Peagan Diet (Vegan Peat Inspired Diet Log)


Sep 19, 2016
Been a lurker for the past few months doing ones best to become well versed in peat talk and topics, and have decided to give back in the form of personal trial and error. This isn't the first time trying this diet, but it seems to work when done correctly. As for what is correct, that will be established and refined over time.

A diet high in sugar, moderate to low starch, moderate fiber, medium-low protein, with moderate fat consumption (80%SFA/20%MUFA). Essentially a 70-80/10/10-20 so ratio of carb to protein to fat. Low in iron (but still sufficient to maintain levels), yet high in other vitamins and minerals, with a near ratio of 2:1 calcium to phosphate, and supplemented with sugared/salted coconut milk coffee and aspirin in the morning.

A few concerns:
Drinking coffee and sugar and its effect on the teeth. Hopefully coconut milk fat with ameliorate that, but only time will tell.
Digestion: Currently sticking to no fermented things, but am currently set on gut bacteria on a good diet as being helpful for the most part.
Stomach lining: Aspirin is a controversial topic; it seems to be something that the body builds up to in time and in the long run is beneficial. As for the amount; sticking to about a gram daily should suffice.

Hopefully this experiment can provide some interesting awnsers and solutions to issues others might have on the forum.

Thank you to all contributing to the forum,
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Sep 19, 2016
Starting off on Day 14:
The experience so far has been unique. The first few days being on the diet led to a great amount of energy, but has toned down as of now.
So far, a fast, good schedule seems to be:
Wake a and drink 2 cups coffee with half can of coconut milk and cup of sugar
800 cal. and a cup of juice 100 and a banana or two 100 cal each

At lunch drink a protein shake at around 80g of pea protein with juice, chased with more juice.
400 cal possibly a salad too.

At dinner eat a salad, stir fry and sugared juice for 1000 cal. Maybe a few bananas 300-500 cal

This whole change has really brought about new questions concerning the importance of exogenous cholesterol and its importance, or lack thereof in its ability to increase and maintain high testosterone levels.

Making gluten free pancakes in advance can help if more calories need to be taken in. Just freeze em and take em out when needed.
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Apr 9, 2015
Starting off on Day 14:
The experience so far has been unique. The first few days being on the diet led to a great amount of energy, but has toned down as of now.
So far, a fast, good schedule seems to be:
Wake a and drink 2 cups coffee with half can of coconut milk and cup of sugar
800 cal. and a cup of juice 100 and a banana or two 100 cal each

At lunch drink a protein shake at around 80g of pea protein with juice, chased with more juice.
400 cal possibly a salad too.

At dinner eat a salad, stir fry and sugared juice for 1000 cal. Maybe a few bananas 300-500 cal

This whole change has really brought about new questions concerning the importance of exogenous cholesterol and its importance, or lack thereof in its ability to increase and maintain high testosterone levels.

Making gluten free pancakes in advance can help if more calories need to be taken in. Just freeze em and take em out when needed.
Brought about change where you think cholesterol isn't as important or it is?


