

Jun 22, 2021
It pulls people closer to Earth, but pushes helium balloons and sattelites away
no, the model says it pulls everything together.

It pulls planets close to each other - yet pushes them apart
no, the model claims it pulls everything together.

It affects water but water vapor is immune
no, the model says it pulls everything together.

Oh no but wait its because theres another invisible force also not provable or experimental that pushes water vapor up -
yes, it is because as it becomes less dense there is the less force of gravity on it. Gravity exerts more force on the surrounding denser mass than the water vapour, pushing under it. It is easily experimental, hot air balloons do it all the time.

It affects everything on Earth except for an extensive list of things that are exempt
no, the model claims it pulls everything together.

Unlike other Invisible forces - it is not observable, provable, or logical
Its effects are observable and predictable, as much so as magnetic and electric forces. Do you deny them too?

Magnetism is an observable, provable, and logical force - Gravity is none of these things - but don't worry its there!
Describe to me how magnetism is logical, but gravity is not.

It was invented by a man who lies about everything - that man invented a whole new form of math to "prove" it exists that same year - what an absolute genius!
It wasn't invented by anyone, it was always there. Newton was the first to create a mathematical model that accurately predicted movements based on it.
Scientists today recognize that it is only a close approximation.

That man had a huge incentive to lie but don't worry he didn't this one time
What was his incentive? He was a wealthy noble and a recluse that avoided the public. He never even published much of his work that was discovered after his death.

Oh yea I forgot to mention - since the Earth is spinning and continuously flattening out - The Earth is actually destroying itself and spinning itself into nothingness - no one is worried about this or calculates when it will happen but don't worry it will!
evidence it continues to flatten out?

Oh yea and since the Earth is flattening out - Gravity SHOULD be getting weaker overtime - but it doesn't change at all and some people claim its getting STRONGER (makes no sense but DONT ASK QUESTIONS PLEB)
flattening out would cause more mass underfoot at the equator, not less. That is what keeps it in equalibrium.
what evidence is there that gravity is getting stronger? (or weaker?)

If you USE YOUR EYES and SENSES - you can tell the Moon is not rotating, the Earth is not moving, and the horizon is not curved - anywhere
use your eyes and see that the moon MUST be rotating to keep the same face to the earth at all times, to all observers at the same time.
use your eyes and tell me why the moon is seen the same from everywhere on the disk.
use your eyes and tell me why the stars rotate one way in Canada, and the other direction in Australia.
use your eyes and watch the sun set over the horizon, then call a friend out west and ask them where they see the sun.

Oh yea I forgot to mention - the entirety of the solar system model and a bunch of other measurements including mass are based on this one idea being real - so if its not real then everything else is a lie too
So show me your math and numbers describing how the flat earth explains observable phenomena.

oh but the best part is - Everyone that believes in this is the reasonable/logical person and everyone who doesn't is an ABSOLUTE MADMAN
Not at all. Children believe in Santa, doesn't mean they are mad. Just ignorant.

If you are going to attack a hypothesis, at least understand it first and don't misrepresent it.
I want to steelman the flat earth model so we can openly and honestly discuss it.
Isn't that what being "open minded" is supposed to be like?
Give me a break this is a joke

Magnetism is logical because it follows the same rules ALL THE TIME Consistently

Like poles repel/opposite poles attract - its simple

But for gravity its -

It has the same rules for everything but for everything that doesnt obey gravity its another invisible force that exists thats not observable or provable - give me a break

You're COVERING for gravity's faults - for every contradiction it has you make up a new word or new idea to explain it - every other provable force obeys the same rule all the time WITHOUT EXCEPTION


Jun 22, 2021
Yes, but now it's sad.

The "I can't see it, therefore it can't exist" team is not in a good state. It looks too much like Biden interventions to be funny anymore.

Not sure if they are not just trolling, they are often borderline.
This is a joke and no one said this

Every other invisible force such as Magnetism is observable, provable, and logical

Infrared radiation is invisible but is still observable/FELT if you're wearing the right goggles, provable and logical

Gravity is none of these things and a MASON FAIRYTALE

So many holes in gravity theory and you Glober intellectuals strut in here like it can possibly be a real thing


Jun 22, 2021
So, no answer. Not even an Argument. Just „your ego“ - which doesn’t factor in here one bit btw -

And and unproven, unevidenced Claim that there is a vast, secret territory on this Planet that isn’t free to travel.

Next question:
How do you know? Evidence please. Not only your ego-driven, Self-grandiose „I know, you don’t“

How are these restricted areas guarded or hidden? Since when?

And is that an integral part of Terra Flatulenca-Hypothesis? That vast restricted areas exist and that restriction is why there cannot be proof? Or is that the belief of one faction/sect of Flatearthers and others offer other hypothesis?
Why isn't Anyone allowed to fly THROUGH or able to explore Antartica?

