My Journey To Optimal Health


Jan 18, 2020
Protein is the most satisfying of all the macronutrients. Carbs are the 2nd most satisfying, and fat is the 3rd most. In other words, your hunger is satiated quicker with more protein. This is because every inch of you is proteins linked together. Protein is the raw material that is needed for everything. You are never going to rejuvenate and repair if your protein intake is just scraping bare minimum. You can read pages upon pages about the roles of amino acids in the human body. Peat has said the most common cause(keyword cause, not complication) of hypothyroidism or underfunctioning of thyroid is protein deficiency. We have a thyroid/metabolic slowdown epidemic that is getting worse and worse that was never before seen in our history as a species. Why now?

  • Appearance of PUFA oils, whose consumption in the average diet is getting higher and higher.
  • Very poor diets in general, filled with piss poor grains and junk food, 100% accessible high sugar/carb/fat, low nutrient foods aka high calorie malnutrition
  • We have the worst protein consumption in history probably ever save for famines and times of scarcity.
This is not just protein quantity, but quality. Most people probably never eat at least 80g a day, the average male should have minimum 120g of protein if not very close(sex, height, and weight obviously apply). And high quality protein, aka flesh, seafood, eggs, dairy.

Animal flesh has been the center of the human diet for god knows how long. If we are to think about what a human would eat, the calories of natural living humans(hunter gatherers) were in large part or almost exclusively from meat and animal products. That's just facts, no amount of BS modern day reasoning can change this.

We evolved on calorie dense, high protein eating. Calorie dense meaning saturated animal fat was often the main source of energy as carbs were not so easily available. Of course, humans want sugar because it a preferred energy source for the brain and CNS and active muscles(muscles use fat at rest) but humans have adaptations to when carbs are scarce(not arguing in favor of low carb, just making a point). Carnivore dieters end up eating 200g+ protein a day almost always(not necessary btw, just follow along). The reason is the protein is converting into sugars as well as providing material. Humans were getting sugars from their protein intake if necessary. In other words, protein intake was always more than enough, so protein deficiency never existed in humans unless you didnt eat(bad hunter). Keep in mind I am not saying to eat only protein to satisfy glucose requirements, as just eating sufficient carbs is less stressful to the body.

Our body has mechanisms for when glucose in the blood is low, it will maintain it. When fat intake is low, it can make its own fat from carbs/amino acids or eat its body stores. When protein intake is insufficient, metabolism slows down to slow the use of protein for repair and maintenance.

We can maintain blood sugar levels from ketones and protein, and we have lbs of fat for energy if necessary, but we cannot synthesize protein in anywhere near the amounts we need daily internally. You would quickly start catabolizing and your thyroid would grind metabolism to a halt. Super high carb intake(and even increased fat intake) increases protein metabolism(by increasing thyroid) and can shut down the thyroid quicker because amino acids are being used too fast.

Eating lots of sugar without also having lots of protein is like putting a full tank of gas in a car without a pedal. It will not get you anywhere. Its only now in the modern age where we have humans eating abnormally high amounts of energy in the form of sugar and fat but are subsufficient in protein on a consistent daily basis. Sugar provides the energy, protein is the necessary part to actually heal anything.

If you don't agree with the appeal to nature argument, the science also proves the importance of amino acids. You can read seemingly endless amounts of information about the importance of amino acids(as a whole, and individual AAs) in every facet of human health.
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