Interesting Ideas On Hair Loss; Similar To Danny Roddy


Oct 15, 2016
I was very interested in scalp massage at first but I have become a bit skeptical, here are threads you may be interested in :
detumescence therapy results
Regrowth Photos DT-CPR method - Page 23
Now if one finds a proper diet and stick to the massage then maybe results will follow.. The guy in the second link recommends using a cylindric item, I even used a glass and it made it easier to dig it while sparing the wrists and fingers. Headstands may help too. I wonder if there's a point where as you said you just massage with too much strength and it ends up being detrimental to scalp/hair health (at least temporarily).
Maybe there's a reason for the pattern of MPB , we could check how the nerve/vein/arteries network is laid out in the scalp, or if things like histamine could have a reason to accumulate where the hair fall.


Feb 21, 2016
Soren how often are you massaging and for how long? Are you using any type of tool for it?
Sorry if you mentioned this before.


Apr 5, 2016
I was very interested in scalp massage at first but I have become a bit skeptical, here are threads you may be interested in :
detumescence therapy results
Regrowth Photos DT-CPR method - Page 23
Now if one finds a proper diet and stick to the massage then maybe results will follow.. The guy in the second link recommends using a cylindric item, I even used a glass and it made it easier to dig it while sparing the wrists and fingers. Headstands may help too. I wonder if there's a point where as you said you just massage with too much strength and it ends up being detrimental to scalp/hair health (at least temporarily).
Maybe there's a reason for the pattern of MPB , we could check how the nerve/vein/arteries network is laid out in the scalp, or if things like histamine could have a reason to accumulate where the hair fall.

Thanks for linking those threads.

With regards to the shape of pattern hair loss, danny roddy has talked a lot about what might cause the horseshoe shape and says it has a lot to do with mast cells. He has a ton of free info on the subject on youtube.

Explaining The "Horseshoe" Shape of Male Pattern Baldness

I think Histamine is also likely a culprit with regards to hairloss. Roddy also discusses this....

Antihistamines for Male Pattern Baldness?


Apr 5, 2016
Soren how often are you massaging and for how long? Are you using any type of tool for it?
Sorry if you mentioned this before.

Twice a day for 20 minutes. Scalp is divided into three sections, hairline, vertex and sides using different methods of pinching, pressing and stretching. No tool, just hands.

If you want to know more you should really check out Rob's blog on the subject where he has a lot of free articles and info. He also has an ebook on how to apply the massage technique which is where I got the technique from.

Perfect Hair Health — Perfect Hair Health


Apr 5, 2016
Update: Continued progress on the hairline, significant improvement, but definitely regression on the vertex. I feel like I might have done the presses too hard on the vertex and that has caused the problems. Also scalp feels a lot more elastic and healthier overall.


New Member
Jun 3, 2017
Update: Continued progress on the hairline, significant improvement, but definitely regression on the vertex. I feel like I might have done the presses too hard on the vertex and that has caused the problems. Also scalp feels a lot more elastic and healthier overall.
Hi Soren!
A few months have been. Have you seen any improvement? Must we get the book?


Apr 5, 2016
Hi Soren!
A few months have been. Have you seen any improvement? Must we get the book?

Continued scalp improvement, it is a lot more more elastic and less tight than it was before. More vellus hairs which are getting longer. It still will be a while until I can really give any definite verdict. I got the book in October and had a few months where I was only doing it once a day which has made the progress slower than it probably should have been. Rob says that it takes at least 10 months on average before results in the form of hair regrowth take place. So at this rate given that I was not entirely consistent at a few points I would say I am about 5 months in. Some people have had hair regrowth at 7 months so we'll see what happens when that comes around and I will update. I would say this as far as scalp health, decrease in sebum etc, it has definitely helped a lot.


Aug 5, 2015
San Francisco
Twice a day for 20 minutes. Scalp is divided into three sections, hairline, vertex and sides using different methods of pinching, pressing and stretching. No tool, just hands.

If you want to know more you should really check out Rob's blog on the subject where he has a lot of free articles and info. He also has an ebook on how to apply the massage technique which is where I got the technique from.

Perfect Hair Health — Perfect Hair Health

I do a similar technique. Do you feel it has helped? I find that if I take too long between scalp massages I begin noticing shedding again. It seems to be a very important component for me at least.

The only way I can describe it is the tissue starts feeling 'crunchy' when I take too much time off from massaging it.

