Female Corner


Jan 16, 2023
@evie23, I started out with a small dose, but not long after I was going through a bottle a week trying to resolve my symptoms. I figured out after talking with Ray that my issue was my thyroid. Personally, I would try cycling it first. From my understanding, the liver will just excrete the progesterone if it’s taken continuously, and you risk premature ovulation. If you haven’t read it already, you might find Ray’s Progesterone Summaries’ article helpful:

Thank you! I read through the summary previously and it was actually was inspired me to give progesterone a go. I just couldn't figure out how to apply it for amenorrhea as it mostly referred to menstruating and post menopausal women. How did you know you needed a bigger dose?


Jan 16, 2023
I had hypothalamic amenorrhea that resulted from too much keto and fasting and long distance running. It took a few years but I got my cycle back with a little bit of topical progesterone cream applied before bed. I used it for 2 weeks and then I'd stop for a week or two regardless of what I felt like my cycle might be doing. After a couple months my cycle returned and for a year it was really short, like 22 days. Now adding in DHEA I have perfect 28 or 29 day cycles and I'm 45. I've had four kids...
That's amazing you were able to recover and go on to have kids. That gives me hope! I also have a history of too much dieting and exercise in my 20's and despite doing all the things to heal my metabolism now, my cycle hasn't recovered. I'm going to give the progesterone a go. The bottle I have is 3mg drops and suggests 3-5 drops daily. Is that a similar dose that helped you?


Nov 6, 2020
Hi Liz! :wave: Good for you for working to overcome your ED. I wish you the best in your recovery.

It is? :shock:
@Jennifer , I remember Dr. Peat in some interview talking about how the DNA of previous sexual partners could be found in a woman. I can't remember which interview. 😮


Jun 20, 2022
South Carolina
Has anyone been successful at restoring regular ovulation? I recently began ovulating again after about 3 years of no ovulation. I ovulated for 4 months and then the last 2 I stopped ovulating. I have been eating Peaty for about 1 month now, before I was just eating Weston A Price style. But have “on average” been eating about 2300 calories per day very sedentary.
I know this is a bit vague but not sure what you ladies want to know exactly to help me out.


Apr 28, 2018
Hi Liz! :wave: Good for you for working to overcome your ED. I wish you the best in your recovery.

It is? :shock:
Yes. Recent thread here @RPF with fair amount of discussion, if I remember correctly the Japanese first discovered. I apologize I cannot recall the thread title. It was also noted that the female egg is selective for the best traits to glean from said dna depository, and how this explains traits in children which appear as from an "ex". Interesting discussion.


Mar 20, 2021
That's amazing you were able to recover and go on to have kids. That gives me hope! I also have a history of too much dieting and exercise in my 20's and despite doing all the things to heal my metabolism now, my cycle hasn't recovered. I'm going to give the progesterone a go. The bottle I have is 3mg drops and suggests 3-5 drops daily. Is that a similar dose that helped you?
Wait, all this was in the last 5 years...I'm 45 now. I had my 4 kids before stupid dieting/exercise obsessions....

No I just used a bioidentical cream off Amazon. Everyone will have a different effective dose as well. It's not easy to navigate. Balanced macros, consistent meals and snacks helped the most. Lower stress hormones!

I recommend the YouTube podcast by acaseofthejills. She helps women recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea. She used to be an ultra runner.


Mar 20, 2021
That's amazing you were able to recover and go on to have kids. That gives me hope! I also have a history of too much dieting and exercise in my 20's and despite doing all the things to heal my metabolism now, my cycle hasn't recovered. I'm going to give the progesterone a go. The bottle I have is 3mg drops and suggests 3-5 drops daily. Is that a similar dose that helped you?

View: https://youtu.be/OjNp9dAKLkU


Jan 16, 2023
Wait, all this was in the last 5 years...I'm 45 now. I had my 4 kids before stupid dieting/exercise obsessions....

No I just used a bioidentical cream off Amazon. Everyone will have a different effective dose as well. It's not easy to navigate. Balanced macros, consistent meals and snacks helped the most. Lower stress hormones!

I recommend the YouTube podcast by acaseofthejills. She helps women recover from hypothalamic amenorrhea. She used to be an ultra runner.

@LadyRae thank you! I'll check her out. I feel like mentally I've recovered from the dieting and exercise obsession...my body just hasn't yet. I'm hoping the progesterone will give my body the boost it needs to start cycling again. And you're right, lowering stress!


Nov 6, 2020
Ladies, has anyone ever used sildenafil cream? Same ingredient as viagara. It is a low dose topical for clitoral application: this is a description from a brand called o-mazing by alloy. O-mazing Cream with Sildenafil | Alloy

"Sildenafil: Approved for men since 1998—and now finally available for women too! For women it increases blood flow, stimulates natural lubrication, and heightens physical sensations leading to a stronger, more fulfilling orgasm.