Jan 22, 2013
just off the top of my head I'm thinking protein sources, you might have to go to brewers yeast pea or rice protein or something like that which I don't know if are good but probably have offenses to them or you have to choose/utilize wisely. Theres ways to get calcium, but none seeminly as pure as milk. Its a noble approach and wish the best, I haven't actually tested enough to know for sure because generally theres a sense of offense to trying things and or time cooking prepping cleaning that it doesn't seem worth it to even try (ive cooked many hundred vegan meals in my time, used to be one, and am very aware of starches and many things, but since ive become more knowledgable and detailed in nutrition, I haven't gone back and tested it all form new perspective(s)). I know beans, gluten grains, even corn masa, potatoes, mushrooms are adequate protein sources but usually either offend the gut, lack minerals or vitamins (in case grains), or have some other 'annoying' factor. You could cover calcium and protein with vegetables like most other similar animals do (all but carnivores) but then like them, you might end up needing to eat a lot and go to the bathroom frequently which can be a burden in todays society depending on your life situation (healthy? maybe, or actually not totally, theres also pufas' that can add up in greens). Theres a few adequate protein fruits which also usually are calcium positive, maybe not aqequate, or are just under positive but don't seem to trigger parathyroid or stress likely due to magnesium aiding in the binding of phosphorus, and or the fact they contain fructose which can inhibit phosphorus intake in the gut. It would be a learning experience that might take a minute to regulate if I was to try such a diet, and I'm sure anyone else. When I was a vegan it was great but also had lot of 'challenges' and more than can count GI distress days, yet it all was worth the learning and feeling through and still has value in todays growth via the reference experiences. IM not sure but pretty sure coconut oil can be, or even more so likely the flakes/milk or unrefined 'oil' can be something to be aware of as a potential offender of the GI and therein the system even potentially, yet id have to see for sure. Coffee is good as long as you get nutrients and don't get excess 'free' fluid (rather than having protein/carb substance to it). With beans, if cooked very well and as they are cooking you continuously skim off the 'foam' that rises to the top, they can be relatively 'easy' on the gut comparatively to many things or unskimmed beans, yet the 3 hours + they might take to cook (unless ground or split) seems to outweight their potential benefit a lot of times, though they can be nutritious if are called upon as sources for things. Id start with fruit and light veg like lettuce, find some good 'spices' that aren't actually too spicy to add nutrients calcium and things, potassium or whatever, molasses can be a great tool but not to be over used though again id have to test to be sure with it, potatoes are a good all around 'fall back' as they are aqequate protein and have nearly every vitamin and mineral even the more rare trace ones like iodine, boron, chromium, ect, but lack vitamin A and selenium a bit yet only being those 2 its pretty near complete, yet they can be gassy and or eventually add a kind of excessively 'mellow' or 'low' vibe, let alone what ive read about nightshade toxins which can accumulate, though I'm not sure on that. Like wise, tomatoes are adequate, even abundant protein in ratio (to carb content) and provide nearly every vitamin and mineral in a good amount, including some of the more rare trace minerals, but again the nightshade thing, and they can have pectin which can give gas, and really I'm not sure lycopene is a good thing, in fact I'm pretty certain its similar to a pufa in the sense its an 'oil' or oil soluble substance that has to be removed via glucuronidation or liver sulfate in the bile because it cant just be put into the urine easily as water soluble substances are. I think it creates leakiness where it accumulates which happens to seem to be the prostate area. When I stopped eating red palm oil (a great nutritious food, but on lycopene grounds alone I stopped using it), after a day or so, and for nearly 10 days, id pass stool usually extra than normal each day, clearly having fat soluble (floating, hint foamy indicating liver sulfatic soap detoxing fat soluble) substances, that had the exact red lycopene pigment to it, and mimicked the kind of 'detox' that happened albeit to a lesser extent, less intense, and for much less time, that happened when I stopped eating pufa rich foods or pufas nearly all together nearly a year and half ago. Anyways wish well, learn as you go, get specific and progress, and see how it realistically or truly turns out, I'm not sure how it would at this point, pretty sure it could work with some effort but might be GI flow out of synch with 'society', 'burdensome' to time or otherwise, and or just be more bloaty gassy though doesn't have to be. Shaolin monks are apparently vegan and have been a while, though milk or eggs aren't totally out to some, but rice, bean sprouts, minor veg with maybe some seaweed, is the bulk of their diet (maybe miso soup or tofu also at times, been a while since I saw the video and haven't researched recently to quote more accurately). Theres kichari which indian people aspiring spiritually or for convalesced people, mothers, children, ect have lived on for long periods of time as the dominant part of the diet, and a go to when other things weren't/aren't working, is a good reference for something that can work apparently, which is rice, mung dal (split 'refined', 'polished' mung beans), spices and ghee but you could just not use ghee potentially thought it is providing some vitamin A. You could maybe make a complete diet out of rice beans some veg (including root) some fruit and some 'spices' or 'additions' yet its the GI that id think might not love it but again it can maybe be done. Peat cautions against starch due to the 'persorption' phenomenon, where starch granules get absorbed whole before theyre broken into sugar, into the bloodstream and can plug capillaries and choke off nutrition, but when I read the study it says that this doesn't occur from boiled starches, only from those cooked with dry heat. Boiling is good also because you don't get acrylamide. Baking might be fine as long as you don't burn the thing


