Female Corner


Dec 11, 2020
Any feedback from sisters here regarding the effects of exposure to male hormones through sexual activity on the menstrual cycle (aside from pregnancy)? makes sense to me that this exposure could certainly interfere. Dr. Peat advised that semen should not really be in or on a woman other than when an egg is fertilized for pregnancy. Touchy explaining this to most men but its a health and hormone balance issue. Curious what you may know/think or have experienced first hand regarding this topic. Thanks!!
Well, I have answered my own question after more data and observation. My conclusion is that sexual interaction and male hormone exposure can definitely interfere with the menstrual cycle and female hormone balance, After ceasing and desisting with that exposure a couple weeks ago - voila period came back on schedule after a missed cycle. also noticed last month much more facial hair growth than usual- esthetician affirmed. semen exposes us to estrogen, androgens and anything else the male ingests or has in his system which is another reason why i want to be with a Tantric and Peaty male. I know - good luck finding that- but maybe on here somewhere. Just not worth it to me frankly until I intersect with a true mate-- too disruptive to my life and health. I'll just stick to my unvaccinated toys in the interim. Hope my sharing promotes awareness among both men and women here on this issue- it is definitely real.


Apr 28, 2018
Well, I have answered my own question after more data and observation. My conclusion is that sexual interaction and male hormone exposure can definitely interfere with the menstrual cycle and female hormone balance, After ceasing and desisting with that exposure a couple weeks ago - voila period came back on schedule after a missed cycle. also noticed last month much more facial hair growth than usual- esthetician affirmed. semen exposes us to estrogen, androgens and anything else the male ingests or has in his system which is another reason why i want to be with a Tantric and Peaty male. I know - good luck finding that- but maybe on here somewhere. Just not worth it to me frankly until I intersect with a true mate-- too disruptive to my life and health. I'll just stick to my unvaccinated toys in the interim. Hope my sharing promotes awareness among both men and women here on this issue- it is definitely real.
As modern technology enlightens those of us who can look back on (4)decades of very active sexuality and their "hormonal/chemical" induced events of a life, I personally find your conclusions and determinations reasonable and laudable. Further, it seems rational to extrapolate that your heightened awareness and informed field will therefore serve your intuition towards stated goals.
Good work.


Jul 8, 2014
Well, I have answered my own question after more data and observation. My conclusion is that sexual interaction and male hormone exposure can definitely interfere with the menstrual cycle and female hormone balance, After ceasing and desisting with that exposure a couple weeks ago - voila period came back on schedule after a missed cycle. also noticed last month much more facial hair growth than usual- esthetician affirmed. semen exposes us to estrogen, androgens and anything else the male ingests or has in his system which is another reason why i want to be with a Tantric and Peaty male. I know - good luck finding that- but maybe on here somewhere. Just not worth it to me frankly until I intersect with a true mate-- too disruptive to my life and health. I'll just stick to my unvaccinated toys in the interim. Hope my sharing promotes awareness among both men and women here on this issue- it is definitely real.

I’m happy you discovered the cause of your hormone imbalance, Melissa. Maybe you could update your dating thread periodically so that any single, Tantric, Peaty males looking for a Peaty female will know you’re available? :)


Dec 11, 2020
Happy Mothers Day Peat Sisters. Well, if not one thing another.... and seeking input. As reported previously, menstruation came back on schedule and all seemed well. I used the Diva Cup (washed per instructions) ive been using since last December. On the fourth day and last day of using it overnight, woke up to discomfort and yeast like discharge. flow had pretty much stopped so treated with flowers of Sulphur twice per day and seemed better but not gone. When i seem to have caught some little bug this week with sore throat and swollen lymph glands, kind of freaked out as that can occur with STD's.When I went to urgent care for testing, the NP said it looked like yeast and prescribed terconazole - 3 day regimen- which has always worked in the past for me for yeast infections. did that 2 nights and could tell wasnt really doing the job either. I get a call now that vaginal smear test came back with bacterial vaginosis, no yeast, nothing else. the treatment is flagyl or clindamycin and can be oral or intravaginal. just browsing here seeing negative info on the antibiotics and discussions of alternatives.feedback and suggestions appreciated as been a week and a half now and want to resolve. I am also concerned now about using a diva cup as it really seemed to coincide with using that. thought it was so much better than tampons but not sure now. arghhh. thank you.
Last edited:


Dec 11, 2020
The NP recommends the oral route because she says the intravaginal ones have not been as effective but seems to me those would be preferable in terms of adverse effects on body so opinion on that too please if i have to resort to that route.


