A Better "New Normal." No To The Tyranny Of The Drugged And Vaccinated


Mar 29, 2016
I was watching this video of a Philippine-based doctor who experienced the COVID infection and got really sick and recovered:

Really nothing worthwhile to see here, but I wanted to share what I felt when you see a "renowned" local cardiologist sharing his health condition - on maintenance drugs for high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. I felt disgusted as it only showed me the kind of person people go to for health consultations, and this doctor is a typical doctor. How can they not end up being un-cured, and how can they not become independent of drugs, and more importantly how can they not become the sort of people who has to feel that access to healthcare insurance is a necessity, and who fear being away from a "world-class" hospital when something bad happens, which will really happen?

The doctor and his patients would certainly buy into the "New Normal" where their risk profile demands it. They have very low immunity, and their bodies easily fall prey to pathogens. Because of the way big pharma has by dictate forced most of the world to become biologically weak and drug- and vaccine-dependent, it is small wonder that the world is now warming up to the New Normal.

The New Normal - wearing masks all the time, practicing social distancing, being sprayed upon by disinfecting machines to common places we go to, and losing any meaningful form of physical contact - is this the price we pay for being for so long acquiescent to big pharma and its government stooges?

We allowed them to lie us - they have captured the soul of science, of higher education, of research institutions, and of journalism, and of news reporting - and have shaped these institutions into tools to propagandize to the masses - habituated to the false narratives spewed out in print and in the TV and cable news, and unable to shift their gaze away from being transfixed to their daily false news feeds. Despite having the Internet, which started out as an enabler of truth, only to become another means of control and censorship.

We see it everyday in how Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube turns us away from true reporting. So we are back to where the Internet never was. The time when Randolph Hearst and his newspaper empire aroused fear on housewives and mothers, which led to their rallies against marijuana, which led to its being banned. The trickle, effects, but by no means inconsequential, of which we see the infestation of drug cartels and mass incarcerations in our country, and the hidden epidemic of drug overdoses. Since I'm only talking about health, I would not want to veer off track as there's more to talk about in other spheres, which are just as noteworthy.

Why does the New Normal have to be this way? Isn't the New Normal just as much the same thing as the previously imposed "New Normal" in the wake of 911? Before 911, we were happier. The world was looking at a promising future of peace, as it turned the corner from the Cold War post-WWII. We looked forward to the peace dividend. Instead, in the aftermath, we turned a good economy with surpluses into one with huge, never heard of deficits. We wasted money in armaments and in wars. Flying became a chore with the security checks imposed on us. Our taxes kept increasing. We adapted, but we know it was because it was futile. And we kept a happy face. We sent in the clowns. We are Americans. We love apple pie, and everything is apple PIE!

Do we want to accept another revision to this New Normal? Can't we make our New Normal, instead of one imposed on us? You know, the one that says we're so weak and immunologically challenged that we have to keep taking drugs and vaccines, and when we die, the ICU is simply a rite of passage to the deep unknown. You know, the ICU where when you are so rich, you have more pins and needles stuck to your body, and more chemicals coursing through your veins? And where amidst all this, you are prayed for and celebrated. And whether rich or poor, where you have the benefit of the ICU experience, you are still considered blessed, as this is as Apple Pie as it gets?

Why don't we bring the world to accept a Newer and Better Normal? Where the norm is people who don't live on drugs, nor rely on vaccines? We have been herded like sheep into this sty, where we are going to be told "Vaccinate or Die." Yet this is not a choice we want, nor would agree with - if we're of a sane constitution. Would you like to walk down a dark alley with your wife or your mother, and someone comes up to you and tell you "Your money or your wife?" Yet that is precisely what society has allowed the drug corporations to do as they led us down this long and dark alley over the years and decades. And we allowed them.

Why don't we demand a change to this institution called medicine? Why shouldn't we? Ask yourself why the USA spends the most on healthcare, and yet people are so sick? Why so much spent on drugs, surgeries, and hospitalization - why all this intervention? Is spending most something to be ashamed of? Is this in any way a sign we are more advanced? Or rather, is this the sign that we are just wasting money - the same way we waste money on endless wars?