Pentoxifylline: Influences increased blood flow, producing safe & desirable libido enhancing effects on women.

Ergoloid Mesylate: Stimulates neurotransmitters associated with sexual pleasure and increases blood flow."

I am trying to decide if this is safe.
I am 56, have not yet had 12 months with a cycle, but i dont get one often. I am somewhere in the menopause slide. It hasn't been bad, no hot flashes, but I am having a terrible time with organic ability. I did a Dutch test with a practitioner and got a testosterone cream. I have used it for about a year with no change in organic ability. It may be doing other helpful things, I don't know.

Anyway, my reading brought me to these new creams for women, but I am trying to figure out safely before I try one.

Any thoughts or experiences welcome.


Apr 28, 2018
Ladies, has anyone ever used sildenafil cream? Same ingredient as viagara. It is a low dose topical for clitoral application: this is a description from a brand called o-mazing by alloy. O-mazing Cream with Sildenafil | Alloy

"Sildenafil: Approved for men since 1998—and now finally available for women too! For women it increases blood flow, stimulates natural lubrication, and heightens physical sensations leading to a stronger, more fulfilling orgasm.

Pentoxifylline: Influences increased blood flow, producing safe & desirable libido enhancing effects on women.

Ergoloid Mesylate: Stimulates neurotransmitters associated with sexual pleasure and increases blood flow."

I am trying to decide if this is safe.
I am 56, have not yet had 12 months with a cycle, but i dont get one often. I am somewhere in the menopause slide. It hasn't been bad, no hot flashes, but I am having a terrible time with organic ability. I did a Dutch test with a practitioner and got a testosterone cream. I have used it for about a year with no change in organic ability. It may be doing other helpful things, I don't know.

Anyway, my reading brought me to these new creams for women, but I am trying to figure out safely before I try one.

Any thoughts or experiences welcome.
I am over ten years forward of you dear Sunny, and have one suggest.
I knew that most human probs start in the gut decades ago, and I am forever thankful for learning that early on. In my 30s and 40s a refrigerated probiotic with 3 strains in it became my go-to.
Nutrient absorption
Inhibit inflammation
Creates nutrients
Helps create good oral health
Prevents allergies, colds
Healthy urinary tract
Killer for vaginal tract!
It ameliorated commercial restaurant food, alcohol, recreational drugs, I had no skin eruptions ever of any kind, no aches or hangover, never had gas, heartburn or bloat of any kind. Most wondrous of all was the clean, clear, juicy vaginal walls. In my 50s and 60s I continued to stock in my fridge 2 at a time @$24 a bottle. I was stunned to have never had one single menopause symptom---my cycle just stopped one month and never came back. I was on progesterone.How did that happen? I dont know. No freakout angsts, no dryness, no sweats, no nothing. In fact, my experience was quite the opposite that I observed in my own mother's struggle with menopause. That said, I ignored the dosage on the the refrigerated (read-live) probiotics and used it according to my activities. Six caps in the morning and before a dinner out with my younger beau was the ticket to clean, juicy orgasmic couplings. If I was home with a pal drinking a half bottle of merlot, 2 or 3 before or during would apply. I can assure you, I never dreamed that at this age, my flesh would still be so firm, active, responsive, and, uh.. sought. Eating clean and this probiotic has been the single most consistent biohack for my feminine functions for 50 years. As of today, I have incorporated thyroid and progest into my routine along with some other Idealab supps, and seem to be perking right along on my rural homestead, outworking younger people than myself and still attracting men while I least expect it. Sh-h-h-hh. I will be 69 in 4 months. Try this!


