Tarmanders Auto-Immune Log


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
How does protein increase acidosis? I seem to be doing better ever since increasing, not decreasing, my protein.

That said, lately I am heavily emphasizing peat friendly protein (Milk, Gelatin) and not so much meats or eggs which I can definitely see the negatives in overdoing it.
Some info in this post:
"The Primary Sources Of Acidity In The Diet Are Sulfur-containing AAs, Salt, And Phosphoric Acid"

I could be wrong but I seem to remember a RP quote somewhere saying the supposed mucus effects are overblown. Not saying he is right or wrong just what I remember him saying
If you start peeing and pooping out boatloads of it, you will know the truth for yourself.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Maybe, but I already have upwards of 6 or even more bowel movements a day as it is... lol I am pretty sure I'm doing good in that department :P as I write this I'm on #4 for the day already lol

also I did a mouth PH test awhile and got like 7.4 I believe... so I'm definitely not acidic.

Keep in mind... I do have LOTS of carbs/fruit which I have no doubt helps a ton. per our previous discussion I have lots of grapes now for my carbs. sometimes orange, or apple.


Sep 13, 2012
Charlie, I thought you'd enjoy this article on mucic acid produced by lactose. They also mention grapes as having galactose which turns into mucic acid? Not sure about that. INSTANT CURE OF THE COMMON COLD


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Maybe he is referring to retinoic acid? The toxic form of vitamin A?
Yes, in ETFOH he talks about retinoic acid being at the root of osteoporosis because the body pulls calcium from the bones to buffer the acidity from retinoic acid.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Apr 30, 2015
Charlie, I thought you'd enjoy this article on mucic acid produced by lactose. They also mention grapes as having galactose which turns into mucic acid? Not sure about that. INSTANT CURE OF THE COMMON COLD
Holy crap...this might have some serious implications. When I was coughing up a lot of mucus, I was eating a ton of raisins and using honey liberally...


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Ray Peat

Milk in context: allergies, ecology, and some myths

JOHN BURKHAUSEN: Well, we should probably get back to that in a minute. We have a caller on the line. Gene, are you there? CALLER: Oh, yes, yes. Sorry, I should listen – I didn’t listen before I called in. Hi, couple of questions, if it’s okay. One, I tried – I haven’t eaten dairy food – much dairy food for many years. And I was – and I’ve been trying your diet. And I started drinking milk, whole raw milk. And my sinuses got stuffed up again. Is there CALLER: any… RAY PEAT: What happened? CALLER: My sinuses got clogged up. RAY PEAT: Oh, well… CALLER: I’ve always had that problem. RAY PEAT: I wouldn’t necessarily recommend whole milk or raw milk unless you’re

00:12:32 > familiar with the particular cows. And if you get a bad result from one dairy or one cow, then try another one that feeds the cow something different. I felt the difference myself just between local diaries and in a supermarket. There is one brand of milk that was always cheaper and tasted a little funny and I always got sick when I drink it. And there are so many things that can go wrong. All milk, except whole milk and may be even that now, but the government requires the addition of vitamin A and D to all of the commercial milk supplies, and those diaries don’t like to tell how they add those vitamins, but generally there is some

00:13:34 > diluent that the vitamins are carried in, probably an emulsifier, so that they don’t stick to the sides of the vessels or float to RAY PEAT: the top. CALLER: Well, this milk was from a local organic raw dairy, raw milk, with the cream mixed in. And I’ve had the same problem drinking or eating dairy from many different sources throughout many years. I think I have the same response, whether it’s store bought or right from the cow or whatever. RAY PEAT: Yeah. You get that from cottage cheese or CALLER: cheese…? RAY PEAT: Yes. CALLER: Or from goat milk? RAY PEAT: I don’t like goat milk. I don’t like the taste of that. CALLER: It’s undoubtedly some kind of digestive problem, but it’s just a matter of

00:14:36 > experimenting different kinds of cheese. Have you noticed an effect on your sinus symptoms? CALLER: Yeah. Usually – once in a while, it doesn’t bother me; but most of the time, it does. I don’t have any digestive problems, just the sinus. And my lungs – I get mucus in my lungs as well or cough up mucus. RAY PEAT: How the mucus gets there is that your intestine is being irritated and the irritation is either that you have bacteria growing on the food or the food itself contains allergens. And very often, just by changing the dairy or the type of cheese or cooking it rather than eating it raw, you can find which things caused the mucus reaction.

