I've Never Seen Hairloss/pattern Baldness Like Mine. Lost 70% Of My Hair In 4-5 Years



Dec 3, 2017
It could be estrogen dominance but im more inclined to think it could be a cortisol and prolactin issue. Adrenal hyperactivity causes adrenal's to pump out excess cortisol and that really takes a toll on our mental and physical health. I would suggest trying cypro 1mg two times a day (unless you've tried that already) and maybe take some labs for prolactin and thyroid? Goodluck.

Thanks man, have you seen improvements?


Aug 6, 2015
Hey guys...gonna just jump right into this. I've been losing or should I say, just lost, most of my hair since around age 20-21. I'm 25 now. It really probably started at 18. I've studied everything - Ayurveda, Chinese traditional, heat in the body theory, onion, fenugreek oil. Everything. I always knew that something had to be wrong inside my body; always had a feeling that hairloss is inherently linked to the inside, the body conveying what's really going on through mechanisms such as baldness. Onion did work for me back in 2014...I gained a lot of hair back. Now it seems useless. At 25, I guess I've got 30-40% hair left, maybe less. That's what lead me to Peat/Roddy and I've been studying and studying. A post here by the name of Elephanto made a lot of sense to me and I've been researching and looking in to everything he layed out in an earlier post for the past few months. Before I give a back ground, like I mentioned in the title of this post, my hair loss isn't like what I've seen on hundreds if not thousands of heads online and in real life. I haven't gone up a Norwood scale. Its just like bang...diffuse hair loss across the entire frontal part of the skull and then vertex balding across the crown. I wouldn't even mind if I had balded like most men, receeding over years and years. I don't know how to upload a picture just yet but I will when I figure it out lol.

After reading up a lot of peat/roddy and of course the experience of users on here, I'm absolutely certain that I'm estrogen dominant and probably hypothyroid. I've been tested for thyroid but my Doctor was unfortunately way past it and offered no advice. Just that she didn't think I had thyroid. I've suffered with stretchmarks all over my stomach since a late teen (seriously, a large meal at one point would give me a rip pink 1-2inch stretch mark, my largest is 5 inches). My hair loss is crazy. Although I was a national level sprinter till about 18, my muscles are incredibly weak...if I do 5 chin ups and wait 10 minutes I won't be able to pull myself up on the bar..pure exhaustion of the forearms...its very hard to explain. I regularly wake up with sore triceps after doing nothing at all. Doctors say its just stress lol. I do believe that stress, cortisol and hairloss are intrinsically linked; men that 'feel' and are unable to shut down feeling inevitably suffer...your sociopathic successful men rarely lose hair. Anyway before I go off on a tangent, my prostate gives me issues at this young age...I basically have to be on Nofap for my prostate not to feel heavy, tight, painful or have strange little spasms. I've been addicted to porn since age 12 and fapped regularly 4 x a day. I know the naysayers will never believe it but I'm sure its played a major role. Prolactin must be super high. Although I can go 7-8 hours without eating easily, my thyroid/throat literally aches if I've not eaten, even if I'm not hungry. I'm sure my metabolism has completely crashed from the yoyo dieting as a teen and young athlete. I have severe anterior-pelvic tilt and vaulted stomach but I can't be certain thats part of my issues - maybe its genetic but I have a hunch. Oh yeah in regards to prostate, the biggest issues I've had with it have been on my most successful year of Nofap (2017) which I find surprising...I guess its how people get sick AFTER they stop smoking etc. I did smoke a pack a day but only for a year when I studied in Egypt. Been cold turkey since 2013.

That's pretty much all I can think of right now - you guys really need to see a picture I think. My hair texture went from thick curly wavy to tight soft curls to bald. I don't know if ethnicity has to do with it ..... Before the heavy hair loss, I always assumed I had the 'ethnic' hair line but now I realise it was most likely minor receding at the temples. A part of me does think that some sort of incompatible gene expression occurred and has left me with his strange, very sick looking baldness. That's the only way I can describe it. Very sick looking - ill and diseased.