This COVID pandemic should tell us more than we need to know about how much we are being fleeced worldwide. If you look at the highest COVID fatality per capita over these months, you will see that the countries who export most pharma drugs are the same countries that have the highest fatality per capita, with a few exceptions. Top 10 exporters of drugs, in descending order (based on 2015 data): Switzerland, USA, Norway, New Zealand, Sweden, Denmark, Australia, Ireland, Netherlands, Germany.

As of 10 days ago, these are the top 10 countries with the highest death rate per capita, in descending order: Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Italy, USA, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Denmark.

This is just a surface view of the data. People can find good explanations for why the data comes up this way. Perhaps these countries have better reporting and testing systems, or perhaps these countries also are better at fudging data. I don't know. But whatever the case may be, it still gives us reason to pause and think about the implications.

I should probably include a list of the top 10 countries with highest healthcare expenditure per capita, but I'll come back later on that. I feel though that the top pharma exporter list is just as good, as it's reasonable to assume that the top exporters have already maximimized their drugging of their own local population, that they have to look outside their country to find more drug victims.

The obvious takeaway from this, in my view, is that the more drugs are spent, the weaker and more immunologically compromised the people are. And maybe that is the point of drugging people, so that they become the victim of the "Vaccination or Die" big pharma dark alley.


Mar 29, 2016
The Kiwis and the Aussies here may have a good explanation for why they're doing so well in the pandemic. Is it the timing of the seasons? It would be interesting to see how they hold up through their coming winter and spring seasons. They have a heads up already. They may be spared the modern gas chambers aka ventilators, and would have the benefit of not being surprised and overwhelmed, so I think they should fare well.


Apr 7, 2017
The Kiwis and the Aussies here may have a good explanation for why they're doing so well in the pandemic. Is it the timing of the seasons? It would be interesting to see how they hold up through their coming winter and spring seasons. They have a heads up already. They may be spared the modern gas chambers aka ventilators, and would have the benefit of not being surprised and overwhelmed, so I think they should fare well.

Reporting from Aus here. Same lockdowns as everywhere else, for a tiny amount of cases and a super tiny number of deaths. The mantra was flatten the curve and now it’s stay home or people will die. We’re easing restrictions slowly.

I think the whole thing is a joke but we keep being told look at NY. One politician told me that if we don’t like the lockdown measures taken here, feel free to head over to NY and see how you go.

In the last couple of weeks or so there was a case of a 30 year old dying who we’re told tested positive for the virus. There was a throw away line about his complicated medical history in there. The whole town went into more extreme lockdown and contact tracing was taking place to try to find how he contracted it during lockdowns in the first place. A week or so later they come and say after autopsy they discovered he never had it, the test was false, and he died of his other comorbidities...as suspected all along. People in the town are demanding an apology.

Queensland man who returned positive coronavirus test after death 'did not have COVID-19'

The media went nuts about his age and how even young people are dying from this, and our health officials were saying it’s so important we get tested if we have any symptoms bla bla. Heard nothing from them since the change of story...


Mar 29, 2016
The New Normal should not be -

- behavior modification directed solely at accommodating the weak state of the general population with no intention of improving from that weak state; that is the path of least resistance. Where no effort is made to improve on our general health. If we remain at a state of poor health, what is to stop us from wearing masks to astronaut suits in the future? What is to stop each of us from living in our own separate bubble?

But the New Normal should be about resetting our bodies such that -

- our bodies can protect itself on its own without relying on a continual dependency on synthetic drugs (aka maintenance prescription drugs) and the need for vaccination to support a failing immune system.

The New Normal should lead to the extinction of monolithic hospital systems, and the reduction in health care insurance costs, consistent with the lower demand for synthetic drug dependency and the needs for other interventions such as surgery. As people will be very healthy and their immune systems can take care of them.

The doctor who uses prescription drugs on a regular basis, called maintenance drugs, will either be disbarred and if not, will be shunned by patients. The doctor will have a few patients per day only, as he can afford to spend more time with each patient in order to know the patient's context. He will not have to deal with a long daily line of patients, as his patients get cured. They don't keep coming back with increasing frequency as they no longer are suffering from the side effects of prescription drugs.

