Record numbers of Western citizens identify as LGBTQ


Jan 25, 2014
Have you seen what small kids are watching on TikTok? Alot of twerking just for starters. Are you comfortable with that? Kids as young as 4 and 5 and up watching, mimicking and making their own tik toks. Alot more exposure there than drag queen story hour at public libraries lol.. Pole dancing has become a sport of sorts and young kids are doing it, and so forth. The point is that "drag queen story hour in public libraries" is the least of your concerns for the youth. That sort of thing, like the rocky horror picture show, is perceived by kids as dress up. It doesn't even register that it is anything else at that age. Not so much for strippers on tik tok etc. So I think your energy is misguided here.

When I say something like that it's in context responding to the shock and ore, the catastrophisation, the "omg have you seen what is happening this is the degradation of society, everything is going to crumble away" type stuff. The title of this thread is the context "record numbers", but really it's nothing new. And that is the point I am making. I'm reminding whoever I'm responding to that it's been around forever and society has done just fine, hasn't crumbled, everyone has co-existed. So you can calm down. It's very on trend atm for content creators to talk about this stuff as if it's all new and the end of days and social morals are being eroded like never before.. and people are lapping it up and buying into the narrative, so they are making alot of money out of doing it on youtube, tiktok, podcasts etc. But it's like anything, you shine a light on something that has been going on forever and it seems all new when it's not. You probably didn't think twice about the rocky horror picture show when you were a kid, or a drag show at the local pub until now because, well, who gives a ***t lol why would you care unless you are being encouraged to. Have you ever thought about buying a certain car, and then all of a sudden it seems that car is everywhere you look? Similar concept. And even though there is definitely a hightened push for more acceptance in society of LGTBQ expression, it shouldn't be a source of anxiety for you because, as I point out, it has always been around and the world hasn't ended. Just maybe not as in the lime light as it is right now.
Funny, the fact that you keep on going back to a cult movie released back in the mid-70s sort of proves the point. You can't think of one other movie like that to use as an example. If I made a statement like "there have always been violent movies," I could name several just keeping to movies featuring Schwarzenegger in the 80s.

Plus, I don't know where you grew up, but there were zero drag shows at any bars I knew of in my teens and 20s. I did hear about some "drag shows" after moving to Los Angeles, but they were still limited to West Hollywood, which has always had a high percentage gay population, and did indeed feature a lot of gay bars.

Truthfully, I didn't even know about The Rocky Horror Picture show when I was a kid. I first heard about it as a teen, as I kept on seeing it listed as a midnight showing when I looked at movie listings. You absolutely had to seek it out, it was not "in your face." And even then, it was more college kids seeing it for the performance in the theater.

Also, that fact that you out of hand dismiss a 10x increase in youth that identify as LGBTQ+ is somewhat telling. It was about 1-2% of the population for decades, and even gay activists said that the number certainly wasn't higher than 4%. But now, 20% of youth is identifying as such. That's a massive increase, and it basically happened in the last decade.

Plus, there is no doubt that children are being targeted, to be "transgender" especially. Here's Vox, promoting the idea, and starting off talking about a 15 year old that was put on these medications-

Here's a Children's Hospital talking about it-

And, the Mayo Clinic-

So, are you going to reassure me that this is all fine, nothing to worry about, because transgender people have been around for a while? I mean, Tula was even on Inside Edition-


It's one thing for an adult to do this after much thought and research and such. But for the Medical Cartel to experiment on still developing children is beyond disgusting.
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Nov 22, 2015
Funny, the fact that you keep on going back to a cult movie released back in the mid-70s sort of proves the point. You can't think of one other movie like that to use as an example.
I mention it because it is so well known, has been massively revered in art and culture since it was produced, and most people are aware of it/have seen it at some stage and not thought twice about it. Plus it was viewed alot by pre-pubescent/adolecent children so it's relative to the shock and horror about child exposure to it now, illustrating that the fear is being misplaced. I thought I made this all pretty clear in my posts. I could mention others - Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Mrs Doubtfire, Hairspray, Paris is Burning (about the drag culture of the 80s in New York), Dancing Queen... And how long has Ru Paul been around for in American culture? Nothing new but the alarmism.
If I made a statement like "there have always been violent movies," I could name several just keeping to movies featuring Schwarzenegger in the 80s.
You make a very good point here, people should be far more concerned with child exposure en masse to violent movies and tv. Killing, murder, horror, war, violence, rape, torture.. All these themes are rife in movies that kids watch yet some would seem far more concerned about Priscilla Queen of the Desert. It's humorous. Same goes for kids playing hours of fortnite, literally shooting everyone up. That's fine, but Mrs Doubtfire is just too much. And this draws back to my point, perhaps you have been listening to far to many doom and gloom content creators and politicians regarding LBGTQ awareness and it's scariness lol
Plus, I don't know where you grew up, but there were zero drag shows at any bars I knew of in my teens and 20s. I did hear about some "drag shows" after moving to Los Angeles, but they were still limited to West Hollywood, which has always had a high percentage gay population, and did indeed feature a lot of gay bars.
Maybe you just weren't paying that much attention back then but are now..

