Hair Regrowth Stack - Road to full regrowth


Nov 26, 2020
Hi everyone,
first I want to say thanks to everyone in this amazing forum, I have accumulated knowledge I ve never even think I would. Although, this is another hair regrowth stack, I know there are too many by now, the thing is that it seems to work. The stack mainly follows reccomendations by @Elephanto and his hair regrowth protocol, but I have incorporated them as well as I could in my diet while trying to keep some balance.
I am 23 and I lost many hairs from last march since I started working as a software engineer. Up to September when I stopped the job, to proceed with my studies, I noticed big recesion and started to investigate. I ve lost hair in the past (around my 21 yo) and I though back then that was due to creatine, which I consumed in regular basis, as I wanted to improve my performance. I ve been wrestling, non proffesionally, since 15. When I stopped creatine back then most hair regrew back. Anyways this time the damage was good and I was really worried depresed and all that stuff back in this years late August. At around 20 September I became familiar with Ray Peat's work and since I started the investigation things started to make real sense. I was consuming all the shitty stuff (big amounts of almonds, seeds, zero fruit, a lot of meat and all the estrogenic legumes). Then I went for blood tests and guess what, the shityness was confirmed by my blood tests. TSH: 3.74, Testosterone 600, cortisol close to the upper bound. I had blood tests 2 years ago and my T was 800 and TSH around 2 (I was also consuming many PUFA back then but I least I had decent T), so you imagine the shock I was in when I saw them. Anyways the physical symptoms where clear, excesive fatigue, zero tolerance to stress, always nervous etc, so the tests only confirmed what was clear. The good thing was I had some stuff to work on and see if how it goes. I am proceeding with my general diet + lifestyle since October 1. Main goals are 1)Hair regrowth, 2)Energy Gains, 3)Muscle Gains and 4)Big tolerance towards long working hours. I think this can be achieved if high androgens + high dopamine can be achieved.

Breakfast: 1 or 2 medium slice of bread with butter and marmalade, 2-3 fruits (oranges, bananas, apples), 1-2 eggs, coffe with 10g gelatin powder and sugar (its this or with more fruit without the slices)
After 2 hours coffee with sugar + dark chocolate
Lunch: 4 times meat (beef, chicken without fat or lamp), 1 time liver, 1 time fish, 1 time shellfish with white rice + peas, or potatos. Also a salad either brocoli, carrot, kale or spinach
Afternoon: Fruits, or Milk + Dark chocolate
Dinner: Omelet with mushrooms + Oj (about 500-700ml) + 1 slice bread with honey and butter
Before bed: 60g icecream + Glass of milk
In this I include 3-4 tsps of coconut oil per day and 3-4 tsps of baking soda in water.

This is definately not the diet Elephanto recommends for Hair Regrowth but this is suited for my needs as I train 5 times per week pretty intensively.
Vitmns A, D, K, E. Also Magnesium Citrate, biotin 3-4 times per week. And taurine 1g per day. Sometimes BCAA's before training

I ve been on this diet for 2 and a 1/2 months now. I didnt follow this supplementation from the start as I came to know Elephanto's protocol around the Start of November. Energy wise these stuff work. I mean I dropped from 13% to 11% and grew 1kg in muscle, while trying 2 hours a day 5 times per week. I was really amazed by this as I was pretty developed physically and the muscle gain was a very pleasent surprise. Now about the hair. Guys I know this sounds to good to be true but it is possible. Elephanto definetely knwos his stuff. I mean its only been 2 months and my hair progressed a lot for such a short time. Maybe becaused the damage was made in 4-5 months. Density increased in 2-3 weeks, new very tiny hairs are popping on the hairline and the skin on my forhead seems much more healthy. At September I was kinda Nor 2 - 2.5 and now I am below 2 for sure. I am measuring the space between the eyebrow and my hairline with my fingers. Regrowth is for sure possible, the thing is how you can optimize stuff to get better results without making too many mistakes (some mistakes I think are always necessary to achieve the end goal).

