine that billions of dollars and 20+ years have been wasted completely without somebody raising the alarm that maybe medicine is on the wrong track when it comes to AD. Apparently, such alarms have been raised multiple times over the years, but have been brutally suppressed by a true medical cabal attached too strongly politically and financially to the so-called "beta amyloid hypothesis". Namely, the hypothesis that AD is caused by accumulation of misfolded beta-amyloid and tau proteins in the brain. That medical cabal simply refused to allow any new ideas to take hold if those ideas would undermine the generous funding the cabal was enjoying on the back of the taxpayers worldwide. If this level of conspiratorial behavior is not only real, but wit global reach, and lasting for decades, it is hard to imagine that something similar (and likely even more sinister) is happening at the political level in most countries around the world.

"...In the 30 years that biomedical researchers have worked determinedly to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, their counterparts have developed drugs that helped cut deaths from cardiovascular disease by more than half, and cancer drugs able to eliminate tumors that had been incurable. But for Alzheimer’s, not only is there no cure, there is not even a disease-slowing treatment. The brain, Alzheimer’s researchers patiently explain, is hard — harder than the heart, harder even than cancer. While that may be true, it is increasingly apparent that there is another, more disturbing reason for the tragic lack of progress: The most influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches. Several scientists described those who controlled the Alzheimer’s agenda as “a cabal.” In more than two dozen interviews, scientists whose ideas fell outside the dogma recounted how, for decades, believers in the dominant hypothesis suppressed research on alternative ideas: They influenced what studies got published in top journals, which scientists got funded, who got tenure, and who got speaking slots at reputation-buffing scientific conferences."

"...This stifling of competing ideas, say a growing number of scholars, is a big reason why there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s. (The four approved drugs have no effect on the disease, providing only a temporary memory boost.) The scientists described the frustrating, even career-ending, obstacles that they confronted in pursuing their research. A top journal told one that it would not publish her paper because others hadn’t. Another got whispered advice to at least pretend that the research for which she was seeking funding was related to the leading idea — that a protein fragment called beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain, creating neuron-killing clumps that are both the cause of Alzheimer’s and the key to treating it. Others could not get speaking slots at important meetings, a key showcase for research results. Several who tried to start companies to develop Alzheimer’s cures were told again and again by venture capital firms and major biopharma companies that they would back only an amyloid approach. “The amyloid hypothesis has been one of the most tragic stories [in] disease research,” said neurobiologist Rachael Neve of Massachusetts General Hospital."
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May 4, 2016
The industry likes these types of theories because they rationalize the development of patented drugs that are targeted to whatever narrow group of molecules they blame for an entire medical condition. They would prefer not to think what's causing these molecules to be produced in the first place. This is the "magic bullet" paradigm that Ray has written about. The alternative is to think about the problem in a more systematic, metabolic way, but that tends to point toward unpatentable substances and treatments. And if the industry is ever forced to accept the validity of such an approach for any major medical condition, that could be enough to break Pharma's grip on the ideology of other conditions as well.


Jan 27, 2015
So another sat pattern of repetition for our race, I honestly can't say I'm surprised at this point. The poor guy who came up with the wild theory of sanitation in hospitals got thrown in a mental asylum by a cabal of doctors covered in random blood whilst sticking their hands in trauma patients.


Forum Supporter
Oct 30, 2015
"type 3 diabetes" - basically degeneration of the brain due to poor energy metabolism.


May 4, 2022
Alzheimer's research is definitely a crooked scam. I personally know someone that worked for the company that made Aricept. That company made so much money off that useless drug, that they paid their janitor, 15 years ago, $110,000 annually and $10,000 to the snow plowing company to plow their parking lot each time it snowed. And keep in mind the devaluation of the dollar!!

The janitor was making $110,000 in 2010 dollars. Keep that in mind.

The drug Aricept was shown to be almost as useless as a placebo. 17 year patent. Only God knows how much money that company made.


Apr 17, 2017

Had Enough, Eh? Come Back and Take What's Coming to You!​

By Derek Lowe, Medicinal Chemist
How long are we going to keep doing this?