Why was the Antarctic treaty signed by countries that were at war with each other?

Why is there a giant Antarctic ice wall on the South Pole and not the North? Its a 150 foot wall all around Antarctica - what explains this on the South and not the North?

Why did Captain cook take 3 years and sail 60,000 miles to travel around Antartica?

Simple Questions


Oct 22, 2018
Give me a break this is a joke

Magnetism is logical because it follows the same rules ALL THE TIME Consistently

Like poles repel/opposite poles attract - its simple

But for gravity its -

It has the same rules for everything but for everything that doesnt obey gravity its another invisible force that exists thats not observable or provable - give me a break

You're COVERING for gravity's faults - for every contradiction it has you make up a new word or new idea to explain it - every other provable force obeys the same rule all the time WITHOUT EXCEPTION

You keep saying "answer this and I'll stop" -- and the second someone does, you continue WITHOUT ANSWERING ANY OF THEIR QUESTIONS. You just keep posting more nonsense.

How about you try and answer each of his points instead?


Jun 22, 2021
It pulls people closer to Earth, but pushes helium balloons and sattelites away
no, the model says it pulls everything together.

It pulls planets close to each other - yet pushes them apart
no, the model claims it pulls everything together.

It affects water but water vapor is immune
no, the model says it pulls everything together.

Oh no but wait its because theres another invisible force also not provable or experimental that pushes water vapor up -
yes, it is because as it becomes less dense there is the less force of gravity on it. Gravity exerts more force on the surrounding denser mass than the water vapour, pushing under it. It is easily experimental, hot air balloons do it all the time.

It affects everything on Earth except for an extensive list of things that are exempt
no, the model claims it pulls everything together.

Unlike other Invisible forces - it is not observable, provable, or logical
Its effects are observable and predictable, as much so as magnetic and electric forces. Do you deny them too?

Magnetism is an observable, provable, and logical force - Gravity is none of these things - but don't worry its there!
Describe to me how magnetism is logical, but gravity is not.

It was invented by a man who lies about everything - that man invented a whole new form of math to "prove" it exists that same year - what an absolute genius!
It wasn't invented by anyone, it was always there. Newton was the first to create a mathematical model that accurately predicted movements based on it.
Scientists today recognize that it is only a close approximation.

That man had a huge incentive to lie but don't worry he didn't this one time
What was his incentive? He was a wealthy noble and a recluse that avoided the public. He never even published much of his work that was discovered after his death.

Oh yea I forgot to mention - since the Earth is spinning and continuously flattening out - The Earth is actually destroying itself and spinning itself into nothingness - no one is worried about this or calculates when it will happen but don't worry it will!
evidence it continues to flatten out?

Oh yea and since the Earth is flattening out - Gravity SHOULD be getting weaker overtime - but it doesn't change at all and some people claim its getting STRONGER (makes no sense but DONT ASK QUESTIONS PLEB)
flattening out would cause more mass underfoot at the equator, not less. That is what keeps it in equalibrium.
what evidence is there that gravity is getting stronger? (or weaker?)

If you USE YOUR EYES and SENSES - you can tell the Moon is not rotating, the Earth is not moving, and the horizon is not curved - anywhere
use your eyes and see that the moon MUST be rotating to keep the same face to the earth at all times, to all observers at the same time.
use your eyes and tell me why the moon is seen the same from everywhere on the disk.
use your eyes and tell me why the stars rotate one way in Canada, and the other direction in Australia.
use your eyes and watch the sun set over the horizon, then call a friend out west and ask them where they see the sun.

Oh yea I forgot to mention - the entirety of the solar system model and a bunch of other measurements including mass are based on this one idea being real - so if its not real then everything else is a lie too
So show me your math and numbers describing how the flat earth explains observable phenomena.

oh but the best part is - Everyone that believes in this is the reasonable/logical person and everyone who doesn't is an ABSOLUTE MADMAN
Not at all. Children believe in Santa, doesn't mean they are mad. Just ignorant.

If you are going to attack a hypothesis, at least understand it first and don't misrepresent it.
I want to steelman the flat earth model so we can openly and honestly discuss it.
Isn't that what being "open minded" is supposed to be like?
Robert you TOLD ME the Earth is flattening out because of its spin when I posted the Degrasse Tyson video - Neil Degrasse Tyson TELLS ME the Earth is FLATTENING OUT because of its spin

Gravity CANNOT remain consistent if Earth is getting smaller - its NOT possible

Oh so now the equator controls how strong gravity is? Are we making up new concepts now because I never heard of this

So let me get this straight Robert:

The Earth is LITERALLY DESTROYING ITSELF by spinning - it is spinning itself into nothingness / this is what the science book tells us right?