00:15:38 > But it isn’t that the milk gets into your blood, then causes mucus production in your head or lungs. That’s a reaction from your intestine. CALLER: Okay. JOHN BURKHAUSEN: Could you stand back from your microphone or talk a little softer? You are a little too loud. CALLER: Okay, sure. Yeah. I’ve been working with Lita Lee and she suggests that I drink creams instead of milk to solve the problem. RAY PEAT: Drink what RAY PEAT: kind? CALLER: Cream rather than milk. RAY PEAT: I have never heard of anyone trying that. But I would say try some homemade skimmed milk cottage cheese first.

my take then is the negative reaction from milk is either:

Some bad additive in the milk


It's you, not the milk (many of the times). Danny roddy and many people here who successfully drink milk for a lot of their calories now note they can handle it fine after they healed themselves.

Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine can be caused by hypothyroidism (Lauritano, et al., 2007), and the substances produced by these bacteria can damage the lining of the small intestine, causing the loss of lactase enzymes (Walshe, et al., 1990).
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Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Holy crap...this might have some serious implications. When I was coughing up a lot of mucus, I was eating a ton of raisins and using honey liberally...

I don't like raisins anymore. They are dehydrated fruit which really has negative implications for me personally. Honey can also be a potent allergen especially if it is cooked or heated


Apr 30, 2015
I don't like raisins anymore. They are dehydrated fruit which really has negative implications for me personally. Honey can also be a potent allergen especially if it is cooked or heated
the galactose content!


Sep 13, 2012
I got the reply from Ray:
"Proteins don’t cause acidosis, but some proteins (such as meat, beans, and nuts) are associated with a large amount of phosphate, and when phosphate isn’t balanced by enough calcium and magnesium it is very harmful. Some fruits contain essential amino acids, needed for making proteins, and also alpha-keto acids, which can turn into essential amino acids in the body. The high protein value of potatoes is the effect of their keto acids. A simple chemical survey of fruits could identify those that contain practical amounts of those precursors, and that could make it possible to get complete protein nutrition from fruit."

And I probably could have wrote that word for word just from studying him.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Yep, that makes sense. He definitely is not a fan of too much meat, at least if it's not balanced with sufficient gelatin. But milk has a calcium:phosphorus ratio of > 1 although it does still have tryptophan which may be problematic. The tricky thing with tryptophan is that it converts to serotonin with those with hypothyroid whereas in a healthy person in converts to niacin. According to Nathan Hatch, and my own experience (and RP may speak to this too?) though if you add generous sugar to the milk, this effect is mitigated.


Apr 30, 2015
A couple notes for myself here.

•I have now been doing the low vitamin A diet since December, so around 6 months. I have not been perfect. Sometimes I eat out and get things I know have spices in them that have vitamin A. I also did some celery juice for a week or so which had 50-100IU in it each morning. Overall though I have been sticking to the meat and potatoes diet, adding apple sauce, strawberries, bananas, and other low vitamin A things daily. Overall I think it is actually a relatively balanced diet.

•The greatest benefit has been to my mind. I am not sure what it exactly is, except to say that these blocks that were there, are no longer there. I started a podcast about nutrition, I have been working more than I ever have, and with little downside. I think I always had the energy to work as much as I am now, but I think depression, anxiety, and other mental ailments would make it so...difficult. Now it is as if creativity has exploded out of me. I make up a new podcast episode each week, have no problem recalling key details and explaining them thoroughly. I feel like I am at 1x speed and everyone around me is at 0.5x. Opportunities are coming knocking too. A vitamin company recently contracted me to do voice over and video work for their instagram/facebook feed, paying me a nice sum. I feel like I am finally living here. Indescribable.

•The supplements I am taking are as follows:
-Each meal I take 3-6grams Betaine HCL, Pepsin, and DGL plus from pure encapsulations.
-Haidut's NDT Tyromax
-Boron 3mg at night before bed.
Experimenting with: Intestinew by Renew life 2x a day, Zinc Carnosine 2x a day, and D-limonene 1g in the morning.

•As you can see I am taking a lot of supplements for gut stuff, reason being that is my one issue that lingers. I get bloated, have trouble breathing, and cough up phlegm. It comes and goes. Sometimes it seems triggered by problems foods, gums, additives. Staring at a computer screen with make me start wheezing after while. Other times it seems totally random, or just happens when I drive too much. Last night I noticed that it seems to happen more when I am hot. I was having trouble falling asleep and noticed that as I cooled down, my breathing got easier. I have a beta agonist inhaler for when it gets really bad. That thing knocks it out immediately but I always feel very strange the next day or two after using it. This is a real problem for me. When I am really bloated and having problems breathing, my O2 levels measured by an oximeter can get down to 91-92. The gut supplements seem to help. If I stop taking the betaine HCL is gets really bad, I tested it out last week and I was wheezing the whole weekend. But they do not seem to resolve it. Something is going on there.