Please let me know what you think, like I said I'll be trying [most of but not all] of user Elephanto's protocol...I'm really desperate at this point, not so much even for the hair growing back but for insight into the sickly nature of it and into hormonal/thyroid/prostate issues which I now know are all intimately linked.

p.s. I have a Vitamin D defficiency, the only thing I know for certain. Taking 1 20,000 IU pill once a week prescribed by doctor, no soya etc. Been eating a carrot a day for the last two weeks and coconut oil, a few tablespoons. The craziest thing is my diet is super healthy my whole life: we eat fusion food, never overspiced but a lot of cumin, turmeric, coriander, onions. I eat raw onions with meals as long as I remember. A lot of yoghurt. Carbs have always been cassava, plantain, corn based carbs (fufu anyone). Always fresh food, don't ever remember eating anything, honestly, processed or ready made. Really think the problem is just with me. My siblings have great health, my brother is in his 40s with a good head of hair especially with a stressful job. I suffer from depression...quite badly but never to the point I'd kill myself. V loving family, talk about everything, all my stresses and pain is talked about and worked through. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!

pss. just remembered that I definitely think I had prostatis or something similar last summer...cleared up after 2-3 months or so. Never had any problems urinating etc so I don't know for sure how badly it effected me, but it was definitely there...heaviness, tightness, anxiety inducing and very occasionally uncomfortable to the point of pain. Oh and I never have an itchy scalp...ever...even when I had a full head of hair. Please let me know what you guys think. I'm lost.


let's make this as simple as possible

list your diet,
lab tests if you have them


Nov 28, 2017
Thanks man, have you seen improvements?

Lol yes, if you look at the threads that i made they very basically regarding hairloss. Feel free to look at them for other members suggestions. Anyway i started with progest-e and then slowly started to take thyroid. Just last week i started cypro and bromo (to combat cypro's D3 antagonism) and fairly certain that i have halted the progression. Ill probably make a seperate thread if i have success 2-3 months later.


Jul 8, 2016
Lol yes, if you look at the threads that i made they very basically regarding hairloss. Feel free to look at them for other members suggestions. Anyway i started with progest-e and then slowly started to take thyroid. Just last week i started cypro and bromo (to combat cypro's D3 antagonism) and fairly certain that i have halted the progression. Ill probably make a seperate thread if i have success 2-3 months later.

Take some pictures!


Dec 3, 2017
let's make this as simple as possible

list your diet,
lab tests if you have them

Ok, just want to say that I suffer from zero scalp itchiness that I've read is so prevalent in MPB. No discomfort either. What does that mean? Anyway my diet is a very ethnic diet, lots of rice, chappatis (wheat), curries, a lot of fruit including cherimoya/custard apple since I was young, cornmeal based carbs (ugali), plantains, green bananas, a lot of meat, chicken and fish usually 4-5 a week as long as I remember, but always with plenty of vegetable dishes too. Also typically a lot of fried foods in your standard 'bad' corn/vegetable oils etc. Cutting wheat/gluten, PUFAS etc out now totally. A lot of cumin, turmeric, onions, garlic and ginger in all foods. A lot of salt.

At the moment I'm supplementing with D3 20,000 IU as prescribed by doctor. Also zinc picolinate due to my prostate issues. Eating 1 carrot a day for vitamin A. Plan to buy K2 and E. Eat some marmalade (making homemade this week) every day. Don't drink much milk but I plan too, especially when I can buy some raw milk very soon.

I'm mostly sedentary even though I had such an active youth (national level sprinter UK)..in fact I'm very sedentary. I suffer from depression and zero motivation. I work from home which is equally depressing and also be often stressful. Had/have a porn+masturbation addiction for 10+ years, I think its caused serious dopamine issues and prolactin elevation. Anxiety of course. Trying to quit porn and abstain from orgasm for good. Surprisingly after a successful year last year off of either, hair got worse and my prostate was definitely inflamed. KInd of like when some smokers finally quit, the negative symptoms come rushing in. At least that's how I've rationalised it lol.

Unfortunately no lab tests yet.
Last edited:


Jul 13, 2014
I'm pretty sure Cortisol and estrogen and nitric oxide cause hair loss. I'm trying to minimise...


Dec 3, 2017
I'm pretty sure Cortisol and estrogen and nitric oxide cause hair loss. I'm trying to minimise...

Yep cortisol and estrogen are definitely an issue I think..but some of the other posts detailing the real issues behind MPD from bleeding edge research are very complex and detailed - meandering my way through as we speak.


