Interesting Ideas On Hair Loss; Similar To Danny Roddy


Jan 15, 2017
What's going on with my hairloss? I have severe diffuse hairloss but never had any itch or scalp soreness ever....I'm so confused.

Not everyone has the itch or soreness. Not everyone has a tight scalp. Everyones situation has its own variables and reactions.

To have any reasonable idea, labs or bloodwork are a good idea as well as using that information to modify your life and diet to get your health back. Seriously


Dec 3, 2017
Not everyone has the itch or soreness. Not everyone has a tight scalp. Everyones situation has its own variables and reactions.

To have any reasonable idea, labs or bloodwork are a good idea as well as using that information to modify your life and diet to get your health back. Seriously

Yeah I've been reading up a lot recently. Cut linoleic acid as per Travis recommendations. No gluten. I'm supplementing Vitamin D, A, K2, Zinc Picolinate. My diet apart from the fried foods found in my culture's cuisine, is extremely healthy and fresh - every day. That's why I can't get my head around it. A part of me feels its all emotional. The psychology plays a major part...I think my porn addiction and depression definitely had sped up the a high degree. I started receding at probably age 18/19 but you couldn't tell at all. Now at 25 its really bad. Maybe you can check out the thread I made? My health was generally excellent (lol) until my depression really kicked in around 21, then I got a sick a few times (kidney stones(1 stone) once, dengue fever, colds+flu all the time) family and friends have been quite shocked as I was never, ever ill or sickly. So yeah...I know I need to fix the psychology and I know how to go around it, but its easier said than done, huh. So many theories out here. Hormonal. Genetics. Blockage of a neck artery as I've seen some post. All have their merits but are still falling short. Who knows. It can get so overwhelming.

Oh and bloodwork soon! I know I have very low Vitamin D and high creatinine kinase (to the point doctor asked if I was on steroids) but this was done late 2015 early 2016.

Anyway thanks for the advice!


Jan 15, 2017
Think of it this way - all men and women have potential to lose hair, the reality being that having hair on our head technically isnt needed for survival today.

The genetics part is individual ie. how low is the threshold of stress, malnutrition, shock, low thyroid conditions etcc that would cause us to shed hair whether fast or slow.

The other part is what mechanisms are there to buffer those stressors. A great psuedo- example is a female body being more "protective" in a sense to stressors historically perhaps because technically women have to carry a child - men dont. They have less heart disease compared to men, probably a different inflammatory cascade than men. Plenty of conditions for men exist that dont exist to the same degree in women.

So its not really a single "theory", the body responds to stressors. Sometimes its just slowing the "not needed" things so energy can be put elsewhere.

Get your labs done if you are able to - without them you have no direction in which to go.

A good start is cortisol over 24hrs, prolactin, tsh etc..
Only then can you start to really direct your efforts. @Hairfedup


Apr 4, 2016
Brief update and new idea.

Still making progress on the hairline. Crown remains stubborn although I feel the scalp slowly getting looser. I've also managed to reintroduce t3/t4 without the heart palpitations I had before. This is due to supplementing with magnesium/calcium. I had supplemented with it in the past topically but it just doesn't seem to work as well for me compared to when I take it orally.

Here is my new idea for the head massages. There is a massage tool which I purchased recently called the theragun. Basically it is a lacrosse ball on the end of a jackhammer. It's used extensively by sports professionals to aid in stretching breaking up scar tissue, flexibility etc. While the image and video I've posted below makes it look like something that is way to harsh to put on the scalp there is a different head it has that greatly reduces the impact and is designed to be used on bones and joints. Maybe its a complete dead end but we'll see. Would take the 20 minute massage session to just 3-5. By the way I did not purchase it for use on my scalp I did so because I work out a lot and this tool is going to help massively in that regard. The scalp massage would be an added bonus. Hopefully it doesn't rattle my brain :tearsofjoy:

I thought about using this as well. How’s it going?


Apr 5, 2016
I thought about using this as well. How’s it going?

I don't have it yet, mine arrives in a couple of weeks. I ordered one for my mum who has very bad back and tight muscles due to lack of movement and Parkinson's disease. She said it has been extremely helpful.


Dec 3, 2017
Think of it this way - all men and women have potential to lose hair, the reality being that having hair on our head technically isnt needed for survival today.

The genetics part is individual ie. how low is the threshold of stress, malnutrition, shock, low thyroid conditions etcc that would cause us to shed hair whether fast or slow.