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Nov 6, 2020
I am over ten years forward of you dear Sunny, and have one suggest.
I knew that most human probs start in the gut decades ago, and I am forever thankful for learning that early on. In my 30s and 40s a refrigerated probiotic with 3 strains in it became my go-to.
Nutrient absorption
Inhibit inflammation
Creates nutrients
Helps create good oral health
Prevents allergies, colds
Healthy urinary tract
Killer for vaginal tract!
It ameliorated commercial restaurant food, alcohol, recreational drugs, I had no skin eruptions ever of any kind, no aches or hangover, never had gas, heartburn or bloat of any kind. Most wondrous of all was the clean, clear, juicy vaginal walls. In my 50s and 60s I continued to stock in my fridge 2 at a time @$24 a bottle. I was stunned to have never had one single menopause symptom---my cycle just stopped one month and never came back. I was on progesterone.How did that happen? I dont know. No freakout angsts, no dryness, no sweats, no nothing. In fact, my experience was quite the opposite that I observed in my own mother's struggle with menopause. That said, I ignored the dosage on the the refrigerated (read-live) probiotics and used it according to my activities. Six caps in the morning and before a dinner out with my younger beau was the ticket to clean, juicy orgasmic couplings. If I was home with a pal drinking a half bottle of merlot, 2 or 3 before or during would apply. I can assure you, I never dreamed that at this age, my flesh would still be so firm, active, responsive, and, uh.. sought. Eating clean and this probiotic has been the single most consistent biohack for my feminine functions for 50 years. As of today, I have incorporated thyroid and progest into my routine along with some other Idealab supps, and seem to be perking right along on my rural homestead, outworking younger people than myself and still attracting men while I least expect it. Sh-h-h-hh. I will be 69 in 4 months. Try this!
Wow, it sounds like you have had a great experience with it. I am willing to try anything. My biggest concern is the difficult orgasms andI feel like I am losing muscle.

Does it concern you at all that Ray Pest was not a fan of probiotic? I do see that the strain in the one you take is a different one than the article.

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Apr 28, 2018
@sunny exactly. All strains are different. This one just served me so well for so long...every woman I have ever turned on to this has come back saying wow, wishing they had found it sooner. So, I felt I had to make a recommend.
I also make my own fresh ginger probiotic fizzy drink from kefir grains that is soooo easy and delicious. (Grains on Amazon, maybe pm me if you are interested) So thats my maintenance everyday liquid with a half gal of fresh squeezed oj per week. Fresh goat milk gallon delivered every monday, and coffee in the mornings, a shot of pomegranate daily.


Apr 28, 2018
@sunny on the muscles, I would offer that our culture is just so sofa oriented it is a detriment. To combat muscle loss, I bought several sets of ankle and wristlet weights. Just walking around, cleaning house, sweeping the decks, going downstairs to put in a load of laundry, I burn loads of calories. I find my muscles get so warmed up with the effort, I will be in the kitchen taking a look out the window and absentmindedly start doing a few leg lifts while holding onto the countertop. The wristweights are tiny bracelots you just slip on, but you notice what they do if you are trying to fold clothes or scrubbing something. I bought mine at a thrift store $5 , seems like I see them there quite often so I have 3#ers, 5#ers with easy velcro straps. I have plush wool carpeting and a one inch thick handknotted wool carpet on top of that, so I roll around and stretch and side leg lifts and kneeovers and such when I feel like it. I suppose I could watch a video and do something formal but I never have. Seen the SilverSneakers gal on youtube tho, her stuff is pretty too easy. I strip it all off to haul wood, shovel snow, or work in the gardens. Keep moving for mitochondria!


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
All interesting questions to think about, Liz. :) Is your thinking that our desire for intercourse more frequently than ovulation is influenced by evil forces and not of God’s creation?
In some ways it looks like that's what I'm saying but I wouldn't put it quite like that.

I can however (having read Ray's comments), see that it is possible that a pre-fall world could have looked quite different; ovulation was when intercourse happened and that actually also maybe the husband was only really attracted this wife at that point in time.

Women do look different at ovulation and when pregnant. I have known that a woman was pregnant on quite a few occasions at the very early stages, without having been told, that she was pregnant just by looking at her face.

Also when I was young I could tell I was ovulating by looking in the mirror some months and I certainly felt different too.


Nov 6, 2020
@sunny exactly. All strains are different. This one just served me so well for so long...every woman I have ever turned on to this has come back saying wow, wishing they had found it sooner. So, I felt I had to make a recommend.
I also make my own fresh ginger probiotic fizzy drink from kefir grains that is soooo easy and delicious. (Grains on Amazon, maybe pm me if you are interested) So thats my maintenance everyday liquid with a half gal of fresh squeezed oj per week. Fresh goat milk gallon delivered every monday, and coffee in the mornings, a shot of pomegranate daily.
Thank you, I am going to get some 😀 . Do send me the grain link. I used to make it, but have not for awhile. I don't have a good water source for it right now. I was getting water from a spring, but then my work Schedule changed and sort of ran out of time. I use distilled for coffee. The spring water I noticed would settle some orange sediment over the week and I became concerned about too much iron in it. And city water edwasn't good for kifir, lol. I recently purchased 5 acres in my rural hometown for when I retire. That's awhile off yet though. I eat 3 oranges every day, I get grass-fed cow milk. 3 or 4 gallons a week. Order beef with heart from US wellness.

What idealab sups are you using? I have some- d, k2, b. I recently got some mito and defibron.