Apr 28, 2018
I would take the antibiotic post haste. And get thee to the refrigerated section of health food store finding the probiotic I pictured in this thread. The full spectrum of bugs in that bottle is nothing short of amazing for vaginal health. Good surmise on the cup, foreign object/irritant/ being rejected. If women only realized how common it is just tampons unable to be used same reason--FOREIGN OBJECT! Surely "toxic shock syndrome" has been heard of? How many women you know actually successfully use IUDs? Eh? The "State of the Art" Copper 7 and so much more BS they have foisted on us is decades long. The natural actions of the vaginal muscles from sex to childbirth, the sloughing of its walls for cleansing and an indicator of health, and functions of the pelvic floor is nothing short of amazing. Let her heal and serve your essence for many decades.


Dec 11, 2020
I would take the antibiotic post haste. And get thee to the refrigerated section of health food store finding the probiotic I pictured in this thread. The full spectrum of bugs in that bottle is nothing short of amazing for vaginal health. Good surmise on the cup, foreign object/irritant/ being rejected. If women only realized how common it is just tampons unable to be used same reason--FOREIGN OBJECT! Surely "toxic shock syndrome" has been heard of? How many women you know actually successfully use IUDs? Eh? The "State of the Art" Copper 7 and so much more BS they have foisted on us is decades long. The natural actions of the vaginal muscles from sex to childbirth, the sloughing of its walls for cleansing and an indicator of health, and functions of the pelvic floor is nothing short of amazing. Let her heal and serve your essence for many decades.
Thank you. When i researched on line said the intravaginal is either equally or more effective than oral with less side effects in contrast to what the NP said so will get that and will certainly try the probiotic you cited even though probiotics controversial on this forum. I do take good doses of sporebiotics that should address this as well. So, what is your recommendation for menstruation? just to use pads or period panties? As much as i dont like them, maybe it really is best. im truly afraid now to insert anything after the left in tampon incident back in December which incited the diva cup switchover and now this. it does seem likely to have brought it on as was on the 4th day of use of the diva cup and seems too long after sexual activity to be caused by a disruption of PH due to that. although new research shows an update. Sure am learning much about all this as never knew about it. Bacterial Vaginosis May Be Result of Sexual Intercourse


Mar 20, 2021
Oh geez, I'm sorry this is happening for you! In 15 years of using the same Diva Cup, I've never had an infection, and I don't even wash mine with soap every time I empty it.

I'd take the Clindamycin, but cease usage of tampons or cups til the infection heals...

My 14 year old quit getting vaginosis/ bladder infections when she began avoiding oxalate foods...


Dec 11, 2020
Oh geez, I'm sorry this is happening for you! In 15 years of using the same Diva Cup, I've never had an infection, and I don't even wash mine with soap every time I empty it.

I'd take the Clindamycin, but cease usage of tampons or cups til the infection heals...

My 14 year old quit getting vaginosis/ bladder infections when she began avoiding oxalate foods...
thanks. wow- i know diva cup seems so good when i research. too many variables to know what caused it. you think clindamycin is safer than Metronidazole which is the first choice for some reason? im going to use the intravaginal version as seems safer and from what ive read equally or even more effective. but if there is some reason clindamycin safer could have NP call that in instead. just no way to know the cause as there are so many and this is a very common issue for women for many many reasons. although not an std, there seems to be a correlation with sexual activity due to changes in PH caused by it but it seems it would have been symptomatic sooner if that had been the cause and not during the diva cup use. Thank you though and Happy Mothers Day personally!


Apr 28, 2018
Thank you. When i researched on line said the intravaginal is either equally or more effective than oral with less
I think your prudence against inserting anything is warranted. We say that we dont like pads, but in the end, it is the same method used for thousands of years worldwide. Well, except for the machine pressed layers giving us more time between changes. Remember how many societies kept women CONFINED for the duration, often replete with shunning or other strict rules. Until the most recent 80-90 years it pretty much sucked to be female in every way. You have the tools and discernment and intuition. You will heal and emerge more healthy and wiser.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Advocate2021, I’d personally go with the vaginal route. I think you are healthier than the NP’s average clientele and it will be enough for you. I’d take florastor and the probiotic @akgrrrl mentioned because the medicine could very well cause a yeast infection. Boric acid suppositories are also good if you do get a vaginal yeast infection. Best wishes!