I grew up in Melbourne, Australia. There are and have always been random drag shows around, plus the theatre and plays etc. But that hasn't changed in the slightest from when I was a kid. It's not like there has been some massive increase in it. I remember "the red light district" growing up there were female hookers on a whole lot of streets and corners, drag/trans on differnet street/corner, homosexual boys on another etc. All organised designated areas traditionally, always more female prostitutes and they controlled more real estate. Very indicative of the demand. And a similar breakdown was happening up until the last few years, pre covid. Now it seems everything has gone online and off the streets for the most part which would definitely make the local residents happier.
I didn't even know about The Rocky Horror Picture show when I was a kid. I first heard about it as a teen, as I kept on seeing it listed as a midnight showing when I looked at movie listings. You absolutely had to seek it out, it was not "in your face." And even then, it was more college kids seeing it for the performance in the theater.
Point is you wouldn't have blinked an eye lid about it, and why the **** would you. Who cares.
Also, that fact that you out of hand dismiss a 10x increase in youth that identify as LGBTQ+ is somewhat telling. It was about 1-2% of the population for decades, and even gay activists said that the number certainly wasn't higher than 4%. But now, 20% of youth is identifying as such. That's a massive increase, and it basically happened in the last decade.
See my early post below :
This is really basic to understand from a sociological perspective - there is higher acceptance of homosexuality/bi-sexuality/etc now in the US so people are more comfortable ticking the box on a public survey as identifying with it. The reality is the rates have probably changed very little from ancient Greek times and before, it's just that in the 50's for example, or even ten years ago relative to now, people were less likely to openly identify with the orientation on surveys and so lied or suppressed. Same goes for developing countries and/or countries that are in the grip of rigid religious dogma, obviously the people of those countries are going to be less likely to identify with LGBTQ. This doesn't mean the surveys accurately reflect the true status of sexual orientation in those countries.

Plus, there is no doubt that children are being targeted, to be "transgender" especially. Here's Vox, promoting the idea, and starting off talking about a 15 year old that was put on these medications-
It is a controversial topic of current day. Controversy gets clicks and attention, hence wider coverage from all media outlets. Regardless, I don't agree with putting kids of a pre consensual age on medications of any sort for non medical conditions. I actually think it needs to be regulated and perhaps even make the earliest age one can decide to take such a course of action at minimum 21. Medications and hormonal replacement etc, same with operations, is a completely different subject and one that we are probably more aligned in our thinking on.
It's one thing for an adult to do this after much thought and research and such. But for the Medical Cartel to experiment on still developing children is beyond disgusting.
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Sep 13, 2012
I don’t think theres any way to stem the tide of moral relativism other than the inevitable cyclical collapse which results. Once a society gets as decadent as ours there’s almost no chance of saving it, the only instance I can think of where they turned it around was Germany in the 30’s vs Germany in the 20’s and that will never happen again because of how tainted the brand of nationalism has become.
Are you saying that the Nazis were doing good things for Germany?

Moral relativism is very dangerous. You can't tell anyone they are doing anything wrong because they will just say "I'm living my own truth". Well what's true for you has to be true for everyone otherwise it isn't true! Christianity is the only objective truth that is true for everyone across all cultures across all languages across all time. Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Objective truth. Subjective truth says you can have any number of different truths based on your own feelings and desires. Which also means they change with the times. Christianity always was and always will be it will never change, He is the rock our firm foundation.

I can't imagine growing up in our culture today, saying to a young person 'you are enough, you are good' is basically saying to them you have to figure out life for yourself because everyone's truth is different.