Dec 3, 2017
Lol yes, if you look at the threads that i made they very basically regarding hairloss. Feel free to look at them for other members suggestions. Anyway i started with progest-e and then slowly started to take thyroid. Just last week i started cypro and bromo (to combat cypro's D3 antagonism) and fairly certain that i have halted the progression. Ill probably make a seperate thread if i have success 2-3 months later.

Dope...I'm not familiar with these though? Can you explain? I don't wanna start messing with hormones etc even though I know its part of the issue...I wanna go slow considering I'm already at like Norwood 4/5 so why bother lol.


Dec 3, 2017
Just realised I should mention my doctor found very high creatinine kinase (CK) and my nails are always super soft and weak. In 2016 I had some kidney stones, shortly after being diagnosed with high CK. And pink stretchmarks all over my stomach since around 19, without major gains or losses in weight.


Dec 3, 2017
Oh and before I forget, I've had this brown spot, roughly 1.5cm in width on the white of my left eye since around 14...can't help but think its linked. In fact is has grown during different phases of my life ; post hair loss I'd say its even bigger, maybe 2cm.
Nov 16, 2012
Yep cortisol and estrogen are definitely an issue I think..but some of the other posts detailing the real issues behind MPD from bleeding edge research are very complex and detailed - meandering my way through as we speak.

Cortisol perhaps, but estrogen does not cause hair loss. I've used estrogen topically before, it only did great things for my scalp hair. Regrew a lot. However obviously unusable in the long run due to side effects.

Inflammation seems to be a key factor. Red light (particularly infrared as it reaches all the way down to the hair follicle, i.e. Infrared Mini by RedLightMan) and salicylic acid are some safe things I would start off a regimen with. It's unlikely to be enough if your hair loss is this aggressive though.


Dec 3, 2017
Cortisol perhaps, but estrogen does not cause hair loss. I've used estrogen topically before, it only did great things for my scalp hair. Regrew a lot. However obviously unusable in the long run due to side effects.

Inflammation seems to be a key factor. Red light (particularly infrared as it reaches all the way down to the hair follicle, i.e. Infrared Mini by RedLightMan) and salicylic acid are some safe things I would start off a regimen with. It's unlikely to be enough if your hair loss is this aggressive though.

Thanks for the input. Yeah its super aggressive at this point - literally only have hair in the middle going accross at this point...I dont want to give up...thinking of using ru58411...
Nov 16, 2012
I've used that and I've also used Finasteride. I fared better on RU but it also doesn't hold the fort sadly. Mine is pretty aggressive as well. I actually maintained for over a month on red light alone, but the moment I increased my thyroid hormones somewhat (and hence-> androgen synthesis went up) I had a massive shed that took a huge chunk out of my right temple in just under a week. Looks like ***t now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it back.


Dec 3, 2017
I've used that and I've also used Finasteride. I fared better on RU but it also doesn't hold the fort sadly. Mine is pretty aggressive as well. I actually maintained for over a month on red light alone, but the moment I increased my thyroid hormones somewhat (and hence-> androgen synthesis went up) I had a massive shed that took a huge chunk out of my right temple in just under a week. Looks like ***t now, I'm not sure if I'll be able to get it back.

Yeah? I heard RU is most effective on androgenic alopecia sufferers as opposed to mpb...are you aa? How come you don't think estrogen dominance is the issue? What are your thoughts on prolactin? Sorry for so many questions, I get excited when someone checks out my thread lol.

I don't think you should give up - you can definitely get that hair back, unfortunately I just don't know how. I'm basically NW4/5 but refuse to give up just yet.
Nov 16, 2012
Androgenic alopecia and MPB are one in the same. Did you mean alopecia areata?
How come you don't think estrogen dominance is the issue?

Empirical evidence. If you believe that estrogen is the issue, you can test that out very easily. Get some arimidex or letrozole (aromatase inhibitors). You could take an 1/8th of a pill of letrozole, and your estrogen will be undetectable on a lab test. That is how powerful it is in reducing estrogen. Now, if you think you are balding fast right now, stay on letrozole for a few weeks and see what's left of your hair. I've used it for a week, and had massive losses. Never again.

On the other hand, I've used various topical estrogens and every single time they gave me amazing regrowth and increase in thickness all over my head. I always had to give up because they would give me gyno. But their effect on hair growth is indisputable in my opinion.

