Interesting Ideas On Hair Loss; Similar To Danny Roddy


Jul 13, 2014
Perfect Hair Health — Perfect Hair Health

Pretty similar to Danny Roddy. The main difference I think is that he recommends a 20 minute 'scalp massage' twice a day - a pretty rough and intense one, to break up calcification and excess sebum. The technique is based on a study done in hong kong in which everyone with baldness regrew 90% of their hair - but the regrowth didn't start until 5 months in.

That's 40 minutes of scalp massage for 5 months before results, but if you can keep it up... in 12 months amazing results.

edit; heres the hong kong study:
cant they just build a machine to do the massaging for us, all of us give up after about 3 days lol


Apr 5, 2016
cant they just build a machine to do the massaging for us, all of us give up after about 3 days lol

Haha I know right. I've tried with two different machines, none of them quite do the job. They either wear out quick, pull the hair etc. One of the machines I bought the plastic heads literally wore out after a couple of weeks. I'm hoping this one will be different as it is not some cheap piece of kit made in china.


Jul 13, 2014
Haha I know right. I've tried with two different machines, none of them quite do the job. They either wear out quick, pull the hair etc. One of the machines I bought the plastic heads literally wore out after a couple of weeks. I'm hoping this one will be different as it is not some cheap piece of kit made in china.
can you link to this product


Apr 5, 2016
can you link to this product

My own experience of these was mixed. When I first started using them it was amazing. The amount of gunk and junk that was on my scalp was disgusting, after my first massage my hair was so much fuller it looked like i didn't have any hair loss at all. But they wear out VERY quickly with heavy use and lose their potency after a short period of time.

If you're interested in the theragun you can find it here. G2PRO


Jul 13, 2014

My own experience of these was mixed. When I first started using them it was amazing. The amount of gunk and junk that was on my scalp was disgusting, after my first massage my hair was so much fuller it looked like i didn't have any hair loss at all. But they wear out VERY quickly with heavy use and lose their potency after a short period of time.

If you're interested in the theragun you can find it here. G2PRO

did you order the g2pro?


Jan 15, 2017
cant they just build a machine to do the massaging for us, all of us give up after about 3 days lol

Speak for yourself. Im 18 months in.

My hairline improved after a couple months and just a week ago found out my prolactin is out of range for a male and likely has been part of my shedding issue(withcortisol) the entire time.

If nothing else it will give you massive forearm and grip gains


Jul 13, 2014
Speak for yourself. Im 18 months in.

My hairline improved after a couple months and just a week ago found out my prolactin is out of range for a male and likely has been part of my shedding issue(withcortisol) the entire time.

If nothing else it will give you massive forearm and grip gains
can you share your technique


Apr 5, 2016
Speak for yourself. Im 18 months in.

My hairline improved after a couple months and just a week ago found out my prolactin is out of range for a male and likely has been part of my shedding issue(withcortisol) the entire time.

If nothing else it will give you massive forearm and grip gains

Haha this is true, i've definitely noticed the added grip strength in the gym.

How are you treating the high prolactin?


Apr 5, 2016
Seconded. It's annoying to do but when there is no standard of how to do it "right" it can feel pointless.

I do the technique that Rob puts forth from I'd recommend buying the book, he goes in depth about the theory what to expect faq etc.

This guy on youtube has some videos of the massages that he does which i think are identical to what Rob recommends. Although I would still recommend buying the book as you can have a 1 on 1 call with Rob for any questions you might have.

Reborn Hair PPP


Jan 15, 2017
I sure can. I know ive detailed it out before somewhere so just let me find it and ill copy it here.

I started my techniques after reading other stuff.

I will say that the technique it's self can end up being somewhat individualized, some guys start out with a much tighter more dense thicker scalp than others so their techniques are going to have to be customized to their individual situation.

The big thing that makes the difference is even though 20 minutes can be physically exhausting, doing at least a little bit on some portion of your head each day or every other day is a good way to start.

Also, theres a recovery portion to this. As in 24-36-48 hrs (somewhere in there, again individual)


Oct 28, 2017
Speak for yourself. Im 18 months in.

