Beginning My Journey To Halt Early Baldness, Fix Metabolism, And Live With HIV


Mar 29, 2014


Nov 9, 2015
How lovely, I weighed in this morning at 161.8! haven't seen a number like that since 2015 :)

Since I love to keep adding new variables to the equation, this week I have renewed my commitment to utilizing my planet fitness membership perk of full body red light therapy (and a dabble of UV-B afterward for vitamin D). Between the fact that it's winter and I'm indoors 95% of the time, I bet my body has been starved for light. I did 12 minutes (the max allowed) each on Monday, Wed, and today. I'll do it again Sunday before I go to the airport for my Alaska visit.

I also ended up drinking one or two 10 oz cups of coffee each day at the office this week. No jitters or stressful reaction, felt pretty good I think. I feel much more productive this week than I have been for a while.


Feb 2, 2016
Hi Platinum and Forum Community,

I have been lurking for a few weeks but felt compelled to join after reading your Log.
I am male, 60 years old, HIV+ for 18 months. I am married, my wife is negative, I live in the UK. We do not practice protective sex, never have.
When I walked into hospital my CD4 was 39, my viral load 400,000.
I had PCP (pneumonia) and CMV retinitis (eye virus). The doctors saved me.

I'm on HAART my current readings are CD4 350 ish and undetectable viral load. My CD4's have been 450 ish
I would suggest however that you do not place high importance on CD4 and Viral Load readings. They are not true indicators of your immune health.
ie. Viral Load is not the number of HIV virus' you have in your blood per ml. CD4 inhabit many other areas than just blood.

There's plenty of reading out there with regards HIV and AIDS. If you don't follow the government line you're labelled a denialist.
There are many many people who are uncomfortable with the official version of HIV and AIDS.
Scientist's funding and laboratories have been destroyed for not towing the line ie. Peter Duesberg a viroligist.

I would suggest you look at the argument "your meds are looking after you fine, we'll just keep a check on you 4 times a year." with caution.

Your meds do not differentiate in the way they act. ie. protease inhibitors (if you're on them, I am) mess with all your protease not just that in HIV.
The same thing happens with the other classes of HAART.

If you want to scare yourself do research on 1200mg of AZT the first treatment. ( Freddie Mercury, Rudolf Nureyev)
Perhaps best you don't.

I definitely have immune issues but the issue is what are they?

There's lots of variation of treatment out there. Most take what they are told to, some of us don't, lots don't take any medication at all, some folks have drug holidays, structured breaks.
As mentioned previous Aspirin can turn you HIV negative in gram quantities.

I intend to add occasional bits of information to challenge the orthodox view.

I wish you stay well. I'm sure you will with the good help on here


Have a look here. It's 2 hours long.

You'll notice one or two pro orthodox view scientists getting a little hot under the collar and not answering the questions.
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Feb 8, 2013
Please see last Fridays episode of Bill Maher, repeating tonite at 7:00 pm on channel 504.

He interviews Doctor who claims cure and is treating C. Sheen.

I would try to clip it for you but am computer challenged, perhaps others can help.

Good Luck!


Nov 9, 2015
Hey Everyone,

I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm not usually very active in forums, I'm just busy like that. But I'm checking in to update.

My weight held steady around 160 for a couple months. in the last 2 weeks, there's been a slow decline. Weighed in around 158.3 lbs 4/23/16 and 4/28/16. 157.7 lbs on 5/1/16. I charted my weight measurements, which made it obvious to me that my 10 lb weight gain from 12/23/15 through January was directly caused by the HIV medicine, no doubt about it.

I noticed the Life Extension blood test sale so I decided to finally buy the tests I need to really get answers (blood draw 4/24/16). I'd really love to have some of you provide some input on interpreting these results. I ordered the Male Elite Panel, plus Prolaction, PTH, & Leptin.

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Some ones that stuck out to me:
Iron was low, not sure what I expected but with all these months of OJ and Milk I suppose my intake has been low.
Total Testosterone is still on the low side but 100 ng/dL higher than last time.
TSH dropped to 0.012 compared to 2.7 in December. No surprise, I'm still taking Thiroyd (back down to 1 grain daily now)
Prolactin dropped from 12 to 7.7, much better.
Estradiol is high
Reverse T3 is low
Vitamin D is 87.4, years of supplementing added up.
C-Reactive Protein was sky high, holy crap. Does infection raise it? I was actually sick all week, I had a sore throat later that day and for several days, followed by a few days of runny nose and congestion. Even right now I'm still congested.
T3 was high, but I've backed down on the NDT dose since the testing day.
PTH is low-ish

I'm curious about people's thought on the full set of results. If @haidut has any input I would love to hear from you too.

