Ukraine Crisis


Aug 3, 2021
British actor Ian McKellen, aka Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings, had a video conversation with "Zelensky" - or rather with pranksters. Sexual pervert McKellen promised to come to Ukraine for the Bandera LGBT Festival.

- And I also want to hold a gay festival named after Bandera in Kyiv - "Zelensky"
- Can I please come - passionately asked McKellen
- Of course! Of course! You will lead it! You will lead this festival. We will open it together with you, and I will kiss you at the beginning of the opening ceremony to show that I am close to gays too.
- Thanks a lot! What a contrast with Moscow, where gay parades have been banned for a hundred years.


Dec 11, 2013
That’s not happening. Sweden and Finland are joining the nato.

Gas-clients of Russia Are now ceasing their imports of Russian fossil energy for good.

It’s simply not happening.

Can there be a turn around - Germany for example folding and even all of a sudden resorting to operate north stream 2 and kiss the US hegemony goodbye?

No. All Putin can achieve is to further divide those countries domestically. You have in all this countries a portion of the populace that would rather see close ties with Russia and continuation of cheap energy. They will become more bitter and more opposed to their respective country’s establishment.

But not more.
That’s of use for Russia, but it’s only a small victory.
A large drop in living standards can change calculation's pretty quickly. Two thirds of the world are happily buying cheap Russian resources. The EU is going to lose competitiveness to them. May take a few difficult years & the return of Trump, but economics usually wins out. However, Russia may not be interested in such a difficult customer as the EU.

''Regardless of who wins the Ukrainian war, the United States will be the strategic loser. Russia will build closer relations with China and other countries on the Eurasian continent, including India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states. It will turn irrevocably away from European democracies and Washington. Just as President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger played the “China card” to isolate the Soviet Union during the Cold War, presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping will play their cards in a bid to contain U.S. global leadership.

Knowing that it can no longer keep Europe as its top energy customer, Moscow has logically moved to grow its fossil fuels sales with Asia, notably China and India. Since the Ukraine invasion, Russia has become China’s top oil provider, replacing Saudi Arabia....''


Aug 3, 2021
A large drop in living standards can change calculation's pretty quickly. Two thirds of the world are happily buying cheap Russian resources. The EU is going to lose competitiveness to them. May take a few difficult years & the return of Trump, but economics usually wins out. However, Russia may not be interested in such a difficult customer as the EU.

''Regardless of who wins the Ukrainian war, the United States will be the strategic loser. Russia will build closer relations with China and other countries on the Eurasian continent, including India, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf states. It will turn irrevocably away from European democracies and Washington. Just as President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger played the “China card” to isolate the Soviet Union during the Cold War, presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping will play their cards in a bid to contain U.S. global leadership.

Knowing that it can no longer keep Europe as its top energy customer, Moscow has logically moved to grow its fossil fuels sales with Asia, notably China and India. Since the Ukraine invasion, Russia has become China’s top oil provider, replacing Saudi Arabia....''

Both France and Germany dream on replacing dollar with their colored paper as the world currency, additionally Germany dreams of finally becoming de-occupied - both US bases and US nukes(targeted on Russia - forcing Moscow to target back) are still present there as a result of WW2.

After WW2 the status and rank in the Western Club does not allow Germany to conduct a fully sovereign foreign policy, but here is what former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder once said(as a retired statesman, he can speak more freely):

“We cannot tolerate being treated like an occupied country”

Noting that when he watches the actions of the American ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell he “gets the impression that the diplomat sees himself rather an officer in an occupying force than an ambassador of the United States to a sovereign nation."

In this situation, Germany, according to Schroeder, should look for allies with similar interests:

“It is inevitable that those who have suffered from conflicts emanating from the United States will draw closer”.

As for Russia the future is much more grim, IMO: downgrade from being an EU cheap resources colony towards being an India & China one and then(after 10..20 years) an upgrade back to EU colony level. I.e. Russia is still being ruled by (post)soviet degenerates(they just became even older) - a men of few talents and complete lack of creative ideas.
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Aug 3, 2021
Both France and Germany dream on replacing dollar with their colored paper as the world currency, additionally Germany dreams of finally becoming de-occupied - both US bases and US nukes(targeted on Russia - forcing Moscow to target back) are still present there as a result of WW2.