The doctor will not be jobless, as the body's development and potential knows no bounds, and he will be an enabler to higher abilities in his patients - mentally, physically, spiritually, and metaphysically.

If we can change to this New Normal, then we would have overcome the current bondage we are in.

This is a pipe dream though, which would explain why it cannot find traction.


Mar 29, 2016
Reporting from Aus here. Same lockdowns as everywhere else, for a tiny amount of cases and a super tiny number of deaths. The mantra was flatten the curve and now it’s stay home or people will die. We’re easing restrictions slowly.

I think the whole thing is a joke but we keep being told look at NY. One politician told me that if we don’t like the lockdown measures taken here, feel free to head over to NY and see how you go.

In the last couple of weeks or so there was a case of a 30 year old dying who we’re told tested positive for the virus. There was a throw away line about his complicated medical history in there. The whole town went into more extreme lockdown and contact tracing was taking place to try to find how he contracted it during lockdowns in the first place. A week or so later they come and say after autopsy they discovered he never had it, the test was false, and he died of his other comorbidities...as suspected all along. People in the town are demanding an apology.

Queensland man who returned positive coronavirus test after death 'did not have COVID-19'

The media went nuts about his age and how even young people are dying from this, and our health officials were saying it’s so important we get tested if we have any symptoms bla bla. Heard nothing from them since the change of story...
It's a big dog and pony show.

Doubling down on things that don't work, making problems worse. Meanwhile, the reporting is smokes and mirrors. And the audience is always captivated and mesmerized, and looking for an encore. This is the world we live in.

I thought this thread would get a conversation going in this forum, but I'm on a different wavelength talking about big picture things. But it has no audience in this forum. People locked into their own spiral of declining health, unable to put things together, frustrated.

Mostly, people here are better off seeing a doctor who knows than wasting their money trying to treat themselves. They're their own worst doctor. And what they should appreciate most is having a doctor who can do the research and thinking and troubleshooting for them, because they're terrible doing these things. And yet, they see no need to change the system so that they can have such doctors.

This is a forum of health dregs mostly. Not a forum where people get better and have the stories to share. This is a forum where people want answers, not willing to learn the process towards cure. Getting cured is a thinking process, not just about supplements and substances. A lot of people here push their own context when giving advice, not knowing it's not going to work, and further confusing the person asking. The person asking for advice goes ape buying all sorts of substances, doesn't know why he's taking something just because someone says so without so much as saying why it would help, and the only thing the person does is to boost the economy with his purchases.
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Mar 29, 2016
On a very recent podcast of Joe Rogan with guests Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti, Saagar asks why no one is talking about building immunity. That lit me up. At least someone understands and knows to ask the right questions:

I think it's because if people started becoming aware and actually develop strong immunity, and along with that have a healthy lifestyle that doesn't dispose them to chronic disease and the need for drugs and surgery and implants, they would probably be free of the control of big pharma.

And then media would have lost one big sponsor, and media won't have that.

When, and not if, people in general are riddled with chronic disease, they are certainly going to have a compromised immune system. Our doctors don't cure chronic disease, they worsen the disease by adding more disease from the drugs they prescribe, where the side effects eventually cause another disease to be added. And these same doctors are the ones who favor vaccination, because in their mind that is the solution for the "normal" population they are used to seeing.

These doctors and their sick patients are the ones who will clamor for forced mandatory vaccinations for COVID. These are the same group of people who will also force us to a life of the "New Normal," where we all -

- Have to change our behavior and routine and our entire life, simply because we -

-Do not know how to live a healthy lifestyle, and remain passive in allowing our immune system to deteriorate

Note: Joe Rogan does not get it all right though, and this is frustrating, as he says at around 1:53:50, blaming sugar.
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May 30, 2018
That the immune system response can be improved seems to be simply denied by most doctors.

Not sure about every person wanting a covid vaccine though.


Mar 29, 2016
That the immune system response can be improved seems to be simply denied by most doctors.

Too bad for these doctors and the frontliners in the COVID fight. Little do they know how to improve their chances of survival, and a great many of them become casualties. It is odd that most people don't find it odd that the people they consult with for their health can't at least be the embodiment of health and strong immunity.