Out of the all the idealabs supplements, the ones I am most interested in trying first are oxidal, mitolipin, and pansterone, especially after seeing my hormones. I could possibly order some or all of those this month.
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Apr 21, 2013
Hey Everyone,

I know I haven't posted in a while. I'm not usually very active in forums, I'm just busy like that. But I'm checking in to update.

My weight held steady around 160 for a couple months. in the last 2 weeks, there's been a slow decline. Weighed in around 158.3 lbs 4/23/16 and 4/28/16. 157.7 lbs on 5/1/16. I charted my weight measurements, which made it obvious to me that my 10 lb weight gain from 12/13/15 through January was directly caused by the HIV medicine, no doubt about it.

I noticed the Life Extension blood test sale so I decided to finally buy the tests I need to really get answers (blood draw 4/24/16). I'd really love to have some of you provide some input on interpreting these results. I ordered the Male Elite Panel, plus Prolaction, PTH, & Leptin.

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Some ones that stuck out to me:
Iron was low, not sure what I expected but with all these months of OJ and Milk I suppose my intake has been low.
Total Testosterone is still on the low side but 100 ng/dL higher than last time.
TSH dropped to 0.012 compared to 2.7 in December. No surprise, I'm still taking Thiroyd (back down to 1 grain daily now)
Prolactin dropped from 12 to 7.7, much better.
Estradiol is high
Reverse T3 is low
Vitamin D is 87.4, years of supplementing added up.
C-Reactive Protein was sky high, holy crap. Does infection raise it? I was actually sick all week, I had a sore throat later that day and for several days, followed by a few days of runny nose and congestion. Even right now I'm still congested.
T3 was high, but I've backed down on the NDT dose since the testing day.
PTD is low-ish

I'm curious about people's thought on the full set of results. If @haidut has any input I would love to hear from you too.

Out of the all the idealabs supplements, the ones I am most interested in trying first are oxidal, mitolipin, and pansterone, especially after seeing my hormones. I could possibly order some or all of those this month.

Also interested to know @haidut 's view of a fairly normal looking prolactin yet extremely high estradiol. Are there cases where prolactin doesn't serve as a good surrogate marker for overall estrogen metabolism? Is say, hyperthyroidism one of them?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Also interested to know @haidut 's view of a fairly normal looking prolactin yet extremely high estradiol. Are there cases where prolactin doesn't serve as a good surrogate marker for overall estrogen metabolism? Is say, hyperthyroidism one of them?

High plasma estrogen does not correlate well with tissue, in fact it is usually the exact opposite. I would also measure estrone sulfate (E1S), which serves as the true measure of estrogenic reserves in the body, while prolactin is a measure of estrogenic activity (and serotonergic reserves).


Nov 9, 2015
High plasma estrogen does not correlate well with tissue, in fact it is usually the exact opposite. I would also measure estrone sulfate (E1S), which serves as the true measure of estrogenic reserves in the body, while prolactin is a measure of estrogenic activity (and serotonergic reserves).

Hi @haidut

I'm searching around for the E1S test online. I'm finding it easy to find E1 but not so much for E1S. While I continue looking, do you know of any providers that offer it?

Also, since they are both markers of inflammation I was wondering if you have thoughts on possible causes of CRP and homocysteine elevation.


Oct 5, 2014
High plasma estrogen does not correlate well with tissue, in fact it is usually the exact opposite. I would also measure estrone sulfate (E1S), which serves as the true measure of estrogenic reserves in the body, while prolactin is a measure of estrogenic activity (and serotonergic reserves).
Haidut, which prolactine test is ok ? Just a single measure of it in the serum in the morning ?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Hi @haidut

I'm searching around for the E1S test online. I'm finding it easy to find E1 but not so much for E1S. While I continue looking, do you know of any providers that offer it?

Also, since they are both markers of inflammation I was wondering if you have thoughts on possible causes of CRP and homocysteine elevation.

Both LabCorp and Quest have it, but it has to be requested by the doctor. I don't think it can be ordered through independent testing providers like DirectLabs.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut, which prolactine test is ok ? Just a single measure of it in the serum in the morning ?

