My Log And My Goal To Raise Body T And Bpm



Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Anyone here reading this...

Do you think that the nutrition value of cooked apple is the same as of raw?
When I count calories and eat an apple sauce that I make from, let's say 3 apples, I use calorie count for 3 raw apples without skin...

Would cooking change anything?


Sep 5, 2015
My first log ever.

naninani said:
post 107930 I will report, of course. Maybe post some before/after photo if my shy moment goes away

Yeah, you should :) I have always believed the mirror tells a greater story than the weight when evaluating workout results.. Not that appearance is everything of course but still fun to observe progress :ugeek:

naninani said:
post 107930 And it is okay with gut? No problem if they are cooked?

Yep no problem what so ever! Am going to try it with pears as well as you suggested!

I dont know for sure about the nutritional difference between raw and cooked apples but I imagine the calories would be the same. Maybe some of the heat sensitive vitamins are lost. I suppose others here have a definite answer :)
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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

tara said:
post 107795

I can't tell from that link how much progesterone is in the cream.

Hey, I checked and it says that their Cream contains 450 milligrams (mg) of USP Progesterone per ounce, or 20 mg per 1/4 teaspoon.
One dosage is 1 teaspoon.
Progesterone comes from Mexican Wild Yam and is converted into pure progesterone.

tara said:
post 107795

Also, forum member Haidut recently started selling a progesterone product.

Yes I ordered one.
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Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

I think I don't have enough Zinc in my diet. I don't eat oysters.
Time to time I get pimples on my face and that time I put a mask from brevery yeast on. That really helps. I thought I am deficient in B vitamins but that would be strange since I eat a lot B complex food sources.
But what I didn't know was that yeast also contains Zinc and that one helps with acne.
So here we go again, another apple that fell down on my head :D

BUT I also noticed that pimples are here also when I consume more gelatin (1 tbs everyday consider too much :| ).
I am using Now Foods, Beef Gelatin. I am guessing - or is it too much for me or maybe the brand isn't right for me. Haven't tried with Great Lakes before.

I am also guessing that potatoes constipate me a little and that drinking more milk (more Ca) makes me leaner.
If I drink like a litre of raw/past. milk in short time (60 minute) I get some gut issues that goes away after couple of hourse. If I drink only a cup nothing happens.
But if I put aside that digestion issues I notice leaner body. I am pretty sure that is from Ca. I drink low fat milk, 1.5 % mf.


Sep 16, 2015
My first log ever.

Nighteyes said:
I dont know for sure about the nutritional difference between raw and cooked apples but I imagine the calories would be the same. Maybe some of the heat sensitive vitamins are lost. I suppose others here have a definite answer :)

I think the same. Thanks for sharing :)
I checked because I log food to get some feeling how much I eat/need...


Sep 16, 2015
Seeking for a balance... Acne problem:

1. I tried drinking more milk. I liked it. I felt better, I lost a little weight. Little. I think because of bettr ratio Ca: P

2. So I went fully on milk.

3. Acne arised. I read here that too much Ca needs more Zn.

4. I don't eat oysters neither supplement Zn.

5. I found out that Zn can be find in yeast. I was making facial masks from yeast and I think my skin is getting better! I also drink less milk.

Voila. Moderation is the key :oops:


Sep 16, 2015
Big news for me.
I finally upped my heart beat.
While sitting and reading it is steadily 50-55. Usually it was around 40.
During sleeping time (7 hours) an average was every time while monitoring 35 and last two night it was 45. Hooray.

I eat more. Eat a lot if I see the calories but somehow it feels natural and feels good to eat so much.
I lowered fats and upped the carbs.

My biggest issues at the moment are acnes/pimples.
I am thinking about removing dairy for a while but then I have to increase the starches or fats (instead of diary I would eat more eggs...)

I am very sad because of my skin. I had very clear skin but lately things are going wrong :( I though facial mask from yeast are helpful but I was wrong.

James IV

I think you're headed in the right direction. For Hormone optimization, calories are key, especially coming from a background of restriction. I cant find the study at the moment, but it showed that men with poor hormone balance from restriction, did not make significant improvements, regardless of macronutrients, until they got their calories up around 4000. Which was double what they had been eating. I see no reason this would be any different for women. I think you are smart to lower your fiber intake (carrots,etc) and slowly increase your calories. Maybe 100kcal per week. If bodyfat starts to rise, drop back to the previous week's calories, and hold until it goes back to baseline, then begin increasing again. Repeat until you are consuming as many calories as you can without raising bodyfat levels. You should see improvements in hormone profiles after keeping your calories at max for a few weeks.

Ance can be tricky. Any changes in homeostasis can result in short term imbalances in hormones. So if you are consuming more calories, and/or dropping bodyfat, you may experience imbalance symptoms, like acne, until things regulate. Be weary of any drastic changes,
Like removing whole food groups, because the acne may be a sign of things moving in the right direction.


Sep 16, 2015
Thanks, James for your comment.

Regarding the calories I believe what you say. It is funny how I used to handle it on 1800 and felt full if ate for 2000.
Novadays I am not completely full with 2000. I need to go to 2300 or sth :)
Otherwise I never restricted calories so much. Never went to 1500 or lower. Even in my low carb times I was hitting 1700-2000.

I alreday lowered fibres from carrots. I eat only one,two carrots a day lately. I eat many apples but I peel them and cook them. Works fine.