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Regarding a new normal, it's going to be constant exercise for us from now on to ponder what we is trying to reclaim and how feasible it is, we have to be careful not to turn into uncles that become stuck in the past telling kids the virtues of the world before Corodavirus.
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Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Some of those uncles look down on the next generations with pity for being born and living in degrading conditions, yet upod closer inspection it's possible to realize that the kids are having a great time and must thrive beyond expectations, they only have a negative outlook of the situation that they hope it casts. They're giving up on life and it's comforting to trick themselves into thinking that they won't have to endure what the future holds, that their existence coincided with the most prosperous time in human history. Meanwhile the kid is developing remotely a software to help this senile recover the memory to be able to remember that life used to be spent stuck in traffic, days were required to procure a book that would turn out to contain useless information but enough dust to contaminate the lungs, going out meant leaving home looking like a hawker carrying more objects than you could count, telecommunication needed a cooperating pigeon, and so on.

The same person who is complaining (for good reason) that their brains are being toasted from EM radiation doesn't know that in a few years will be saved from a falling Steinway & Sons thanks to interconnection of objects. What if paleos decided that it was a good idea to go stoneless? Their solution isn't to propose a way around the problem, but to arrest development. Since they can't succeed in this, they remain stuck in the past having to praise it to convince themselves that they won't be missing out on anything and are lucky to be spared of the suffering.

Often the times 'hacking' the system is wiser than fighting it, in particular when you have no chance of achieving what you want through confrontation or protest.
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Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
The way I see it is that becoming "tolerant" to "drugs" isn't even if a bad thing if these supposed drugs were actually good for you more than not, along with possible titrating, which is usually not the case. Instead of one thing to fix one thing but break another you're better off using drugs that mostly only do you good, with balance/adjustment as an assessment of what's reasonable or knowable at any given time. The reason there's negativity with doctors and many is that patients essentially become the mechanical vehicle or specimen of rigidized medical mandate code -- or basically treated as according to a fixed/procedural modal of "health rules" or scripts that are usually outdated, missing some mark or are subjected to even possibly increasingly harmful intervention due to possible ignorance and malice even too. You know those people who some call for tech support, and they feed you info based on fixed scripts, even though your problem is out of those bounds somewhat quite often? That's possibly a good analogy to how most doctors evaluate and assess health issues, mostly as if it's a "frequently asked questions" set of guidelines where the most commonly asked or understood thing is clumped together with one of the most available set of answers broadly provided -- and if it falls outside of that it's then down to consideration/approach as a more spontaneous formulation of ideologies/concepts of said individual given the depths of judgment/criteria any given set of practitioners or etc. are willing to go to.

You're only "sick" if one can find something "wrong" with you -- but how one chooses to find things "wrong" or "right" with me can completely paint different pictures depending on what you wish to focus on/not focus on. It's easy to use this mechanized approach to what constitutes "sick" vs. "not sick" in some manner, just as it is to try and properly justify what a "drug" even means outside the scope of physiology or biochemistry, mostly with so many things affecting the balance of our being.

Drug's definition from Google front and center: "a medicine or other substance which has a physiological effect when ingested" -- in other words pretty much anything counts as a drug then, more or less, including food.

The problem isn't even "drugs" which its definition depends on what you want it to be (i.e. the "drug of choice" or "drug-like" mechanisms you can correlate to/from, well, anything). A "drug" or "not a drug" is hardly a distinction likely when you can extend a drug to mean a supplement -- and also use a supplement as a drug.

The word "drug" is probably also often touted as a bad word of choice when convenient -- sometimes a way to disregard or put a negative spin on something. I've even heard some use that as a bad word/caution, even though there is even evidence that some "OTC/safe supplements" have killed people before and those are not quote-unquote "drugs" which means the fine line between these concepts or categories is so thin that almost anything can work like a drug/not a drug depending on circumstances, administration methods, etc. You can see how easy it is to say aspirin, for example, is a "drug" -- a fine way to demonize it and put a negative spin on it, whereas you can then patent a "superdrug" and cover up any downfalls while claiming it's more "targeted" or "tailored" to an individual(s) and thus better.