Yes, once a day would be fine but it if it is elevated it may help to repeat in a few days to see if it was an acute elevation or not. If it is chronically elevated, you'd probably have other symptoms like gynecomastia and/or poor libido.


Oct 5, 2014
Yes, once a day would be fine but it if it is elevated it may help to repeat in a few days to see if it was an acute elevation or not. If it is chronically elevated, you'd probably have other symptoms like gynecomastia and/or poor libido.


Nov 9, 2015
I haven't posted in while so I'm dropping in to update and express some of my recent thoughts...

I feel like I'm making no progress.

On one hand, I've been lifting weights since March. Slowly but surely, I have improved strength over time. According to a tape measure, my biceps are bigger. And my most recent weigh in was 164 lbs. First, this means I've lost pretty much no weight since the beginning of the year, yet I may have a slightly better body composition.

But, as I looked in the mirror five seconds ago, my belly is as big as ever. In fact, I think my abdomen is even bigger now than it was in January. I don't if that's because I just ate looks better in the morning but still, it sticks out. Classic cortisol belly. So much for a "Ray Peat diet" being anti-stress...I find myself sucking my stomach in all day just to hide it. There's no way that I'm anywhere near healthy right now.

I really feel lost right now. I've been pondered if I need more anti-stress supplements. I'm thinking about progesterone and that new 11-keto DHT that haidut has, maybe some theanine. I've seen the recent threads about uridine/glucunoridation and wonder if I should buy uridine or calcium d-glucarate supplements. I'm desperate for solutions and yet nothing seems to be working yet. I need ideas, anything that maybe I am overlooking that I could try..


Dec 4, 2014
I haven't posted in while so I'm dropping in to update and express some of my recent thoughts...

I feel like I'm making no progress.

On one hand, I've been lifting weights since March. Slowly but surely, I have improved strength over time. According to a tape measure, my biceps are bigger. And my most recent weigh in was 164 lbs. First, this means I've lost pretty much no weight since the beginning of the year, yet I may have a slightly better body composition.

But, as I looked in the mirror five seconds ago, my belly is as big as ever. In fact, I think my abdomen is even bigger now than it was in January. I don't if that's because I just ate looks better in the morning but still, it sticks out. Classic cortisol belly. So much for a "Ray Peat diet" being anti-stress...I find myself sucking my stomach in all day just to hide it. There's no way that I'm anywhere near healthy right now.

I really feel lost right now. I've been pondered if I need more anti-stress supplements. I'm thinking about progesterone and that new 11-keto DHT that haidut has, maybe some theanine. I've seen the recent threads about uridine/glucunoridation and wonder if I should buy uridine or calcium d-glucarate supplements. I'm desperate for solutions and yet nothing seems to be working yet. I need ideas, anything that maybe I am overlooking that I could try..

I think a basic experiment you could do, is raise daily b1 to 1 gram. IMO it will work very well with the aspirin.

Stop worrying about k1. Reduce d3 and b3 by at least half as well, you are taking too much of these for too long IMO.

Do this for a week. Report back. I bet you'll feel better.


Nov 9, 2015
I think a basic experiment you could do, is raise daily b1 to 1 gram. IMO it will work very well with the aspirin.

Stop worrying about k1. Reduce d3 and b3 by at least half as well, you are taking too much of these for too long IMO.

Do this for a week. Report back. I bet you'll feel better.

Thanks, when I get home from Houston this week I can experiment on dose changes. Fortunately I already lowered D3 because my blood test came back high. Out of curiosity, what kind of problem do you think the high amounts of Niacinimide could have been causing?

I think yesterday I just was in a low mood after a long tiring day. I feel good most days, I'm just not happy with my body's appearance. I may have been bloated or full of gas from something I ate at the hotel, causing my stomach to be distended. Of course, I still have plenty of subcutaneous fat around my abdomen but I look better now than I did 8 months ago (in the morning especially, before I eat). More muscle + same weight = lower body fat %. I think I just wished the process was faster, it would take 3 years of consistent, quality effort to reach my body's muscular potential.

The reason I'm curious about supplementing to support my glucuronidation process is not only to better remove estrogen but also to help my liver handle the HIV medicine. Remember that I immediately gained 10 lbs within a few weeks of starting those pills. It's conceivable that because my body has to detox that substance that other substances like estrogen and rt3 are lingering in my body in higher amounts. Does that make sense or am I misunderstanding the biology of all this?