just off the top of my head I'm thinking protein sources, you might have to go to brewers yeast pea or rice protein or something like that which I don't know if are good but probably have offenses to them or you have to choose/utilize wisely. Theres ways to get calcium, but none seeminly as pure as milk. Its a noble approach and wish the best, I haven't actually tested enough to know for sure because generally theres a sense of offense to trying things and or time cooking prepping cleaning that it doesn't seem worth it to even try (ive cooked many hundred vegan meals in my time, used to be one, and am very aware of starches and many things, but since ive become more knowledgable and detailed in nutrition, I haven't gone back and tested it all form new perspective(s)). I know beans, gluten grains, even corn masa, potatoes, mushrooms are adequate protein sources but usually either offend the gut, lack minerals or vitamins (in case grains), or have some other 'annoying' factor. You could cover calcium and protein with vegetables like most other similar animals do (all but carnivores) but then like them, you might end up needing to eat a lot and go to the bathroom frequently which can be a burden in todays society depending on your life situation (healthy? maybe, or actually not totally, theres also pufas' that can add up in greens). Theres a few adequate protein fruits which also usually are calcium positive, maybe not aqequate, or are just under positive but don't seem to trigger parathyroid or stress likely due to magnesium aiding in the binding of phosphorus, and or the fact they contain fructose which can inhibit phosphorus intake in the gut. It would be a learning experience that might take a minute to regulate if I was to try such a diet, and I'm sure anyone else. When I was a vegan it was great but also had lot of 'challenges' and more than can count GI distress days, yet it all was worth the learning and feeling through and still has value in todays growth via the reference experiences. IM not sure but pretty sure coconut oil can be, or even more so likely the flakes/milk or unrefined 'oil' can be something to be aware of as a potential offender of the GI and therein the system even potentially, yet id have to see for sure. Coffee is good as long as you get nutrients and don't get excess 'free' fluid (rather than having protein/carb substance to it). With beans, if cooked very well and as they are cooking you continuously skim off the 'foam' that rises to the top, they can be relatively 'easy' on the gut comparatively to many things or unskimmed beans, yet the 3 hours + they might take to cook (unless ground or split) seems to outweight their potential benefit a lot of times, though they can be nutritious if are called upon as sources for things. Id start with fruit and light veg like lettuce, find some good 'spices' that aren't actually too spicy to add nutrients calcium and things, potassium or whatever, molasses can be a great tool but not to be over used though again id have to test to be sure with it, potatoes are a good all around 'fall back' as they are aqequate protein and have nearly every vitamin and mineral even the more rare trace ones like iodine, boron, chromium, ect, but lack vitamin A and selenium a bit yet only being those 2 its pretty near complete, yet they can be gassy and or eventually add a kind of excessively 'mellow' or 'low' vibe, let alone what ive read about nightshade toxins which can accumulate, though I'm not sure on that. Like wise, tomatoes are adequate, even abundant protein in ratio (to carb content) and provide nearly every vitamin and mineral in a good amount, including some of the more rare trace minerals, but again the nightshade thing, and they can have pectin which can give gas, and really I'm not sure lycopene is a good thing, in fact I'm pretty certain its similar to a pufa in the sense its an 'oil' or oil soluble substance that has to be removed via glucuronidation or liver sulfate in the bile because it cant just be put into the urine easily as water soluble substances are. I think it creates leakiness where it accumulates which happens to seem to be the prostate area. When I stopped eating red palm oil (a great nutritious food, but on lycopene grounds alone I stopped using it), after a day or so, and for nearly 10 days, id pass stool usually extra than normal each day, clearly having fat soluble (floating, hint foamy indicating liver sulfatic soap detoxing fat soluble) substances, that had the exact red lycopene pigment to it, and mimicked the kind of 'detox' that happened albeit to a lesser extent, less intense, and for much less time, that happened when I stopped eating pufa rich foods or pufas nearly all together nearly a year and half ago. Anyways wish well, learn as you go, get specific and progress, and see how it realistically or truly turns out, I'm not sure how it would at this point, pretty sure it could work with some effort but might be GI flow out of synch with 'society', 'burdensome' to time or otherwise, and or just be more bloaty gassy though doesn't have to be. Shaolin monks are apparently vegan and have been a while, though milk or eggs aren't totally out to some, but rice, bean sprouts, minor veg with maybe some seaweed, is the bulk of their diet (maybe miso soup or tofu also at times, been a while since I saw the video and haven't researched recently to quote more accurately). Theres kichari which indian people aspiring spiritually or for convalesced people, mothers, children, ect have lived on for long periods of time as the dominant part of the diet, and a go to when other things weren't/aren't working, is a good reference for something that can work apparently, which is rice, mung dal (split 'refined', 'polished' mung beans), spices and ghee but you could just not use ghee potentially thought it is providing some vitamin A. You could maybe make a complete diet out of rice beans some veg (including root) some fruit and some 'spices' or 'additions' yet its the GI that id think might not love it but again it can maybe be done. Peat cautions against starch due to the 'persorption' phenomenon, where starch granules get absorbed whole before theyre broken into sugar, into the bloodstream and can plug capillaries and choke off nutrition, but when I read the study it says that this doesn't occur from boiled starches, only from those cooked with dry heat. Boiling is good also because you don't get acrylamide. Baking might be fine as long as you don't burn the thing
This is a post worth rereading.