I ask because Roche announced results from a trial (API-ADAD)of their anti-amyloid antibody crenezumab in a population that's genetically susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. It failed. Just like it failed the Phase III CREAD trials in a general aging population group in 2019. This trial was in an extended family network in Colombia, who all have a mutation (E280A) in their presenilin gene that disposes them to amyloid-driven neurodegeneration starting in their 40s. No benefit. Just like an earlier trial from Washington University in other patients with mutations that dispose towards disease, that one looking at an earlier Roche anti-amyloid antibody (gantenerumab) or Eli Lilly's solanezumab. That's after solanezumab itself had failed painfully, expensively, lengthily several times in its own clinical trials against Alzheimer's. They have another antibody (donanemab) in trials, but I don't think that one's working, either (Lilly has made it some sort of principle to keep trying the amyloid hypothesis over and over again). And all of this is after bapineuzumab, a pioneering clinical candidate in this field, failed several years before. If you would like to see a recent list of all these failed clinical trials, this review will summarize them for you - out of sheer frustration, I've left some of them out of this post, if you can believe it.

It is hard to even begin to estimate the amount of time, effort, and money that has been spent on this idea. And this is just the antibodies! There are plenty of other whacks that have been taken at the amyloid hypothesis (secretase enzymes and more), and none of them have ever worked. Keep in mind that there are plenty of preclinical efforts over the past thirty years that never even saw the light of day (I was on some of those myself), and the reason you never heard about any of them is because they didn't work, either. Nothing has worked. Not once. The amyloid hypothesis has been targeted again and again and again from different directions with different drug candidates, and never, ever even once has it shown signs of truly helping Alzheimer's patients. I very much include Biogen's Aduhelm in that assessment. So I ask again: how long are we going to keep doing this?

Over the years I've chronicled these failures, with greater and greater amounts of disbelief and frustration creeping in as I watch the pile of wreckage accumulate. Always there's another trial, another agent, another approach coming, and that's where the hope resides, perpetually. We just haven't done amyloid the right way. We haven't dosed early enough, in the right patients, in the right way, targeting the right sort of amyloid. The fault is not the amyloid hypothesis, friends, it is in ourselves. Somehow our offerings have not been deemed worthy, and we must sacrifice even greater numbers of captive warriors on the Temple of the Sun God. . .whoops, I mean run even more clinical trials in order to see its true glory revealed.

And that's what we're doing. There's another readout for gantenerumab coming later this year. Donanemab is still out there. Biogen and Eisai have another one (lecanemab) in trials. There are still people saying that one of these is the real test, the fair test for the amyloid hypothesis - but my belief is that they are extremely likely, overwhelmingly likely to fail, and if they do, there will still be people saying that things are progressing, that these failures are pointing the way to success, that we've really got the amyloid hypothesis right where we want it now and we're closing in. I'm not buying it. I am done, and I have been done for several years now. I do not believe that targeting amyloid is going to lead to a useful Alzheimer's therapy, and watching these trials feels to me like watching someone trying to put out an oil well fire by dumping duffel bags of money onto it from helicopters. Hell, that would probably be cheaper. I don't know what the answer to Alzheimer's is, but at this point, as far as I'm concerned, it isn't amyloid.


Mar 2, 2017
A meta-review study I posted about years ago stated openly that 99% of all clinical trials for Alzheimer Disease (AD) have failed. It is hard to call this anything but abject, miserable failure pointing to the fact that the hypothesis on the pathology/origin of AD is dead-wrong. However, it is hard to imagine that billions of dollars and 20+ years have been wasted completely without somebody raising the alarm that maybe medicine is on the wrong track when it comes to AD. Apparently, such alarms have been raised multiple times over the years, but have been brutally suppressed by a true medical cabal attached too strongly politically and financially to the so-called "beta amyloid hypothesis". Namely, the hypothesis that AD is caused by accumulation of misfolded beta-amyloid and tau proteins in the brain. That medical cabal simply refused to allow any new ideas to take hold if those ideas would undermine the generous funding the cabal was enjoying on the back of the taxpayers worldwide. If this level of conspiratorial behavior is not only real, but wit global reach, and lasting for decades, it is hard to imagine that something similar (and likely even more sinister) is happening at the political level in most countries around the world.

