Peagan Diet (Vegan Peat Inspired Diet Log)


Apr 9, 2015
Sounds like they are saying mushrooms are good and a good source of taurine, but they take vitamin D to mitigate any negatives (of which there are negatives to every food if you want to find them.)
So you need to take vitamin D with mushrooms?


May 3, 2015
If mushrooms are grown on factory shelves in the dark they may not have any vitamin D.

However it was discovered that if you give them a single high dose of ultraviolet radiation on their way to the shops then they will generate vitamin D, so some farmers do this.

If you grow your own then put them outside during the day to get some free vitamin D!


May 3, 2015
Just reminding that this isn't supposed to be a traditional vegan or peat diet. It's an effective, nutrient, and calorically dense lifestyle without the drawbacks of taking up huge amounts of time to eat prep, cleanup, and so on. The whole point is to ride the edge of the wave to get the best of both worlds.

The Recommended Daily Intakes may not have been worked out based on a diet of 5 cups of processed crystallized sucrose a day!

Eg. You may need much more than the 100% DV of potassium suggested on cron-o-meter.

Some deficiencies can take years to become apparent, but with your diet it may appear sooner!

Let us know if you discover a new disease from your experiment!

Then again, it could be healthier than the standard diet they give lab rats!


Jul 14, 2016
I think that he should cut the sugar. These are empty calories. If you were to eat dates with s your coffee, you would then be getting fiber, minerals, vitamins, ect.

Even honey has trace minerals, and is much better in coffee than sugar. All of the minerals in sugar cane is found in molasses, and the sugar crystals have nil.

Good coffee needs no sugar. I am drinking some right now.


Mar 29, 2014
Just gonna get rid of the remaining coconut milk cans.. maybe just use coconut oil in the shake instead in small amounts. Just need something in there to bind to the tannins so teeth dont discolor.
Coconut butter/creamed coconut can be got in glass jars, keeps quite well, and can be converted back into something like coconut milk by mixing well with water.


Jul 14, 2016
BPA is fat soluble. I remember reading a study where the highest concentrations were found in condensed milk. The study did not include coconut milk, but it might be higher yet. I can't think of a better food solvent for BPA than coconut milk.


Sep 19, 2016
After cutting out the coconut milk for a few days, sleeps been restorative again, and headaches are gone. Didnt realize it, but turmeric is extremely helpful against BPA. Gotta love that stuff aside from the dht lowering effects.

Diet so far has changed:

300mg caffiene/600theanine with sugared coffee @ 300mg, and a small amount of coconut oil.
650 Cal

For lunch, usually a sugared, salted juice or two of some sort; 500 cal-1000cal maybe a redbull or two at 100-200cal

For dinner, two banana pea protein shakes at 500cal each, and pufa free, pre soaked and washed lentil/bean/potato/carrot and celery slow cooked in coconut oil, and a salad on the side if still hungry.
1000 cal

Before Bed, sugared, salted juice at around 500 cal

Gluten free pancakes, and dates for emergency snacks.

Originally morning temps were around 95.5 before peat, but are now at 97.4 on average, and after eating are at 98-99.

For the most part, caffiene tolerance has been increasing, and anxiety has dropped. The amount of sugar needed to combat the negatives can be dropped.

Strength in most areas have increased, and in others plateaued.

Weight is currently 160 now at 5'11.5, and putting in 7-8 hours of sleep on average with 2 hours or less spent on food consumption and prep total.

Currently using dark leafy greens for calcium, and lentils for copper to complete all the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals in their correct ratios.

Other than that.. Feeling AWESOME!

Planning on working up to 1g caffiene a day for now to help improve liver function, and ability to store glycogen effectively.
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Apr 9, 2015
After cutting out the coconut milk for a few days, sleeps been restorative again, and headaches are gone. Didnt realize it, but turmeric is extremely helpful against BPA. Gotta love that stuff aside from the dht lowering effects.

Diet so far has changed:

300mg caffiene/600theanine with sugared coffee @ 300mg, and a small amount of coconut oil.
650 Cal

For lunch, usually a sugared, salted juice or two of some sort; 500 cal-1000cal maybe a redbull or two at 100-200cal

For dinner, two banana pea protein shakes at 500cal each, and pufa free, pre soaked and washed lentil/bean/potato/carrot and celery slow cooked in coconut oil, and a salad on the side if still hungry.
1000 cal

Before Bed, sugared, salted juice at around 500 cal

Gluten free pancakes, and dates for emergency snacks.

Originally morning temps were around 95.5 before peat, but are now at 97.4 on average, and after eating are at 98-99.

For the most part, caffiene tolerance has been increasing, and anxiety has dropped. The amount of sugar needed to combat the negatives can be dropped.

Strength in most areas have increased, and in others plateaued.

Weight is currently 160 now at 5'11.5, and putting in 7-8 hours of sleep on average with 2 hours or less spent on food consumption and prep total.

