URGENT! Need help with Vitamin K1


Oct 4, 2018
Ok I'm dealing with heavy bleeding as a female and need help with usage of Vitamin K1. It is the only thing that works at 2000mcg to slow down my bleeding and clot but problem is..I'm getting a stress response from it. I'm most likely low in vitamin D, calcium and iron. So what is causing this? Will some coral calcium help? Will it cause more thinning of blood by depleting iron? My blood is very thin. My body is very warm,flushed, and I have this feeling like i'm going to panic from the heart rate rising. Just an overall jitteriness. I need to continue but I'm afraid to try.
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Oct 4, 2018
I just took some 750mg coral calcium with my K1 dose. Can they be taken together? Upon reading calcium is needed to clot blood. this whole time i was worried it would make it runny. I noticed while K1 is trying to clot my blood, the colour becomes lighter and lighter. I'm losing viscousity and I'm hoping minerals like calcium can give it back. My strategy is to take calcium along with my K1 multiple times a day till this bleeding ends. I don't react well to taking calcium cause it causes heartburn. Can I take it with some lemon juice to acidify it? Should I add a drop of Vitamin D taken all together? I'm not sure how much calcium is need for my dose of up to 2000mcg K1. I notice with this dose of K1 I experience heart palps, leg calves wanting to charlie horse and hard to take a breath in.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
Hi June, I don't tolerate vitamin K without calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin K does give me palpitations too without adequate vitamin D and calcium.

If you tolerate dairy, greek yogurt or milk can be used for calcium along with vitamin D at 5000iu temporarily perhaps. I'd try to avoid calcium supplements except homemade or a clean eggshell or coral type.

If your bleeding is only period-centered, it might be more of an estrogen issue than and "clotting" problem.



Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
When my iron is low, I don’t clot properly, resulting in very heavy periods. When my total iron is on the high end of range (close to 100), my periods are only 3 days, and not heavy. Best to check your iron.


Oct 4, 2018
Hi June, I don't tolerate vitamin K without calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin K does give me palpitations too without adequate vitamin D and calcium.

If you tolerate dairy, greek yogurt or milk can be used for calcium along with vitamin D at 5000iu temporarily perhaps. I'd try to avoid calcium supplements except homemade or a clean eggshell or coral type.

If your bleeding is only period-centered, it might be more of an estrogen issue than and "clotting" problem.

this may be the case. can vitamin k be taken with calcium together same time? dont they antagonize each other? also should Vit D be separate from them both. i took 2000mg calcium yesterday to undo the effects of the high vit K. now i have stiff back muscles :( Vit D causes me all sorts of heart palps. Wonder if magnesium can undo this. I'm waiting on arrival of progesterone but it wont be here for days. Also I'm afraid if it might start pushing out estrogen and causing me to bleed more? Or will it more likely stop my cycle/bleeding.
When my iron is low, I don’t clot properly, resulting in very heavy periods. When my total iron is on the high end of range (close to 100), my periods are only 3 days, and not heavy. Best to check your iron.
I don't know what a normal period looks like anymore. Now it runs out of me like water. Before this happened, my blood use to be a dark viscous red. Not sure how much iron played in that dark red or estrogen causing thick red blood.


Oct 18, 2021
Have you tried progesterone? I know there are other brands folks use here, but I've seen Karuna progesterone cream make a huge difference with this symptom (not me personally as I'm a dude).
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Oct 4, 2018
Have you tried progesterone? I know there are other brands folks use here, but I've seen Karuna progesterone cream make a huge difference with this symptom (not me personally as I'm a dude).
Thanks for suggestion. I've scoured the net for all brands and none would get to me quick enough. I'm in Canada and progesterone is just..not really available in abundance here. And the Karuna brand you mentioned can potentially be estrogenic with the black cohosh. I never understood why they mix those in progesterone products.


Oct 18, 2021
Thanks for suggestion. I've scoured the net for all brands and none would get to me quick enough. I'm in Canada and progesterone is just..not really available in abundance here. And the Karuna brand you mentioned can potentially be estrogenic with the black cohosh. I never understood why they mix those in progesterone products.
Good catch! I linked to the "plus" version of the cream. That was a careless mistake on my part. I intended to link to the non-plus version (as I didn't even know the plus version existed). I've edited my comment.


