Lack of Calcium cause of my bleeding?


Oct 4, 2018
I have been dealing with profuse bleeding issues for last 6 years (I'm female) and other than having a progesterone:estrogen ratio of 5:1, I think I'm very low in Calcium which is contributing to the problem. Also very low in Vitamin D. Whilst the hormones may be causing the inability to stop bleeding, I noticed my blood has become noticeably bright red and runs like water. My blood is very thin in consistency but according to my INR blood tests, I do not have a clotting issue. In desperation, I took high dose Vitamin K1 to try and stop the bleeding and it does clot some of my blood, while the rest stays watery. So i'm clotting but simultaneously not. Also causes lung and chest pain that eventually goes away.

Supplementing with Vitamin D has not been successful as high doses caused my lungs to feel heavy with major back spinal/muscle pain. When i take magnesium, I believe it brings on my bleeding. So the only thing that has been absent from my life for MANY YEARS is...Calcium. I am allergic to milk/casein products and due to low stomach acid, I think a trial of Calcium carbonate gave me acid reflux. Is the Calcium component missing to help thicken my blood? Is this why Vitamin K1 and magnesium doesn't help? Because they actually lower Calcium? I assume Calcium thickens blood hence heart attacks when too much calcium is in blood stream. On the flip side, I have seen mentioned here that calcium can cause blood thinning, so not sure what to believe.

I'm dealing with low progesterone and Hemophilia that I never had before a doctor detoxed my liver with glutathione. The non-stop bleeding is most likely from estrogen dominence BUT the bright red watery blood didn't happen till I first tried Activated Charcoal, then Colloidal silver, and lastly black seed oil. Those three depleted me of something. I have progesterone on the way but I am worried about the consistency of my bleeding. If taking progesterone was to potentially make my bleeding worse with the estrogen kickback, I need some insurance that my blood will stay within me by remaining thick enough and not rushing out of me. Hope someone knowledgeable can help me figure this out once and for all. How do I get Calcium in me quickly when I have so many averse reactions to different types of calcium??? A2 milk?? Thought I'd add my PTH blood test numbers if it helps. Doctor wouldn't test my calcium. thanks!

Parathyroid Hormone [PTH] Intact 4.3 range: 1.6 - 6.9 pmol/L
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Sep 28, 2020
Those are coagulation hemostasis disorders. I have similar things. K2, D3 messes me up as well. Any natural/pharmaceutical blood thinner or food too. Black seed oil/Aspirin/Ginger/Blueberries/Astragalus etc.

K2 can clot the blood too much because the blood vessels are damaged and in need of repair.

I believe the underlying cause is the inflammation of the blood vessels (Vasculitis). When the blood vessels are damaged the blood needs to increase the platelets and clotting factors to be able to clot and fix the damage of the blood vessels. Using blood thinners in those situations is counterproductive.

Finding the root cause of Vasculatis (And it probably is different for most people) would be the go-to approach in my opinion. This is something I am planning to study exclusively as soon as I am finished researching and experimenting with methylation.


Dec 28, 2021
I also find it tricky to tolerate vitamin D but find it much easier taking it with magnesium. I have back pain when laying down and taking vitamin D by itself makes it much worse. Have you tried different kinds of magnesium? One popular way is to cook leafy greens then discarding the leaves and drinking the broth which should be high in both magnesium and calcium. Paradoxically a vitamin D deficiency can probably make you sensitive to a lot of things including vitamin D itself. That's my hope at least, since I'm trying to figure out where my own food sensitivities stem from. Eating enough salt might also help you retain the minerals. A2 dairy also seems like a good option to try but sometimes there are other factors, such as additives or what's been fed to the cows (heavy on grains etc).


Feb 24, 2019
Do you know your ferritin level? I’d be worried about iron deficiency at this point.


Oct 4, 2018
Thanks for the replies everyone! Sorry I'm late but the bleeding has been an issue. Tried taking high doses of K1 to stop it but all it did was clot half my blood. Other half remains thin. So how does one make more fibrin in the blood? Something is missing because after the 3 products I took, no nutritious food has been able to bring it back. I noticed the K1 gives it brighter red appearance, so K1 could be depleting my Vitamin D or Calcium? I heard someone say long ago that minerals thicken the blood, but which one? Only thing helping at the moment is the acupuncture..verrryyy slowly. I have progesterone on the way. Will progesterone thin my blood?? I'm worried about this but if it helps my uterus stop shedding, then that's all that matters.

