Record numbers of Western citizens identify as LGBTQ

Oct 25, 2018
wow, well even if the vitamin C hasn't cured the infection, a few studies have been done showing vitamin C protects against lead poisoning. But absolutely get plenty of calcium and the two are antagonistic.
Tried supplementing Ray’s eggshell calcium but it turned my bowels into a miniature coral reef, lol. I now take calcium carbonate (chalk) before bed but haven’t really noticed a benefit thus far.
Oct 25, 2018
Did you get a lot of vaccines as a child?
Indeed I did, and my mother kept putting them off so she noted I got a large amount of them at once before I started school and that’s when I began pushing people away/walking on my tippy toes.


Sep 13, 2012
Indeed I did, and my mother kept putting them off so she noted I got a large amount of them at once before I started school and that’s when I began pushing people away/walking on my tippy toes.
You can turn it around. My husband's brother walked on his toes as well as a kid, was more of a loner during highschool and is now completely different. Holds down a full time job, married with a baby. He stopped playing video games all night, that probably was the main factor lol.
Oct 25, 2018
You can turn it around. My husband's brother walked on his toes as well as a kid, was more of a loner during highschool and is now completely different. Holds down a full time job, married with a baby. He stopped playing video games all night, that probably was the main factor lol.
I cut video games out around 2015 to focus on my writing career so it’s certainly not that acting as a root cause. I’m a firm believer “gamers” are just a symptom of a nihilistic, atomized, consumerist civilization.


Sep 13, 2012
I cut video games out around 2015 to focus on my writing career so it’s certainly not that acting as a root cause. I’m a firm believer “gamers” are just a symptom of a nihilistic, atomized, consumerist civilization.
Do you wanna know a remedy for nihilism? Jesus Christ! :relaxed: Quite the opposite of nihilism. A life of meaning and purpose is where it's at. My son has asperger's, he's a gamer (minecraft and scrap mechanic not fortnite or WoW), quite brilliant, but has no idea how to think abstractly so I understand that believing in God is hard for some people. We are continually praying for him and building him up, I see how the future is going for guys like him and it's heartbreaking.
Oct 25, 2018
Do you wanna know a remedy for nihilism? Jesus Christ! :relaxed: Quite the opposite of nihilism. A life of meaning and purpose is where it's at. My son has asperger's, he's a gamer (minecraft and scrap mechanic not fortnite or WoW), quite brilliant, but has no idea how to think abstractly so I understand that believing in God is hard for some people. We are continually praying for him and building him up, I see how the future is going for guys like him and it's heartbreaking.
You sound like a less crass version of my own mother, but shes a Baptist lol


Indeed I did, and my mother kept putting them off so she noted I got a large amount of them at once before I started school and that’s when I began pushing people away/walking on my tippy toes.
This is too sad. Sorry to hear this.


Sep 13, 2012
You sound like a less crass version of my own mother, but shes a Baptist lol
Well in all honesty every mother who believes in Jesus Christ will sound a bit like this. We don't push Jesus on him by the way, I pray over him every night and answer his meaningful questions. Previously we were basically agnostic family who let him do whatever he wanted to do, no structure at all. And he was failing to develop at all. He is now making leaps and bounds with more structure and support, with parents who aren't depressed and self obsessed anymore.
Oct 25, 2018
Well in all honesty every mother who believes in Jesus Christ will sound a bit like this. We don't push Jesus on him by the way, I pray over him every night and answer his meaningful questions. Previously we were basically agnostic family who let him do whatever he wanted to do, no structure at all. And he was failing to develop at all. He is now making leaps and bounds with more structure and support, with parents who aren't depressed and self obsessed anymore.
Did you become Christian after a crisis? That’s what happened to my mother. She used to be the “cool mom” lol.


Sep 13, 2012
Did you become Christian after a crisis? That’s what happened to my mother. She used to be the “cool mom” lol.
Just our family failing to thrive. Kids who had oppositional defiance, my other son has ADHD, my life was flat out a disaster, my kids would be practically killing each other and then I'd have to be in the middle of that, then whenever I'd set a boundary they'd come after me like little rebels. lol There is a lie in the anti-authoritarian community that being a rebel leads to happiness and fulfillment, 'just follow your own truth'. Except when that truth is actually leading to your destruction. I saw criminality, not holding down a job, gamer 4chan attitude in their future. I wasn't going to settle for that. They are still young enough and under parental authority enough for me to change their future.
Oct 25, 2018
Just our family failing to thrive. Kids who had oppositional defiance, my other son has ADHD, my life was flat out a disaster, my kids would be practically killing each other and then I'd have to be in the middle of that, then whenever I'd set a boundary they'd come after me like little rebels. lol There is a lie in the anti-authoritarian community that being a rebel leads to happiness and fulfillment, 'just follow your own truth'. Except when that truth is actually leading to your destruction. I saw criminality, not holding down a job, gamer 4chan attitude in their future. I wasn't going to settle for that. They are still young enough and under parental authority enough for me to change their future.
Was that a dig at me, lol? At any rate my mother became baptist after she had a nervous breakdown when my father got drunk and burned the house down then left us living in a hotel.


Sep 13, 2012
Was that a dig at me, lol? At any rate my mother became baptist after she had a nervous breakdown when my father got drunk and burned the house down then left us living in a hotel.
No, I just see how some of these online communities are a fantasy world. Its an escape from the suffering. My son does it a lot, he prefers watching youtube gamers and refuses to make friends.

That's really sad what happened with your father but many times how someone comes to Christ, at their lowest point they see He is the way the truth and the life. I myself wasn't at my lowest, but my marital and family struggles made me see I was just extremely self absorbed, not actually "living my own truth". So Jesus did take me to my lowest as in I humbled myself and said I can't do this life alone, I accept I failed at raising my kids despite what I thought was peaceful parenting, I accept I failed at being a good wife, I accept the shame and processed through it. And same for my husband we did it together. Nothing could ever separate the bond we have now.