Oct 4, 2018
Good catch! I linked to the "plus" version of the cream. That was a careless mistake on my part. I intended to link to the non-plus version (as I didn't even know the plus version existed). I've edited my comment.
Oh no problem. Harmless mistake. This is great!


Forum Supporter
Jun 26, 2016
this may be the case. can vitamin k be taken with calcium together same time? dont they antagonize each other? also should Vit D be separate from them both. i took 2000mg calcium yesterday to undo the effects of the high vit K. now i have stiff back muscles :( Vit D causes me all sorts of heart palps. Wonder if magnesium can undo this. I'm waiting on arrival of progesterone but it wont be here for days. Also I'm afraid if it might start pushing out estrogen and causing me to bleed more? Or will it more likely stop my cycle/bleeding.

I don't know what a normal period looks like anymore. Now it runs out of me like water. Before this happened, my blood use to be a dark viscous red. Not sure how much iron played in that dark red or estrogen causing thick red blood.
Sounds like your iron is low. Best to check it.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Look, you are using pieces of information to deal with your problem. I don't think you have a proper diagnosis and plan of treatment. I don't like what you are doing. Get some professional advice.

First taking oral Calcium is a frowned upon unless for specific problem and indication. You must take Vit D with it. Vit K1 is okay but literally takes 24hours to work 100% though some results in 12 hours. Clotting your blood with K is not a good idea unless done with supervision. Hormones may be what you need to address and not diagnose yourself with Vit K, Ca++, etc. Take iron supplements with B vitamins if needed. I hope you are at least getting labs to make your guesses from.


Oct 4, 2018
Look, you are using pieces of information to deal with your problem. I don't think you have a proper diagnosis and plan of treatment. I don't like what you are doing. Get some professional advice.

First taking oral Calcium is a frowned upon unless for specific problem and indication. You must take Vit D with it. Vit K1 is okay but literally takes 24hours to work 100% though some results in 12 hours. Clotting your blood with K is not a good idea unless done with supervision. Hormones may be what you need to address and not diagnose yourself with Vit K, Ca++, etc. Take iron supplements with B vitamins if needed. I hope you are at least getting labs to make your guesses from.
Hi yes I absolutely agree. But im in this position because of medical doctors. My labs come back im range and when i asked my doctor to test Calcium, he brushed me off. I am going by the only labs he would give me. Time is of the essence for me and I dont have time not to try. I am waiting on progesterone to arrive and it is delayed. I know a huge portion of this is due to me being estrogen dominant. I have taken b vitamins and was even given b complex IV at the time this happened. So i know its probably the factor im missing in most. Vitamin D and calcium. I just made a new post regarding this and my revelation. But this only came about with experimenting. Somehow i think Vitamin k1 was thinning my blood further.

For reference, my Vit D very low, INR is low, i don’t consume much calcium, have bone pain and stiff painful muscles, higher range prolactin, PTH is lower middle range, low, ferritin, 5:1 P:E ratio, i have tonsil stones and strange stones that shoot up from my left lung(behind my tongue)
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Oct 4, 2018
Sounds like your iron is low. Best to check it.
Yep very low. Taking quite a bit of iron supplements right now. Here's my PTH number, anyone know what this will indicate about calcium levels?

Parathyroid Hormone [PTH] Intact 4.3 1.6 - 6.9 pmol/L

does drinking milk or dairy impact the iron level in my body? Provided I don't consume dairy and iron at the same time. I don't want to undo any progress I made with the iron pills.

EDIT: I did finally receive my Calcium results today and considering I don't eat any dairy or calcium specific foods, is this considered high?

Calcium 2.35 2.15-2.60 mmol/L
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Oct 4, 2018
Upon further reading, these studies show calcium had to be chelated from the blood in order to test coagulation. In order to thin the blood, calcium has to be chelated first. Very interesting.

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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I still don't understand what is going on with you. Your Ca++ sounds low but you need Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) with albumin level to determine your Ca++ level.
Get that and a CBC and hormone levels then let's talk about your problem. I am afraid you are asking for a solution without all the necessary facts. Then again I would be reluctant to offer an assessment. General comments might be in order.