•Speaking of getting hot. I am getting about an hour of sun on my whole body per day. This has truly been amazing and is doing amazing things for me. I really think the sun is the key to turning on your metabolism. So much different then taking vitamin D as well. Interestingly, my breathing/bloating issues started after megadosing vitamin D (thanks burt!), and have never really gone away completely. I wonder how much the daily sun is making me hotter and contributing. It seems very complicated this whole breathing thing, what sets it off. The sun is also only going to get hotter here in Arizona.

•I continue to lose weight very slowly. I haven't weighed myself in awhile but I think I am edging down to the 190 mark. Pretty exciting.

•I take dead sea salt baths mixed with himalayan salts every other day. This seems to keep water retention way down. Whenever I get out of the bath, my skin seems tighter and my veins poppier. Betaine HCL also helps with this.

•For food, I am craving meat a lot. I don't really know why. I ate a 10oz steak the other night at a restaurant and it went down so smooth, no bloat, and was amazing. I have been dreaming about it ever since. I am also craving alcohol quite a bit, strangely. I have some bourbon and have been drinking it now and then. I think again it has something to do with being too hot. The sunlight and the meat heat you up, and alcohol somehow is an outlet on that. Not exactly sure how it works.

I will add some more notes later.


Apr 30, 2015
I will say that the one thing that gets rid of the breathing problems completely is Jarrow's broccoli extract sulforaphane. If I take that no breathing problems. However, I also get so filled with rage that I barely trust my own reactions to life events. No anxiety or fear,which is nice, but just pure rage. So it is kind of not a great option.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Glad you're feeling better. I now think beef really is a magical protein. Besides potential benefits of VA, it turns out the fernstrom ratio is extremely low with it. I used to eat low ish protein, ascribing to vegan viewpoints because I made a connection that high protein made me gain weight. However, now I realize that it was not protein, but high tryptophan. And now I realize - beef is awesome. I have had 24 oz of beef today and putting into cronometer, my fernstrom ratio today is only 0.022. I consider anything less than 0.03 very good. You could be as high as 0.06-0.08 with high tryptophan foods like milk, cheese, whey, and the data I'm putting together and plotting is clearly showing me that a fernstrom ratio greater than 0.03-0.04 or so starts to cause problems (for me at least) let alone 0.06-0.08. It is no wonder, then, that my health started to go downhill (Well, among other reasons) with all the dairy that is recommended by Peat. Throw in BCAA and gelatin for funsies, and you can drive the ratio potentially even lower than 0.02. This is probably why that steak didn't bloat you. It turns out that red meat is also the top protein suggested in the Vertical diet. Now I realize it. Fernstrom ratio... it's the key to a lot.


This is the data I have collected so far for myself. I have the data on another pc so I can't look at it right this second, but I am pretty sure the three points that seem like outliers under the curve are days that were pretty low calorie, so that's why they are under the 0 line probably.

Just look how bad tryptophan is. I had two days I gained over 1.5 lbs when tryptophan/fernstrom ratio was high. BTW, vegan diets seem to result in high fernstrom ratios, even though total protein is low (take that as you will... )

This, I now believe, is why Carnivore diets are popular and effective. Literally, I have explained the carnivore diet in a single plot. A Eureka moment, if you will...
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Sep 7, 2018
Glad you're feeling better. I now think beef really is a magical protein. Besides potential benefits of VA, it turns out the fernstrom ratio is extremely low with it. I used to eat low ish protein, ascribing to vegan viewpoints because I made a connection that high protein made me gain weight. However, now I realize that it was not protein, but high tryptophan. And now I realize - beef is awesome. I have had 24 oz of beef today and putting into cronometer, my fernstrom ratio today is only 0.022. I consider anything less than 0.03 very good. You could be as high as 0.06-0.08 with high tryptophan foods like milk, cheese, whey, and the data I'm putting together and plotting is clearly showing me that a fernstrom ratio greater than 0.03-0.04 or so starts to cause problems (for me at least) let alone 0.06-0.08. It is no wonder, then, that my health started to go downhill (Well, among other reasons) with all the dairy that is recommended by Peat. Throw in BCAA and gelatin for funsies, and you can drive the ratio potentially even lower than 0.02. This is probably why that steak didn't bloat you. It turns out that red meat is also the top protein suggested in the Vertical diet. Now I realize it. Fernstrom ratio... it's the key to a lot.


This is the data I have collected so far for myself. I have the data on another pc so I can't look at it right this second, but I am pretty sure the three points that seem like outliers under the curve are days that were pretty low calorie, so that's why they are under the 0 line probably.

