Qwerty42 log


Oct 2, 2012
Not a testimonial as such but thought I'd start a log of my experience on it, where I'm coming from and what I'm hoping to fix!

Brief history: High level athlete was over doing things with training, intermittent fasting and calorie restriction. Add to that trying to live the party lifestyle of a Saturday night, late nights, alcohol and, admittedly, some stimulant use.

Came to a head Xmas 2010, crashed badly with crippling fatigue, zero libido, anxiety, very dry / photophobic eyes and an inability to concentrate. Obviously knocked all of the exercise and partying on the head (as if I have the energy anymore!) and have been eating my own interpretation of what was healthy. I love the study of nutrition and find the whole the motivation of 'paleo' etc laughable. Tend to read the likes of Alan Aragon and Johnny Bowden and followed their templates.

Basically meats, fresh fruits, vegetables including plenty of starchy ones, butter, olive oil etc. No milk, caffeine, gluten.

I've never used vegetable oil for cooking in etc but for the last 18 months I have not had any sugar other than fruit (I've always eaten a fair bit of fruit) but here is the kicker; I doubt there has been a day gone by for the last 18 months where I haven't eaten a large amounts of nuts / almond butter. I've also tended to eat cruciferous vegetables everyday (albeit cooked ones in a soup) and generally a good serving of houmus as well. I've also been supplementing with fish oils (2g per day).

So as you can see I've had a diet high in PUFAs since I believe I became hypometabolic due to chronically increased cortisol levels 18 months ago.

Some of my symptoms have improved slightly but my testosterone is still 348 and I have zero energy, drive or libido. My eyes are as bad as ever (wear dark sunglasses when using a pc screen) and I also have sinus congestion.

I've been obviously unable to exercise at all, long term relationship of 4 years ended due to the symptoms, am at risk of losing my job at the minute due to poor concentration and have had to move back with the parents due to financial worries as a result. (I'm 26 FFS!)

My FT3 and FT4 numbers are both good, upper quarter of the reference range, but my Reverse T3 is very high. I have all the symptoms of being severely hypothyroid, but the numbers they diagnose off in the UK here are fine.

I've had normal MRIs of my pituitary and testes, ACTH stimulation test (adrenals responded with out of range high cortisol), normal GNRH stimulation test.
Stool analysis from Metametrix come back with no issues and hair mineral analysis showing no toxic metal burden.
Salivary 24 hour cortisol test first showed low cortisol in Dec 2011 and then high cortisol in March 2012 (firmly shutting the door on any concept of 'damaged' adrenal glands for me)

Interestingly, I have tried T3 (cynomel) in doses up to and including 75mcg per day and it was hit and miss with the effects. I never felt any better on it and some times it raised my temperature for a bit before falling massively. This was despite splitting the dose throughout the day.

I believe this may be because of my high RT3 blocking the action of the T3. I read something on the Matt Stone 180 metabolism site somewhere about PUFAs stopping T3 entering the cells so wonder if that could be right.

(For the record I'm not on any T3 now but do have a supply of Cynomel to use in the future if needed)

As of Saturday I dropped the fish oil supplements and swapped to a Peat inspired way of eating.

Diet has mainly been: 3% milk, fresh orange juice / pineapple juice, lots of fresh fruit, brie cheese, a potato with dinner which has been white fish, butter, coconut oil for cooking, raw carrot salad with balsamic vinegar. Other drinks: decaf green tea / coffee and water to thirst.

My gelatin is arriving tomorrow.

Temperature remains unchanged at around 96.8 underarm, 97.2 oral upon waking. Pulse averages 62BPM.

Subjectively I feel worse - didn't think that was possible! but do understand there may be an adjustment period to increasing my sugar so much and adding milk back in to my diet so am prepared to try and ride it out given the positive encouragement I've taken from gummybear and some of the other success stories.

Will keep this updated.



The 62BPM seems that you have the same symtoms as me, do you often have cold feets/hands? Do you get cold often? Do you get tired during the day? I had the same thing with the eyes aswell, coulnd't wear lenses because my eyes was so tired/sore. Now I can have lenses.


Oct 2, 2012
I do get cold hands and feet yes and yeah very tired throughout the day.

As mentioned, in all honesty much more tired since Saturday when I started, but going to try and ride it out.

Good news about your lenses !

Are you going to have any labs done to verify your increased testosterone etc? Then again if you're feeling like 18 again you most likely have all the confirmation you need :cool:
Sep 24, 2012
I don't know if it matters, but carrot salads the first step of the day for me. It sounds like your having it with dinner. I've been peating about a week now and feeling better than before, but not perfect.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
qwerty, great idea on the log! Definitely keep us in the loop on how your doing.

Oh and look into taking some extra coconut oil other then cooking. There is a great thread on it in the diet section its called something like "Is coconut a superfood"?

Take care.


Oct 2, 2012
Thanks guys will look at those suggestions.

Milk is unsugared / salted currently.

Carrot salad for breakfast? Sounds even less appetizing than milk! Will give it a try though, no harm.

Not really sure what ice cream I could get here in the UK. We don't seem to have that haagen daaz 5. Only the ones with added chocolate etc in


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
You have to start off with thyroid slowly and should use a combination t3/t4 product like cynoplus.

I don't think having the carrot salad for breakfast is good because stress hormones are high and you need sugar/protein, better to eat it midday/afternoon.


Oct 2, 2012
Thanks for that.

I'd have to disagree on the T4/T3 combo. Taking any T4 medication when the body is already converting most of it to RT3 is going to worsen temperature.

Had an interesting discovery just now though. Having eaten a medium white potato for dinner my oral temperature has hit 98.5 and my axillary is up to 97.8.