No wonder young people are acting so awful, they are overwhelmed and scared, clinging to whatever the culture says is true because they have no idea what they believe in. I know because I tried this philosophy out for a period of about 5-6 yrs, I found the new age which says you are enough just as your are and I became empowered. Whatever was true for me I was going to live out not caring about how it effected my kids or my husband because this was MY truth. It was the epitome of self-obsession. Little gods doctrine, moral relativism.

Romans 3:10
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”

”Far worse than death is the unwillingness to turn away from sin” father Spyridon


Mar 28, 2019
What percentage of men do you think is being swiped on by woman on tinder right now?

Who cares about degen apps like Tinder. Build a twitter/insta if you want to leverage social media for dating, and even that should be a side piece to your social life at best.


Jan 7, 2022
Algonquin, Illinois
Society will change, and there will be new advancements in technology, but one thing will always exist: temptation. If you're a "low value man" you can't use that as an excuse to shoot up a school nor to masturbate and watch porn. If you're a "high value man" you can't abuse your power to commit the grave sin, that is fornication, with many women nor even one woman. Everyone is responsible for their own destination after death here on earth. In this regard, I would recommend to anyone to study the lives of Catholic saints, many of who underwent extreme self afflicted mortification to avoid sin. St Benedict as a teenager after being tempted by an attractive woman for sex instead went home and whipped himself with a thorned tree branch. St Anthony of the desert as a young man sold his inheritance, gave all his money to the poor and then lived a life in solitude within the desert. The point is that any advancement in your spiritual life is going to have to include some sort of self denial, and no change in society or technology is going to do that for you. Do you use your phone or laptop to masturbate or to get sex? Then stop using your phone or laptop. A young sinner once asked a wise old man where he could find God. The wise old man thus led the young sinner to an empty cave and said, "Alas, where God is found". Master the mundane, and thus you will master yourself. Get used to being alone, in fact make good friends with isolation, and then begin your quest not for pleasure nor for approval or respect from men, but for God and His Kingdom.


Jan 25, 2014
Maybe you just weren't paying that much attention back then but are now..
Nope. It's just a fact that there just weren't drag shows at regular bars in the 80s, 90s, and even early 2000s. Certainly not "local" or "neighborhood." Bars either featured no sort of entertainment, had bands, were sports bars, or were clubs. There wasn't any "drag" shows at any of those places. I don't even remember hearing about any drag shows in college, despite having a few friends that were very much into gay culture, and certainly would have mentioned it.
I grew up in Melbourne, Australia. There are and have always been random drag shows around, plus the theatre and plays etc. But that hasn't changed in the slightest from when I was a kid. It's not like there has been some massive increase in it. I remember "the red light district" growing up there were female hookers on a whole lot of streets and corners, drag/trans on differnet street/corner, homosexual boys on another etc. All organised designated areas traditionally, always more female prostitutes and they controlled more real estate. Very indicative of the demand. And a similar breakdown was happening up until the last few years, pre covid. Now it seems everything has gone online and off the streets for the most part which would definitely make the local residents happier.
Well, maybe things haven't changed all that much in Australia, but they certainly have within the US.
Point is you wouldn't have blinked an eye lid about it, and why the **** would you. Who cares.
Pure speculation. You don't know what I would or would not have done. Especially if I had been exposed to drag shows as regularly as I watched something like Sesame Street when I was kindergarten age and younger.
See my early post below :
Except, your early post is clearly wrong. You claimed "The reality is the rates have probably changed very little from ancient Greek times and before." Obviously, false. Again, it was about 1-2% of the population, maybe as high as 4%, a number cited by gay activists. This number basically didn't change from the 60s until the 2010s. Now, it's 20%. That's an absolute explosion, and in the past decade.
It is a controversial topic of current day. Controversy gets clicks and attention, hence wider coverage from all media outlets. Regardless, I don't agree with putting kids of a pre consensual age on medications of any sort for non medical conditions. I actually think it needs to be regulated and perhaps even make the earliest age one can decide to take such a course of action at minimum 21. Medications and hormonal replacement etc, same with operations, is a completely different subject and one that we are probably more aligned in our thinking on.
It already is "regulated." Are you not familiar with the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID and State Medical Boards? Do you not realize that hospitals like St. Louis Children's are businesses, that could impose their own standards, above and beyond what those government agencies allow? If you still live in Australia, I am sure that country has it's own set of regulatory agencies. We're not talking about a few rogue doctors that have had their license revoked, or are facing charges. This is institutionalized acceptance, and they don't seem to have a problem with ages far lower than your 21 year old minimum.