Vaccines I 100% agree with for the most part on the uselessness and even dangers, but "drug" is more on the fence with me as when I learned/read of Peat's work initially I slowly came to realize that the word "drug" loses all of its "magic" when you consider just how "drug-like" so many things can be, substance or otherwise, depending on the circumstances. Even salt (as sodium chloride) can work like a drug as many here can elaborate/vouch on its thermogenic/mood boosting/sedative/etc. effects, but some will balk or even laugh if you claimed a mineral, food, or even thought process could work like a drug, further removing some proposed magical boundaries or "confines" on what can/can not be called a drug and differentiate on each particular substance & its goodness/badness/possible benefits/dangers it can have in varying instances, doses and so forth.

"Drug" can be a powerful word to strongly draw the line between "only a doctor can tell you when you need this" and "this is okay because it's over the counter." The fallacy seems to fall apart when you see that OTC things can kill you sometimes just as easily or easier as some of the heavily "kept away" stuff doctors only have the authority to give when they want to. Also, some of the "kept away" stuff can be horrible, and allowing the doctor to have the authority to recommend and/or prescribe any given thing is a "smoke and mirrors" approach wherein the "intelligent authority figure" can tell you something is good for you beyond your own instinctive, personal or self-assessment of well-being or etc. It's easier to enforce drugs through the medium/proxy of --> patient-prescription-doctor/authoritarian <-- than to realistically take on a more bioenergetic, metabolic or deeper physiological understanding of ourselves and balances as a being beyond the F.A.Q.s approach of allopathic medical hunches/suggestions.


Jun 13, 2019
Some of those uncles look down on the next generations with pity for being born and living in degrading conditions, yet upod closer inspection it's possible to realize that the kids are having a great time and must thrive beyond expectations, they only have a negative outlook of the situation that they hope it casts. They're giving up on life and it's comforting to trick themselves into thinking that they won't have to endure what the future holds, that their existence coincided with the most prosperous time in human history. Meanwhile the kid is developing remotely a software to help this senile recover the memory to be able to remember that life used to be spent stuck in traffic, days were required to procure a book that would turn out to contain useless information but enough dust to contaminate the lungs, going out meant leaving home looking like a hawker carrying more objects than you could count, telecommunication needed a cooperating pigeon, and so on.

The same person who is complaining (for good reason) that their brains are being toasted from EM radiation doesn't know that in a few years will be saved from a falling Steinway & Sons thanks to interconnection of objects. What if paleos decided that it was a good idea to go stoneless? Their solution isn't to propose a way around the problem, but to arrest development. Since they can't succeed in this, they remain stuck in the past having to praise it to convince themselves that they won't be missing out on anything and are lucky to be spared of the suffering.

Often the times 'hacking' the system is wiser than fighting it, in particular when you have no chance of achieving what you want through confrontation or protest.
well said. i imagine when the bubonic plague wiped out 1/3 of europe, or when 85 million died in world war 2, or in japan when nuclear bombs was dropped, those generations who were in the midst of it thought the world was all but over for future generations, and so far fallen from the joyous life they had just lived prior to the events. but plagues lead to advancements in medicine like antibiotics, wars have often lead to peace for years after when people regain sanity, and nuclear bombs become treaties of mutually assured destruction, and pufas and disease lead to Ray and exploration of what causes disease. Even for the kids and grandkids of the people who live through a severe degradation, those events are all but an abstract idea, irrelevant to how they interact with their own realities, and in fact it takes a substantial amount of effort to even remind them of it. Fortunately, humans as a whole always continue to adapt to even the worst circumstances, but unfortunately, many of individuals arnt so lucky throughout the process....

Aftermath (1919) - Siegfried Sasoon

Have you forgotten yet?…
For the world’s events have rumbled on since those gagged days,
Like traffic checked a while at the crossing of city ways:
And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow
Like clouds in the lit heavens of life; and you’re a man reprieved to go,
Taking your peaceful share of Time, with joy to spare.
But the past is just the same—and War’s a bloody game…
Have you forgotten yet?…
Look down, and swear by the slain of the War that you’ll never forget.

Do you remember the dark months you held the sector at Mametz—
The nights you watched and wired and dug and piled sandbags on parapets?
Do you remember the rats; and the stench
Of corpses rotting in front of the front-line trench—
And dawn coming, dirty-white, and chill with a hopeless rain?
Do you ever stop and ask, ‘Is it all going to happen again?’

