Hair Regrowth Stack - Road to full regrowth


Nov 24, 2017
Hello guys its been a while and I wanna give you an update.

Seems like the hair regrowth is pretty steady. Slow but steady. When I get a buzzcut the difference is pretty noticeable looking from the front, compared to photos from october when I frist started. Although for a while (one month or so) regrowth was halted and I had increased shedding. I describe some of my epxeriences in the past 2 months:

1) At that time I was experimented with zinc picolinate 50mg daily. At first 4-5 days I saw a big boost in sex drive, but after that it kinda made me feel weird. I was taking it on empty stomach with a tsp of ACV in the morning. Although it completely vanished the post ejaculation symptoms (zero sleepiness), I think it did more harm than good in the long run. Now I do it 50mg only after ejaculating.

2) I tried aspirin for a while 100mg daily. I havent tried that before. I dont know if it helps or not. I took 500mg once and it made me feel really weird. I dont think it is helpful for me. Although when I took it the first 4-5 days I had zero shedding. I was too happy about it but I didnt like the way it made me feel. Also when I had intercourse my semen was not so dense as it usually is. I recently saw the study that aspirin can lower testosterone levels. I think I will give it a shot in the future but for now is a no for me.

3) I stopped doing massages. I have probably broken most of the calcification that I had. My scalp has increased elasticity almost everywhere that it used to be stiff. I save the massage technique from Rob English book for summer when my stress will be minimum and my metabolism will be at the best state, so I can regenerate fast after the intense massage.

4) I took a 20 days break from training. I think it was key to improving my metabolism. Yesterday I had an evening temp 37.1 under tongue for the first time. The pulse is always above 75 during the day. When I wake up is 71-72 but it used to be 64 when I first started. It drops 1-2 hours before I go to bed to 68. I am not where I want to be yet considering metabolic state but thing are improving a lot.

5)What I found that helps a lot is training. I have 1 week since I started training again after my break. I was really sore at the first 3-4 days (its normal I think) but the lactic acid didnt drop my pulse or tmps, my stress adaptation has probably improved. Morning woods when I train are present every day and very last longing. Its up 5-10 minute from when I wake up and I experience this only when I train. Hair quality is increased a lot the days this happens, probably due to higher T levels.

I will give you a brief update on my current stack.
Nutrition: 2700-3000 calories per day at 78 kg 1.76 cm 13% body fat. Eggs, bacon, butter, some homemade bread, red meats (no more that 100g daily), a lot of shrimps, liver, 10-15 fruits per day, 1 litre milk per day, sugar, 4-5 cups of coffe per day, honey, rice/potato 200-250g daily.
Supplements: A,D,E,K, mag gluconate 200mg daily.
I still do ACV rinse at least once a weak, but just for maintenance my scalp feels very nice right now. Some days I can feel the veins popping blood at the back of skull to my crown.

I plan on restoring completely my metabolism + getting used again to train without being stressed at all. When I get to that point, I will start intense scalp massage from Rob perfect hair health. I am pretty confident this will be my finals steps. I like my hair now anyways. Thanks

When have you started with massages and what technique? And since when you felt the calcification was mostly gone?

And when did you start taking zinc and how often do you take it still?

i really wonder if it’s possible to regrow hair. So many people try and nobody is having regrowth.

i massaged for over a year. It further thinned out. But probably I was zinc deficient all along. And copper too.

Edit: maybe you tanked your copper with the zinc and not enough copper ?
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Nov 26, 2020
When have you started with massages and what technique? And since when you felt the calcification was mostly gone?

And when did you start taking zinc and how often do you take it still?

i really wonder if it’s possible to regrow hair. So many people try and nobody is having regrowth.

i massaged for over a year. It further thinned out. But probably I was zinc deficient all along. And copper too.