Jan 25, 2014
Are you saying that the Nazis were doing good things for Germany?
Of course they did. Regardless of any crimes and atrocities committed by the German government of the 30s and 40s, there is no doubt they absolutely revived the German economy, after the Treaty of Versailles destroyed it (as was intended). The standard of living rapidly improved for Germans in the 30s, and huge infrastructure project were built. It's even noted that Eisenhower was so impressed with the Autobahn system the Germans built, that he created a similar system here in the United States, the Interstate Freeway system. A similar economic model was used by Japan post WWII until the 80s, when that country experienced double digit growth for decades, and also saw a dramatic improvement in the standard of living for the Japanese.


Sep 13, 2012
Of course they did. Regardless of any crimes and atrocities committed by the German government of the 30s and 40s, there is no doubt they absolutely revived the German economy, after the Treaty of Versailles destroyed it (as was intended). The standard of living rapidly improved for Germans in the 30s, and huge infrastructure project were built. It's even noted that Eisenhower was so impressed with the Autobahn system the Germans built, that he created a similar system here in the United States, the Interstate Freeway system. A similar economic model was used by Japan post WWII until the 80s, when that country experienced double digit growth for decades, and also saw a dramatic improvement in the standard of living for the Japanese.
Ok I didn't know that, I thought he was referring to problems with morality, not the economy.
Oct 25, 2018
Are you saying that the Nazis were doing good things for Germany?

Moral relativism is very dangerous. You can't tell anyone they are doing anything wrong because they will just say "I'm living my own truth". Well what's true for you has to be true for everyone otherwise it isn't true! Christianity is the only objective truth that is true for everyone across all cultures across all languages across all time. Love the Lord your God with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Objective truth. Subjective truth says you can have any number of different truths based on your own feelings and desires. Which also means they change with the times. Christianity always was and always will be it will never change, He is the rock our firm foundation.

I can't imagine growing up in our culture today, saying to a young person 'you are enough, you are good' is basically saying to them you have to figure out life for yourself because everyone's truth is different.

No wonder young people are acting so awful, they are overwhelmed and scared, clinging to whatever the culture says is true because they have no idea what they believe in. I know because I tried this philosophy out for a period of about 5-6 yrs, I found the new age which says you are enough just as your are and I became empowered. Whatever was true for me I was going to live out not caring about how it effected my kids or my husband because this was MY truth. It was the epitome of self-obsession. Little gods doctrine, moral relativism.

Romans 3:10
“There is no one righteous, not even one;
11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
12 All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.”

”Far worse than death is the unwillingness to turn away from sin” father Spyridon
The nazis were clearly evil, but I’m saying their authoritarianism managed to turn around a country that was suffering from extreme sexual and moral degeneracy, in economic freefall, and about to succumb to Bolshevism.

It reminds me of how the Romans had a system where in a time of crisis the senate would elect a temporary dictator to deal with it no holds barred. It’s interesting that the Founding Fathers based so much of the way our government and legal system operates on theirs but decided not to include that provision. I think if they had 2020 would’ve had quite a different outcome to say the very least.
Oct 25, 2018

I’m an atheist and like watching him rave like a lunatic from the sidelines. Another one of my favorites is Brother Nathanael Kapner.

Years ago I had a homosexual friend who identified as a god-fearing Christian while trying to convince himself that the God of Abraham and Isaac would forgive his sexual immorality if he spread the gospel and lived a “righteous” (in his eyes) life all while encouraging me to stop “wasting my time” striking out with women and go fully gay. He went to this wacky homosexual church where they made allusions to raping Christ like the men of Sodom and Gomorrah. The hypocrisy and mental gymnastics were insane, yet they like all denominations thought they were the ones who got it right.

TL;DR I’m a spiritually dead autist who just watches certain “men of God” sperg out like the mayor of CWCville.


Sep 13, 2012
Saw this on dr wilson's website:
"Sexual fluid. Human male and female sexual fluids contain a lot of toxic potassium. Those who absorb a lot of this fluid include anyone who has sex with orgasm often without using condoms.