Jan 25, 2014
Well yeah I agree, its kinda the point I was making. It’s a commitment between two people - spiritual, philosophical, practical. All the other stuff means very little - has nothing to do with the ceremony, the church, the state, the certificate or anything else that is part of the institution of marriage. It’s a commitment between two people to join forces and become a family essentially, share and pool their resources and so forth. The specific terms of the relationship are up to them to work out between eachother, probably drawing on what seems to have worked in the past and present for others in society. These days a de facto relationship is as much a legally binding position financially etc as a certified marriage so the "business" side of things needs to be ironed out irrespective.
True, I just think if you know the history of the "institution" of marriage, it makes a little more sense. For a long time, I though marriage was a bad idea, especially for men. Well, after learning about the modern Marriage License, yes, it's very clear it's a bad deal for both men and women, since the state is in the superior position in the contract. So, it makes sense that the state could demand you vaccinate your kids (for certain benefits), or have CPS take them away for whatever reason. The state views them as THEIR kids, fruits of the contract, and the parents as mere caretakers, in service of the state.

A more traditional marriage or a marriage by contract makes a lot more sense. As does setting up "business" related affairs, like a home and such, under something like a trust. At the same time, most people aren't going to take the time and effort to do that.
Just as a side note, what you are saying in regards to god being part of the marital contract before the secular contract came into play representing the state - You are forgetting that god was represented by the church. The church basically claimed to speak for god and claimed authority based on that. The church and the state weren't separate back then either. It is well known that the church, particularly in certain denominations, subgroups and sects, is and has been an extremely corrupt, self serving and authoritarian organisation.
God was never "represented" by the church, but the church was a place where you could learn about god, and other spiritual matters. Some churches may have claimed to represent the creator, but that doesn't mean that they do, any more than anything or anyone else in the creation. And why do you say "the" church, as if there was only ever one religion? Obviously, there are many. Or that religion is even necessary to learn about spiritual matters? Yes, there are some times in the past that some states would align with a particular religion or church, and vice versa, but it was never ALL states. Some states still have an official religion today.

I don't disagree that many churches/sects/denominations are corrupt. But even this is even warned about with several verses in Revelations in Chapter 2. So, the problem has even been recognized in official biblical writings dating back 2000 years. This is something Norm MacDonald even mentioned about atheists..... it's really the church or a particular religion they have a problem with, not the creator.


Sep 13, 2012
Oct 25, 2018
No, I just see how some of these online communities are a fantasy world. Its an escape from the suffering. My son does it a lot, he prefers watching youtube gamers and refuses to make friends.

That's really sad what happened with your father but many times how someone comes to Christ, at their lowest point they see He is the way the truth and the life. I myself wasn't at my lowest, but my marital and family struggles made me see I was just extremely self absorbed, not actually "living my own truth". So Jesus did take me to my lowest as in I humbled myself and said I can't do this life alone, I accept I failed at raising my kids despite what I thought was peaceful parenting, I accept I failed at being a good wife, I accept the shame and processed through it. And same for my husband we did it together. Nothing could ever separate the bond we have now.
What denomination of Christian do you best identify with?


Sep 13, 2012
What denomination of Christian do you best identify with?
We are definitely reformed, meaning protestant. We go to a non-denominational evangelical church whose main slogan is 'be intentional neighbors that reflect the love of Christ'.
This is a video I took this last weekend at church. A young boy was singing. The sermon was about shame. And I couldn't help but cry because that's my underlying problem for my whole life. Toxic shame. Unfortunately churches can perpetuate it as did the church I grew up in, but our church is opposite of that. Once you start healing toxic shame you can truly live a life of freedom. Southern Baptist can be shaming. Depends on the church. Hell fire and brimstone is the opposite message someone with toxic shame needs to hear.
Oct 25, 2018
We are definitely reformed, meaning protestant. We go to a non-denominational evangelical church whose main slogan is 'be intentional neighbors that reflect the love of Christ'.
This is a video I took this last weekend at church. A young boy was singing. The sermon was about shame. And I couldn't help but cry because that's my underlying problem for my whole life. Toxic shame. Unfortunately churches can perpetuate it as did the church I grew up in, but our church is opposite of that. Once you start healing toxic shame you can truly live a life of freedom. Southern Baptist can be shaming. Depends on the church. Hell fire and brimstone is the opposite message someone with toxic shame needs to hear.
Just my own personal viewpoint, but as a long time agnostic I find the sticks of Christianity far more compelling than the carrots.


Aug 13, 2020
C’mon mate. Would you feel better if it was strippers twerking for six year olds? The point is we don’t want ANYBODY twerking for six year olds. When they’re adults they can choose to watch or not watch whoever they want. Such an obvious point, embarrassing that this is the caliber of discourse on this topic.
Have you seen the rocky horror picture show? Drag is nothing new, documented to have been happening in Egyptian, Roman and ancient Greek times. It seems men here and there over the ages have liked dressing as woman.
Oddly enough, strippers don’t do that, and no one takes their small kids to strip clubs, yet we have drag queen story hour in public libraries in major cities and woke parents dragging (no pun intended) their kids drag shows in bars.

The alphabet people are really big into that stuff. There is a huge overlap between sexual deviancy in adulthood and a history of childhood abuse and/or neglect, which should already be a huge red flag. Aside from targeting schoolchildren for indoctrination, they’re working hard on normalizing pedophilia, and zoophilia (bestiality) is coming up on the agenda too now.

One thing I’ve noticed in your posts over and over is the argument “well it happens or happened before, so we should just accept it”, which isn’t very sound logic.
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