Nov 6, 2020
@sunny on the muscles, I would offer that our culture is just so sofa oriented it is a detriment. To combat muscle loss, I bought several sets of ankle and wristlet weights. Just walking around, cleaning house, sweeping the decks, going downstairs to put in a load of laundry, I burn loads of calories. I find my muscles get so warmed up with the effort, I will be in the kitchen taking a look out the window and absentmindedly start doing a few leg lifts while holding onto the countertop. The wristweights are tiny bracelots you just slip on, but you notice what they do if you are trying to fold clothes or scrubbing something. I bought mine at a thrift store $5 , seems like I see them there quite often so I have 3#ers, 5#ers with easy velcro straps. I have plush wool carpeting and a one inch thick handknotted wool carpet on top of that, so I roll around and stretch and side leg lifts and kneeovers and such when I feel like it. I suppose I could watch a video and do something formal but I never have. Seen the SilverSneakers gal on youtube tho, her stuff is pretty too easy. I strip it all off to haul wood, shovel snow, or work in the gardens. Keep moving for mitochondria!
I hear you on the couch potato thing. Luckily, I don't have the chance. My job is a 12 hour, 6 day a week, on my feet all day thing. I used to lift weights, and I plan to get back to it once I have Saturday and Sunday off work again. I should get some of those weights for Sat and Sunday. With my job being as physical as it is, I was surprised at the muscle tone loss. That's when I started reading about testosterone and got the Dutch test. My pregnenolone I make was going more down the testosterone pathway than estrogen, so that is good, but the amount was so low. I am taking 5 mg of topical dhea daily, cycle Progest-e, I tried the rx testosterone cream- not sure about continuing with that. I also take some pregnenolone powder in mornings. And aspirin on my non Progest-e weeks.

I also don't have a thyroid thanks to an unfortunate encounter with the medical system , which is how I found Ray Peat. Since ndt became scarce and unreliable, I am not sure I am optimal with that. Reading g about idealabs ndt- might give that a try.
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Jul 8, 2014
Thank you! I read through the summary previously and it was actually was inspired me to give progesterone a go. I just couldn't figure out how to apply it for amenorrhea as it mostly referred to menstruating and post menopausal women. How did you know you needed a bigger dose?

You’re welcome. :) It’s a bit confusing, which is why I made the mistake of not cycling it, though, in fairness, Progest-E always throws my cycle off, even when I cycle it. I thought I needed a larger dose, but I actually needed thyroid. I was under the impression that taking enough progesterone would prevent bleeding so when I started bleeding excessively, I continued to up my dose with the intention of stopping when the bleeding subsided, but it never did, and I could no longer take the excessive libido I get with it. It’s too distracting.

Perfect! Thank you, sunny. :)

Yes. Recent thread here @RPF with fair amount of discussion, if I remember correctly the Japanese first discovered. I apologize I cannot recall the thread title. It was also noted that the female egg is selective for the best traits to glean from said dna depository, and how this explains traits in children which appear as from an "ex". Interesting discussion.

Thank you, akgrrrl. :)

In some ways it looks like that's what I'm saying but I wouldn't put it quite like that.

I can however (having read Ray's comments), see that it is possible that a pre-fall world could have looked quite different; ovulation was when intercourse happened and that actually also maybe the husband was only really attracted this wife at that point in time.

Women do look different at ovulation and when pregnant. I have known that a woman was pregnant on quite a few occasions at the very early stages, without having been told, that she was pregnant just by looking at her face.

Also when I was young I could tell I was ovulating by looking in the mirror some months and I certainly felt different too.

Oh, okay. I’m not Christian so I wasn’t quite sure what you meant. Thank you for clarifying. :)


Apr 28, 2018
@sunny glad to see you cycling supps and dialing it all in. Attached: the grains, you know they take 2-3 weeks to rehydrate, then when plump, a Tblspoon in pint jar with a cloth scrap lid with rubberband. Add about 12oz water 5 ORGANIC raisens and scant 1/4 cup sugar. 2 days on the counter at room temp, or in the fridge to retard growth until you are ready to bottle. I use 3 glass kombucha 16oz bottles. With a small sieve resting inside a funnel, I pour the brewed liquid evenly into 3 bottles which is about an inch. ( now is the time to refresh that jar by picking out the used raisens, replacing them, water and sugar---back to the fridge) A squirt of fresh ginger paste from the refrig veg section at Krogers, a tsp or so to taste of sugar, then filll with water, cap and shake to mix. Then, 2 days on the counter to make its own carbonation. I unscrew the caps to listen for gas escape, but 3 days max for a great ginger soda, then chill. So thirst-quenching!
I ended up giving away the rest of the crystals, as your orig 1T is good in perpetuity as long as its in use. Otherwise do not rehyrate all of them at once.


Apr 28, 2018
Oops. Old person.


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