Sep 19, 2016

There's a lot of different problems that can arise most definitely, especially since a lot of major vegan sources of food have PUFAS, or other nutrients that negatively effect absorption, or harm the body directly. All of your points have merit.

So far, protein via pea protein is easy to obtain, and as for getting each vitamin, and mineral, there's a quite powerful, cheap-ish one sold at autismcoach. Can't post links, but will as soon as it's approved by moderators.

It seems to be the best multivitamin of it's kind, only downfall being the vitamin e derived from soy. The understanding so far, however, is that no soy phytoestrogens are leaked into the product, but never the less it's still a part that can be hard to accept.

Except for liquid sources of nutrition such as juice, and coffee, a general consensus reached is that a lot of the foods withfoods with deleterious effects on the body can be prepared in special manners as to avoid the negatives. Beans for example, always have caused gastrointestinal distraught, except when done in a manner of soaking over one day, or sprouting, and having the water drained, and then cooking and straining the next day.

*Although it's a pain for most due to time, if done correctly, one only has to take 10-5 minutes out of morning and night time to change out the water. Perhaps after going through the whole process, freezing the beans would allow someone to just take out the pre-prepared beans and then cook with a dish after defrosting. Chickpeas seems to be the only bean with pufa seen at the local stores, but most others look to be devoid of any fat.

Mushrooms are pretty awesome but can be expensive at times (live in Hawaii). Whenever eaten, they are boiled as Ray peat says (gives them better texture to work with anyway), and then cooked.

*For the most part, boiling, then possibly freezing for later, as well as sprouting are the main ways to go in removing negative factors from most food sources before cooking them in coconut oil and a little olive oil.
Unless it's a leafy vegetable with calcium or vitamin a that can leach into the broth, the water can just be tossed.

One fun way of getting the most out of sweet potatoes after cooking them is to use the boiled water in a baking recipie. It turns the end prouduct the color of the water, and when used with a personal sorghum, white rice, and psyllium husk mix, it makes some kick ****, cakey brownies, and they taste just as good fresh as they do out of the freezer. Some friends said that they couldn't believe they were vegan, and proceeded to eat even more on the notion that they were "healthy" and actually tasted good.

Protein needs:
Most vegan foods provide enough protein, but still it's better to err on the side of caution at the moment. Aiming for around 80g protein to 100.