What are your thoughts on prolactin?

It's probably problematic in excess, but mine was about mid-range when I tested it, so I'm not sure how much of a contribution it makes in the pathology of MPB.

Do you have noticeable scalp itching and inflammation? Does the top of your head feel rather sensitive compared to the sides and back?


Dec 3, 2017
Androgenic alopecia and MPB are one in the same. Did you mean alopecia areata?

Empirical evidence. If you believe that estrogen is the issue, you can test that out very easily. Get some arimidex or letrozole (aromatase inhibitors). You could take an 1/8th of a pill of letrozole, and your estrogen will be undetectable on a lab test. That is how powerful it is in reducing estrogen. Now, if you think you are balding fast right now, stay on letrozole for a few weeks and see what's left of your hair. I've used it for a week, and had massive losses. Never again.

On the other hand, I've used various topical estrogens and every single time they gave me amazing regrowth and increase in thickness all over my head. I always had to give up because they would give me gyno. But their effect on hair growth is indisputable in my opinion.

It's probably problematic in excess, but mine was about mid-range when I tested it, so I'm not sure how much of a contribution it makes in the pathology of MPB.

Do you have noticeable scalp itching and inflammation? Does the top of your head feel rather sensitive compared to the sides and back?

Oh I was under the impression that the core reason for balding was slightly different in classic regression of the hairline MPB as opposed to heavy early losses which I thought were AA.

Thats interesting..very interesting. I will be getting labs done next week so time will tell. I already have gyno to a degree so I don't wanna make it worse although topical estrogen does sound really good.

I've never experienced an itchy scalp or inflammatory soreness or pain...sometimes my scalp gets red very easily but again, no soreness. That's what makes me confused - everyone complains of itchiness and scalp soreness but I've never really experienced that. My hair has literally just disappeared, I don't even shed at this point..just wake up and realise month-to-month that the baldness is encroaching...now its a sort of L shape on the right side and coming across toward the left...very strange. Very recently I've developed very very dry skin at the frontal bald areas but there's no itch or pain..just dryness easily taken care of with some coconut oil.
Nov 16, 2012
There is recession and diffuse hair loss but they both get typically lumped under MPB - I am not sure what determines who gets one or the other, it would be interesting to find out.

Topical estrogen sounds great but eventually it goes into the bloodstream and will start womanizing you, fair warning.

My scalp is inflamed all the time, it feels sensitive to the touch and is one of the prime indicators that it's being destroyed from the inside. Usually everything that helped with the inflammation gave me regrowth, so did estrogen and red light. I am trying salicylic acid topical now as well.

Is your right side worse than your left? That is very typical, for some reason the majority of MPB sufferers the right side is in far worse state.


Jan 6, 2017
Hey guys...gonna just jump right into this. I've been losing or should I say, just lost, most of my hair since around age 20-21. I'm 25 now. It really probably started at 18. I've studied everything - Ayurveda, Chinese traditional, heat in the body theory, onion, fenugreek oil. Everything. I always knew that something had to be wrong inside my body; always had a feeling that hairloss is inherently linked to the inside, the body conveying what's really going on through mechanisms such as baldness. Onion did work for me back in 2014...I gained a lot of hair back. Now it seems useless. At 25, I guess I've got 30-40% hair left, maybe less. That's what lead me to Peat/Roddy and I've been studying and studying. A post here by the name of Elephanto made a lot of sense to me and I've been researching and looking in to everything he layed out in an earlier post for the past few months. Before I give a back ground, like I mentioned in the title of this post, my hair loss isn't like what I've seen on hundreds if not thousands of heads online and in real life. I haven't gone up a Norwood scale. Its just like bang...diffuse hair loss across the entire frontal part of the skull and then vertex balding across the crown. I wouldn't even mind if I had balded like most men, receeding over years and years. I don't know how to upload a picture just yet but I will when I figure it out lol.