One of the homosexual patterns on a hair mineral test is a very elevated potassium level, at least in part because some homosexuals take in a lot of sexual fluid."

"We notice that homosexuals eliminate more toxic potassium than other people when they heal their bodies at deep levels.

Another interesting finding is that when this occurs, these individuals become less interested in homosexual relationships. We know this is a controversial topic, but it is our repeated observation.

The same occurs with children and adults who have gender dysphoria. As they eliminate toxic potassium from their bodies, their gender dysphoria or transgender tendencies often improve or go away completely. This might also occur due to greater maturity that always seems to accompany the elimination of toxic potassium"


Jan 25, 2014
Had some more thoughts on this in particular-
I mention it because it is so well known, has been massively revered in art and culture since it was produced, and most people are aware of it/have seen it at some stage and not thought twice about it. Plus it was viewed alot by pre-pubescent/adolecent children so it's relative to the shock and horror about child exposure to it now, illustrating that the fear is being misplaced.
First off, Rocky Horror was rated R in the US. Very few, if any, young children saw it during it's initial theatrical run, and subsequent midnight showings. I'm sure some kids did, but not "a lot," and it was not targeted towards young children. Unlike Drag Queen Story Hour, which is targeted SPECIFICALLY towards young children.
I thought I made this all pretty clear in my posts. I could mention others - Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Mrs Doubtfire, Hairspray, Paris is Burning (about the drag culture of the 80s in New York), Dancing Queen... And how long has Ru Paul been around for in American culture? Nothing new but the alarmism.
Pricilla and Mrs. Doubtfire were both comedies. I never saw the former, but the later didn't have Robin Williams dressing up in a sexual way. Bosom Buddies, Big Momma's House, the Madea movies, and the Bud Light "Ladies Night" commercials, all in the same vein. Hairspray also used drag as a comedic effect, and it wasn't done in a sexual way, either, and both films got a PG rating. Paris is Burning is a small time documentary.

I find it odd that you can't distinguish the comedic use of drag, the sexualized use of drag in R rated movies not intended for children, and Drag Queen Story Hour, which is SPECIFICALLY aimed AT children. The intention is something that certainly didn't exist prior, and a deeper look at your examples proves it.
Oct 25, 2018
Saw this on dr wilson's website:
"Sexual fluid. Human male and female sexual fluids contain a lot of toxic potassium. Those who absorb a lot of this fluid include anyone who has sex with orgasm often without using condoms.

One of the homosexual patterns on a hair mineral test is a very elevated potassium level, at least in part because some homosexuals take in a lot of sexual fluid."

"We notice that homosexuals eliminate more toxic potassium than other people when they heal their bodies at deep levels.

Another interesting finding is that when this occurs, these individuals become less interested in homosexual relationships. We know this is a controversial topic, but it is our repeated observation.

The same occurs with children and adults who have gender dysphoria. As they eliminate toxic potassium from their bodies, their gender dysphoria or transgender tendencies often improve or go away completely. This might also occur due to greater maturity that always seems to accompany the elimination of toxic potassium"
So how do I get the potassium out of my body and stop chasing femboys? If anything I should be deficient in it because my diet is mostly ground beef and gummy bears lol


Sep 13, 2012
So how do I get the potassium out of my body and stop chasing femboys? If anything I should be deficient in it because my diet is mostly ground beef and gummy bears lol
According to him it's the entire nutritional balancing program that eliminates the toxic forms of metals. Which includes loads of a variety of vegetables. I haven't eaten vegetables in any significant quantity in 10 yrs and I think maybe I went wrong there switching to mostly fruit juice and starches instead on the Peat way of life. At least I kept the beef and chicken which Peat isn't super fond of.