More info on cholesterol question from first post:
After going through a nutrition class, and multiple posts on the subject, a clear awnser hasn't been completely reached yet, but the general consensus appears to be that androgens can be increased in a linear manner, with no negatives appearing from a lack of dietary cholesterol so long as other factors such as protein, fats, and calories are available for the body to use for lipoproteins, which shuttle cholesterol around the bloodstream. ***

Coconut oil, and other saturated fats, and monounsaturated fats increase androgens, and lower cortisol in a linear manner (also increasing "bad cholesterol"), but since a vegan diet has sufficient fiber lowering estrogen, and other factors which reduce the risk of impaired endothelial function, or atleast clean the damage up effectively after eating damaging foods, then it seems like a plausible idea that androgens can continually increase without harm to the body.

In some studies read so far, exogenous cholesterol is esterified (made into a useless form), and body produced cholesterol is also reduced. The result then must be lowered androgens, but that'll have to be looked into since the opposite is what people have purported to be true as of late.

The next few factors to look into regard SHBG. Not well educated in this area, but exercise looks to release testosterone from their bonds depending on the new stressor. As for "free" testosterone vs non "free".. There doesn't seem to be much of a problem at the moment although vegan men have higher SHBG due to very high fiber intake... Which doesn't necessarily follow the ideal diet of moderate fine attempted to be followed at this time, but still. Food for thought.

Also: The coconut milk used isn't ideal, but with coffee, the soapy shits are avoided. ;)

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Sep 19, 2016
Calcium source! Still looking for a convenient calcium source.
Perhaps taking another vitamin would be good for this as to reduce time spent eating more vegetables.

Eat to thrive, supplement to survive.

Sounds unhealthlty, but unless you constantly track what you're doing and keep everything simple, you might be deficient in something anyways. Might as well keep the insurance.

It's still said that multivitamins are a bad idea, but for the most part it's just due to non bioavailable nutrients or harmful forms of a vitamin.

Today's Diet:

2 cups coffee, 1 cup sugar, half can coconut milk x 2
1800 cal

2 bananas and orange juice
500 cal

Pea protein shake chased with juice and multivitamin
80g protein
600 cal.

Salad with juice
200 cal

As for lifts, everything has been improving still. One unique issue at hand faced last time too is the lack of energy. It's unique though. Not an exhaustion, but the ability to be very relaxed all the time.. Must be the increase in testosterone. This is also accompanied by a feeling of lightness in the heart and chest, and deeper breathing... And more sweat. Smells good though apparently. Maybe the lightness has to do with iron being lower. Might raise it to see if there's a difference.

Maybe a post of before and after physical specs are in order as well.

May 21, 2015
Would be fun to try #raypeatvegan. The whole grains+nuts vegan diet was horrible.
I tried eating vegan with peat principles for a weekend few weeks back and already felt better than ever on a "basic" vegan diet. :^)
Maybe not motivated enough at the moment but it's an interesting idea.


Sep 19, 2016
It's definitely something people should cycle in their life until someone figures out how to finally do it properly.

Some questions generated for thought through a peat way of thinking:

Intelligence is correlated with metabolic efficiency. The faster the turnover of cells, and renewal of such, the more the body is primed so to speak.

Perhaps animal protein is the limiting factor when it comes to intelligence in a positive manner.
We are like gorillas... But in reverse. Aimed towards intelligence. Gorillas eat all day for strength. Humans eat a little daily to advance in ones skills set. One could eat an efficient diet all day and not gain weight... But instead. Intelligence.

Think about this.

As more healthy food is eaten, the metabolism is made more efficient, and thus more calories and vitamins and minerals are needed to sustain oneself, and thus intelligence increases at the expense of... Having to eat more nutrient dense, and calorically dense foods, as well as the amount of time spent eating.

The Ray Peat Diet is based on increasing mitochondria health to promote longevity based on the fact of faster bodily repair and thus less stress on the body. It's a positive feedback loop, WITH limiting factors of animal protein. This keeps the body from overreaching and increasing thyroid function too far. You end up stuck with a faster metabolism, but not to the point of detriment, and maintaining atleast a little cortisol and a little estrogen to get one by, damaging only the weakest of cells, and then instantly being replaced.