About acne:
I though that maybe I was deficient in vitamin A.
I don't eat liver.
Last time I bought calf's liver to prepare myself a dinner but I really couldn't eat that :| I see myself as a good cook but with making liver I just suck :D I didn't like the taste neither the structure of meat. My dog got a portion of vitamin A.

If I lower dairy then I also lower vitamin A intake :/

I supplement vitamin K2+D and Magnesium. I have Calcium too but I wasn't taking it since I have drank more milk. But if I cut on dairy, again, I have a "vitamin problem".

It is just so complicated. One thing related to another etc...


Sep 16, 2015
I think I am improving my metabolism.
Eating constantly above 2200-2500 kcal.
Whole January I didn't go to the gym, practically I didn't gain any weight, fat...

What I noticed today was that I went back to fitness (after a whole month of no excercise) and I didn't have to pee before neither after my session (60 min).
Usually I needed to use a toilet before and after training. And I don't drink like a crazy during training. Usually only 2-3 dcl of water.

Anyways.. :) I was glad about that today but still need to work on my metabolism.

My TSH went up, T4 down and T3 up.


Sep 16, 2015
I found one year old log from monitoring my heart rate during a whole night sleeping.
It was measured in Feb 2015.
I was totally low carb back then.

Today, one year later (Peaty 7 motnhs) results are awesome.
Still low :D But hey, I am getting better.

Proud of myself :)
If you check the graphs - upper one is newer one.

Note: one year ago I was connected via satellite and that's why there is distance measured. Yesterday I was disconnected via satellite.


  • improvement.jpg
    68.1 KB · Views: 78


Sep 16, 2015
Thank you!!
This is some optimistic thing for sure :)
Comparing this with numbers from a year ago there is a big step forward. But looking the averages for last three months, things are quite stable now.

I think that with raising my BMR other things have come upon and still need time to resolve them.
My TSH was above 4 last time I checked. I got at least one symptom more: falling out hair. Not much but still.

I ordered vitamin A today.
Cronometer showed a lack of it. And I don't eat liver :/


Aug 14, 2015
Cool, and there's nothing wrong with optimism! Are you still supplementing calcium? I can never decide whether I should or not..I don't at any dairy, but none of my vegan friends supplement and they've never had deficiencies but with compromised thyroid function it's probably important...

Anyway good luck with the vitamin a!


Sep 11, 2013
Wow, you indeed have/had very similar heart rate as me.

Going down as low as 30 while sleeping. Interesting to see another such a case!


Sep 16, 2015
Me too Kasper!

The three musketeers :D

I again started supplementing calcium. Maybe two weeks ago.


My supplements:
- vitamin E, 400/800 IU daily
- teaspoon Brewers Yeast daily
- Mg Chelate 400 mg daily
- Vitamin K2+D3 (Thorne) - 3x week
- Calcium in form of a calcium carbonate, 500 mg - not every day
- 10 - 20 g gelatin daily
- 3-4 cups of coffee, Turkish coffee daily, it is a must

- I also had taurine for about 10 days but I think it doesn't make me good.

I am also trying incorporate drinking milk. As a protein and calcium source. But I am avoiding full fat milk. I can get fat free milk but it is UHT and homogenized. I am in doubts if this is even okay.

I eat Greek yogurt on a daily base, bananas, cooked apples, kiwis, honey, brown sugar, oranges (most of the time I eat them not squeeze :oops:), low fat cocoa powder, lean beef, shrimps, eggplants, mushrooms (champignons), carrot, coconut oil, white potatoes, winter squash, corn aka 'polenta', oats, white rice, using cinnamon, oregano, thymine. Haribo gummies time to time :D

At the moment I don't eat: eggs, butter, cheese, liver, avoiding poultry, raw veggies...

And as I said in some other thread I am aiming for 2500 kcal every day, 100 g proteins, <30 g fats, ~ 400- 500 g carbs.

I feel better.
I smile much more.

My sleeping still isn't optimal. It is hard for me to fall asleep. And usually I wake up in the early morning (cortisol probably).
My skin is getting better. No new acne but the healing is slow and I am quite pale at the moment.
My nails, hair grow fast as usual. But hair is falling out a little bit. Nothing too seriuos, I am taking this as a warning sing.
My hands and feet are cold. Except in the morning when I wake up (cortisol again).
Hypoglycemia is still here. Some days are good, I still need to find out the pattern that helps. I think if I eat starchy food in the morning then things are worse. I think I do better with fructose + protein in the first part of the day. Starches for the other part.

I go to the gym twice a week. Nothing too serious. It is okay.

I didn't gain any extra fat since Peating.
I sill have sth like 61-62 kg.
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Mar 29, 2014
I can get fat free milk but it is UHT and homogenized. I am in doubts if this is even okay.
Peat usually recommend drinking whichever milk your gut is happy with. For some that's UHT, some regular pasteurised, some raw.


Sep 16, 2015
Peat usually recommend drinking whichever milk your gut is happy with. For some that's UHT, some regular pasteurised, some raw.

I am not sure if UHT milk is necessarily homogenized too.

I am having doubts about homogenized milk because milk is changed, processed on the molecular level of milk. :confused:
  • Homogenization is the process of breaking up the fat globules in cream to such a small size that they remain suspended evenly in the milk rather than separating out and floating to the surface.
  • In UHT pasteurization, the temperature of the milk is raised to about 285 degrees F (141 degrees C) for one or two seconds, sterilizing the milk.
I am asking myself if I want to lower homogenization effect on health, is it better to have fat free milk (has much less/no fat molecules)?
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