If you want to shut up a pro vaxxer and maybe crack that bubble, all you have to do is say this.


Oct 21, 2021
Washington State
There are many points that can be made. many of them are not conspiracies but they either still call them that due to cognitive dissonance or they don't deem they relevant or useful even tho they are. I have made a few posts about the hipocrisy of the pro vaxx cultists already who excercise the most incredible mental gymnastics when it comes to all of this but thats not the point of this thread.

If it was about health ...

• why are vaccine companys and goverments engaging in contracts that does not allow said goverments to redistribute or gift their vaccines to other countrys and give it thoose in "need"?
• why are we vaccinating people on a mass scale like this without any regards of the individuals medical history? People get jabbed in malls and outdoor containers/buses in a assembly line fashion.
• why is natural immunity not accepted over the experimental RNA innoculation? Any reasonable person or atleast a common sense virologist would say in that case there is no reason to engage in the risk of the experimental vaccine.
• why are people forced to wear masks containing unhealthy chemicals on their face almost everywhere all day long while rebreathing the culture of bacterial, fungal and viral load on it while its not even preventing spread?
• why do people have to get their mucosa lining repedeatly insulted with swabs that won't give much information about illness or infectiousness of the individual, let alone that its a "snap" of that very moment in that particular nostril. Theoreticaly the person could get the virus the minute after leaving the test center and spread it all over. Lets not forget the tendencies of false positives.
• why do we terrorize the people of this world psychologically trough the media and with politicians when it's known how impactfull stress and mental health is on the immunesystem?
• why are people not better and more openly informed about vaccines, mask and swab sideffects?
• why do we not use all this energy and this money that suddenly got made out of nowhere to improve infrastructure and healthcare services?
• why did we not use this money to provide at home supplement kits and treatment instructions as a first line of defense or worst case scenario?
• why is basic health advice not relevant anymore? (weight management, moving regulary, eating properly, getting enough sunlight etc.?)
• why are alternative treatments villified instead of being added to the toolkit?
• why are population groups forced to take the risk of innoculation eventho covid is not relevant to them statistically speaking?
• why are "you" not locked up at home most of the time if the illness is so dangerous?
• why are "you" not wearing a full body hazmat suit at all times?
• why are "you" putting on a mask entering a buisness but put it off at the table?
• why are people allowed to go on vaccations during a pandemic?
• why are we firing doctors and nurses when all these hospitals are supposedly overly filled with rona patients eventho these professionals have natural immunity?
• why are people that work alone in a private office with no physical human interactions required to wear masks, get tests and be vaxxinated?
• why hasn't there been much open and public debate over risks and benefits with clear information about the damage and implications that inevatebly are caused by these responses?
• why are vaccine injuries not taken seriously? why are thoose injured on their own financialy and medically?
• why is all cause mortality increasing and correlating with massscale-vaccine administration?
• why are we basing our health advise and responses on simulations and models that have turned to be severly wrong and flawed in their prediction?

If this isn't a political and financial fraud in a totalitarian fashion ...

• why are the vaccine manufacterers not making their ingredients and production openly available and/or sell the product without making a insane profit off it?
• why is the goverment not imposing on the manufacterers, pharma giants and scientists/medical professionals to provide this as cheap and freely as possible for the sake of the population? Why is it even that private companies got any say in this "worldwide" crisis?
• why is the burden of proof for any of these actions so minimal?
• why are so many assumptions and statements made to induce a action on the population, only to have that assumption (lie) to turn out to be wrong in a few weeks/months afterwards?
• why is the population not demanding 100% transparancy of the manfucterers data, funding and all the people involved? Same goes for the politicians and the media. Afterall they literally trample on our basic rights to work and to move freely. If everything is as fine and dandy as they say then there is literally no reason to not be completly 100% open and transparent.
• why are scientists and medical professionals censored and revoked of their licenses when having alternating opinions on the matter?
• why is every form of opposition or scepticism more and more criminalized?
• why are public health and safety officials engaging in discriminations, scapegoating and excessive gaslightning?
• why do we need a piece of paper or QR-Code to be able to live a "normal" life and enter public places? It says nothing about the health situation or infectiousness of the person.
• then how come people are put in camps.
• then how is it that people have to pay "fines" for being healthy and existing?
• then how is it that politicians are obviously engaging in what can only be described in provoking civil unrest?
• why is every piece of media and politician informing the public with literally the same script. Meaning literally the entire sentences are the exact same.
• why are we using insane amounts of money for advertising this magic product instead of using it to actually deal with stuff like world hunger and public health.
• why are the same people forcing us to do all this, the same ones profiting off of it?
• why are people forced out of their homes?
• why are people forced to loose their job?
• why are rich and powerful, influential leaders of politics and companys not required to follow the rules? I mean they impose lockdowns and then go to partys themself.
• why are unvaxxinated but healthy people segregated, criminalized and forced to pay money, but people being overweight, drinking, smoking, driving cars etc. are not?
• why are we ruining and inflating the economy so needlessly?
• why is there always a new variant discovered when things seem to get "back to normal" or when vaccine sales decline?
• how is it that there is so much financial incentive to keep the pandemic going?
• why is conflict of interest not relevant anymore?
• why are things getting consistently worse with increased vaccinations, lockdowns and the rules/laws they impose?
• why are definitions changed continously to fit changes in the narrative?
• why are old studies and publications unrelated to covid removed or altered in retrospec? Why now when we have this "crisis" to handle?
• why are doctors, scientists, manufacteres and politicians who impose all of this, not forced to take personal responsibility and liability for these safe and effective and apparantly "neccessary" actions taken upon the public? Should be no big deal right?

