Lack of Calcium cause of my bleeding?


Oct 4, 2018
I had written a new post but I thought I'd add a link here for us ladies! I had a revelation recently and was looking for guidance quickly as time is of the essence. Any advice would be so appreciated!



Oct 4, 2018
Lack of vitamin k can cause bleeding, or too much vitamin E.
I'm taking Vitamin k1 to stop bleeding at the moment and it clots half my blood while other half remains like water. It also makes blood brighter red. Is it simulatneously depleting my calcium or Vitamin D while trying to clot me??
Agreed! Also, certain foods like ginger can cause more bleeding too.

I can get bleeding gums from lack of calcium.
Yeah I wonder if calcium is the culprit for thin watery blood. I tried some milk and got IBS but my blood still remained thin. I think My Vitamin D is so low, it is not pulling calcium into my serum?
Yes! Alcohol too.
Don't drink so this shouldnt be a problem here =)
Mar 10, 2021
I'm taking Vitamin k1 to stop bleeding at the moment and it clots half my blood while other half remains like water. It also makes blood brighter red. Is it simulatneously depleting my calcium or Vitamin D while trying to clot me??
“Besides color, the texture of your blood may change throughout your period. And your periods from month to month may be different textures as well. Watery period blood is likely just new blood that's flowing quickly from your uterus. As for clots, these also typically aren't a cause for concern.”

“The beginning or end of your period​

The flow of blood is slower at the start and end of your period, meaning it takes longer to exit your body. The longer it sits in your body, the more time it has to oxidize, causing it to turn brown. In some cases, brown blood could even be left over from your previous period.“



Someone on the forum, I forget who, said they managed to restrain heavy bleeding with gelatin.

From Ray's article

Things to reduce the stress-related coagulopathies: Sugar and niacin to minimize the liberation of fatty acids, progesterone and thyroid to protect against estrogen and to avoid hypoglycemia (which increases adrenaline and free fatty acids and accelerates clotting), magnesium and gelatin (or glycine), to protect against intracellular calcium overload and hypoxia, and vitamin E and salicylic acid for antiinflammatory effects, are major nutrients that protect the circulatory system against clotting, bleeding, edema, and tumefaction.”


Dec 27, 2021
I'm taking Vitamin k1 to stop bleeding at the moment and it clots half my blood while other half remains like water. It also makes blood brighter red. Is it simulatneously depleting my calcium or Vitamin D while trying to clot me??

Yeah I wonder if calcium is the culprit for thin watery blood. I tried some milk and got IBS but my blood still remained thin. I think My Vitamin D is so low, it is not pulling calcium into my serum?

Don't drink so this shouldnt be a problem here =)

Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium. Vit k1 is what pulls it into your blood I think. Leafy greens and cabbage are high K1 foods. Some medications inhibit Vit K1 activity. I can’t do milk but yogurt and cheese are ok — which I’ve read is because the fermentation process makes them more digestable.
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