Dec 4, 2014
Thanks, when I get home from Houston this week I can experiment on dose changes. Fortunately I already lowered D3 because my blood test came back high. Out of curiosity, what kind of problem do you think the high amounts of Niacinimide could have been causing?

I think yesterday I just was in a low mood after a long tiring day. I feel good most days, I'm just not happy with my body's appearance. I may have been bloated or full of gas from something I ate at the hotel, causing my stomach to be distended. Of course, I still have plenty of subcutaneous fat around my abdomen but I look better now than I did 8 months ago (in the morning especially, before I eat). More muscle + same weight = lower body fat %. I think I just wished the process was faster, it would take 3 years of consistent, quality effort to reach my body's muscular potential.

The reason I'm curious about supplementing to support my glucuronidation process is not only to better remove estrogen but also to help my liver handle the HIV medicine. Remember that I immediately gained 10 lbs within a few weeks of starting those pills. It's conceivable that because my body has to detox that substance that other substances like estrogen and rt3 are lingering in my body in higher amounts. Does that make sense or am I misunderstanding the biology of all this?

What i know is limited.

Too much B3 eventually raises liver enzymes. But everyone is different and has a different threshold of tolerance before this happens. You have to be conservative.

Not sure about glucuronidation. For removal of estrogen, I would experiment with Haiduts vitamin E product. Or look into Siberian Ginseng or one of those. There's a million answers to this issue, you just need to experiment with a conservative and pragmatic attitude.

In general, I would also be monitoring liver enzymes regularly to ensure aspirin isn't having a bad effect.

In terms of your body shape, learn to suck it up. It doesn't matter. When you feel better about your health, you will feel a better sense of well-being, and as a result, you won't be preoccupied with superficial issues like stomach fat.

Then, when you feel better, you could try T3 which can supposedly shift fat with relative ease.


Nov 9, 2015
What i know is limited.

Too much B3 eventually raises liver enzymes. But everyone is different and has a different threshold of tolerance before this happens. You have to be conservative.

Not sure about glucuronidation. For removal of estrogen, I would experiment with Haiduts vitamin E product. Or look into Siberian Ginseng or one of those. There's a million answers to this issue, you just need to experiment with a conservative and pragmatic attitude.

In general, I would also be monitoring liver enzymes regularly to ensure aspirin isn't having a bad effect.

In terms of your body shape, learn to suck it up. It doesn't matter. When you feel better about your health, you will feel a better sense of well-being, and as a result, you won't be preoccupied with superficial issues like stomach fat.

Then, when you feel better, you could try T3 which can supposedly shift fat with relative ease.

Today marks 3 weeks since lowering niacinamide (from 5 capsules daily to 2 capsules, aka 3250mg down to 1,300mg) and raising B1 from 3 caps to 9 caps (300mg to 900mg).

Results: I feel the same. No better or worse. Most days are very good of course, I've had better mental energy, focus, and mood for many months, with occasional down days if stressed. I've been quite satisfied with my personal productivity all summer, and have been making great progress on some personal projects.

Weight gain continued some more these 3 weeeks, weighed in at 167.9 lbs today and last saturday, which hasn't that high since January after I began the anti-retroviral meds.

All that said, I don't intend to increase the niacinamide again, the current dose should be fine. I may bring the B1 down to 6 caps to make the supply last longer until I can buy some proper 300mg capsules.

I ordered Theanine and Lysine from bulksupplements this week. One side effect of my busy travel schedule is consistent low level stress which I expect theanine to help. I also ordered Progestene and 11keto-DHT because I want to experiment with those. I do believe my liver is too busy detoxing the HAART meds that estrogen detox goes on the back burner. Why not simply reduce my production of estrogen instead? I look forward to seeing what happens. I will be at home the next 3 weeks, so I will have much more control over my diet and will be able to do lots of walking at the treadmill desk.

Oh, and one more thing. Based on playing around in cron-o-meter, I realize because of the inconsistency of what I can eat during travel (hotel food, airplane food, etc), and despite my efforts to drink lots of milk, I still fall short of 100g protein every day. Rather than buy food on the road, whey protein will be more cost effective, so I bought some whey from MyProtein for an amazing price. I will take 1-2 scoops per day.
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