Currently using dark leafy greens for calcium, and lentils for copper to complete all the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals in their correct ratios.

Other than that.. Feeling AWESOME!

Planning on working up to 1g caffiene a day for now to help improve liver function, and ability to store glycogen effectively.
I am thinking of starting a diet similar to this. I will eat things such as liver though and Oysters from time to time as they are too nutritious not to.


Apr 9, 2015
After cutting out the coconut milk for a few days, sleeps been restorative again, and headaches are gone. Didnt realize it, but turmeric is extremely helpful against BPA. Gotta love that stuff aside from the dht lowering effects.

Diet so far has changed:

300mg caffiene/600theanine with sugared coffee @ 300mg, and a small amount of coconut oil.
650 Cal

For lunch, usually a sugared, salted juice or two of some sort; 500 cal-1000cal maybe a redbull or two at 100-200cal

For dinner, two banana pea protein shakes at 500cal each, and pufa free, pre soaked and washed lentil/bean/potato/carrot and celery slow cooked in coconut oil, and a salad on the side if still hungry.
1000 cal

Before Bed, sugared, salted juice at around 500 cal

Gluten free pancakes, and dates for emergency snacks.

Originally morning temps were around 95.5 before peat, but are now at 97.4 on average, and after eating are at 98-99.

For the most part, caffiene tolerance has been increasing, and anxiety has dropped. The amount of sugar needed to combat the negatives can be dropped.

Strength in most areas have increased, and in others plateaued.

Weight is currently 160 now at 5'11.5, and putting in 7-8 hours of sleep on average with 2 hours or less spent on food consumption and prep total.

Currently using dark leafy greens for calcium, and lentils for copper to complete all the daily requirements for vitamins and minerals in their correct ratios.

Other than that.. Feeling AWESOME!

Planning on working up to 1g caffiene a day for now to help improve liver function, and ability to store glycogen effectively.
You are not eating any white rice?


Sep 19, 2016
White rice is okay, but personally have been leaning towards fully cooked gluten free starches such as potatoes.

After getting this far, and having cold extremities, energency sugared milk, and some gelatin mixed in gatorade came to the rescue.

if Fat is higher than 15-20%, even if it is all coconut oil, it MUST be followed by exercise. MUST, otherwise cold extremities are imminent. There doesnt seem to be a way around it personally.

As for overall status... been lazy the past few days diet. Slept well for 7, and wakeup response is much stronger. Much harder to go back to sleep. (Used to sleep up to 12 hours at a time sometimes).

Been peeing a lot due to the primarily liquid form of this diet. A pain, but its ok.

Meeting all micro and macros; focus is just on moving all the foods around to make it stable.

Peat advocates pretty much a frugivore diet low in fiber, with some liver, gelatin, and some milk.

Other than the advice of pairing well cooked starches with fructose drinks, and the coconut oil theres not much else.

Getting in some methylene blue soon.

Gonna attempt to solidify the diet and aim for a 73/12/15 ratio if not lower fat and higher sugar.

Didnt feel sick after adding in the animal products abruptly. Didnt really help as well as thought. Kind of have a dull headache.



Apr 9, 2015
White rice is okay, but personally have been leaning towards fully cooked gluten free starches such as potatoes.

After getting this far, and having cold extremities, energency sugared milk, and some gelatin mixed in gatorade came to the rescue.

if Fat is higher than 15-20%, even if it is all coconut oil, it MUST be followed by exercise. MUST, otherwise cold extremities are imminent. There doesnt seem to be a way around it personally.

As for overall status... been lazy the past few days diet. Slept well for 7, and wakeup response is much stronger. Much harder to go back to sleep. (Used to sleep up to 12 hours at a time sometimes).

Been peeing a lot due to the primarily liquid form of this diet. A pain, but its ok.

Meeting all micro and macros; focus is just on moving all the foods around to make it stable.

Peat advocates pretty much a frugivore diet low in fiber, with some liver, gelatin, and some milk.

Other than the advice of pairing well cooked starches with fructose drinks, and the coconut oil theres not much else.

Getting in some methylene blue soon.

Gonna attempt to solidify the diet and aim for a 73/12/15 ratio if not lower fat and higher sugar.

Didnt feel sick after adding in the animal products abruptly. Didnt really help as well as thought. Kind of have a dull headache.

White rice is okay, but personally have been leaning towards fully cooked gluten free starches such as potatoes.

After getting this far, and having cold extremities, energency sugared milk, and some gelatin mixed in gatorade came to the rescue.

if Fat is higher than 15-20%, even if it is all coconut oil, it MUST be followed by exercise. MUST, otherwise cold extremities are imminent. There doesnt seem to be a way around it personally.

As for overall status... been lazy the past few days diet. Slept well for 7, and wakeup response is much stronger. Much harder to go back to sleep. (Used to sleep up to 12 hours at a time sometimes).

Been peeing a lot due to the primarily liquid form of this diet. A pain, but its ok.