I lost the hair at my widows peak a few years ago and it appears to be returning.


Apr 5, 2016
I do a similar technique. Do you feel it has helped? I find that if I take too long between scalp massages I begin noticing shedding again. It seems to be a very important component for me at least.

The only way I can describe it is the tissue starts feeling 'crunchy' when I take too much time off from massaging it.

I lost the hair at my widows peak a few years ago and it appears to be returning.

I am still too early in the process to say that it has made a huge difference. I would say I'm about 5/6 months in and on average its 10 months before results. However the thing that has changed dramatically is the elasticity of my scalp. On my hairline i have a lot more vellus hairs there as well as some filling in of parts that were losing.

My crown is the part that is being the most difficult as it was the part that was the tightest, still have thinning their but it appears to have stabilised for now. That is where i've noticed the biggest change in elasticity. Still have a long way to go but the change is very noticeable.


Jul 26, 2017
@Soren can you provide an update on your DT/scalp massage progress?

Anyone else who is doing it, please share your experience so far.


Apr 5, 2016
@Soren can you provide an update on your DT/scalp massage progress?

Anyone else who is doing it, please share your experience so far.

Scalp elasticity still improving. It is really interesting how I can feel the progress. There are parts of my scalp that are clearly tighter than others. It feels like I have been slowly progressing up towards them. My temples there are more vellus hairs that have reached a significant length and gotten thicker. If they were pigmented it would look like my temples had filled in. I'm still only about 7 or 8 months in if I were to add up the number of massages I have done, as there have been quite a few missed days and many where I only did one 20 minute massage. I do feel like I am continuing to make progress.

One other change I made recently which has made a big difference is to take cold showers. I haven't used shampoo for a while because it strips the scalp of oils and can lead to over production of sebum and further hair loss. However, even hot water blasts away oil and I would get scalp acne and psoriasis on occasion. Cold showers have made a huge difference in this regard.


Jul 26, 2017
Scalp elasticity still improving. It is really interesting how I can feel the progress. There are parts of my scalp that are clearly tighter than others. It feels like I have been slowly progressing up towards them. My temples there are more vellus hairs that have reached a significant length and gotten thicker. If they were pigmented it would look like my temples had filled in. I'm still only about 7 or 8 months in if I were to add up the number of massages I have done, as there have been quite a few missed days and many where I only did one 20 minute massage. I do feel like I am continuing to make progress.

One other change I made recently which has made a big difference is to take cold showers. I haven't used shampoo for a while because it strips the scalp of oils and can lead to over production of sebum and further hair loss. However, even hot water blasts away oil and I would get scalp acne and psoriasis on occasion. Cold showers have made a huge difference in this regard.

Since starting DT/scalp massage, have you maintained your hair? Were you not maintaining prior to starting? Do you feel your hair is thicker/some regrowth since starting? Do you still shed? If so how much?


Apr 5, 2016
Since starting DT/scalp massage, have you maintained your hair? Were you not maintaining prior to starting? Do you feel your hair is thicker/some regrowth since starting? Do you still shed? If so how much?

Since starting I have not had an entirely linear experience. I have maintained and slightly increased my hair on the hairline but have lost some on the crown. However, I feel that these were hairs that were going to fall out anyway. It is also possible due to the fact that at the beginning I overdid the pressing part of the massages which I think prematurely forced out some hairs. From a lot of the research that I have read as well as anecdotal from others, before new hair grows old hair has to fall out so I'm hoping this setback on the crown will be replaced with new growth. Although it still really is too early to pass judgement as the earliest you can expect to see results is usually 10 months (according to rob). Also with regards to hair loss there are so many factors that contribute that even if this does not work for me it may work for someone else.

Things that have improved; scalp health, less scalp acne and psoriasis, scalp elasticity, my scalp felt thick hard and very tight before I started the massages, this has changed significantly. The hair that I still have has improved massively in terms of its quality. Before starting this it was dry and frizzy but now it has gone back to being smooth and wavy similar to when I was younger. I feel that this is also largely due to switching to a more ray peat like eating strategy as well as some red light therapy. Will the DT/scalp massages lead to more hair when I reach the 10-12 month mark, we shall see.