My hairline improved after a couple months and just a week ago found out my prolactin is out of range for a male and likely has been part of my shedding issue(withcortisol) the entire time.

If nothing else it will give you massive forearm and grip gains

Why do you think your prolactin was high?


Jan 15, 2017
Why do you think your prolactin was high?

For years i was a malnourished, chronically underslept, caffiene dependent that eventually moved to chronic exercise(i loved the gym for the progress). For the better part of 10 years i was likely running on epinephrine, cortisol and aided by caffeine and many times had enough trouble sleeping that i would just stay up overnight.

I think the nail in the coffin was eventually cutting calories after a winter bulk while stressed at work that put me in this place.

Looking back at my nutrition tracker i rarely even came close to hitting nutrient goals


Jan 15, 2017
This was taken from another post of mine in another thread.

So you have to keep in mind the massaging is a remodeling adaptation stessor. Meaning you add mechanical tension, the body senses it and changes the tissue - theres a mind inflammatory response and the actions are taken to adapt the tissue.

Knowing this, it may be wise to not only gauge it by feel but also add a bit of time to the recovery period. In other words guys who arent massaging may need a couple more days off that us that have been doing it for months. Ive personally found the best result for me is a 48 hour rest window. I tried the 36 and the 24 and it was too much inflammation.

You wouldnt go to the park and run a marathon distance after not running in years would you? Keep this in mind with the short rest periods initially.

You guys should start with just fingertips and knuckles(this may be sore) and pressing the scalp into the bone. Press for 1 second, change area and so on. Then after this you can pressure down and move the scalp over the bone applyin light tension to start to get some movement. Circles, back and forth whatever youre able to do. Over the days and weeks it will become more mobile.

At first my scalp wouldnt budge, i could only press. One month into pressing i saw regrowth on my hairline - i was literally floored. And that point my hair had just started the hormonal shedding a couple months earlier so i knew i had caught it. With this in mind some guys may take a couple months to see sprouting new hair if its been a long time from tension ischemia. There would be a ton of change that needs to happen to make the field ready to plant.

Also, i saw my regrowth on 10minutes a couple times a day. Granted i was obviously reversing the newly changes scalp so it wasnt too difficult compared to what some guys have to stay on top of.

Start with 10minutes, twice a for a week. Ease into it because the last thing you want is to send your scalp into an endless circle of inflammation. Gauge it by feel and soreness and the erythema(which will probably get "better" and more red/less splotchy. Then add volume.

....says the idiot who used to spend 4 hours at the gym.

I somewhat figured it out on my own after reading the japanese study. So my hair is a little longer on top(varying between 3 and 5 inches). I was so paranoid of my fingers slipping and tearing hair out. I started pressing just because my own scalp was tight to my head. It literally didnt move so it wasnt like i could pinch or stretch it.

The next part is going to sound ridiculous. My hands were absolutely exhausted a couple months in, but my forearms were growing so that was somewhat cool because I've always had smaller forearms. Anyway, what I would then do is lay a pillowcase down on the floor so that I could get a hair count after word because remember I was monitoring my own hair count, I would then brace my fingers using the back of my hands against the floor and basically press my head into my fingers.

In essence, I developed my own strategy because there was no way I could hold my hands above my head for 20 minutes while having a grip on my skull. I found it much easier to massage for the longer time periods and when I was cycling the amount of force that I was putting into the massage it was easier to press my head and use gravity into my fingers then to try to grab my head like a giant basketball. It will be less fatiguing for you if you start the pressing with the 2nd knuckle(the ones we knock on doors with) on your fingers. Just pressed perpendicular to the skin so it goes straight inward and doesnt slip. What first started as a mildly painful pressure is now just a pressure. And since my scalp has remodeled I can really crank on it if I feel like it without pain. You will likely hear some clicking/crunching noise once in a while on the thick heavy parts of the scalp, that is OK and normal. As the tissue remodels that will go away.