Meeting all micro and macros; focus is just on moving all the foods around to make it stable.

Peat advocates pretty much a frugivore diet low in fiber, with some liver, gelatin, and some milk.

Other than the advice of pairing well cooked starches with fructose drinks, and the coconut oil theres not much else.

Getting in some methylene blue soon.

Gonna attempt to solidify the diet and aim for a 73/12/15 ratio if not lower fat and higher sugar.

Didnt feel sick after adding in the animal products abruptly. Didnt really help as well as thought. Kind of have a dull headache.

white rice is gluten free and if you use something like jasmine or sushi rice it should digest a lot better than longer grain rices. I do agree I find potatoes to digest better and not to mention it has more micros.

So how low is fat in terms of grams?


Sep 19, 2016
To clarify: meant underground gluten free storage starches (Digestable or not) such as potatos, sweet potatoes, cassava, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots
Psyllium husk is cool too.
Anything to clear out bacteria and endo toxin really.

Aiming for 10-15% fat all saturated, with maybe a lil mono and no poly.

Rice is cool, but keep hearing stuff about arsenic.

Coffee helps chelate heavy metals, but still trying to stay "clean".


Apr 9, 2015
To clarify: meant underground gluten free storage starches (Digestable or not) such as potatos, sweet potatoes, cassava, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots
Psyllium husk is cool too.
Anything to clear out bacteria and endo toxin really.

Aiming for 10-15% fat all saturated, with maybe a lil mono and no poly.

Rice is cool, but keep hearing stuff about arsenic.

Coffee helps chelate heavy metals, but still trying to stay "clean".
So basically your saying underground roots and shoots with fiber rather to do those tasks rather than rice which does not have much fiber at all.

I'm interested in this, can't wait for the updates


Sep 19, 2016
Ray really isn't into fiber due to gut irritation, but I think he also had talked about not enough fiber being one of the reasons for gut issues with Americans needing laxatives as well. Fiber also increases the removal of estrogen from the blood so..

If it's an underground vegitable, for the most part no need to cook due to antimicrobial composition. If it's above ground, Boil and or in the very least Blanche to break down the fibers and release vitamins/minerals.

All starches should be boiled/ fully cooked to avoid damage to the brain, veins, and organs.

Also, when eating fiber with oil, I find my teeth don't have plaque on them; juice drunk all day or not for the most part.
Better than doing what was naturally done before by our ancestors. At least in terms of seeming civil to the average day to day person.


Sep 19, 2016
Everyone hop on the juice with me.
I prefer orange juice.

+ adding a little baking soda to any juice will give it a cream taste if you wanna change it up.
Orange so far is great.

gonna start mixing my own "powdered fruit concentrate"
Bioflavinoids, vitamins, minerals, aspirin crystals, salt, sugar, baking soda optional maybe a potassium source. Eat with fiber on the side and potassium source.


Sep 19, 2016
So far when protein intake was under 5%, strength dropped down, and was normal at 10%. Anything more than 10% hasnt made too much of a difference other than extra calories.

Just an fyi, the 5% was only obtainable from using refined foods. If you eat unrefined foods to fit your caloric needs, to get lower than 5 is near impossible.

Currently trying to figure out if polyunsaturated fats in fruit are good versus plants due to Peats avid promotion of eating sugar and orange juice.

Poly fats tend to be in the seeds and are not absorbed unless chewed it seems, but as for polyunsaturated fats in the flesh itself. Idk.


Sep 19, 2016
So far things have been decent. Temps are averaging higher lately.

After rethinking things for the most part, ive come to the conclusion that haiduts supplements are overkill when eating this way; especially for young guys.

Perfect doses so far have been
Pansterone: 2-4 drops
Androsterone: 1-2

Even methylene blue and caffiene are too much in terms of speeding up metabolism and heartrate; even light overdoses lead to lower temps.

But when not using anything but diet... everything is perfect with exception to sleep which is currently slighly messed up due to college life.

My current downfall of understanding for this diet is on nitrogen, keto acids, protein, and the lack of great vegan liquid protein sources.

So far it seems that a solid/liquid mix seems best for getting in calories fast. pea protein mixed in banana and then adding juice in without shaking much. (I Know it sounds weird. I did this before but mixed it fully and it was NASTY.) If you pound that, the pea protein goes down no problem.
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Sep 19, 2016
Just an update now that the little challenge is over.
Due to a poor schedule organizing, this diet has begun to take its toll on my concentration and although my temps are much higher, I'm going to move back to eating meat in small quantities again.

Much of it was interesting, but due to its restrictiveness and amount of time needed to be spent focusing on food and calories and everything, I've pretty much given up. Do I think it's sustainable? Yes. For me? Maybe in the future. Once more research on Keto acids come out, and or some sort of well rounded fruit concentrate comes to market then yes I'll attempt it once more, but for now as a college student it seems to be unsustainable.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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