If this was about solidarity ...

• why didn't we do any of this before for all the people that died of infuenza or any other virus/pathogen?
• why didn't we do any of this for all the people dying of hunger? (a issue easily fixed by any of thoose goverments or rich philantropists unlike a virus)
• why are we showing solidarity to the abstract idea of illness and its supposed victims but not the really easily proven, manmade damage and harm done to the people who lost their job, lost their homes, got injured for life by the innoculations and so on and so forth?
• why didn't we do any of these radical measures for all the environmental toxicities that are manmade, proven to cause cancers and other chronic ailments?
• where is the solidarity for all the suicides this society caused?

One could make a endless list here. Take what could be deemed a good question and discard the rest. I think most sheeple are not open to engage into any of these questions from a "sceptic" position.
I already know many "pro-vaxx, pro mandates, pro-totalitarianism" personas answers to many of them, which are usually realy ridiclious but w/e.
Nice summary. Might have to add a few of these to my list.

A few others to note:

If the virus was so deadly and contagious, why do we not have better receptacles for masks. The majority of time used masks are just littered about anywhere.
If they were concerned with saving lives, why was there no discussion of providing therapeutics prior to the vaccine.
If they truly believe mass vaccination is the one way out of the pandemic, why don't they claim all liability for vaccine injury and death to persuade as many people as possible to get vaccinated.
If they thought that more vaccinations was a way to deal with a new variant. Why are they giving vaccinations for the original legacy strain.


If the virus was so deadly and contagious, why do we not have better receptacles for masks. The majority of time used masks are just littered about anywhere.
The virus is airborne. It isn't spread by respiratory droplets.
If they were concerned with saving lives, why was there no discussion of providing therapeutics prior to the vaccine.
What's recognized as therapeutic vaccine protection by Big Pharma?
If they truly believe mass vaccination is the one way out of the pandemic, why don't they claim all liability for vaccine injury and death to persuade as many people as possible to get vaccinated.

If they thought that more vaccinations was a way to deal with a new variant. Why are they giving vaccinations for the original legacy strain.
I have no clue. Maybe people assume they are getting vaccinated against new variants, so they have no reason to change the formulas. Lmao.


Oct 21, 2021
Washington State
The virus is airborne. It isn't spread by respiratory droplets.

What's recognized as therapeutic vaccine protection by Big Pharma?

View attachment 32444

I have no clue. Maybe people assume they are getting vaccinated against new variants, so they have no reason to change the formulas. Lmao.
Yeah. Many of those that peruse these forums are aware of the answers, was Just contributing some rhetorical points to the ones Ben listed,


Yeah. Many of those that peruse these forums are aware of the answers, was Just contributing some rhetorical points to the ones Ben listed,
The last one is good, the other three not so much.

Most of Ben's points strike me as inspiring the response "Well, that's not my job to think about that stuff" or "I don't make the rules", since they are about "Why are things this way". Brainwashed pro-vaxxers would be the last ones to seriously question their world. They just don't. They compartmentalize and let authority and the media decide things for them. It's a mental deficiency and arguing with logic isn't going to cure it.

If it's any consolation, people who don't ask questions will never have a reality as questioned and understood as that of people who began asking questions in childhood and never stopped, even if they are somehow nudged in the proper direction.

The fact remains that people who don't ask questions are more likely to be "successful", and people who ask questions use a lot of energy doing so, often getting cast out and excluded from opportunities for being "weird". Let them become "successful" and realize how empty their lives are. They chose to abandon God and live in someone else's kingdom.