The second part of this is being able to grip and move the scalp across the scalp bones, as elasticity increases over weeks(or months for the older guys) you will be able to fold and lift the scalp(by sliding your fingers together when kneading) and eventually. Think of this action as "pimple popping" type of squeezing BUT with 4 finger tips on each hand, and the skin area being squeezed as 1-2 inches. Almost as if you were squeezing someones cheek with 2 hands but a very taut cheek. Thats the goal with scalp mobility.

Past that, I compared my scalp to my girlfriend, who is much younger than I am and realized that she could fold and flex and twist her scalp on her head and mine couldn't. So I just started trying different techniques and comparing them to those in the study which basically let me to press inward towards the bone, stretch it off my head and stretch sections of it, and then pinch as if you were trying to pop a pimple but using the four fingers on each hand(this came after weeks of it, not immediatwly).I had to use gravity to my advantage whenever I did this because my arms are heavy and it was very difficult for me to hold it overhead for 20 minutes.

For me, I started seeing growth with just pressing even before my scalp loosened up which I thought was absolutely insane

I can elaborate just ask specifics or PM me


Jan 15, 2017
Also, don't forget you need to ZOOM OUT. Look at everything that has happened to everyone involved in hairloss. The final place we arrive is some sort of shedding or hairloss. The route that gets us there is likely different in each of us.

From what I can see I am one of the few that fixed a hairline but constantly shed thick hair as I just recently got my answers as far as screwed up hormones("no gyno, no problem, no prl test"). I believe I was destined to be a slick bald(I think) in years time had I not pressed the issue.

Also remember that of those who have been on the losing end of this battle, the road that got you to hairloss has probably been a little "overgrown" so the path is likely hard to see and thus will require effort to reverse. So please don't get discouraged, it will take time, but when are androgens are back at good levels, our stressors are calmed and our metabolisms are better we can combat it.

So reallllly bald people likely have more work ahead of them to remodel that lovely scalp. It will not be fast, with diligence it will return. The entire situation has to be tuned correctly.

Hell, I probably have a solid year or two to fix my metabolism at least. But im in to win.


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Hey everybody,

I found this after searching for some reviews of robs work. Thanks for your updates!
I am experiencing a diffused thinning on the hair line for the last 4-5 years. I still have a lot of hair but it is very very basically and different sized vellus hairs. Around july 2017, I realized my wasnt getting any better and I definitely had to be proactive.

I bought robs book in late October and I just finished my 3rd month of doing the massages. I skip the side massages because of how loose they are. I have been very consistent with doing my vertex and hair line. I have probably only missed maybe 5-6 massages max for those regions.
At the beginning of January, I started using the iRestore helmet for some LLLT.
I also take a decent amount of chlorella.

So far these are my results:

When I first started losing hair, I had a terrible inch / burning sensation. It was very bad that it actually woke me up at night at some points. Most MDs i spoke to just laughed at me. So, I did a lot of psycho therapy, acupuncture, and also energy work on with it. Dont laugh at me but I honestly thought it was some kind of spiritual thing. This alternative medicine actually was pretty effective in reducing the itchiness, however I still had what i would describe as an infrequent and moderately painful itch. After doing the massages from Robs work, the itchiness is very rare and I go for days without getting an itch. I would say the massages have made a huge difference in release the tension built up in the scalp and stopping the itch. So this has been a huge improvement.

Hair regrowth:
I have seen some vellus hairs start to have more color. I also think my hair line is improving especially by my temples. I would say the results are slightly noticeable. But nothing amazing or definitive.
After I started the LLLT, I have noticed I am experiencing a little more shedding of the thinner hairs. Having said that, my hair/head feels good after doing the LLLT and I am reading that a little shedding in the beginning is normal.

In the last month, I was experiencing some thyroid pain, fatigue, slight depression and cold hands/feet. I saw a doctor and I realized I have a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D affects hair growth, blood sugar, mood and a lot of other health factors. So I have added 15minutes of sun tanning in the middle of the day to my routine this past week. My mood has noticeably lifted and my hands and feet have a lot more circulation which is good.