But when it comes to a vegan diet, unless unhealthy vegan choices are made, then the body will continue to become more efficient, and thus require more at the expense of ones body as seen on most vegans faces and bodily structure. Weak cells are not broken down, but built upon as they slowly shrink. It's a chasing of the proverbial dragon.

But. If too many negative choices are made. Such as eating soy daily... Then all the benefits just go down the toilet.

A hypothesis that crossed the mind is this:
One can maintain a perfect diet by constantly eating in this manner, and eventually reach a breaking point (Happens a lot already) Or. One can set their own breaking point through the addition of animal protein as to avoid metabolic overreaching and detriment to ones health, and wallet.

The addition of more calcium and a little bit more of iron will determine if this diet is sustainable personally.

****This could lead to the argument that just the combination of coffee, coconut milk and sucrose in and of itself can be used for cutting on top of ones everyday diet. Bulk. Every. Day.

As time reaches past 5:00, you stop drinking and start eating anything you want.

One cup coffee, one half can coconut milk, one cup sugar
900 cal. = 500 cal due to increased metabolism

Drink 4 a day... 2000 cal
Eat dinner with normal metabolic rate at 1000 cal due to empty stomach high in protein.
Snack whenever you want with your coffee. 3500 cal daily.
Like raw till 5 but peaty. Indirectly, you eat less polyunsaturated fats, and if you did, it'd be burned out and replaced with coconut fat, or sugar created fats.
You indirectly cut down on meal times, and the waist line...

Such a minor thing with so much benefit. Just need a fat **** jug to hold all of it.

Even if it is just an extra step away from bulletproof coffee. Each nutrient covers the negatives of the other. The only question is insulin, and whether or not a little protein needs to be added into the mix to prevent catabolism... Pea protein in low amounts... 20g a scoop.. 4 servings.. no shitty taste. Body only absorbs 20g at a time supposedly... 80-100 servings needed daily.
Still prefer without the texture without protein though. Iron is then half absorbed though.. So 50% daily recommendation.. Maybe that's ok.

This period of time can be used to cleanse out the weak cells with no protein added... Like intermittent fasting, but based on higher metabolism and coconut ketones, Not ketosis directly. Then all the protein can be taken in at the end of the day. Feast.

People already do bulletproof coffee. This Peagan coffee just adds sugar.
You can keep what you normally eat, and it drops your iron, chelates heavy metals, gets rid of fat, raises androgens, reduces negative gut bacteria, with coffee decreasing the negative effects coconut milk have on endothelial function, and sugar preventing ketosis, and reduces anxiety cause by coffee, teeth stain reduced by coconut fat.

The name of the thread might just change if this turns out to be a better answer.

A lot to digest.

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Jul 14, 2016
I have been eating about 20 dates per day, one liter of coffee, one entire mature coconut, two pineapples, and a pound of leaves. I stopped eating cheese. Cheese makes me smell awful.

I would stop using refined sugar. You might need to find better coffee if you like to add sugar. I recommend freshly roasted and freshly ground coffee in a French press. Anything pre-ground is not going to be good at all.

Good coffee requires nothing.


May 3, 2015
It's not very 'Peaty' if you don't include milk, eggs, oysters and pastured lamb liver.

Also, a cup of sugar devoid of the minerals found in fruit may cause blood, liver and metabolic issues.

Weston Price searched the world a century ago for people with a traditional vegan diet. He didn't find any.

Raw vegans eating fruit and green leaves look ok in their 20's and 30's but can they keep it up...? Can they reproduce?


May 3, 2015
I have been eating about 20 dates per day, one liter of coffee, one entire mature coconut, two pineapples, and a pound of leaves.

Hi Travis, I found that a third of a fresh pineapple a day began to eat holes in my tongue. Do you eat cooked/canned pineapple to avoid the enzyme bromelain?