After WW2 the status and rank in the Western Club does not allow Germany to conduct a fully sovereign foreign policy, but here is what former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder once said(as a retired statesman, he can speak more freely):

“We cannot tolerate being treated like an occupied country”

Noting that when he watches the actions of the American ambassador in Germany, Richard Grenell he “gets the impression that the diplomat sees himself rather an officer in an occupying force than an ambassador of the United States to a sovereign nation."

In this situation, Germany, according to Schroeder, should look for allies with similar interests:

“It is inevitable that those who have suffered from conflicts emanating from the United States will draw closer”.

As for Russia the future is much more grim, IMO: downgrade from being an EU cheap resources colony towards being an India & China one and then(after 10..20 years) an upgrade back to EU colony level. I.e. Russia is still being ruled by (post)soviet degenerates(they just became even older) - a men of few talents and complete lack of creative ideas.


Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters says US has flooded the world with military bases

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters accused Americans of wanting to rule the world.

The musician explained this desire with the mentality of citizens, because of which the inhabitants of other countries "have to suffer." He also said that the US has flooded the world with military bases and wants to push all the way to Russia's borders and then encircle China.

Waters also recalled that America promised ex-USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev not to expand NATO, but then "they just tore it [the agreement] up and threw it out the window." In addition, he believes that the Americans organized an illegal coup in Ukraine and got rid of the democratically elected president. According to the musician, the current conflict on the territory of Ukraine can be quickly resolved.

“Why won’t [US President] Joe Biden talk to [Russian President Vladimir] Putin? Why don't they talk? But Joe Biden doesn't seem to want that. Because he keeps sending more and more weapons [to Ukraine]. Does he really think that the Ukrainian army will be able to defeat Russia?” Waters asked.

On August 22, it became known that the musician was included in the base of the Ukrainian "Peacemaker". He was included in the "enemies of Ukraine" section for "supporting Russian President Vladimir Putin" and "anti-Ukrainian propaganda."


Aug 3, 2021


Ukrainians have always been on the stretch between Poles and Russians. Poland was divided 4+ times in the 18..20th centuries(imagine the size of the psychological trauma). Just because of the irrepressible ambition of the Polish gentry and zero inability to negotiate, neither with external players, nor among themselves.

Let's see how it turns out this time. ;)


Apr 21, 2021
I planted canteloupe in my garden and I’m naming it Kiev. Not expecting to be eating juicy melon several weeks from now but it would be fun if it happens!

I just wish it would keep bugs away from the rest of my plants, and ensure better overall yield of the garden. ?

I know you’ve been on the edge of your seat. I grew a canteloupe! Small but tasty. It was pretty easy so maybe I used gmo seeds before.



Aug 3, 2021

Limitrophes are seriously ill with neo-Nazism. The disease progresses, and, most likely, light drug therapy will no longer help here - surgical intervention will be required. Take, for example, the enraged dwarf, which is modern Latvia. Marching SS legionnaires have long become a familiar entourage of Latvian cities.

However, Latvians are at war not only with the past. They also actively promote a policy of hatred towards everything Russian in the present. What is the collection of signatures launched on the Latvian portal of public initiatives in favor of the repatriation of Latvian residents who are “loyal to Russia” worth? Those who to a greater extent "associate themselves with Russian society." This is how they are going to divide citizens into “us” and “them”, “right” and “wrong”, depending on questions of their personal loyalty. It is clear that through such seemingly delusional initiatives of some "activists" the general mood of the Latvian authorities is transmitted: "If you are for Russia, then you are against us."

Nationalist radicals are everywhere there, starting from the upper echelons - parliament, government and other instances. And every day these individuals make statements on the verge of clinical insanity. For example, their Minister of Defense and part-time admirer of the Latvian SS Legion Artiks Pabriks believes that Russia should be excluded from the UN. A home-grown Latvian Nazi is not aware that it is easier to erase Latvia from the political map of the world than to realize his obsessive dreams.

In general, Latvians themselves signed up for denazification.
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