mimi's log


Sep 9, 2013
hey there!

I wanted to start my own little log and thought it makes sense to put my intro at the beginning of this thread…

won't be up-dating on a daily basis, but I do plan to chime in every now & then to tell you how it goes for me!


mimi said:
So, I've been hanging around in Peat-web for a while, reading stuff here and there and incorporating some of Peat's ideas into my daily life. Right now I am not where I wanna be (and not sure where I wanna go exactly), but here I am anyway. :)

On to the questions:
– What's your age? 24

– How did you find the forum? Not that hard to find, if one is interested in all things Peat. ;)

– How did you find Ray Peat's work? Actually, it was during a time when I was searching for info on coffee… then I saw that he was promoting coconut oil and I thought that he must be super cool. I also saw that ice cream and fruit were promoted, but I was in a low carb phase (after a fruitarian phase) so that I soon forgot about his homepage and only read a few articles.

– How long have you been Peating? I don't know if what I am doing can be called "peating", I am just trying out new things in order to hopefully find something that works for me. I usually eat a carrot a day, get in some coconut oil, daily coffee with milk and sugar, usually potatoes as a carb/protein source, and some soy-free chocolate, as well as good quality cheeses, and I added in more salt; plus, I am trying to eat more gelatin, but that's pretty hard for me personally on an emotional level; however, I have already succeeded in preparing beef bone broth the other day (after 2 years of thinking that I should try it), so I am making progress (I guess); I really don't like meat much nor fish. I do like eggs, but I have a feeling that I am coming to an end of my egg phase as well (after quitting veganism I sometimes had 5-8 eggs in a day, haha – but now I am getting increasingly bored by eggs; and getting soy-free ones is not that easy where I live either). Plus, I am not a big fan of pasteurized OJ and I am too lazy to make fresh OJ myself; good fruit is hard to find as well… Oh, and actually, I don't really like ice cream (anymore), I did as a kid, though.

– What is your favorite part about Peating? ehhh… coffee = vitamin (I am a university student, so having my coffee is an integral part of my existence…)

– What is the worst part? Don't really enjoy drinking milk, hate the taste of pure gelatin, not that fond of fruit anymore after a long fruitarian phase, got used to eating low sugar, I don't like the idea that starch is more fattening, I have no access to thyroid medication nor pregnenolone/progesterone. I also hate oysters (at least I think so, never had them). Oh, and of course there is the factor, that this is potentially a new set of diet dogma invading my head.

– What are your health issues? Well. I am very likely hypothyroid and clearly have an estrogen problem. I have some very stubborn acne (not much, but since eating sugar again, it's there, especially in my chin area), but in general I have dry skin, dry and brittle hair, feel fatigued, depressed, don't have the best digestion (but no gas or anything, it just could be better), my sleep could be much better (I always have nightmares, but usually sleep through the night and wake up exhausted), my body temperature is usually really low, can't remember the last time my feet were really warm for longer than just a few minutes, sometimes I have edema, brain fog, no interest in life, really. God*dess, that sounds horrible. :mrgreen: I don't feel that bad though, I had harder times in my life already!! :D

Thanks for this place! :)


Sep 9, 2013
So, I guess it's time for a post ;)

Things I'm working on at the moment:
– upping my protein intake: I like making fruity, creamy smoothies with "topfen" (or "quark") – I use the low fat variety which has basically no fat whatsoever, it's basically just pure dairy protein (as in cheese) bus without being aged and/or full of fat! plus, I did order a box of collagen hydrolysate (Great Lakes) yesterday and intend to blend a tablespoon or two into my fruit smoothies here and there… :)
– upping my fruit intake: I get that bananas aren't optimal, but they are cheap and tasty – plus, they make the perfect addition to fruit smoothies in order to get a yummy creamy texture. ;) I also like adding fruit juices that are made from concentrate (I'm really digging the OJ/mango/passionfruit blend right now); I do get in some fresh strained OJ, but I don't feel my best because my stomach usually feels weird after drinking it;
– I'd like to keep white sugar intake low, I do add some teaspoons to my morning coffee, though…
– I'm adding coconut oil to everything now. Well, almost! I add it into my morning coffee, along with sugar and milk and froth it up with my fancy frother!
– I'll keep eating starch: really well cooked & peeled potatoes plus white rice; plus some buckwheat and oats here and there; I feel good with potatoes and rice, I usually add lots of coconut oil!
– I love curries made with coconut milk. :D
– I made beef bone broth not too long ago. It was a first. We'll see how that goes in the future… tasted good! (Surprisingly so.)
– Try cutting down the raw cheese I've been eating; with all the carbs I'm getting in it might be too much fat! I love all melty cheese on top of my oven-fried potatoes (coconut oil ftw!)…
– I also really enjoy simple fruit veggie / root veggie stir fries with coconut oil and white rice!!