Those are coagulation hemostasis disorders. I have similar things. K2, D3 messes me up as well. Any natural/pharmaceutical blood thinner or food too. Black seed oil/Aspirin/Ginger/Blueberries/Astragalus etc.

K2 can clot the blood too much because the blood vessels are damaged and in need of repair.

I believe the underlying cause is the inflammation of the blood vessels (Vasculitis). When the blood vessels are damaged the blood needs to increase the platelets and clotting factors to be able to clot and fix the damage of the blood vessels. Using blood thinners in those situations is counterproductive.

Finding the root cause of Vasculatis (And it probably is different for most people) would be the go-to approach in my opinion. This is something I am planning to study exclusively as soon as I am finished researching and experimenting with methylation.
How has the methylation experimenting been working out? Do you think B12 can help? Since it does help build hemoglobin. I just bought Energin from Idealabs.

I also find it tricky to tolerate vitamin D but find it much easier taking it with magnesium. I have back pain when laying down and taking vitamin D by itself makes it much worse. Have you tried different kinds of magnesium? One popular way is to cook leafy greens then discarding the leaves and drinking the broth which should be high in both magnesium and calcium. Paradoxically a vitamin D deficiency can probably make you sensitive to a lot of things including vitamin D itself. That's my hope at least, since I'm trying to figure out where my own food sensitivities stem from. Eating enough salt might also help you retain the minerals. A2 dairy also seems like a good option to try but sometimes there are other factors, such as additives or what's been fed to the cows (heavy on grains etc).
I did that for a while actually. I boiled it and drank just the broth. I think I'm severely deficient. Anyone know if Idealabs hair mineral analysis is accurate? Maybe I'm simply missing the Vitamin D to pull some calcium into the serum. I just bought the Sperti UV lamp.
Vitamin C deficiency can be a cause.
I took Vitamin C in the form of amla berries. I still bled so I'm not sure if it's the missing link though. Even right before my bleeding started in 2018, the naturopath gave me glutathione but also Myers Cocktail IV and Vitamin C IV.
Do you know your ferritin level? I’d be worried about iron deficiency at this point. is a worry.
Ferritin 25 15-272 ug/L
Sep 28, 2020
How has the methylation experimenting been working out? Do you think B12 can help? Since it does help build hemoglobin. I just bought Energin from Idealabs.
I am not convinced it is the root cause of my issues. I think it's the consequence of inflammation/inflammatory environment.

Not sure about b12. Will have to experiment for a longer period with it. I've used riboflavin, creatine, TMG, and b12. I would like to experiment with SAMe, VIT C (to increase TET enzymes which leads to demethylation) and b6.


Feb 24, 2019
Thanks for the replies everyone! Sorry I'm late but the bleeding has been an issue. Tried taking high doses of K1 to stop it but all it did was clot half my blood. Other half remains thin. So how does one make more fibrin in the blood? Something is missing because after the 3 products I took, no nutritious food has been able to bring it back. I noticed the K1 gives it brighter red appearance, so K1 could be depleting my Vitamin D or Calcium? I heard someone say long ago that minerals thicken the blood, but which one? Only thing helping at the moment is the acupuncture..verrryyy slowly. I have progesterone on the way. Will progesterone thin my blood?? I'm worried about this but if it helps my uterus stop shedding, then that's all that matters.

How has the methylation experimenting been working out? Do you think B12 can help? Since it does help build hemoglobin. I just bought Energin from Idealabs.

I did that for a while actually. I boiled it and drank just the broth. I think I'm severely deficient. Anyone know if Idealabs hair mineral analysis is accurate? Maybe I'm simply missing the Vitamin D to pull some calcium into the serum. I just bought the Sperti UV lamp.

I took Vitamin C in the form of amla berries. I still bled so I'm not sure if it's the missing link though. Even right before my bleeding started in 2018, the naturopath gave me glutathione but also Myers Cocktail IV and Vitamin C IV. is a worry.
Ferritin 25 15-272 ug/L
25 is very low and might be contributing to your heavy flow. I know supplemental iron is looked down on here but from what I’ve researched and experienced myself it can be very helpful with female problems. I think heme iron supplements especially are worth a look.