After reading up a lot of peat/roddy and of course the experience of users on here, I'm absolutely certain that I'm estrogen dominant and probably hypothyroid. I've been tested for thyroid but my Doctor was unfortunately way past it and offered no advice. Just that she didn't think I had thyroid. I've suffered with stretchmarks all over my stomach since a late teen (seriously, a large meal at one point would give me a rip pink 1-2inch stretch mark, my largest is 5 inches). My hair loss is crazy. Although I was a national level sprinter till about 18, my muscles are incredibly weak...if I do 5 chin ups and wait 10 minutes I won't be able to pull myself up on the bar..pure exhaustion of the forearms...its very hard to explain. I regularly wake up with sore triceps after doing nothing at all. Doctors say its just stress lol. I do believe that stress, cortisol and hairloss are intrinsically linked; men that 'feel' and are unable to shut down feeling inevitably suffer...your sociopathic successful men rarely lose hair. Anyway before I go off on a tangent, my prostate gives me issues at this young age...I basically have to be on Nofap for my prostate not to feel heavy, tight, painful or have strange little spasms. I've been addicted to porn since age 12 and fapped regularly 4 x a day. I know the naysayers will never believe it but I'm sure its played a major role. Prolactin must be super high. Although I can go 7-8 hours without eating easily, my thyroid/throat literally aches if I've not eaten, even if I'm not hungry. I'm sure my metabolism has completely crashed from the yoyo dieting as a teen and young athlete. I have severe anterior-pelvic tilt and vaulted stomach but I can't be certain thats part of my issues - maybe its genetic but I have a hunch. Oh yeah in regards to prostate, the biggest issues I've had with it have been on my most successful year of Nofap (2017) which I find surprising...I guess its how people get sick AFTER they stop smoking etc. I did smoke a pack a day but only for a year when I studied in Egypt. Been cold turkey since 2013.

That's pretty much all I can think of right now - you guys really need to see a picture I think. My hair texture went from thick curly wavy to tight soft curls to bald. I don't know if ethnicity has to do with it ..... Before the heavy hair loss, I always assumed I had the 'ethnic' hair line but now I realise it was most likely minor receding at the temples. A part of me does think that some sort of incompatible gene expression occurred and has left me with his strange, very sick looking baldness. That's the only way I can describe it. Very sick looking - ill and diseased.

Please let me know what you think, like I said I'll be trying [most of but not all] of user Elephanto's protocol...I'm really desperate at this point, not so much even for the hair growing back but for insight into the sickly nature of it and into hormonal/thyroid/prostate issues which I now know are all intimately linked.

p.s. I have a Vitamin D defficiency, the only thing I know for certain. Taking 1 20,000 IU pill once a week prescribed by doctor, no soya etc. Been eating a carrot a day for the last two weeks and coconut oil, a few tablespoons. The craziest thing is my diet is super healthy my whole life: we eat fusion food, never overspiced but a lot of cumin, turmeric, coriander, onions. I eat raw onions with meals as long as I remember. A lot of yoghurt. Carbs have always been cassava, plantain, corn based carbs (fufu anyone). Always fresh food, don't ever remember eating anything, honestly, processed or ready made. Really think the problem is just with me. My siblings have great health, my brother is in his 40s with a good head of hair especially with a stressful job. I suffer from depression...quite badly but never to the point I'd kill myself. V loving family, talk about everything, all my stresses and pain is talked about and worked through. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong!

pss. just remembered that I definitely think I had prostatis or something similar last summer...cleared up after 2-3 months or so. Never had any problems urinating etc so I don't know for sure how badly it effected me, but it was definitely there...heaviness, tightness, anxiety inducing and very occasionally uncomfortable to the point of pain. Oh and I never have an itchy scalp...ever...even when I had a full head of hair. Please let me know what you guys think. I'm lost.


Try Tyronene if your muscles are weak or ache. Having restless legs is usually lactic acid building in the muscles.

Your breathing should be natural and not difficult. T3 is first noticed in the breathing.


Dec 3, 2017
There is recession and diffuse hair loss but they both get typically lumped under MPB - I am not sure what determines who gets one or the other, it would be interesting to find out.

Topical estrogen sounds great but eventually it goes into the bloodstream and will start womanizing you, fair warning.

My scalp is inflamed all the time, it feels sensitive to the touch and is one of the prime indicators that it's being destroyed from the inside. Usually everything that helped with the inflammation gave me regrowth, so did estrogen and red light. I am trying salicylic acid topical now as well.

Is your right side worse than your left? That is very typical, for some reason the majority of MPB sufferers the right side is in far worse state.

Hey sorry for the late reply, yes I'd say at the front right side is definitely worse but on the crown/vertex the left side is much worse. Strange.
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