"...In the 30 years that biomedical researchers have worked determinedly to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, their counterparts have developed drugs that helped cut deaths from cardiovascular disease by more than half, and cancer drugs able to eliminate tumors that had been incurable. But for Alzheimer’s, not only is there no cure, there is not even a disease-slowing treatment. The brain, Alzheimer’s researchers patiently explain, is hard — harder than the heart, harder even than cancer. While that may be true, it is increasingly apparent that there is another, more disturbing reason for the tragic lack of progress: The most influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches. Several scientists described those who controlled the Alzheimer’s agenda as “a cabal.” In more than two dozen interviews, scientists whose ideas fell outside the dogma recounted how, for decades, believers in the dominant hypothesis suppressed research on alternative ideas: They influenced what studies got published in top journals, which scientists got funded, who got tenure, and who got speaking slots at reputation-buffing scientific conferences."

"...This stifling of competing ideas, say a growing number of scholars, is a big reason why there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s. (The four approved drugs have no effect on the disease, providing only a temporary memory boost.) The scientists described the frustrating, even career-ending, obstacles that they confronted in pursuing their research. A top journal told one that it would not publish her paper because others hadn’t. Another got whispered advice to at least pretend that the research for which she was seeking funding was related to the leading idea — that a protein fragment called beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain, creating neuron-killing clumps that are both the cause of Alzheimer’s and the key to treating it. Others could not get speaking slots at important meetings, a key showcase for research results. Several who tried to start companies to develop Alzheimer’s cures were told again and again by venture capital firms and major biopharma companies that they would back only an amyloid approach. “The amyloid hypothesis has been one of the most tragic stories [in] disease research,” said neurobiologist Rachael Neve of Massachusetts General Hospital."
The fact that the real cause and correction of Alzheimers is well known in the lipid scientific "community" and is being totally ignored by Pharma and bought controlled so called doctors is the real scandal. Beta amyloid plaque is caused simply by an improperly structured cell membrane that disintegrates and Proteins fall out. This is what amyloid plaque is. Why bacteria and parasites thrive in this plaque is a continuation of the lack of Cellular oxygenation of the cell membranes. The process is cumulative unless checked by deep Nutrition as in unadulterated Essential Fatty Acids and proper chelated minerals. No drug will EVER cure the condition. It is a 100% physiological deficiency. Atherosclerosis, Cancer and all diseases are of the same making. Cellular hypoxia/anoxia due to nutritionally deficient Cellular membranes. We ingest adulterated hydrogenated supermarket oils. They are plastic and toxic to all living organisms as is fish oil which is rancid always.
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Dec 3, 2015
The fact that the real cause and correction of Alzheimers is well known in the lipid scientific "community" and is being totally ignored by Pharma and bought controlled so called doctors is the real scandal. Beta amyloid plaque is caused simply by an improperly structured cell membrane that disintegrates and Proteins fall out. This is what amyloid plaque is. Why bacteria and parasites thrive in this plaque is a continuation of the lack of Cellular oxygenation of the cell membranes. The process is cumulative unless checked by deep Nutrition as in unadulterated Essential Fatty Acids and proper chelated minerals. No drug will EVER cure the condition. It is a 100% physiological deficiency. Atherosclerosis, Cancer and all diseases are of the same making. Cellular hypoxia/anoxia due to nutritionally deficient Cellular membranes. We ingest adulterated hydrogenated supermarket oils. They are plastic and toxic to all living organisms as is fish oil which is rancid always.
What are you reffering too when you say "unadulterated Essential Fatty Acids"? Like what specific fats?