So when will the Earth finally destroy itself? If the moon is spinning it should be destroying itself and FLATTENING OUT as well right? Why is it always a circle every night?

The Earth cannot possibly be spinning or moving -

I can spin around in a circle for 10 seconds and this will cause brain damage - I will become dizzy and can't walk straight for a minute

But the Earth is spinning 1040 MPH at the equator and slower as you go North/South and no one feels it? JOKE just an ABSOLUTE JOKE Robert - no way this is possible


Oct 22, 2018
If you're in a car driving 100 miles per hour, do you feel it? No. You feel acceleration and deceleration. The earth is spinning at a constant speed.

This thread is an absolute joke.

Imagine someone stumbling on to Ray Peat's work and discovering that THIS horseshit is what this forum is about...


Jun 22, 2021
If you're in a car driving 100 miles per hour, do you feel it? No. You feel acceleration and deceleration. The earth is spinning at a constant speed.

This thread is an absolute joke.

Imagine someone stumbling on to Ray Peat's work and discovering that THIS horseshit is what this forum is about...
Oh RIGHT OK - You feel acceleration and de acceleration right?

Why don't you feel this change then revenant? If you take a flight from the equator to the far ends of the North/South it should be about 500-1000 MPH change in Earths rotation - x5-x10 then the fastest rollercoasters in the World

Now why dont YOU FEEL THAT CHANGE Revenant? Simple question dont start with the ad hominems



Jun 22, 2021
If I'm flying in a plane, why would I feel the earth rotate at all?
Oh so before its we feel the Earth accelerating/deaccelerating?

But now its

Oh if youre in a plane then you cant feel speed/force? Is that right?

Do you feel 100 MPH winds on a plane - you do don't you? Now that rotation difference is 500 MPH+ and airplanes are immune to it? IS THAT RIGHT?


Oct 22, 2018
You're not making any sense.

I never said the earth is accelerating/decelerating -- I said we don't feel it moving because it's NOT accelerating/decelerating.

I have no idea what you mean by 100 MPH winds on a plane. Have you ever even been on a plane?


Jun 22, 2021
You're not making any sense.

I never said the earth is accelerating/decelerating -- I said we don't feel it moving because it's NOT accelerating/decelerating.

I have no idea what you mean by 100 MPH winds on a plane. Have you ever even been on a plane?

If the Earth is Rotating then that rotation is accelerating and de accelerating near the equator and near the poles accordingly

You said we can feel acceleration/deacceleration - then why does no one feel this phenomenon?


Oct 22, 2018
If I'm at the north pole where the speed of rotation is slower, I don't feel anything because the speed is constant. If I then take a car to the equator, I again will feel nothing because the speed there is constant, albeit different. Or are you saying my body should "remember" how fast I was going 3 days ago at the north pole?

So when I get out of a car, one day later I still feel like I'm decelerating?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
why do the stars spin counterclockwise around polaris from Canada, but spin clockwise around Sigma Octanis (southern Pole star) in Australia?
I’ll let you do the math on that since you’re the one making the insane claim that Polaris stays in the same place despite so many factors of movement between planets, solar systems and galaxies. Enjoy some more Dubay videos for answers to your questions about star motions.

This is an example of why this discussion is such a waste of time. Opposite rotations around the poles are consistent with a spherical earth., but instead of explaining how it it is possible on a flat earth the question gets ignored because it can't be explained


Jun 22, 2021
If I'm at the north pole where the speed of rotation is slower, I don't feel anything because the speed is constant. If I then take a car to the equator, I again will feel nothing because the speed there is constant, albeit different. Or are you saying my body should "remember" how fast I was going 3 days ago at the north pole?

So when I get out of a car, one day later I still feel like I'm decelerating?
If you're in a car traveling 50 mph you will feel a change to 40 mph or 60 mph

Centripetal force says if I take a flight from Florida to New York (one I've taken many times) then I should feel the Earth's Rotation de-accelerate from about 1040 MPH to about 7-800 MPH is that right? I never felt that - neither has anyone else

At the North Pole the rotation speed should be 0 - nothing should be felt


Oct 22, 2018
"If you're in a car traveling 50 mph you will feel a change to 40 mph or 60 mph"

Yes, if the change is quick enough, but if it happens slowly enough you won't.


Jun 22, 2021
"If you're in a car traveling 50 mph you will feel a change to 40 mph or 60 mph"

Yes, if the change is quick enough, but if it happens slowly enough you won't.
So you're telling me 300 MPH change on a 2 hour flight isn't noticeable?

120 minutes over 300 MPH thats about 3 miles per hour de acceleration every minute - and I'm NOT SUPPOSED to feel that? I can certainly feel 3 MPH acceleration or de-acceleration if its happening every minute in a car - how is that possible?
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