Oct 4, 2018
25 is very low and might be contributing to your heavy flow. I know supplemental iron is looked down on here but from what I’ve researched and experienced myself it can be very helpful with female problems. I think heme iron supplements especially are worth a look.
Hi! Yes I am currently on feramax and have been for a while. But I bleed too fast to recover iron. Other than low iron I am severely estrogen dominant with a 5:1 progesterone/estrogen ratio. Which is more the culprit? The iron or the progesterone?

The only thing helping at the moment is 1500mg vitamin K1 and acupuncture . Acupuncturist told me the needle point tells my liver/spleen to retain the blood. But Vit K1 hasn’t been able to change the bright red colour or thickness of blood. So perhaps the color could be due to low iron. And the low progesterone is unable to keep the uterine lining thin leading to this craziness. But my question is, am I low in Vitamin K and why do high doses help? I hope it’s safe to use longer term.

Edit: hmm just realized activated charcoal, colloidal silver and black seed oil all deplete iron. Interesting..
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Oct 4, 2018
Mineral water or calcium hydroxyapatite could be an alternative.
Mineral water is a good idea. I heard Hydroxyapatite doesnt raise serum calcium.

I just read one of Ray Peats articles on aging-estrogen-progesterone. He says estrogen causes vascular leakiness. I’m not sure if this may be an issue with me? Can leakiness cause thin blood?


Sep 23, 2023
I have been dealing with profuse bleeding issues for last 6 years (I'm female) and other than having a progesterone:estrogen ratio of 5:1, I think I'm very low in Calcium which is contributing to the problem. Also very low in Vitamin D. Whilst the hormones may be causing the inability to stop bleeding, I noticed my blood has become noticeably bright red and runs like water. My blood is very thin in consistency but according to my INR blood tests, I do not have a clotting issue. In desperation, I took high dose Vitamin K1 to try and stop the bleeding and it does clot some of my blood, while the rest stays watery. So i'm clotting but simultaneously not. Also causes lung and chest pain that eventually goes away.

Supplementing with Vitamin D has not been successful as high doses caused my lungs to feel heavy with major back spinal/muscle pain. When i take magnesium, I believe it brings on my bleeding. So the only thing that has been absent from my life for MANY YEARS is...Calcium. I am allergic to milk/casein products and due to low stomach acid, I think a trial of Calcium carbonate gave me acid reflux. Is the Calcium component missing to help thicken my blood? Is this why Vitamin K1 and magnesium doesn't help? Because they actually lower Calcium? I assume Calcium thickens blood hence heart attacks when too much calcium is in blood stream. On the flip side, I have seen mentioned here that calcium can cause blood thinning, so not sure what to believe.

I'm dealing with low progesterone and Hemophilia that I never had before a doctor detoxed my liver with glutathione. The non-stop bleeding is most likely from estrogen dominence BUT the bright red watery blood didn't happen till I first tried Activated Charcoal, then Colloidal silver, and lastly black seed oil. Those three depleted me of something. I have progesterone on the way but I am worried about the consistency of my bleeding. If taking progesterone was to potentially make my bleeding worse with the estrogen kickback, I need some insurance that my blood will stay within me by remaining thick enough and not rushing out of me. Hope someone knowledgeable can help me figure this out once and for all. How do I get Calcium in me quickly when I have so many averse reactions to different types of calcium??? A2 milk?? Thought I'd add my PTH blood test numbers if it helps. Doctor wouldn't test my calcium. thanks!

Parathyroid Hormone [PTH] Intact 4.3 range: 1.6 - 6.9 pmol/L
Sounds like a thyroid disorder or the axis thyroid/hypothalamus/adrenal


Oct 4, 2018
Have you ruled out uterine fibroids?
No i haven't because I haven't been able to leave the house. Even if they were present..wouldn't progesterone be the best treatment?

Sounds like a thyroid disorder or the axis thyroid/hypothalamus/adrenal
This is a good guess since I was in the midst of recovering from SSRI/benzo/birth control withdrawal syndrome when this all started in 2018. But also with my progesterone:estrogen ratio at a mere 5:1, do you think progesterone would be a good starting point to address part of the imbalance? I know SSRI and such can raise prolactin and that simultaneously raises estrogen, but I was on birth control for many years so estrogen dominance is already a given. I was messaging with another person and they said progesterone is very healing, if one can get over the initial hump.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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