Hair Concerning Habits:
1)Mag citrate at night 1g (as Elephanto suggested)
2)ACV rinse 3 times per week
3)Daily Scalp exercises (massage, pinching)
4)Neck exercises during training (headstand, bridge on head, head spins)
5)Buteyko meditation 2 times per day for 5 minutes (although always focused on breathing very slow and controlled). I think this makes a huge difference.
6)30 minutes a day walking (as Elephanto suggested)
7)Decreased the frequency of masturbation. If you are getting laid dont do this at all. I think they are very different. I dont feel drowsy after intercourse.

Things I have noticed:
1)I quited vit d for 2 weeks as I feared that would cause calcification since I have been supplementing vit d for about 6-7 months without K2. This period my tolerence towards stress deteriorated. I was really tired after training, more anxious etc. So vit D is a big yes for me. I wont quit it again.
2)I introduced every supplement slowly as I wanted to see if I can determine whats works and whats not. I think hairloss reduced significantly just by taking Taurine.
3)K2 seems to make the scalp grow in a more masculine way. Also hair quality seemed to increase after vit K.
4)Mag Citr makes your s**t pretty bad.
5)Most effective hair habits for me are slow breathing and ACV.

This is it guys. Sorry for the long post but I wanted everyone that is going to read it to have the whole picture. Also I want people to know that hair regrowth is possible. I was pretty sceptical myself about it but not anymore. I am feeling a lot more healthy than I used to thanks to this forum. Hair seem to be on a plateau now (for about 2 weeks it looks the same). I am considering adding zinc picolinate and Iodine in the stack. I know Iodine can be dangerous and zinc can imbalance copper. Will I be OK if I supplement 50mg zinc pic and eating 1 time per week liver (concerning copper)? I ve been reading on this forum that zincs benefits and countless and also Elephanto recommends it big time. Also what do you think in general of this supplement stack+nutrition? Do you have any other reccomendations regarding hair ?

Thanks for your time


Apr 5, 2016
Good luck and thanks for the detailed post. I would reduce you're training frequency 5 times a week can chronically elevate the stress hormones and supress testosterone which is not very pro-hair. 2-3 times per week full body strength training is the best way to go IMO.

If you have high cortisol and low T it might even be a good idea to stop training altogether for a bit and stick to low intensity exercise such as walking to give your body a chance to recuperate.

I think the massages are KEY I don't know if you have heard of Rob at but he is the go to guy for how to regrow hair through massage.


Apr 7, 2017
I’ve tried just about everything on that list. Taurine is the only one I’d say helps hair, thickens it up.


Feb 22, 2020
Zix + azelaic acid and scalp massages completely reduce my hair shedding, and hair is noticeably thicker and shiny.


Nov 26, 2020
Good luck and thanks for the detailed post. I would reduce you're training frequency 5 times a week can chronically elevate the stress hormones and supress testosterone which is not very pro-hair. 2-3 times per week full body strength training is the best way to go IMO.

If you have high cortisol and low T it might even be a good idea to stop training altogether for a bit and stick to low intensity exercise such as walking to give your body a chance to recuperate.

I think the massages are KEY I don't know if you have heard of Rob at but he is the go to guy for how to regrow hair through massage.
Thanks for your reply. You are right about training although I think in my case its not an issue as I am training like this for a long time now and have been on and off periods of high energy, high libido etc (so I suppose high T ?). Probably I failed to mention that since September when I had my big drop in all that, my health changed a lot. I am pretty energized right now. Probably also the high caloric intake helps with that. I try to not reach a point when I am drained after training. If I do that I can tolerate it pretty well and do it the next day also. For me this works for progressing in training and not making the metabolism take a hit. Also I think how good you feel the next morning is an indicator of how hard you train and if you need to reduce it.
Nov 16, 2012
What kind of K2 are you using? K2 MK7 has some 5-alpha inhibiting properties:

I have not noticed any beneficial effects on hair from K2 MK4, unfortunately.


Nov 26, 2020
What kind of K2 are you using? K2 MK7 has some 5-alpha inhibiting properties:

I have not noticed any beneficial effects on hair from K2 MK4, unfortunately.
I am using Supek K from Life Extension. I dont think you should seek for 5-alpha inhibitors anyway. I am currently trying to reduce estrogen,cortisol and increase androgens and that seems to work for hair too. I ve also seen good stuff for both mk-4 and mk-7 so thats why I bought the complex. Vit K helps with T for sure.