Later this week I will post some images of where i was when i started and where I am now.


Oct 28, 2017
For years i was a malnourished, chronically underslept, caffiene dependent that eventually moved to chronic exercise(i loved the gym for the progress). For the better part of 10 years i was likely running on epinephrine, cortisol and aided by caffeine and many times had enough trouble sleeping that i would just stay up overnight.

I think the nail in the coffin was eventually cutting calories after a winter bulk while stressed at work that put me in this place.

Looking back at my nutrition tracker i rarely even came close to hitting nutrient goals

So prolactin is elevated during stress? Btw your story sounds like mine but without the caffeine


Apr 5, 2016
Hey everybody,

I found this after searching for some reviews of robs work. Thanks for your updates!
I am experiencing a diffused thinning on the hair line for the last 4-5 years. I still have a lot of hair but it is very very basically and different sized vellus hairs. Around july 2017, I realized my wasnt getting any better and I definitely had to be proactive.

I bought robs book in late October and I just finished my 3rd month of doing the massages. I skip the side massages because of how loose they are. I have been very consistent with doing my vertex and hair line. I have probably only missed maybe 5-6 massages max for those regions.
At the beginning of January, I started using the iRestore helmet for some LLLT.
I also take a decent amount of chlorella.

So far these are my results:

When I first started losing hair, I had a terrible inch / burning sensation. It was very bad that it actually woke me up at night at some points. Most MDs i spoke to just laughed at me. So, I did a lot of psycho therapy, acupuncture, and also energy work on with it. Dont laugh at me but I honestly thought it was some kind of spiritual thing. This alternative medicine actually was pretty effective in reducing the itchiness, however I still had what i would describe as an infrequent and moderately painful itch. After doing the massages from Robs work, the itchiness is very rare and I go for days without getting an itch. I would say the massages have made a huge difference in release the tension built up in the scalp and stopping the itch. So this has been a huge improvement.

Hair regrowth:
I have seen some vellus hairs start to have more color. I also think my hair line is improving especially by my temples. I would say the results are slightly noticeable. But nothing amazing or definitive.
After I started the LLLT, I have noticed I am experiencing a little more shedding of the thinner hairs. Having said that, my hair/head feels good after doing the LLLT and I am reading that a little shedding in the beginning is normal.

In the last month, I was experiencing some thyroid pain, fatigue, slight depression and cold hands/feet. I saw a doctor and I realized I have a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D affects hair growth, blood sugar, mood and a lot of other health factors. So I have added 15minutes of sun tanning in the middle of the day to my routine this past week. My mood has noticeably lifted and my hands and feet have a lot more circulation which is good.

Later this week I will post some images of where i was when i started and where I am now.

Thanks for the post. The itchiness you speak of is likely due to increased levels of histamine which is often found to be elevated in people with hair loss. Stretching has been shown to increase atp and typically something that improves energy metabolism will lower histamine levels. I also have had a similar experience with regards to the itching of the scalp, since starting the massages I have zero head itch. The itch only comes back when I go to long with out massages or overly cleanse my scalp.

I also had some shedding with LLLT however it did greatly increase the quality of my hair, the logic behind this is that before new hair growth can begin the hairs that are already in telogen phase (ceased growth) need to be pushed out. Just make sure not to overuse the LLLT and stick to the guidelines, using red light too much has its negatives also.

I don't know how familiar you are with Ray peat's work or the advice on this forum but you should try to learn as much as you can as the symptoms you listed including the hair loss are often signs of a hypothyroidism/ metabolic stress which Ray has written extensively about. Make sure you are getting plenty of calories and are not undernourished and also that you are avoiding poly-unsaturated fatty acids. Getting more sun and enough Vitamin D is good but in my opinion hair loss a multitude of factors and you should look at all possibilities.

Check out danny roddy's work if you can. Danny Roddy

Hair Loss and Cancer:


Dec 3, 2017
What's going on with my hairloss? I have severe diffuse hairloss but never had any itch or scalp soreness ever....I'm so confused.
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