Mar 21, 2021
The video above shows Fauci emails and his own scientists believing the virus most likely come from a lab and days later Fauci using nature magazine to cover it up, and pushing the wet market theory. It show lord Fauci isn’t infallible.


Jun 21, 2015
Just paste this meme and dont waste anymore time on these prion diseased people.



Just paste this meme and dont waste anymore time on these prion diseased people.

View attachment 32453
Even better, show them the video attached to this article. ?



Apr 26, 2018
We been told repeatedly that everybody needs to get the vaccine to stop this pandemic. And many have bought this hook line and sinker.

So instead of bringing up the adverse side effects, the data, global conspiracies etc!

So when they complain about misinformation and how we need to shut this down because these people are convincing people not to get the vaccine and killing people.

Just say if everybody needs to get the vaccine to stop this, then ask them why is there no pressure on Biden , congress and the pharmaceutical companies to release the patent to rest of the world that is keeping billions of black and brown people from getting the vaccine. This isn’t 1491 before Columbus sailed to America. New mutations of the virus can spread around the world.

So If we need everybody to be vaccinated to stop this why is there so much pressure to get someone a booster shot, when we have billions that haven’t received one dose.

Tell them the tax payers paid for the research and development and then we paid for the vaccine for all of our citizens on top of that , while Pfizer made 36 billion in profits last year.
So if these pharmaceutical companies just want to save lives and tell us that we are killing people by spreading information on the adverse side effects of the vaccine , say well pharmaceutical companies are keeping this vaccine from billions of black and brown people across the world while they make billions, so who really is the biggest antivaxxer?

So ask them if you really believe this is about saving lives, trying to own an antivaxxer because you believe they are killing people and then say nothing about big pharma keeping the vaccine from billions around the world, tell them you are being the ultimate antivaxxer?

Tell them they are being an useful idiot for big pharma’s profits. And if pharma actually cared about stopping this pandemic they wouldn’t be charging for a vaccine that was paid for by American tax dollars. So if you still believe we need everybody vaccinated to stop this then why are you not using all this energy to pressure big pharma to release the patent to billions around the world.

We all know this vaccine is bull**** , but this ultimately is a way to crack that bubble they are in and after that they may be more open to all the other adverse effects of the vaccine and maybe the government conspiracies behind this vaccine.

So your first instinct is not for this vaccine to be pushed around the world , but the last thing these pharmaceutical companies want is the finger to be pointed back at them and being forced to release the patent and killing the gravy train of billions in profits every year.

So if we can get the pro vaccine useful idiots for big pharma to turn the finger back at big pharma. And if they were actually forced by public pressure to release the patent and like ivermectin being off patent you wouldn’t have the incentive to spend hundreds of millions of dollars to influence media and government to force this vaccine on us.

With the monopoly on this vaccine gone it kills the profit motive.

This argument is like judo using their momentum
You might not be aware of this but USA is already sending billions of vaccination materials worldwide.. We taxpayers are already paying for this to be sent to many 3rd world countries with peoples of all colors. You might want to do some research.


Mar 21, 2021
You might not be aware of this but USA is already sending billions of vaccination materials worldwide.. We taxpayers are already paying for this to be sent to many 3rd world countries with peoples of all colors. You might want to do some research.

We pledged donate 1 billion doses by 2023 , we donated 360 million doses so far, if we donated 1 billion doses that is 500 million people vaccinated, that is still leaving 3 billion unvaxxed and they will ultimately die from omicron. And what about the 3rd and 4th booster. We need 28 billion doses of this vaccine or we all die!


Oct 6, 2020

We pledged donate 1 billion doses by 2023 , we donated 360 million doses so far, if we donated 1 billion doses that is 500 million people vaccinated, that is still leaving 3 billion unvaxxed and they will ultimately die from omicron. And what about the 3rd and 4th booster. We need 28 billion doses of this vaccine or we all die!

Franny is not wrong.

The incompetency in distribution and keeping promise is not the same as "not giving 3rd world countrys vaccines". That error is in my post aswell sadly.


Apr 26, 2018

We pledged donate 1 billion doses by 2023 , we donated 360 million doses so far, if we donated 1 billion doses that is 500 million people vaccinated, that is still leaving 3 billion unvaxxed and they will ultimately die from omicron. And what about the 3rd and 4th booster. We need 28 billion doses of this vaccine or we all die!
Oh Puh-lease... 3 billion will die from Omicron? You are spreading misinformation on the wrong forum. Methinks you should get lost.


Mar 21, 2021
Franny is not wrong.