Mar 21, 2022
A meta-review study I posted about years ago stated openly that 99% of all clinical trials for Alzheimer Disease (AD) have failed. It is hard to call this anything but abject, miserable failure pointing to the fact that the hypothesis on the pathology/origin of AD is dead-wrong. However, it is hard to imagine that billions of dollars and 20+ years have been wasted completely without somebody raising the alarm that maybe medicine is on the wrong track when it comes to AD. Apparently, such alarms have been raised multiple times over the years, but have been brutally suppressed by a true medical cabal attached too strongly politically and financially to the so-called "beta amyloid hypothesis". Namely, the hypothesis that AD is caused by accumulation of misfolded beta-amyloid and tau proteins in the brain. That medical cabal simply refused to allow any new ideas to take hold if those ideas would undermine the generous funding the cabal was enjoying on the back of the taxpayers worldwide. If this level of conspiratorial behavior is not only real, but wit global reach, and lasting for decades, it is hard to imagine that something similar (and likely even more sinister) is happening at the political level in most countries around the world.

"...In the 30 years that biomedical researchers have worked determinedly to find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, their counterparts have developed drugs that helped cut deaths from cardiovascular disease by more than half, and cancer drugs able to eliminate tumors that had been incurable. But for Alzheimer’s, not only is there no cure, there is not even a disease-slowing treatment. The brain, Alzheimer’s researchers patiently explain, is hard — harder than the heart, harder even than cancer. While that may be true, it is increasingly apparent that there is another, more disturbing reason for the tragic lack of progress: The most influential researchers have long believed so dogmatically in one theory of Alzheimer’s that they systematically thwarted alternative approaches. Several scientists described those who controlled the Alzheimer’s agenda as “a cabal.” In more than two dozen interviews, scientists whose ideas fell outside the dogma recounted how, for decades, believers in the dominant hypothesis suppressed research on alternative ideas: They influenced what studies got published in top journals, which scientists got funded, who got tenure, and who got speaking slots at reputation-buffing scientific conferences."

"...This stifling of competing ideas, say a growing number of scholars, is a big reason why there is no treatment for Alzheimer’s. (The four approved drugs have no effect on the disease, providing only a temporary memory boost.) The scientists described the frustrating, even career-ending, obstacles that they confronted in pursuing their research. A top journal told one that it would not publish her paper because others hadn’t. Another got whispered advice to at least pretend that the research for which she was seeking funding was related to the leading idea — that a protein fragment called beta-amyloid accumulates in the brain, creating neuron-killing clumps that are both the cause of Alzheimer’s and the key to treating it. Others could not get speaking slots at important meetings, a key showcase for research results. Several who tried to start companies to develop Alzheimer’s cures were told again and again by venture capital firms and major biopharma companies that they would back only an amyloid approach. “The amyloid hypothesis has been one of the most tragic stories [in] disease research,” said neurobiologist Rachael Neve of Massachusetts General Hospital."
The industry isn't there to find a cure. It's there to make money. Pharma, labs, hospitals, research, etc. its all to make money and cures don't produce a returning customer.


Mar 29, 2016
Omega6 and omega3 cold pressed organic seed oils on a ratio approximately 2:1 respectively. This ratio is known as the Peskin primer and can be found here www.brianpeskin.com
You are talking about using PUFAs ad a good thing and SFAs as bad, as implied by stating that hydrogenated fats are bad.


Mar 2, 2017
You are talking about using PUFAs ad a good thing and SFAs as bad, as implied by stating that hydrogenated fats are bad.
No. Saturated fatty acids are not bad nor implied to be however processed hydrogenated Omega 6 vegetable oils are poison to all living creatures.


Mar 29, 2016
No. Saturated fatty acids are not bad nor implied to be however processed hydrogenated Omega 6 vegetable oils are poison to all living creatures.
I'm getting a better idea now. Thanks for the clarification. I agree with you on the point that saturated fats arent bad.

Do you then consider PUFAS to be good in the proportion of 2:1 omega6:eek:mega as long as they are not hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated aka trans-fats?


Mar 2, 2017
I'm getting a better idea now. Thanks for the clarification. I agree with you on the point that saturated fats arent bad.