Apr 5, 2016
The best indicator as to whether or not your metabolism is healthy is pusle rate and temperature. Your resting pulse should consistently be between 75-90 BPM any lower is bad and your temperature should never be below 98.6. If either of things are off no matter how you might feel your metabolism is likely not doing so good.
Thanks for your reply. You are right about training although I think in my case its not an issue as I am training like this for a long time now and have been on and off periods of high energy, high libido etc (so I suppose high T ?). Probably I failed to mention that since September when I had my big drop in all that, my health changed a lot. I am pretty energized right now. Probably also the high caloric intake helps with that. I try to not reach a point when I am drained after training. If I do that I can tolerate it pretty well and do it the next day also. For me this works for progressing in training and not making the metabolism take a hit. Also I think how good you feel the next morning is an indicator of how hard you train and if you need to reduce it.


Jan 12, 2019
The best indicator as to whether or not your metabolism is healthy is pusle rate and temperature. Your resting pulse should consistently be between 75-90 BPM any lower is bad and your temperature should never be below 98.6. If either of things are off no matter how you might feel your metabolism is likely not doing so good.
75-90 bpm is impossible for me. How do I reach resting at that high a pulse rate.
trmperatire is around 36-4-36.8


Nov 26, 2020
The best indicator as to whether or not your metabolism is healthy is pusle rate and temperature. Your resting pulse should consistently be between 75-90 BPM any lower is bad and your temperature should never be below 98.6. If either of things are off no matter how you might feel your metabolism is likely not doing so good.
Yeap I am familiar with that and you are right again. Pulse is always above 70. Sometimes 80 sometimes 72-73. Usually at rest its around 75. I constantly check it with a smartwatch. It got better the last 2-3 months as it was around 65-70 before. I forgot two of the best things that I think contribute to my hair regrowth progress.

1)Sunlight. I always have a 30-60 minute walk in the morning combining my daily cardio with exposure to sunlight. After the walk when I come home my hair feel very healthy. Kinda shiny and strong (zero hairfall when I pass my hand through my hair).
2)Red light 10-20 minutes directly to thyroid. At first I didnt think that is working. But it was one the first things I started experimenting with and after 2-3 weeks I was sure that it made feel a lot warmer and calm. I am not sure how it works but I ve seen other people here also saying that red light directly to thyroid helped them achieve very low levels of TSH.

The next thing I am going to try is zinc piccolinate. I ve read somewhere in this forum that an indicator of low serum zinc is the quality of the nails. If they have ridges and the tips are not super white its a sign of low zinc. Also Elephanto has cited a study where only zinc piccolinate and in doses 50mg or larger made a significant change in serum zinc levels. My nails seem to have exactly these features. Also zinc seems pretty clearly a androgen boosting supplement (anti estrogen, anti prolactin, pro-testosterone), so it clearly fits in a androgen increasing diet + pro-hair diet. Plus in my case where I consume a lot of copper from liver and all the meats which is antagonizing zinc. I am getting blood tests this week and from next week I 'll know what I need to proceed with. I am pretty confident though that Testosterone and TSH will be a lot better than 4 months ago. I guess we ll see. I will keep you guys updated as bloodtests can be kind of proof that some things work. For now I do things depending on how I feel, so blood tests will give extra info, always a good thing. I am getting tests on TSH, PTH, Test, Cortisol, Prolactin, Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Copper, Vit D. Do you guys have any other suggestion on what I should check ? Thanks a lot for your help anyways.


Apr 5, 2016
75-90 bpm is impossible for me. How do I reach resting at that high a pulse rate.
trmperatire is around 36-4-36.8

If it is impossible for you to get that pulse rate that is a STRONG sign of a weak metabolism and is likely the main underlying factor causing your hairloss. Same with your temperature you want to be at least 37 degrees. 5 days a week of exercise is likely not helping. The way you boost your metabolism is by lowering the stress hormones and providing your body with adequate nutrients. That may mean no working out for a period of time while your body recovers.