The incompetency in distribution and keeping promise is not the same as "not giving 3rd world countrys vaccines". That error is in my post aswell sadly.
You are not getting the point. Many countries requested a patent waiver so they could produce the vaccine and were denied. We’re are repeatedly told by the media that everybody needs the vaccine to end the pandemic. So if that were true that would mean we need 21 plus billion does of the vaccine as fast as possible. So if we were to reach a goal like that every country with the capacity would have to be making the vaccine and have a massive distribution to all parts of the world.

We know it’s about money and control.

These are scare tactics to get as many citizens vaccinated whose government will pay for it.


Apr 28, 2018
There are many points that can be made. many of them are not conspiracies but they either still call them that due to cognitive dissonance or they don't deem they relevant or useful even tho they are. I have made a few posts about the hipocrisy of the pro vaxx cultists already who excercise the most incredible mental gymnastics when it comes to all of this but thats not the point of this thread.

If it was about health ...

• why are vaccine companys and goverments engaging in contracts that does not allow said goverments to redistribute or gift their vaccines to other countrys and give it thoose in "need"?
• why are we vaccinating people on a mass scale like this without any regards of the individuals medical history? People get jabbed in malls and outdoor containers/buses in a assembly line fashion.
• why is natural immunity not accepted over the experimental RNA innoculation? Any reasonable person or atleast a common sense virologist would say in that case there is no reason to engage in the risk of the experimental vaccine.
• why are people forced to wear masks containing unhealthy chemicals on their face almost everywhere all day long while rebreathing the culture of bacterial, fungal and viral load on it while its not even preventing spread?
• why do people have to get their mucosa lining repedeatly insulted with swabs that won't give much information about illness or infectiousness of the individual, let alone that its a "snap" of that very moment in that particular nostril. Theoreticaly the person could get the virus the minute after leaving the test center and spread it all over. Lets not forget the tendencies of false positives.
• why do we terrorize the people of this world psychologically trough the media and with politicians when it's known how impactfull stress and mental health is on the immunesystem?
• why are people not better and more openly informed about vaccines, mask and swab sideffects?
• why do we not use all this energy and this money that suddenly got made out of nowhere to improve infrastructure and healthcare services?
• why did we not use this money to provide at home supplement kits and treatment instructions as a first line of defense or worst case scenario?
• why is basic health advice not relevant anymore? (weight management, moving regulary, eating properly, getting enough sunlight etc.?)
• why are alternative treatments villified instead of being added to the toolkit?
• why are population groups forced to take the risk of innoculation eventho covid is not relevant to them statistically speaking?
• why are "you" not locked up at home most of the time if the illness is so dangerous?
• why are "you" not wearing a full body hazmat suit at all times?
• why are "you" putting on a mask entering a buisness but put it off at the table?
• why are people allowed to go on vaccations during a pandemic?
• why are we firing doctors and nurses when all these hospitals are supposedly overly filled with rona patients eventho these professionals have natural immunity?
• why are people that work alone in a private office with no physical human interactions required to wear masks, get tests and be vaxxinated?
• why hasn't there been much open and public debate over risks and benefits with clear information about the damage and implications that inevatebly are caused by these responses?
• why are vaccine injuries not taken seriously? why are thoose injured on their own financialy and medically?
• why is all cause mortality increasing and correlating with massscale-vaccine administration?
• why are we basing our health advise and responses on simulations and models that have turned to be severly wrong and flawed in their prediction?

If this isn't a political and financial fraud in a totalitarian fashion ...