Do you then consider PUFAS to be good in the proportion of 2:1 omega6:eek:mega as long as they are not hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated aka trans-fats?
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are still poison to all living creatures.The only kind life sustaining are organic cold pressed. In fact historically these oils were pressed everyday in small shops and delivered and ingested before they became oxidized. We've lost the art of true health by modern processing of foods. Hydrogenated oils are killing all of us.


Mar 29, 2016
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils are still poison to all living creatures.The only kind life sustaining are organic cold pressed. In fact historically these oils were pressed everyday in small shops and delivered and ingested before they became oxidized. We've lost the art of true health by modern processing of foods. Hydrogenated oils are killing all of us.

You may have forgotten to answer my question on PUFA.


Mar 2, 2017
You may have forgotten to answer my question on PUFA.
Pufas with the exception of soy,Borage and a few others in the ratio 2:1 as long as they are organic cold pressed will change your life completely. In fact after taking this ratio as per the Peskin Primer at 750mgs per 40lb body weight, I am healthy for the first time in my life.They are absolutely remarkable for health.


Mar 29, 2016
Pufas with the exception of soy,Borage and a few others in the ratio 2:1 as long as they are organic cold pressed will change your life completely. In fact after taking this ratio as per the Peskin Primer at 750mgs per 40lb body weight, I am healthy for the first time in my life.They are absolutely remarkable for health.
Do you mind elaborating on how your health improved because of taking the advice of Brian Peskin? How long was it before your health improved? What health issues got resolved?


Mar 2, 2017
Do you mind elaborating on how your health improved because of taking the advice of Brian Peskin? How long was it before your health improved? What health issues got resolved?
It was about one week after taking the EFAs I felt twice as strong, never tired, never hungry, my skin cleared up. I had refused to take any Pharma drugs whatsoever , then after 10 months of taking them I got a blood test done. The doctor remarked she had never seen blood like mine even in a thirty year old (I'm over twice that). I no longer have heart pains, my testosterone has increased, my platelets increased by 30%. I can work a 12 hour day without feeling wrecked. Of course I also take minerals.My hair is growing again. The effects have just astounded me.. from being a sick wreck to a fully functioning human being. Joints are now more flexible and no more pain. They are indeed life essence. Hope this short explanation is enough. I bought all Peskins books and he discovered this way back in the 90s.They don't want healthy people...period. an add on , my CRP was 5.6 for years, it's now 3.2.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
It was about one week after taking the EFAs I felt twice as strong, never tired, never hungry, my skin cleared up. I had refused to take any Pharma drugs whatsoever , then after 10 months of taking them I got a blood test done. The doctor remarked she had never seen blood like mine even in a thirty year old (I'm over twice that). I no longer have heart pains, my testosterone has increased, my platelets increased by 30%. I can work a 12 hour day without feeling wrecked. Of course I also take minerals.My hair is growing again. The effects have just astounded me.. from being a sick wreck to a fully functioning human being. Joints are now more flexible and no more pain. They are indeed life essence. Hope this short explanation is enough. I bought all Peskins books and he discovered this way back in the 90s.They don't want healthy people...period. an add on , my CRP was 5.6 for years, it's now 3.2.
Would you mind sharing what you are eating exactly?


Mar 2, 2017
Would you mind sharing what you are eating exactly?
I eat usually twice a day, sometimes cooked strawberries and sour cherries on a pancake, other times scrambled eggs with butter , himalyan salt and a small slice of soda bread. My main is meat, chicken, pork or liver with potatoes and 2-3 veg. All home cooked. I like a few glasses of red wine and organic cheese. I do take plenty of grass fed butter. 2 meals a day as above is enough for me even though I sometimes have to do physical work for extended periods. Now supplements.regular..magnesium bisglycinate, magnesium chloride spray, zinc, K2 Mk7, D3 and CoQ10. Two or three times a week 3 grams of MSM a day with 12mgs of Borax. It's taken 50 years to destroy my health and with the above I hope only 5 years to fix. My diet is tasty though fairly normal. The EFAs ensure no hunger cravings and I keep carbs minimal.All natural fats and no low fat anything.If I ever feel unwell in winter I take CDS, the best cellular oxygenator on earth.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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