Oct 28, 2017
Since starting I have not had an entirely linear experience. I have maintained and slightly increased my hair on the hairline but have lost some on the crown. However, I feel that these were hairs that were going to fall out anyway. It is also possible due to the fact that at the beginning I overdid the pressing part of the massages which I think prematurely forced out some hairs. From a lot of the research that I have read as well as anecdotal from others, before new hair grows old hair has to fall out so I'm hoping this setback on the crown will be replaced with new growth. Although it still really is too early to pass judgement as the earliest you can expect to see results is usually 10 months (according to rob). Also with regards to hair loss there are so many factors that contribute that even if this does not work for me it may work for someone else.

Things that have improved; scalp health, less scalp acne and psoriasis, scalp elasticity, my scalp felt thick hard and very tight before I started the massages, this has changed significantly. The hair that I still have has improved massively in terms of its quality. Before starting this it was dry and frizzy but now it has gone back to being smooth and wavy similar to when I was younger. I feel that this is also largely due to switching to a more ray peat like eating strategy as well as some red light therapy. Will the DT/scalp massages lead to more hair when I reach the 10-12 month mark, we shall see.

Hi Soren, could you please give us an update?


Apr 5, 2016
Some people have messaged me asking for an update on my progress with the massage.

Scalp Health:
Last month has seen a big change. My scalp health continues to improve and in the past week I can feel a big shift in the amount of tension my scalp has. It is still tight and there is clearly more progress to be made but when I look back to where it was before it is night and day. When I started I had to use a lot of force to get my pinch my scalp now in some places I can do it with just one hand and two fingers. Yesterday I actually had a headache on my vertex and it felt like blood returning there similar the to the feeling you get after a long stretch.
I haven't used shampoo or conditioner consistently now for over a year and I NEVER have a problem with an oily scalp. The only time I use shampoo is when I get a haircut and if I happen to get something stuck in my hair. I also use only cold water on my hair as hot water strips out too much oil in the same way that shampoo does. Something to note on shampoo, whenever I have used shampoo it often has caused an outbreak of some kind of my scalp. In spite of that the massages have definitely reduced the amount of sebum my scalp produces and my hair does not feel greasy it just feels normal. I have recently started using apple cider vinegar mixed with water about once a month because I read on the forum that this would kill bacteria that lives off of sebum and produces PUFA as a byproduct. I still have dandruff but I never have an itchy scalp anymore like I used to.

Hair Regrowth:
On my crown there is no substantial hair growth as of yet that I can see, perhaps some fair vellus hairs but it is difficult to tell. My crown is where my scalp is the tightest and it is not uniform. The parts that are less tight have more hair than the more tight parts. Although I feel like I have made a lot of progress there recently and the next couple of weeks could see a big change in my scalp elasticity. I have also made a slight change as to how I pinch the scalp, I hold the pinch for a bit longer. Before I was doing it a bit to fast, now the massage feels deeper than before.
On my hairline there appears to be more visible progress when it comes to hair growth. I have a few terminal hairs coming through and a lot of vellus hairs, but not short vellus hairs that are a few milimeters long, they are long about an inch to two inches in length. I believe that over time and as my hairline elasticity improves these hairs will fall out and form new hairs.

One of the things that I still feel like I have not properly addressed but feel is vital to hair health is thyroid health. From all the research I have done I think getting this right is crucial to having healthy hair. I certainly have improved my thyroid health from my days of intermittent fasting and chronic stress but it is not there yet. I recently started doing red light therapy on the thyroid and I feel like this has made a difference but I have a way to go still. It is certainly a process as I have experimented with various different forms of thyroid and usually they have led to problems in the form of heart palpitations (with the exception of red light therapy). I am going to be starting only t3 soon to see what affect that will have. I believe that the combination of resolving my thyroid issues, and the massages will have a profound affect on my hair regrowth.

Continued increase in scalp elasticity, Improved scalp health, no scalp itch, no oily hair or scalp, some regrowth on hairline, still no regrowth on crown.
I think patience and consistency is the key to this technique. I underestimated just how tight my scalp was and now that I have parts that are quite elastic and others that are very tight I can really see the difference. Some people this technique will take longer than others, I see on the perfecthairhealth website he has posted the photos of someone doing the technique for three years! His progress is quite remarkable. I'm going to continue the massages and will give another update when I feel like more progress has been made. Hope this is helpful to those who are interested.


Oct 28, 2017
Some people have messaged me asking for an update on my progress with the massage.