• why are the vaccine manufacterers not making their ingredients and production openly available and/or sell the product without making a insane profit off it?
• why is the goverment not imposing on the manufacterers, pharma giants and scientists/medical professionals to provide this as cheap and freely as possible for the sake of the population? Why is it even that private companies got any say in this "worldwide" crisis?
• why is the burden of proof for any of these actions so minimal?
• why are so many assumptions and statements made to induce a action on the population, only to have that assumption (lie) to turn out to be wrong in a few weeks/months afterwards?
• why is the population not demanding 100% transparancy of the manfucterers data, funding and all the people involved? Same goes for the politicians and the media. Afterall they literally trample on our basic rights to work and to move freely. If everything is as fine and dandy as they say then there is literally no reason to not be completly 100% open and transparent.
• why are scientists and medical professionals censored and revoked of their licenses when having alternating opinions on the matter?
• why is every form of opposition or scepticism more and more criminalized?
• why are public health and safety officials engaging in discriminations, scapegoating and excessive gaslightning?
• why do we need a piece of paper or QR-Code to be able to live a "normal" life and enter public places? It says nothing about the health situation or infectiousness of the person.
• then how come people are put in camps.
• then how is it that people have to pay "fines" for being healthy and existing?
• then how is it that politicians are obviously engaging in what can only be described in provoking civil unrest?
• why is every piece of media and politician informing the public with literally the same script. Meaning literally the entire sentences are the exact same.
• why are we using insane amounts of money for advertising this magic product instead of using it to actually deal with stuff like world hunger and public health.
• why are the same people forcing us to do all this, the same ones profiting off of it?
• why are people forced out of their homes?
• why are people forced to loose their job?
• why are rich and powerful, influential leaders of politics and companys not required to follow the rules? I mean they impose lockdowns and then go to partys themself.
• why are unvaxxinated but healthy people segregated, criminalized and forced to pay money, but people being overweight, drinking, smoking, driving cars etc. are not?
• why are we ruining and inflating the economy so needlessly?
• why is there always a new variant discovered when things seem to get "back to normal" or when vaccine sales decline?
• how is it that there is so much financial incentive to keep the pandemic going?
• why is conflict of interest not relevant anymore?
• why are things getting consistently worse with increased vaccinations, lockdowns and the rules/laws they impose?
• why are definitions changed continously to fit changes in the narrative?
• why are old studies and publications unrelated to covid removed or altered in retrospec? Why now when we have this "crisis" to handle?
• why are doctors, scientists, manufacteres and politicians who impose all of this, not forced to take personal responsibility and liability for these safe and effective and apparantly "neccessary" actions taken upon the public? Should be no big deal right?

If this was about solidarity ...

• why didn't we do any of this before for all the people that died of infuenza or any other virus/pathogen?
• why didn't we do any of this for all the people dying of hunger? (a issue easily fixed by any of thoose goverments or rich philantropists unlike a virus)
• why are we showing solidarity to the abstract idea of illness and its supposed victims but not the really easily proven, manmade damage and harm done to the people who lost their job, lost their homes, got injured for life by the innoculations and so on and so forth?
• why didn't we do any of these radical measures for all the environmental toxicities that are manmade, proven to cause cancers and other chronic ailments?
• where is the solidarity for all the suicides this society caused?

One could make a endless list here. Take what could be deemed a good question and discard the rest. I think most sheeple are not open to engage into any of these questions from a "sceptic" position.
I already know many "pro-vaxx, pro mandates, pro-totalitarianism" personas answers to many of them, which are usually realy ridiclious but w/e.
Well done!


Mar 21, 2021
Another thing I used to hear a lot and think lot of people still believe is the unvaccinated cause mutations in the virus. Now I’ve heard that the leaky vaccines lead to mutations.

But no matter what evidence you may show them they will always believe the propaganda expert on msm.

But if you say if you are concerned about mutations in the unvaxxed then why aren’t you concerned about the 3 billion unvaxxed Petri dishes in the world that can not get access to the vaccine because of the Patent on the vaccine.

You have to remember they believe pharmaceutical companies, cdc , the government are actually trying to save people lives.

But when expose the factor that the pharmaceutical companies are more concerned about profits then lives then they start to question the motives of all these people in power.

Another thing I bring up is Oxford was going to release the their vaccine patent to any drug maker to make vaccine, bill gates lobbied them not to release the patent and probably threaten he would pull funding.

So you force them to realize if this was all about saving lives then why would they restrict the access to a life saving vaccine do to lack of money in poorer nations around the world.


Jan 7, 2017
Try all you want, I think it's a waste of time. That bubble ain't crackin' ... But have fun!! Seriously, if people haven't changed their minds by now, it's not happening. No amount of information, or lines of reasoning, emotional pleading or whatever is going to make a difference. Interesting thread nonetheless. Peace, always.


Mar 21, 2021
Try all you want, I think it's a waste of time. That bubble ain't crackin' ... But have fun!! Seriously, if people haven't changed their minds by now, it's not happening. No amount of information, or lines of reasoning, emotional pleading or whatever is going to make a difference. Interesting thread nonetheless. Peace, always.
Have empathy for your enemy, 99 percent of the public has elementary level of understanding on how the body which make them susceptible to this fear mongering about Covid. Best way look at them is as a 5 year who has been told their is a boogie man in the closet and that guy who has been telling them do I as I say and I will protect you from the boogie man.

All I am saying is it is a way to create doubt of the people that have been telling them listen to me or the boogie man will get you, who has had many self imposed cracks to the bubble they created. So people are slowing starting to realize something is up.

So I try to not take it personal with all the attacks on antivaxxer. And look at them like scared children.

The people that are propagating this I see as evil, I am just trying ways to get through to freinds family before it’s to late and they take their 9th booster and shut up the propagandist.
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