I've recently ordered:

– pregnenolone
– progest-e
– collagen hydrolysate
– tooth soap

Will be happy to report back soon-ish.

Oh, and:
– something nasty: I got acne/eczema on my face :( :( dunno why! this new development sucks.
– I think I did gain weight eating tons of soy-free milk chocolate.
– I was also really stressed at the time, and depressed, and I'm still not fully over that phase; my guess is that winter is having an effect on me, finally… :/
– I'm using an infra-red lamp now. I love the warmth.
– I miss sunshine.
– I'm thinking about getting a thyroid supp.
– I need to get into a more grateful spot again, all I'm doing lately is complain, complain, complain.
– I almost set my kitchen on fire yesterday.

See ya!
– Mimi


Sep 9, 2013
I got my pregnenolone and progest-e!!! I'm super excited!!!!

I took 50mg of pregnenolone yesterday evening. Then 50mg today in the morning and another 50mg in the afternoon. Then I went to pick up my progest-e and do some shopping; when I came back home I put 6 drops of the progest-e onto my gums/lips/eczema around my mouth/nose and I felt an INSTANT relief; also I started to smile and my brain seems to "open up", it feels weird but really GOOD. wow. I guess my bod totally needs this stuff!! My eyes seem more "open". Awesome experience.

I noticed that after my third dose of pregnenolone my edema got much better. My body was holding on to too much water in the past couple of days; I'm happy that I didn't gain that much fat, ha! =)

YES. pregnenonolone + progest-e => first impression: big win!


Feb 22, 2014
mimi said:
I got my pregnenolone and progest-e!!! I'm super excited!!!!

I took 50mg of pregnenolone yesterday evening. Then 50mg today in the morning and another 50mg in the afternoon. Then I went to pick up my progest-e and do some shopping; when I came back home I put 6 drops of the progest-e onto my gums/lips/eczema around my mouth/nose and I felt an INSTANT relief; also I started to smile and my brain seems to "open up", it feels weird but really GOOD. wow. I guess my bod totally needs this stuff!! My eyes seem more "open". Awesome experience.

I noticed that after my third dose of pregnenolone my edema got much better. My body was holding on to too much water in the past couple of days; I'm happy that I didn't gain that much fat, ha! =)

YES. pregnenonolone + progest-e => first impression: big win!

Hi Mimi,

Just read your post about eczema. How is that going? Did you figure out what might have caused it?


Sep 9, 2013
The eczema is still there. So, no, I don't know what the cause is, but my guess is hypothyroidism.

Last summer, everything started getting better: my mood, my skin, my fitness level. By Christmas I was super fit and my skin was okay etc. Felt amazing. I did my best to follow the basic "Peat" guidelines and felt great. Fast forward to January this year: Developed major issues, especially depression, more eczema in my face, have a hard time getting up in the mornings etc. In February my body temp got really, really low. And I didn't really change much. I had some kamut bread and some spelt – so maybe the ingestion of gluten threw me off track big time. I don't know for sure. My digestion suffered a lot and hasn't gone back to fully normal since then. Bummer. :(

Well, I'm doing my best as always.
Pregnenolone and Progest-e are not the magic pills I hoped them to be either. I think my thyroid has a really hard time functioning properly at the moment. Patience is not my exactly something I'm famous for. ;)
So, maybe I really should try a thyroid supp soon.

I'm basically following Ari Whitten's really, really simple and not too restrictive guidelines he outlined in his book about fat loss. http://www.ariwhitten.com/about-ari/
That means: Some sort of animal protein source combined with some fruit and veggie. I am not restricting veggies if I feel like eating them. (Depending on what kind of veggies I intend to eat, I cook them thoroughly.)

That's another thing: I gained unwanted weight from January till well, now. I don't step onto scales anymore. Well, I try to avoid them. I do feel however, that I'm much more bloated these days, maybe also more muscular (I'm doing bodyweight exercises and some HIIT here and there when I don't feel too fatigued). I think this could be a side effect of consuming refined sugar. I'm totally over demonizing sugar, but I think that consuming much more white sugar than I was used to caused my body to store lots of fat. I don't think it was the sugar itself, it was probably more because I was eating too many calories in total during that period of time. I didn't enjoy eating the pure sugar (with coffee, milk etc.) either, I prefer whole foods and honestly, I'm doing better with starch (combined with saturated fat) than with white sugar (with protein/coffee etc.).
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