Do you remember that hour of din before the attack—
And the anger, the blind compassion that seized and shook you then
As you peered at the doomed and haggard faces of your men?
Do you remember the stretcher-cases lurching back
With dying eyes and lolling heads—those ashen-gray
Masks of the lads who once were keen and kind and gay?

Have you forgotten yet?…
Look up, and swear by the slain of the war that you’ll never forget!
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Mar 29, 2016
Some of those uncles look down on the next generations with pity for being born and living in degrading conditions, yet upod closer inspection it's possible to realize that the kids are having a great time and must thrive beyond expectations, they only have a negative outlook of the situation that they hope it casts. They're giving up on life and it's comforting to trick themselves into thinking that they won't have to endure what the future holds, that their existence coincided with the most prosperous time in human history. Meanwhile the kid is developing remotely a software to help this senile recover the memory to be able to remember that life used to be spent stuck in traffic, days were required to procure a book that would turn out to contain useless information but enough dust to contaminate the lungs, going out meant leaving home looking like a hawker carrying more objects than you could count, telecommunication needed a cooperating pigeon, and so on.

The same person who is complaining (for good reason) that their brains are being toasted from EM radiation doesn't know that in a few years will be saved from a falling Steinway & Sons thanks to interconnection of objects. What if paleos decided that it was a good idea to go stoneless? Their solution isn't to propose a way around the problem, but to arrest development. Since they can't succeed in this, they remain stuck in the past having to praise it to convince themselves that they won't be missing out on anything and are lucky to be spared of the suffering.

Often the times 'hacking' the system is wiser than fighting it, in particular when you have no chance of achieving what you want through confrontation or protest.
Are you vaccinated already? And your uncles aren't?


Mar 29, 2016
well said. i imagine when the bubonic plague wiped out 1/3 of europe, or when 85 million died in world war 2, or in japan when nuclear bombs was dropped, those generations who were in the midst of it thought the world was all but over for future generations, and so far fallen from the joyous life they had just lived prior to the events. but plagues lead to advancements in medicine like antibiotics, wars have often lead to peace for years after when people regain sanity, and nuclear bombs become treaties of mutually assured destruction, and pufas and disease lead to Ray and exploration of what causes disease. Even for the kids and grandkids of the people who live through a severe degradation, those events are all but an abstract idea, irrelevant to how they interact with their own realities, and in fact it takes a substantial amount of effort to even remind them of it. Fortunately, humans as a whole always continue to adapt to even the worst circumstances, but unfortunately, many of individuals arnt so lucky throughout the process....

Aftermath (1919) - Siegfried Sasoon

Have you forgotten yet?…
For the world’s events have rumbled on since those gagged days,
Like traffic checked a while at the crossing of city ways:
And the haunted gap in your mind has filled with thoughts that flow
Like clouds in the lit heavens of life; and you’re a man reprieved to go,
Taking your peaceful share of Time, with joy to spare.
But the past is just the same—and War’s a bloody game…
Have you forgotten yet?…
Look down, and swear by the slain of the War that you’ll never forget.

Do you remember the dark months you held the sector at Mametz—
The nights you watched and wired and dug and piled sandbags on parapets?
Do you remember the rats; and the stench
Of corpses rotting in front of the front-line trench—
And dawn coming, dirty-white, and chill with a hopeless rain?
Do you ever stop and ask, ‘Is it all going to happen again?’

Do you remember that hour of din before the attack—
And the anger, the blind compassion that seized and shook you then
As you peered at the doomed and haggard faces of your men?
Do you remember the stretcher-cases lurching back
With dying eyes and lolling heads—those ashen-gray
Masks of the lads who once were keen and kind and gay?

Have you forgotten yet?…
Look up, and swear by the slain of the war that you’ll never forget!
So you're getting well "adapted" to the new normal, are you?


Jun 13, 2019
So you're getting well "adapted" to the new normal, are you?
is there another option ? life can't be reversed.

i like what amazon said "Often the times 'hacking' the system is wiser than fighting it, in particular when you have no chance of achieving what you want through confrontation or protest."