The other part is what mechanisms are there to buffer those stressors. A great psuedo- example is a female body being more "protective" in a sense to stressors historically perhaps because technically women have to carry a child - men dont. They have less heart disease compared to men, probably a different inflammatory cascade than men. Plenty of conditions for men exist that dont exist to the same degree in women.

So its not really a single "theory", the body responds to stressors. Sometimes its just slowing the "not needed" things so energy can be put elsewhere.

Get your labs done if you are able to - without them you have no direction in which to go.

A good start is cortisol over 24hrs, prolactin, tsh etc..
Only then can you start to really direct your efforts. @Hairfedup

Thanks Luckytype, really appreciate all input. I should be having my bloods' done by next week. Then I can develop a plan of attack haha.


Apr 5, 2016
Finally got my theragun. Wow is it intense, great for muscles might be a bit too much for the scalp. I tried it with dampner on my scalp and it definitely had an effect not sure if it is as good as using your hands yet but my scalp def has less tension afterwards and I used it for 3 minutes instead of the 20 minutes a massage by hand requires. I do have a slight headache though, not sure if this is from more blood flow or from my brain rattling around :laughing:. Will give an update after a few more uses.


Apr 4, 2016
Finally got my theragun. Wow is it intense, great for muscles might be a bit too much for the scalp. I tried it with dampner on my scalp and it definitely had an effect not sure if it is as good as using your hands yet but my scalp def has less tension afterwards and I used it for 3 minutes instead of the 20 minutes a massage by hand requires. I do have a slight headache though, not sure if this is from more blood flow or from my brain rattling around :laughing:. Will give an update after a few more uses.
Lol keep us updated


New Member
Feb 2, 2018
Hey guys, update on some my protocol:

Rob massage: 5 months
LLLT: 3 months
Ashwangandha: 2 months,
Chlorrella: forever but i am replacing this with a Supergreens mix from SunFood Super foods
Vitamin D: 2 months but stopped in the last 2 weeks. Replacing with microdosing from a midband UVB lamp, better vehicle for absorption than capsule and PGE2 promoter.
Castor Oil + DMSO: Started about 1 week ago. Kind of annoying to apply but the science is there behind it. PGE2 agonist and PGD2 inhibitor.
Diet: started cooking 66% of my meals. ( breakfast, dinner) I only cook with coconut oil to promote a balance between Omega 3 and 6s. Unbalanced ratio of Omega 6s can promote PGD2. I also am eating oysters atleast 1-2 twice per week. I dont drink any coffee, only Rooibos tea and Chamomile tea. Rooibos helps reduce PGD2 with quercetin among a bunch of other benefits. I am aware it also reduces PGE2. I am not concerned with this because PGD2 is like 16x higher in balding men so my main target.
HeadStands: Started about 1 month ago. not much science here but just doing it to improve circulation and why not lol.

I am feeling some stubble on the hair line (these are vellus) and overall improved hair quality. I have a little bit shedding. nothing alarming but noticeable. The shedding has gone down from January when I started the LLLT. Also most of the shedding seems to be from the more translucent/blonde hairs on my head. I am also starting to notice more hairs are slightly pigemented. A part of my head that was the main problem area is less thin. Its seems to have matched more of the other thinning. So its just looks like diffused rather than pattern + diffused.

I am waiting for a couple of months to see how my diet changes affect my hair, but i am continuing the massages regardless until atleast 1 year

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Mar 25, 2016
I noticed a healthier hairline from my massage / manipulation efforts. I posted a few pics on here on a different thread, but it doesn't show too well. The improvement is visible to me though.

My protocol has been to try and cut down on pufa. supplement with AD&K and Magnesium Citrate. And of course, massage once a day (in the evening).. as I simply don't have the time to do it twice. I'm not a morning person since birth.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
March 1 will be one year of scalp massage. I use one of those scalp brushes that have been around for years. I have been doing it for 10-15 min religiously but not sure if vigorous enough. So what are my results? I have seen very healthy hair, not significant loss but no noticeable regrowth....while I read about Danny Roddy recommendations, I don't see it has helped him or rather his hair.


Apr 5, 2016
March 1 will be one year of scalp massage. I use one of those scalp brushes that have been around for years. I have been doing it for 10-15 min religiously but not sure if vigorous enough. So what are my results? I have seen very healthy hair, not significant loss but no noticeable regrowth....while I read about Danny Roddy recommendations, I don't see it has helped him or rather his hair.

Scalp massages have to be very vigorous I am only aware of one method that works. 10-15 minutes with a scalp brush is unlikely to be anywhere near enough it simply does not have the same effect as the pressing, stretching and pinching that is required to cause real changes. I would recommend you look at
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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