Edit: maybe you tanked your copper with the zinc and not enough copper ?
I did zinc picolinate 50mg for about 10 days. It’s not super important tho, especially if you eat shellfish regularly. I did because I have high estrogen issues. It definitely helped with that but zinc can actually be bad for hair if supplemented for a prolonged time in such high quantities. I have incsreased my total T production by 160% the last 5 months and decreased TSH a lot. So the overall stack worked big time. I have seen significant regrowth in the front triangle peak ( I don’t know it’s called) and a bit less in temples. But hair is x2 better at least. I am nw2 now and I think I was about 3 5-6 months ago (I have pictures). But I did a big mistake concerning high calories and probably higher fat intake that gave me a slightly fatty liver. I changed my plan again recently with significantly less fat and 100-200 less calories. You can see another post I made last week. So take great care and try to not get increased body fat ! I found out that is really important.
About massages, I didn’t do them consistently and I have 2 weeks now that I do the Rob English technique massaging. I wanted to improve my thyroid before I started consistent massaging. I don’t update that often as I want to have solid results before I do that and have something tested. But I am very confident. Overall advice from my experience is high thyroid function, perfect liver is the solid foundation to start working on head stimulation and expect results. But for me only these two resulted in regrowth. I now do a 15% fat intake for a week and already started to lean and probably less insulin resistant.
Apr 19, 2017
I did zinc picolinate 50mg for about 10 days. It’s not super important tho, especially if you eat shellfish regularly. I did because I have high estrogen issues. It definitely helped with that but zinc can actually be bad for hair if supplemented for a prolonged time in such high quantities. I have incsreased my total T production by 160% the last 5 months and decreased TSH a lot. So the overall stack worked big time. I have seen significant regrowth in the front triangle peak ( I don’t know it’s called) and a bit less in temples. But hair is x2 better at least. I am nw2 now and I think I was about 3 5-6 months ago (I have pictures). But I did a big mistake concerning high calories and probably higher fat intake that gave me a slightly fatty liver. I changed my plan again recently with significantly less fat and 100-200 less calories. You can see another post I made last week. So take great care and try to not get increased body fat ! I found out that is really important.
About massages, I didn’t do them consistently and I have 2 weeks now that I do the Rob English technique massaging. I wanted to improve my thyroid before I started consistent massaging. I don’t update that often as I want to have solid results before I do that and have something tested. But I am very confident. Overall advice from my experience is high thyroid function, perfect liver is the solid foundation to start working on head stimulation and expect results. But for me only these two resulted in regrowth. I now do a 15% fat intake for a week and already started to lean and probably less insulin resistant.
Can you post your before and after pictures?


Nov 26, 2020
Can you post your before and after pictures?
Why would you need that ? I said I wouldnt post pictures before I am somewhere close to where I want to be and I have a long way to go. Lmao I dont know why people think that smbdy lies about smth that has ZERO to gain from. Anyways here is some similar angle pictures I got +6 months ago when I started and 2 months ago respectively. Comments and further advice is always appreciated.


  • +0_months.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 319
  • +4_months.jpg
    19 KB · Views: 312
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May 10, 2018
Why would you need that ? I said I wouldnt post pictures before I am somewhere close to where I want to be and I have a long way to go. Lmao I dont know why people think that smbdy lies about smth that has ZERO to gain from. Anyways here is some similar angle pictures I got +6 months ago when I started and 2 months ago respectively. Comments and further advice is always appreciated.
Amazing photos. Why did you stop the 50mg of zinc with such great results? Thanks for your input :)


Nov 26, 2020
Amazing photos. Why did you stop the 50mg of zinc with such great results? Thanks for your input :)
I was not feeling OK after some time. Also the only reason to supplement zinc is to displace exesive copper and deal with estrogen issues. My estrogen would be cleansed if I had a properly working liver which I am trying to fix right now. Zinc from shellfish 2-3 times per week is enough.


May 10, 2018
Thanks for clearing that up, I think I’ll just do a 7-10 day zinc supplement just to help with my sluggish liver at the moment. My main goal will be to improve liver health and. Maybe do zinc once a week or so?
I really like the improved density of your vertex hair line. Other than the zinc what other things do you think helped the most. You’ve inspired me to really try to get some growth back :)


Nov 26, 2020
Thanks for clearing that up, I think I’ll just do a 7-10 day zinc supplement just to help with my sluggish liver at the moment. My main goal will be to improve liver health and. Maybe do zinc once a week or so?
I really like the improved density of your vertex hair line. Other than the zinc what other things do you think helped the most. You’ve inspired me to really try to get some growth back :)
Vit A,D,K are the base, plus a pro-metabolic diet (calcium-phosphate ratios, high sugar, no pufa etc). Basically everything peat is teaching. I dont think zinc helped the most. Probably the least XD. Diet is of the most importance. The ultimate goal for me is reach: reach constant temps 37 during day, bpm > 75, being low body fat (10-11%) for increased insulin sensitivity and having a fast recovery from training (like I used to). That state + massaging is the best strategy for me.


Nov 24, 2017
Ray Peat classes 50mg of zinc picolinate as dangerous, so just a heads up.
Why is that?
when you balance it out with copper too?

Any idea to really find out how much zinc and copper daily is the right amount for one?

i can’t believe it’s that hard


Nov 26, 2020
Why is that?
when you balance it out with copper too?