Mar 29, 2016
is there another option ? life can't be reversed
Are you "surrendering?"

Like "in a resistance is futile" way?

Or in a "if you can't beat them, join them" way?

Or in a "screw them, I'll still do my own thing, what the rest does is their own choice" way?

You're also saying "look we're here, we made it past all those wars in the past and all the plagues" and that the road from the past to the present has validated our resilience and that we have learned from it all that we have always adapted and it has worked out well. I suppose the lemmings can also say the same thing, cant't they? We've always followed the one in front, and despite our uncles falling off the cliff to their deaths, we still manage to stay true to our lemmingness and we're still here. Hurrah.

And you're also being thankful we no longer have those great wars and great plagues and we're now better off. Better off because we now don't kill each other by wars (forget about Afghanistan, Iraq etc. - they're exceptions and beside they're far from our shores and we didn't actually feel them- we have great fields of corn growing in Iowa and life is good) but we see people silently dying in hospitals from death by drug prescriptions and by vaccination, and these people do die with family around them and with nuns praying over them for an assure passage into bliss in heaven, and so don't worry. And... don't complain as the past is past and we can't do anything do change is and the future you just let yourself be led by what come may. If the present dictates we submit to tyranny or we are so lucky to be wrapped in the arms of a benevolent dictator we must simply be thankful for the graces in the same way we see our pet dogs fed kibbles with their tails wagging as they see the light and know life is good.


Jun 13, 2019
Are you "surrendering?"

Like "in a resistance is futile" way?

Or in a "if you can't beat them, join them" way?

Or in a "screw them, I'll still do my own thing, what the rest does is their own choice" way?

You're also saying "look we're here, we made it past all those wars in the past and all the plagues" and that the road from the past to the present has validated our resilience and that we have learned from it all that we have always adapted and it has worked out well. I suppose the lemmings can also say the same thing, cant't they? We've always followed the one in front, and despite our uncles falling off the cliff to their deaths, we still manage to stay true to our lemmingness and we're still here. Hurrah.

And you're also being thankful we no longer have those great wars and great plagues and we're now better off. Better off because we now don't kill each other by wars (forget about Afghanistan, Iraq etc. - they're exceptions and beside they're far from our shores and we didn't actually feel them- we have great fields of corn growing in Iowa and life is good) but we see people silently dying in hospitals from death by drug prescriptions and by vaccination, and these people do die with family around them and with nuns praying over them for an assure passage into bliss in heaven, and so don't worry. And... don't complain as the past is past and we can't do anything do change is and the future you just let yourself be led by what come may. If the present dictates we submit to tyranny or we are so lucky to be wrapped in the arms of a benevolent dictator we must simply be thankful for the graces in the same way we see our pet dogs fed kibbles with their tails wagging as they see the light and know life is good.
who is this "they" you speak of though? and how are you fighting against it?

I made a list recently of all the problems I thought we face today:

but as most people are well aware, pointing out the problems, as you and I have done, is it a lot easier than actually doing something about it.

I'm certainly not going to start a revolution, are you? Are you going to go out an protest? protest against who? Fauci?

the problems of humanity are so spread out and caused by so many different people, systems, and ideologies (including you and me in probably more ways then one). you can't just "revolt" against the new normal. there is no king to go fight. Are you going to protest at every hospital? protest against the WHO? CDC? FDA? every single medical school? There are so many different ways power works.

I personally try to identity things that affect my life in a negative way and try to either avoid them or help others avoid them without becoming some paranoid negative person always hounding people trying to mind their own business about what they should care about. you really can't get people to care about something in an easy fashion, nor is it really a good idea to even attempt to (which i'm guilty of on numerous occarions)

How many adults are out there, including me, who despise the newer technologies? such as those generations that got mad at people watching TV, or now that every kid has an ipad, yet what am I gonna do about it, just complain? every single generation thinks life is getting worse for the newer generations, and there is always some truth to support it, but it also leaves out nuances that life is actually improving for people in other ways. Maybe technological access will help more people find Rays work. maybe this new medical tyranny will make people more skeptic than before which leads to new medical pathways outside the system, were already seeing this with the rise of internet gurus on youtube promoting 50 or so different diets or supplements to cure things, maybe things will naturally find a balance in a healthy way after a ton of trial and error.

at the end of they day things move forward, some aspects of life get worse, but then enough suffering causes people to look for solutions and work towards improving it back to equilibrium. for example, it takes an environment with lots of pufas, for someone like ray to come along and say that pufas are dangerous. if you were to tell someone in 1800 that a polyunsatured fat is dangerous, they'd have 0 clue what your saying. so knowledge is always increasing, and sometimes things get worse before they get better, but it's a slow process.