Nov 22, 2015
It's just a fact that there just weren't drag shows at regular bars in the 80s, 90s, and even early 2000s. Certainly not "local" or "neighborhood." Bars either featured no sort of entertainment, had bands, were sports bars, or were clubs. There wasn't any "drag" shows at any of those places. I don't even remember hearing about any drag shows in college, despite having a few friends that were very much into gay culture, and certainly would have mentioned it.
And you're saying drag shows are just everywhere now? I mean have you thought that maybe that's just business? If they entertain a high percentage of the population and it brings people in, bar and club owners will get them on. It's not some hospitality and events co-ordinated conspiracy haha I'm sure there are plenty of bars and clubs that don't have them as well so you can choose. Besides why do you give a ***t what consenting adults are doing? I think you've been listening to way to much commentary on this
Well, maybe things haven't changed all that much in Australia, but they certainly have within the US.
Yeah they haven't changed much at all.. And the US is a big place, I'm sure in most states it hasn't changed much either.
Pure speculation. You don't know what I would or would not have done. Especially if I had been exposed to drag shows as regularly as I watched something like Sesame Street when I was kindergarten age and younger.
We were talking about seeing rocky horror in your early teens. You were mentioning friends having to seek it out in college years.
Again, it was about 1-2% of the population, maybe as high as 4%, a number cited by gay activists. This number basically didn't change from the 60s until the 2010s. Now, it's 20%. That's an absolute explosion, and in the past decade.

This is really basic to understand from a sociological perspective - there is higher acceptance of homosexuality/bi-sexuality/etc now in the US so people are more comfortable ticking the box on a public survey as identifying with it. The reality is the rates have probably changed very little from ancient Greek times and before, it's just that in the 50's for example, or even ten years ago relative to now, people were less likely to openly identify with the orientation on surveys and so lied or suppressed. Same goes for developing countries and/or countries that are in the grip of rigid religious dogma, obviously the people of those countries are going to be less likely to identify with LGBTQ. This doesn't mean the surveys accurately reflect the true status of sexual orientation in those countries.
Forget the comment on ancient Greek times, I was attempting to illustrate that homosexuality and bisexuality is a natural phenomena in the human psych/condition and the rates when all is said and done, and everyone is being honest are probably quite consistent. The crux of what I'm saying here is in bold, feel free to respond to that if you like because the point is a very obvious and clear one.
t already is "regulated." Are you not familiar with the FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID and State Medical Boards? Do you not realize that hospitals like St. Louis Children's are businesses, that could impose their own standards, above and beyond what those government agencies allow? If you still live in Australia, I am sure that country has it's own set of regulatory agencies. We're not talking about a few rogue doctors that have had their license revoked, or are facing charges. This is institutionalized acceptance, and they don't seem to have a problem with ages far lower than your 21 year old minimum.
I know it's regulated, what I mean is that the regulations need to change to be 21 year minimum or something like that. At the very least in line with the age of sexual consension or age of drinking/driving.
First off, Rocky Horror was rated R in the US. Very few, if any, young children saw it during it's initial theatrical run, and subsequent midnight showings. I'm sure some kids did, but not "a lot," and it was not targeted towards young children. Unlike Drag Queen Story Hour, which is targeted SPECIFICALLY towards young children.
Well yeah when it first came out, but obviously by the 80s and 90s it was established as a classic of sorts and was translated into theatre and plays etc and so kids and teens watched it. Plus rocky horror has horror themes which can be quite scary for young kids. My nephew is 8 and he'd freak if he watched it, not because of the drag but because of the dark horror theme to it. I can't remember what age I was when i watched it, maybe 12, but the horror theme left more of an impression than the drag. I don't think I even registered that it was a drag type theme.
Pricilla and Mrs. Doubtfire were both comedies. I never saw the former, but the later didn't have Robin Williams dressing up in a sexual way. Bosom Buddies, Big Momma's House, the Madea movies, and the Bud Light "Ladies Night" commercials, all in the same vein. Hairspray also used drag as a comedic effect, and it wasn't done in a sexual way, either, and both films got a PG rating. Paris is Burning is a small time documentary.

I find it odd that you can't distinguish the comedic use of drag, the sexualized use of drag in R rated movies not intended for children, and Drag Queen Story Hour, which is SPECIFICALLY aimed AT children. The intention is something that certainly didn't exist prior, and a deeper look at your examples proves it.
Honestly I have never heard of "Drag Queen Story Hour" until you mentioned it in this thread responding to me. But a quick google search suggests that it isn't "everywhere" as you tend to aspouse, and it isn't sexual in nature. Certainly Priscilla queen of the desert would be more sexual. To quote you - "I find it odd" that you talk about the light hearted nature of movies like Priscilla, or the comedic use of drag being fine yet fail to recognise the same for your drag queen story hour, which sounds like exactly that - drag queens reading childrens stories to kids, probably throwing some comedy in there - sounds pretty PG. The alarmism doesn't sound PG though, and if parents don't want their kids watching it, can't they just not take them?
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