
Mar 18, 2021
EXPERTS believe certain people are falling for the FLAT EARTH meme because the (FALSE) belief THEY KNOW SOMETHING the rest of the world does not can make them feel SUPERIOR.


Oct 22, 2018
300 MPH change over 120 minutes would mean a 2.5 MPH change every minute, not second, and no, you wouldn't feel that in a car.


Oct 22, 2018
Also this idea that the we are "not allowed" to see the edge of the earth is ridiculous. Just get all your flat earth friends together and rent a plane and fly over the edge.


Feb 18, 2018
So, no answer. Not even an Argument. Just „your ego“ - which doesn’t factor in here one bit btw -

And and unproven, unevidenced Claim that there is a vast, secret territory on this Planet that isn’t free to travel.

Next question:
How do you know? Evidence please. Not only your ego-driven, Self-grandiose „I know, you don’t“

How are these restricted areas guarded or hidden? Since when?

And is that an integral part of Terra Flatulenca-Hypothesis? That vast restricted areas exist and that restriction is why there cannot be proof? Or is that the belief of one faction/sect of Flatearthers and others offer other hypothesis?
So do you think we can travel the whole earth unrestricted?


Feb 18, 2018
Also this idea that the we are "not allowed" to see the edge of the earth is ridiculous. Just get all your flat earth friends together and rent a plane and fly over the edge.
Well why are you even assuming there even is an edge? And let's say there is an edge somewhere How would you possibly just get in a plane and fly there 😂 do you think we can just travel the earth with no restrictions?


Sep 13, 2019
Very nice fisheye lens. Apparently these are all that exist for globies.

so you don't understand how optics work either?
that is specifically why the person freezes the frame in the center, so any edge distortion would be equal both up and down on axis.
yet another experiment that is EASY to do for yourself if you were truly open minded and cared about the truth.

You literally said there was no amateur footage, and here it is.
you also literally claimed that ships disappearing over the horizon is due to perspective from "getting smaller."
yet you have obviously never tried it yourself, or you would clearly see it is not the case.

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Jun 15, 2022
So I looked into the moon reflectance, and think I can see what your point is about the edges. It does appear a complex subject, most of what i found was in relation to "Lambertian scatterers and radiators" if you care to follow up.
Thanks for this. I will look into it. Taking your own pictures would be great, because pictures of distant objects such as Saturn's moons are almost always photoshopped. Let me know what you find. I am working on an experiment regarding eclipses, will update later. But eclipses of all sorts were accurately predicted by civilizations that had a flat earth cosmology.


Sep 13, 2019
How is that NOT a valid argument if they lie on everything else?

Isaac Newton had a huge incentive to lie because the 2 secret societies he's in have huge agendas to lie to people about this garbage and after he released this scam he was appointed into the Royal Society and Knighted so he could infiltrate the education systems

The Moon Landing was faked

NASA has NEVER sent a person into space

Sattelites dont exist

The ISS doesnt exist

They pump out fake climate data

They CGI and photoshop fake images of Earth

But of course this is the ONLY thing they're telling the truth about right Robert? Joke
Again, even if everything you say was true and they are all liars, provide a working alternate theory that explains what we can ALL observe all over the globe?
Provide distances to the moon disk and sun,

heck, provide a MAP of the flat earth to scale, and we can easily test it's accuracy with people on the forum driving from place to place and recording their odometers!
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Sep 13, 2019
Robert you TOLD ME the Earth is flattening out because of its spin when I posted the Degrasse Tyson video - Neil Degrasse Tyson TELLS ME the Earth is FLATTENING OUT because of its spin

Gravity CANNOT remain consistent if Earth is getting smaller - its NOT possible

Oh so now the equator controls how strong gravity is? Are we making up new concepts now because I never heard of this

So let me get this straight Robert:

The Earth is LITERALLY DESTROYING ITSELF by spinning - it is spinning itself into nothingness / this is what the science book tells us right?

So when will the Earth finally destroy itself? If the moon is spinning it should be destroying itself and FLATTENING OUT as well right? Why is it always a circle every night?

The Earth cannot possibly be spinning or moving -

I can spin around in a circle for 10 seconds and this will cause brain damage - I will become dizzy and can't walk straight for a minute

But the Earth is spinning 1040 MPH at the equator and slower as you go North/South and no one feels it? JOKE just an ABSOLUTE JOKE Robert - no way this is possible
more mass directly underfoot, means more gravity is felt at that localized area. I told you it is slightly flatter at the equator, not that it continues to flatten out. as the diameter increases, centripetal acceleration also increases and they come into balance. We are talking about a 10mile difference from the surface to the center, pole to equator.
you are strawmanning again. how is the earth "getting smaller"? There is no loss of mass ergo gravity does not decrease.
You are confused at the magnitude of forces we are talking about.

to give everyone else who might actually be interested an idea of how tiny these forces are on the grand scale in comparison to the counteracting forces...

The centripetal acceleration the equator is 0.034 m/s2 times the mass of your body. The centrifugal force at the poles is zero.
so you would "weigh" less at the poles.
by how much?
9.863 m/s2 times your mass at the poles and 9.764 m/s2 times your mass at the equator.
so if you weighed 200lbs at the poles, you would weigh 198lbs at the equator.

this is yet another experiment that people are free to do and see for themselves. How does the "flat earth model" explain these weight changes?

Note* you skipped replying to these points yet again.

If you USE YOUR EYES and SENSES - you can tell the Moon is not rotating, the Earth is not moving, and the horizon is not curved - anywhere
use your eyes and see that the moon MUST be rotating to keep the same face to the earth at all times, to all observers at the same time.
use your eyes and tell me why the moon is seen the same from everywhere on the disk.
use your eyes and tell me why the stars rotate one way in Canada, and the other direction in Australia.
use your eyes and watch the sun set over the horizon, then call a friend out west and ask them where they see the sun.

Oh yea I forgot to mention - the entirety of the solar system model and a bunch of other measurements including mass are based on this one idea being real - so if its not real then everything else is a lie too
So show me your math and numbers describing how the flat earth explains observable phenomena.
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Sep 13, 2019
another experiment people can do for themselves to demonstrate geosynchronous satellites (or something on the dome?) exists. if it is on the dome, what is it and how did it get there?



Sep 10, 2019
so you don't understand how optics work either?
that is specifically why the person freezes the frame in the center, edge distortion would be equal both up and down on axis.
yet another experiment that is EASY to do for yourself if you were truly open minded and cared about the truth.

You literally said there was no amateur footage, and here it is.
you also literally claimed that ships disappearing over the horizon is due to perspective from getting smaller.
yet you have obviously never tried it yourself, or you would clearly see it is not the case.
It absolutely is due to perspective. You can try this anywhere.

I claimed that amateur footage shows no curve. Why post a fisheye lens video when we already discussed the Red Bull jump in the thread?


Sep 13, 2019
It absolutely is due to perspective. You can try this anywhere.

I claimed that amateur footage shows no curve. Why post a fisheye lens video when we already discussed the Red Bull jump in the thread?
What?? Redbull was left out of the scam?
show us a fisheye lens that creates curvature distortion while on axis. I'll wait.


I've done this experiment myself all over the world, and have not seen what you claim is happening.
The bottom half of ships go 'under water', while the top half is still fully visible.
Perspective does not explain that in any way.
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Sep 10, 2019
is that amateur video? Were they not in on the scam? How did they get up there, and how are they staying up there?

still waiting to see a fisheye lens distortion on axis.
Weather balloon. Still waiting for curve footage on a regular lens.
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