Mar 29, 2016
who is this "they" you speak of though?
You ask? Really? You don't have an idea at all? Seriously?

for example, it takes an environment with lots of pufas, for someone like ray to come along and say that pufas are dangerous. if you were to tell someone in 1800 that a polyunsatured fat is dangerous, they'd have 0 clue what your saying. so knowledge is always increasing, and sometimes things get worse before they get better, but it's a slow process.

The good then is "they" pushing PUFA down our throat so that another "good" in the form of Ray Peat will come down to earth to preach to us "that PUFA is bad?" How enightening!

and how are you fighting against it?
I can't.

I would prefer a war actually.

But I can't start one. "They" know to nip a bud before it grows. Censorship. Cancelation. False charges. False imprisonment. Assassination. Genocide.

I don't accept it. I don't think you do either.

But I don't wrap it in the form of being blessed and being peaceful.

Those who are stubborn like me may die, but not out of sickness, but by either being marginalized out of mainstream society, by choice or by not being given a choice outside of accepting their lies.

The ones who submit will continue to have the "blessings" God promised Abraham, albeit on a smaller scale, and have twinkling stars that feebly shine. The culling of the brave and the enlightened leave behind in its wake a dumber and more trainable doggy like race that would have cats laughing at how servile they are.


Jun 13, 2019
You ask? Really? You don't have an idea at all? Seriously?

The good then is "they" pushing PUFA down our throat so that another "good" in the form of Ray Peat will come down to earth to preach to us "that PUFA is bad?" How enightening!

I can't.

I would prefer a war actually.

But I can't start one. "They" know to nip a bud before it grows. Censorship. Cancelation. False charges. False imprisonment. Assassination. Genocide.

I don't accept it. I don't think you do either.

But I don't wrap it in the form of being blessed and being peaceful.

Those who are stubborn like me may die, but not out of sickness, but by either being marginalized out of mainstream society, by choice or by not being given a choice outside of accepting their lies.

The ones who submit will continue to have the "blessings" God promised Abraham, albeit on a smaller scale, and have twinkling stars that feebly shine. The culling of the brave and the enlightened leave behind in its wake a dumber and more trainable doggy like race that would have cats laughing at how servile they are.
it's not about the situation being blessed, it's about being blessed to be alive at all and trying to make the most of it. I personally wouldn't die for anything. In fact my number 1 goal, and the reason why I care about health, is to not die. what's the point of physically fighting for medical freedom if you die from it? makes no sense. I'd rather eat fruits, and go for walks, and listen to music, and read forum posts but that's just me...
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Mar 29, 2016
it's not about the situation being blessed, it's about being blessed to be alive at all and trying to make the most of it. I personally wouldn't die for anything. In fact my number 1 goal, and the reason why I care about health, is to not die. what's the point of physically fighting for medical freedom if you die for it? makes no sense. I'd rather eat fruits, and go for walks, and listen to music, and read forum posts but that's just me...
Everyone should go to India and do ommm ommm's under the Bodhi tree and come back preaching blessed aliveness.

And to be thankful for universal health insurance where you have lifetime free prescription drugs, the 'best' doctors from the likes of John Hopkins, and free vaccines, and free surgical operations for transplants, new knees and hips, kidneys, livers, hearts, eyes, and brains. And it's important, to always, always be thankful, even as you die with all manners of tubing in a state-of-the-art ICU replete with all the comforts of dying-with a nun praying over you everyday as it's not only "quality" in life, but in dying, and when you become compost, you have the bliss you're used to on earth. With the wish you get reincarnated to the same blissful life you had before.

Does that sound like something you would tell people to be thankful for?

As Pat Timpone would say "May the blessings be!"
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