Just look how bad tryptophan is. I had two days I gained over 1.5 lbs when tryptophan/fernstrom ratio was high. BTW, vegan diets seem to result in high fernstrom ratios, even though total protein is low (take that as you will... )

This, I now believe, is why Carnivore diets are popular and effective. Literally, I have explained the carnivore diet in a single plot. A Eureka moment, if you will...

:dope I shall be following closely.

I started a podcast about nutrition

Where's your podcast @Tarmander?


Apr 30, 2015
Glad you're feeling better. I now think beef really is a magical protein. Besides potential benefits of VA, it turns out the fernstrom ratio is extremely low with it. I used to eat low ish protein, ascribing to vegan viewpoints because I made a connection that high protein made me gain weight. However, now I realize that it was not protein, but high tryptophan. And now I realize - beef is awesome. I have had 24 oz of beef today and putting into cronometer, my fernstrom ratio today is only 0.022. I consider anything less than 0.03 very good. You could be as high as 0.06-0.08 with high tryptophan foods like milk, cheese, whey, and the data I'm putting together and plotting is clearly showing me that a fernstrom ratio greater than 0.03-0.04 or so starts to cause problems (for me at least) let alone 0.06-0.08. It is no wonder, then, that my health started to go downhill (Well, among other reasons) with all the dairy that is recommended by Peat. Throw in BCAA and gelatin for funsies, and you can drive the ratio potentially even lower than 0.02. This is probably why that steak didn't bloat you. It turns out that red meat is also the top protein suggested in the Vertical diet. Now I realize it. Fernstrom ratio... it's the key to a lot.


This is the data I have collected so far for myself. I have the data on another pc so I can't look at it right this second, but I am pretty sure the three points that seem like outliers under the curve are days that were pretty low calorie, so that's why they are under the 0 line probably.

Just look how bad tryptophan is. I had two days I gained over 1.5 lbs when tryptophan/fernstrom ratio was high. BTW, vegan diets seem to result in high fernstrom ratios, even though total protein is low (take that as you will... )

This, I now believe, is why Carnivore diets are popular and effective. Literally, I have explained the carnivore diet in a single plot. A Eureka moment, if you will...

That is really interesting. I have not heard of the fernstrom ratio but it sounds like it is the amount of tryptophan you are getting relative to how much protein you are getting. The more time goes on the crazier all that dairy sounds to me. Can't believe I tried to make that into a diet at one point.

Thanks for the update @Tarmander. I’m glad you’re doing well.
:) :)

:dope I shall be following closely.

Where's your podcast @Tarmander?
I am not sure if I am allowed to post it, I will shoot you a DM


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Each meal I take 3-6grams Betaine HCL
Guru, you might be getting 10 g of betaine a day (average is 0.15 g). Do you take high doses of niacin? Because if so, you could have inadverfaiwohatly arrived on someone's suggestion to combine them to mitigate negative effects.

There are various other hydrochlorid salts, you can try to source them to rule this out, examples are glycine and lysine HCl. If you match their amount based on HCl, your experience with them should have something in common every time and the positive aspect can't disappear altogether when switching to others.

Open methylationology book , lot there
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Apr 30, 2015
Guru, you might be getting 10 g of betaine a day (average is 0.15 g). Do you take high doses of niacin? Because if so, you could have inadverfaiwohatly arrived on someone's suggestion to combine them to mitigate negative effects.

There are various other hydrochlorid salts, you can try to source them to rule this out, examples are glycine and lysine HCl. If you match their amount based on HCl, your experience with them should have something in common every time and the positive aspect can't disappear altogether when switching to others.

Open methylationology book , lot there

Thanks Amazoniac. I do have a couple MTHFR defects. So perhaps I am getting back to normal?


Apr 30, 2015
Had some blood tests back today that I thought I would share, some of the best yet. I think the sunlight is doing really well for me. Could also be the D-limonene, but those are really the only two things I have been doing for long enough to affect this blood test. Not totally sure, just guessing.

A1C: 6.8 (this is pretty good as I have been at 7.3-7.5 for years)
Creatinine: 0.8
GFR: 119 (kidneys doing well)
Cholesterol: 203.3
TSH: 1.39
Free T4: 1.14 Range 0.8-2.00
Free T3: 3.2 Range 1.5-4.1
Vitamin D 40.8
Albumin in Urine undetectable (no protein filtering through kidneys)
C02 25.5 Range 21-31
AST 16.1 Range 13-39
ALT 18.5 Range 7-52

Pretty happy. I took vitamin D in October of last year and my metabolism spiked. My cholesterol was below 200 and things looks good, but I could barely breathe.

This is similar in trend, better a1c, better kidney levels, cholesterol around the same...I have testosterone prolactin coming in next week which I will post.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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