Oct 4, 2018
I still don't understand what is going on with you. Your Ca++ sounds low but you need Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) with albumin level to determine your Ca++ level.
Get that and a CBC and hormone levels then let's talk about your problem. I am afraid you are asking for a solution without all the necessary facts. Then again I would be reluctant to offer an assessment. General comments might be in order.
The story of my life lol. No one ever knows whats going on with me. I didn't want to overwhelm this post with my numbers but here they are. Hope it gives some answers. Thanks!

WBC 5.8 4.0 - 11.0 x E9/L
RBC 3.88 LO 4.00 - 5.10 x E12/L
HEMOGLOBIN 109 LO 120 - 160 g/L
HEMATOCRIT 0.336 LO 0.350 - 0.450 L/L
MCV 87 80 - 100 fL
MCH 28.1 27.5 - 33.0 pg
MCHC 324 305 - 360 g/L
RDW 14.5 11.5 - 14.5 %
PLATELET COUNT 190 150 - 400 x E9/L
SEDIMENTATION RATE (ESR) 14 2 - 30 mm/hr
NEUTROPHILS 2.9 2.0 - 7.5 x E9/L
LYMPHOCYTES 2.3 1.0 - 3.5 x E9/L
MONOCYTES 0.5 0.2 - 1.0 x E9/L
EOSINOPHILS 0.1 0.0 - 0.5 x E9/L
BASOPHILS 0.0 0.0 - 0.2 x E9/L
NRBC 0 /100 WBC
INR 0.9 0.9 - 1.2

Vitamin B12 412 138-652 pmol/L

Ferritin 25 15-272 ug/L

URATE 314 150-390 umol/L

SODIUM 140 135-145 mmol/L
POTASSIUM 4.4 3.5-5.2 mmol/L
Creatinine 68 50-100 umol/L
ALBUMIN 44 35-52 g/L

Calcium 2.35 2.15-2.60 mmol/L

Bilirubin Total 8 <20 umol/L
Alkaline Phosphatase 40 35-120 U/L
Alanine Aminotransferase 14 <36 U/L
Amylase 69 30-110 U/L
Lipase 46 <60 U/L

Thyroid Stimulating Hormone 1.16 0.32-4.00 mIU/L
Free T3 4.0 2.6-5.8 pmol/L
Thyroperoxidase Antibody HI 57 < 35 kIU/L

FSH 3.5 IU/L

LH 2.1 IU/L

Prolactin 24.8 5.0-27.0 ug/L

Estradiol 131 pmol/L

Progesterone <0.6 nmol/L

Dehydroepiandrosterone [DHEA-S] 4.4 < 9.8 umol/L
Testosterone <0.4 < 1.8 nmol/L

Nuclear Antibody POSITIVE
Nuclear Antibody Titre HI 1:160 < 1:80
Nuclear Antibody Pattern Speckled pattern
Homogeneous pattern

25-Hydroxy Vitamin D LO 64.9 75.0 - 250.0 nmol/L
Vit D Deficiency: 25.0 - 74.9

Parathyroid Hormone [PTH] Intact 4.3 1.6 - 6.9 pmol/L


Oct 28, 2019
Just a thought, are you inadvertently consuming anything that is a blood thinner? Things that spring to mind: Garlic, olive oil, cinnamon, vitamin E, aspirin or other nsaids.

Also worth considering that candida has blood thinning effects via the acetaldehyde it produces. I had bleeding gums that I could semi fix with K1 but it turned out to be candida.


Oct 4, 2018
Just a thought, are you inadvertently consuming anything that is a blood thinner? Things that spring to mind: Garlic, olive oil, cinnamon, vitamin E, aspirin or other nsaids.

Also worth considering that candida has blood thinning effects via the acetaldehyde it produces. I had bleeding gums that I could semi fix with K1 but it turned out to be candida.
HI! Not at the moment, though this did start months ago after consuming first Activated charcoal, then colloidal silver and lastly black seed oil. That was the point of no return. I cannot return back to regular blood consistency. Yesterday and today I've had 1000mg-2000mg calcium, it did change the colour but now I'm experiencing heart palps and back muscle pain. I took some magnesium hoping it will undo this but no doubt it will change my bleeding status too. Im sure of it cause bleeding always appeared after taking magnesium.
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