Mar 20, 2021
thanks. wow- i know diva cup seems so good when i research. too many variables to know what caused it. you think clindamycin is safer than Metronidazole which is the first choice for some reason? im going to use the intravaginal version as seems safer and from what ive read equally or even more effective. but if there is some reason clindamycin safer could have NP call that in instead. just no way to know the cause as there are so many and this is a very common issue for women for many many reasons. although not an std, there seems to be a correlation with sexual activity due to changes in PH caused by it but it seems it would have been symptomatic sooner if that had been the cause and not during the diva cup use. Thank you though and Happy Mothers Day personally!
Well I don't have any actual experience with metronidazole, but my daughter uses clindamycin topically and has forever so I guess I consider it benign...

Keep us posted on how you heal up! Thank you for the Mother's Day wishes


Dec 11, 2020
thank you all sisters. well i must say the intravaginal metronidazole is definitely working fast. just first application last night and 60 percent better today so think should do the trick after the rest of the 5-day course. i am taking my spore biotics and a purer version of florastor as well as some undecelynic acid which addresses yeast so think that will all protect against any yeast risk. also before the tests came back the NP prescribed terconazole for 3 nights vaginally and did two hefty doses of that prior - not sure what effect that would have as no yeast came back on the culture but maybe that will protect as well as killed off whatever normal yeast was there lol. going forward i think it best to wait for culture results before treating- doubt using that terconazole concoction when not yeast was good for me. i did look into boric acid and found mixed reviews- it addresses yeast as well as bacterial vaginosis @L_C to your knowledge? After researching the subject heavily, learned a lot but after 10 days of discomfort just wanted the least invasive treatment that was most likely to do the job and determined that 5 days of the metronidazole vaginal gel seemed to fit the bill and would be the least harmful of all the traditional methods. As much as i detest Big Pharma corruption, even pharma can have a positive side and sometimes their products help people and get the job done. i have tried flowers of sulfur many times for yeast infections and even this time for instance, and it has never worked whereas the terconazole 3 day vaginal cream has always worked like a charm for yeast. so sometimes these pharma things are needed./


Mar 20, 2021
Yes, the westernized medical complex is great for acute injuries and infections, we are lucky to have it...

I'm glad you're getting relief so quickly


Dec 11, 2020
I also wrote to Diva Cup. They responded very quickly with many questions and i responded. I will let you know what they say. The NP who treated me did advise that she has seen many women who have had issues using menstrual cups. so reevaluating as i have shared above.


Dec 11, 2020
Circling back here for input once again- confused. so I ended up doing the 5 -day course of the metronidazole gel, completed thursday night. one of the side effects of the gel, not infection necessarily, is white clumps which i observed. before knowing that the first few days i was thinking is this the infection and the gel not working when i saw it 3 days in. but it was so solid i thought maybe congealing from the gel and that is what i found so thought to finish the course. i have the pills as well but thought this gel safer. research said the side effect should resolve in 48 hours or so. observed it again this morning which is more that 48 hours but i think it looks like the congealment rather than actual infection. i still feel irritated but i also did 2 nights of vaginal terconazole prior to the culture coming back and indicating that was the wrong treatment followed by 5 nights of the the metronidazole, both of which have other odd ingredients so even if the infection cleared not surprised to not be all perfect again. i really dont want to start swallowing pills if this is all residual from the meds. guess only way to know for sure is to go back and do another culture and see if its gone. evidently many with bv do not even have symptoms. Aside from the emotional upset, just very confounding - seriously making me never want to insert anything into that area ever again. i seriously want to be reincarnated as a male in my next life lol.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Advocate2021, If memory serves me correctly I believe it took me about a week after finishing the treatment to feel normal down there again. Go with your inner guidance though and get retested if you think you need to. Getting retested certainly can’t hurt anything!


Dec 11, 2020
@Advocate2021, If memory serves me correctly I believe it took me about a week after finishing the treatment to feel normal down there again. Go with your inner guidance though and get retested if you think you need to. Getting retested certainly can’t hurt anything!
Thanks so much! i agree. |Mainstream medical practitioners are so trigger happy with meds and would just tell me to start a pill but when the side effects from the actual treatment may explain residual symptoms just makes so sense to assault your entire intestine unnecessarily with massive non optimal antibiotics. proof is in the data so will go get it again.
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