That is what I had to do in order to get my pulse and temperature up. When I discovered Ray Peat's work I was absolutely wrecked, I fasted all the time, worked out all the time and thought what I was doing was the pinnacle of health. Then I crashed and decided to implement a more metabolically supportive diet but I did not stop working out which was a mistake. It was only after I stopped doing all exercise besides walking for 3 months did my metabolism begin to recover.


Nov 26, 2020
If it is impossible for you to get that pulse rate that is a STRONG sign of a weak metabolism and is likely the main underlying factor causing your hairloss. Same with your temperature you want to be at least 37 degrees. 5 days a week of exercise is likely not helping. The way you boost your metabolism is by lowering the stress hormones and providing your body with adequate nutrients. That may mean no working out for a period of time while your body recovers.

That is what I had to do in order to get my pulse and temperature up. When I discovered Ray Peat's work I was absolutely wrecked, I fasted all the time, worked out all the time and thought what I was doing was the pinnacle of health. Then I crashed and decided to implement a more metabolically supportive diet but I did not stop working out which was a mistake. It was only after I stopped doing all exercise besides walking for 3 months did my metabolism begin to recover.

You answered to the wrong guy mate. Your insights conserning workout seem really helpful thought. As I said my pulse is around 72-73 always above 70. I guess there is a way to go towards 80s. Although pulse improved the last 2-3 months, it was around 65-70. Temp seems more difficult to me. I am at 36.7 without improvement so far. I really dont want to stop training it feels so good. I will probably try everything else first and also give myself more time (since an improvement has already started to happen). If the temp and pulse still dont get there I will probably do as you suggest. Thanks.


Nov 26, 2020
Dio you have any pictures showing your progress OP?
What red light are you using?
Yes I have pictures. I also check progress using my fingers from eyebrow to hairline (easy and very acurate method). The difference is not huge but its visible. Hairline is still not perfect as I described. But I am convinced regrowth is possible, since I am seeing results already. I dont know yet about posting pictures, I am not confortable about it. I guess you can take my word for it ? I mean my goal is to help myself progress further and also other people through sharing my experience. I use Visible Red Light 660nm Leds.


Nov 26, 2020
If it is impossible for you to get that pulse rate that is a STRONG sign of a weak metabolism and is likely the main underlying factor causing your hairloss. Same with your temperature you want to be at least 37 degrees. 5 days a week of exercise is likely not helping. The way you boost your metabolism is by lowering the stress hormones and providing your body with adequate nutrients. That may mean no working out for a period of time while your body recovers.

That is what I had to do in order to get my pulse and temperature up. When I discovered Ray Peat's work I was absolutely wrecked, I fasted all the time, worked out all the time and thought what I was doing was the pinnacle of health. Then I crashed and decided to implement a more metabolically supportive diet but I did not stop working out which was a mistake. It was only after I stopped doing all exercise besides walking for 3 months did my metabolism begin to recover.

@Soren There is also another thing that I ve noticed. When I eat my pulse drops for 3-4 minutes. Like from 74 to 54. I think I ve read from Ray Peat that this is also a sign of malfunctioning metabolism. Do you have any knowledge on this ?


Sep 23, 2020
Yes I have pictures. I also check progress using my fingers from eyebrow to hairline (easy and very acurate method). The difference is not huge but its visible. Hairline is still not perfect as I described. But I am convinced regrowth is possible, since I am seeing results already. I dont know yet about posting pictures, I am not confortable about it. I guess you can take my word for it ? I mean my goal is to help myself progress further and also other people through sharing my experience. I use Visible Red Light 660nm Leds.
I suggest you take your time, because regrowth takes a while to do, so I say post the pictures ((if you want and have the confidence.)) once you see advance results of hair regrowth. You did started this not too long ago afterall.


Nov 26, 2020
I suggest you take your time, because regrowth takes a while to do, so I say post the pictures ((if you want and have the confidence.)) once you see advance results of hair regrowth. You did started this not too long ago afterall.
That's exactly what I was thinking. I will also update for the next blood tests.
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