Jul 14, 2016
Oh god, not a vegan-basher here. I will just post one quote from Wikipedia:
The dietary intake of Okinawans compared to other Japanese circa 1950 shows that Okinawans consumed: fewer total calories (1785 vs. 2068), less polyunsaturated fat (4.8% of calories vs. 8%), less rice (154g vs. 328g), significantly less wheat, barley and other grains (38g vs. 153g), less sugars (3g vs. 8g), more legumes (71g vs. 55g), significantly less fish (15g vs. 62g), significantly less meat and poultry (3g vs. 11g), less eggs (1g vs. 7g), less dairy (<1g vs. 8g), much more sweet potatoes (849g vs. 66g), less other potatoes (2g vs. 47g), less fruit (<1g vs. 44g), and no pickled vegetables (0g vs. 42g). [4] In short, the Okinawans circa 1950 ate sweet potatoes for 849 grams of the 1262 grams of food that they consumed, which constituted 69% of their total calories.

What does this mean? The longest lived people do not consume much animal products. The fabled Hunzas didn't either, but they are apocryphal.

Rich. You need to buy the yellow ones. The unripe ones are too acicdic. Look on the tag for Costa Rican provinance. The Hawaiian ones are the worst.


Sep 19, 2016
After some personal observation, the morning coffee shake is going to change to
Iodine salt, 1-2 cup coffee to quarter of a can coconut milk to 1 cup sugar+ 30g pea protein = 1109 cal. x2-3
5 cups coffee is the sweet spot for benefits, while more than a can of coconut milk impairs blood flow, and induces a very annoying gag reflex. Maybe fiber would ameliorate the digestion issues too, but for now this is fine. Might even be able to add more sugar if necessary.

still looking for a good calcium source. Iron is good enough even if it's half absorbed due to coffee. Probably getting around 50% RDA atm.

Just reminding that this isn't supposed to be a traditional vegan or peat diet. It's an effective, nutrient, and calorically dense lifestyle without the drawbacks of taking up huge amounts of time to eat prep, cleanup, and so on. The whole point is to ride the edge of the wave to get the best of both worlds.

Life fast die old.



Sep 19, 2016
Currently, the iodine infused salt is used just cause its the main salt in the house at the moment; gonna start using regular salt once this can is done with.

After some careful observation, and tracking, doing the coffee shake in the morning, hands and body temp are up, where as feet are cold. Only recently has the shake been causing bad headaches and tiredness.. never had this with just sugar and coffee.
Maybe adding in a fiber source will help, unless its due to adrenaline release via sugar.

Feeling a lot better with this high carb, low protein, low, only saturated and mono fat diet though.

Not gonna use canned anything ever again.
After looking into it more, BPA free cans tend to use titanium dioxide instead which is also toxic for you.
So BPA, or titanium dioxide cans, metabisulfite, and possibly more.

Just gonna get rid of the remaining coconut milk cans.. maybe just use coconut oil in the shake instead in small amounts. Just need something in there to bind to the tannins so teeth dont discolor.

If anyone has a suggestion, feel free to add. Might buy a tooth soap bar as other forum members have.
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Mar 10, 2016
I eat vegan sometimes to keep costs low, just remembering mushrooms for the taurine and vitamin D that counteract the pesticides and thyroid-inhibitors sprayed on produce. Potatoes are great for protein. I may have posted in this thread already.
It's hard not to treat myself with condensed milk, though.


Apr 9, 2015
I eat vegan sometimes to keep costs low, just remembering mushrooms for the taurine and vitamin D that counteract the pesticides and thyroid-inhibitors sprayed on produce. Potatoes are great for protein. I may have posted in this thread already.
It's hard not to treat myself with condensed milk, though.
You saying that mushrooms are good or bad in this context? I'm sorry I just can't make it out. I agree. Potatoes are excellent


Jul 8, 2016
You saying that mushrooms are good or bad in this context? I'm sorry I just can't make it out. I agree. Potatoes are excellent

Sounds like they are saying mushrooms are good and a good source of taurine, but they take vitamin D to mitigate any negatives (of which there are negatives to every food if you want to find them.)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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