Any idea to really find out how much zinc and copper daily is the right amount for one?

i can’t believe it’s that hard
Why are you so concerned about zinc? Shellfish for zinc and liver for copper is most probably sufficient.


Nov 26, 2020
Hi guys,
I wanted to give a brief update as things go exceptionally well. Hair is regrowing from vertex to temples. We got a photo with friends yesterday it was kinda same angle as a photo from 2020 February. I have more hair now than I had back then when my hairloss was not so progressed XD. If I am not stressed I see new velus hairs every other morning. I am convinced the main problem for me was hypothyroidism and estrogen. It seems that I relied on metabolizing fats for energy for a long time as even now I feel better warmth on a fatty meal (only sat fat tho) and if I go below a threshhold in daily fat intake I get cold feet. I ve been taking b1 and aspirin daily for the last 15-20 days in order to restore my sugar metabolism at some point. My observations have not changed, hair growth goes along with lowering estrogen and increasing metabolism.


Nov 24, 2017
Hi guys,
I wanted to give a brief update as things go exceptionally well. Hair is regrowing from vertex to temples. We got a photo with friends yesterday it was kinda same angle as a photo from 2020 February. I have more hair now than I had back then when my hairloss was not so progressed XD. If I am not stressed I see new velus hairs every other morning. I am convinced the main problem for me was hypothyroidism and estrogen. It seems that I relied on metabolizing fats for energy for a long time as even now I feel better warmth on a fatty meal (only sat fat tho) and if I go below a threshhold in daily fat intake I get cold feet. I ve been taking b1 and aspirin daily for the last 15-20 days in order to restore my sugar metabolism at some point. My observations have not changed, hair growth goes along with lowering estrogen and increasing metabolism.

c‘mon man, let us see the photos and put a bar over your face or something ;)


Feb 8, 2021
I did zinc picolinate 50mg for about 10 days. It’s not super important tho, especially if you eat shellfish regularly. I did because I have high estrogen issues. It definitely helped with that but zinc can actually be bad for hair if supplemented for a prolonged time in such high quantities. I have incsreased my total T production by 160% the last 5 months and decreased TSH a lot. So the overall stack worked big time. I have seen significant regrowth in the front triangle peak ( I don’t know it’s called) and a bit less in temples. But hair is x2 better at least. I am nw2 now and I think I was about 3 5-6 months ago (I have pictures). But I did a big mistake concerning high calories and probably higher fat intake that gave me a slightly fatty liver. I changed my plan again recently with significantly less fat and 100-200 less calories. You can see another post I made last week. So take great care and try to not get increased body fat ! I found out that is really important.
About massages, I didn’t do them consistently and I have 2 weeks now that I do the Rob English technique massaging. I wanted to improve my thyroid before I started consistent massaging. I don’t update that often as I want to have solid results before I do that and have something tested. But I am very confident. Overall advice from my experience is high thyroid function, perfect liver is the solid foundation to start working on head stimulation and expect results. But for me only these two resulted in regrowth. I now do a 15% fat intake for a week and already started to lean and probably less insulin resistant.
How did you boost t that much , diet, supps?


Feb 13, 2021
Mainly the diet and supps in the op. Also heavy weight training, spriting and a ton of sunlight.
IMO tons of sunlight really is key.

Look at silver era bodybuilder Reg Park. He lived in South Africa and got tons of sun. He looked youthful with a great hairline well into his 40s and 50s!

Tho Park also died of skin cancer, so perhaps one should mitigate UV damage somehow...
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Nov 26, 2020
do you think heavy weight training low reps builds the same amount of muscle as less heavy higher rep
I dont do same training all the time and I always listen to my body. I make sure I am never drained after training and I get a euphoric feeling. I used to struggle big time to build muscle but since I significantly improved metabolism its a lot easier. Also in my experience conserning muscle building I had similar muscle building capabilities when I had 500 total T and when I had 750 2-3 years ago. Thats because you need to make sure its not converted into estrogen. Low dose aspirin, white button mushrooms, sprinting for increased DHT and lots of apigenin sources significantly lowered the aromatization for me. But still thyroid and metabolism is the real key. To answer your question: yes I think they can be equally productive and also devastating.

IMO tons of sunlight really is key.

Look at silver era bodybuilder Reg Park. He lived in South Africa and got tons of sun. He looked youthful with a great hairline well into his 40s and 50s!

Tho Park also died of skin cancer, so perhaps one should mitigate UV damage somehow...
Yep early morning sun is the best. I dont stay in direct sunlight after noon and before 4-5 as the UV can actually be estrogenic.
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