This is after being not above 97 all day for either temperature.

Going to try white potato for breakfast tomorrow as well as the fruit & milk and see what happens with my temperature. I was listening to one of Josh Rubin's podcasts the other day and I think he talks about some people doing better with starches and some better with sugars?

Not strictly Peat but I'm going to do whatever works. Will post tomorrow and see how it has gone.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Yep, had the same effect with white potatoes. Stokes the furnace of life for me.
Sep 24, 2012
Danny Roddy talks about carrot salad an hour before and after a meal. So that's how I started putting it before my breakfast of Oj, skim milk with 4 big spoonfuls of sugar, instant coffee, cocoa and heavily salted with solay ( basically add salt to water beyond the waters ability to dissolve the salt crystals, ie. visible salt crystals remaining in the bottom of glass after 24 hours indicates saturation) with fried or hard boiled eggs. I hope you can find a combo that gives you a slight nudge in the right direction.

Qwerty you also mention your eating lots of fresh fruit. I'm eating none beyond commercial oj, zero vegetables as well. Presumably your refering to whole fruit, which is providing your gut a veritable compost pile and might be a cause of discomfort.

I wouldn't be too alarmed about only getting Haggen Daz ice cream, just try and find something you enjoy and tolerate. Carrying around apprehension and prejudice about every single ingredient in the food you eat misses Peat's sentiment about being easy about all this. Allow yourself to relax with the foods you choose/enjoy and listen softly to how they make you feel, and that's how you'll find the right combo. btw the ice cream is a before you go to sleep treat. good luck.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Also, Peat says to eat foods that bring up your metabolism. So, if potatoes make you warm then they are in the scope of Peating. :woo


And you don't have to make the carrot salad ever time you eat carrot. Just peel those cute carrots and eat them, works for me.

Plus you get less things to wash up.


Sounds very taste...gotta try some. With some cheese i'm sure it's a winner. Maybe even a dinner :cool:


Oct 1, 2012
qwerty42 said:
Thanks for that.

I'd have to disagree on the T4/T3 combo. Taking any T4 medication when the body is already converting most of it to RT3 is going to worsen temperature.

Had an interesting discovery just now though. Having eaten a medium white potato for dinner my oral temperature has hit 98.5 and my axillary is up to 97.8.

This is after being not above 97 all day for either temperature.

Going to try white potato for breakfast tomorrow as well as the fruit & milk and see what happens with my temperature. I was listening to one of Josh Rubin's podcasts the other day and I think he talks about some people doing better with starches and some better with sugars?

Not strictly Peat but I'm going to do whatever works. Will post tomorrow and see how it has gone.

Qwerty, This may be a long shot. Have you checked out the STTM T3CM FB page? What time of day were you taking your T3?


Jul 26, 2012
Los Angeles
texas peatatarian said:
I wouldn't be too alarmed about only getting Haggen Daz ice cream, just try and find something you enjoy and tolerate. Carrying around apprehension and prejudice about every single ingredient in the food you eat misses Peat's sentiment about being easy about all this.

Pretty much every commercial ice cream besides haggen daz contains some sort of gum, in my experience these are one of the main things you want to avoid. Ray covers some of the dangers in this article http://raypeat.com/articles/nutrition/carrageenan.shtml
Sep 24, 2012

I have read that article and concede virtually all commercial ice creams have carragenan, including the walmart box ice cream I've been polluting myself with for years before I endeavored the peating method. I seem to tolerate it fine and can put a large quantity of it down pretty easy same thing with oj from con, cheese with enzymes, gmo corn tortillas and louanna coconut oil. I basically attribute my early success with the diet to strict avoidance of wheat and vegetables, strict inclusion of sugar, salt, coconut , coffee and carrot salad and anything else if tolerated. So I can only report that I've continued enjoying an all around improvement from this approach. I mostly jumped on this thread because Qwerty was experiencing increased discomfort from his peating approach, and I wanted him to know that has not been my experience.


Oct 2, 2012
Thanks for the responses guys.

Norxgirl - yeah I've actually got Paul Robinson's book 'Recovering with T3' and have spoken to him via e-mail a few times.

I've tried taking it in the early hours for a short while but to no avail. He does talk about some people needing much higher doses of T3 >150mcg in some cases due to tissue resistance.

I'm not massively comfortable taking almost three times the physiological level of T3 (25-50mcg) however. I may end up doing if this new way of eating fails but given my high consumption of nuts (PUFAS) has stopped, and how they supposedly interfere with T3 entering the cells I'm hoping my own thyroid may start working properly.

Ok today - concentration was better in work and fatigue less the potato for breakfast. I only had milk, fruit and brie for lunch and afterwards I felt light headed and not great in all honesty. Tomorrow I may try a potato at lunch as well.

I've taken your suggestion Charlie and included coconut oil off the spoon before meals.

For the temps:

Basal (before getting out of bed) 6AM

Armpit - 95.6
Oral - 96.5
Pulse 58 BPM

1 hour after breakfast of a potato, butter, milk, coconut oil and fruit. 7:45 AM

Armpit - 96.8
Oral - 97.3

Temps at 16:30

Armpit - 97.5
Oral - 98.1

Temps at 19:30 (1 hour after dinner of potato, butter, coconut oil fried onions / garlic + cod & pint of milk followed by slices of pineapple)

Armpit - 97.8
Oral - 98.6 :D
Pulse: 74 BPM

Ok what are peoples thoughts on some ice cream before bed to see if it holds me through the night, I get T3 into the cells and wake up with some more steroid hormones having been produced?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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