Scalp Health:
Last month has seen a big change. My scalp health continues to improve and in the past week I can feel a big shift in the amount of tension my scalp has. It is still tight and there is clearly more progress to be made but when I look back to where it was before it is night and day. When I started I had to use a lot of force to get my pinch my scalp now in some places I can do it with just one hand and two fingers. Yesterday I actually had a headache on my vertex and it felt like blood returning there similar the to the feeling you get after a long stretch.
I haven't used shampoo or conditioner consistently now for over a year and I NEVER have a problem with an oily scalp. The only time I use shampoo is when I get a haircut and if I happen to get something stuck in my hair. I also use only cold water on my hair as hot water strips out too much oil in the same way that shampoo does. Something to note on shampoo, whenever I have used shampoo it often has caused an outbreak of some kind of my scalp. In spite of that the massages have definitely reduced the amount of sebum my scalp produces and my hair does not feel greasy it just feels normal. I have recently started using apple cider vinegar mixed with water about once a month because I read on the forum that this would kill bacteria that lives off of sebum and produces PUFA as a byproduct. I still have dandruff but I never have an itchy scalp anymore like I used to.

Hair Regrowth:
On my crown there is no substantial hair growth as of yet that I can see, perhaps some fair vellus hairs but it is difficult to tell. My crown is where my scalp is the tightest and it is not uniform. The parts that are less tight have more hair than the more tight parts. Although I feel like I have made a lot of progress there recently and the next couple of weeks could see a big change in my scalp elasticity. I have also made a slight change as to how I pinch the scalp, I hold the pinch for a bit longer. Before I was doing it a bit to fast, now the massage feels deeper than before.
On my hairline there appears to be more visible progress when it comes to hair growth. I have a few terminal hairs coming through and a lot of vellus hairs, but not short vellus hairs that are a few milimeters long, they are long about an inch to two inches in length. I believe that over time and as my hairline elasticity improves these hairs will fall out and form new hairs.

One of the things that I still feel like I have not properly addressed but feel is vital to hair health is thyroid health. From all the research I have done I think getting this right is crucial to having healthy hair. I certainly have improved my thyroid health from my days of intermittent fasting and chronic stress but it is not there yet. I recently started doing red light therapy on the thyroid and I feel like this has made a difference but I have a way to go still. It is certainly a process as I have experimented with various different forms of thyroid and usually they have led to problems in the form of heart palpitations (with the exception of red light therapy). I am going to be starting only t3 soon to see what affect that will have. I believe that the combination of resolving my thyroid issues, and the massages will have a profound affect on my hair regrowth.

Continued increase in scalp elasticity, Improved scalp health, no scalp itch, no oily hair or scalp, some regrowth on hairline, still no regrowth on crown.
I think patience and consistency is the key to this technique. I underestimated just how tight my scalp was and now that I have parts that are quite elastic and others that are very tight I can really see the difference. Some people this technique will take longer than others, I see on the perfecthairhealth website he has posted the photos of someone doing the technique for three years! His progress is quite remarkable. I'm going to continue the massages and will give another update when I feel like more progress has been made. Hope this is helpful to those who are interested.

It's going the right way, keep it up!


Mar 5, 2015
I find that when My scalp is itchy, I can scratch it for 10-15 seconds and I’ll get some dandruff, but the hair itself will instantly look thicker. Why could this be?


Apr 5, 2016
Brief update and new idea.

Still making progress on the hairline. Crown remains stubborn although I feel the scalp slowly getting looser. I've also managed to reintroduce t3/t4 without the heart palpitations I had before. This is due to supplementing with magnesium/calcium. I had supplemented with it in the past topically but it just doesn't seem to work as well for me compared to when I take it orally.

Here is my new idea for the head massages. There is a massage tool which I purchased recently called the theragun. Basically it is a lacrosse ball on the end of a jackhammer. It's used extensively by sports professionals to aid in stretching breaking up scar tissue, flexibility etc. While the image and video I've posted below makes it look like something that is way to harsh to put on the scalp there is a different head it has that greatly reduces the impact and is designed to be used on bones and joints. Maybe its a complete dead end but we'll see. Would take the 20 minute massage session to just 3-5. By the way I did not purchase it for use on my scalp I did so because I work out a lot and this tool is going to help massively in that regard. The scalp massage would be an added bonus. Hopefully it doesn't rattle my brain :tearsofjoy:

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