Huge doubts over Dr Malone's character


Jan 1, 2013
Dr Malone went public today about suffering a very bad reaction to his second Moderna shot back in April last year.

What i found very puzzling is this:

"I know to read the literature, do my own due diligence etc. before taking an experimental product or any vaccine. That is what I thought I did. The government assured us that these [COVID] vaccines were very safe. I could never imagine that clinical data would be corrupted and even falsified – as we now know it was."

He couldn't ?

By law, the only way emergency vaccines without complete safety data could be mandated is if no treatment existed.

Therefore, there was a direct interest by Pharma companies in censoring treatments.

So what about Shanghai publishing it's Vit C protocol for Covid and the whole world censoring it ?

What about Trump touting hydroxychloroquine back on 19 march and all the dishonest media backlash that ensued ?

Malone's claiming clinical data cannot be falsified and corrupted, and we have to believe him ?

This guy doesn't pass the smell test .
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Jun 10, 2020
Censoring and withholding information is different than falsifying or corrupting it. Even if his vitamin C data was censored, and the hydroxychloroquine stuff had media backlash, that's different than published medical literature being made up, falsely created.


May 10, 2016
Malone is a big proponent of vaccines. Not sure if a vitamin C protocol could be compared


Jun 21, 2018
Anyone who gets on JRE to discuss a topic of this nature is almost certainly a planted shill or given the "OK" to be there.

All it is, is controlled opposition to force a false binary.

There is no virus period. All anything else is does force the binary that there is a virus.


To me it looks that just now he is diving into the "conspiracy theories"
Nov 21, 2015
it shows he's too trusting. It takes a lot for doctors themselves to not trust. They are brainwashed to trust.

He is for real. You can listen to him. This is a sad story but he was taken in. Simple as that.


it shows he's too trusting. It takes a lot for doctors themselves to not trust. They are brainwashed to trust.

He is for real. You can listen to him. This is a sad story but he was taken in. Simple as that.
Yes, that is what I meant

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
After Shanghai had published his Vit C protocol for Covid and the whole world censoring it ?

When did Malone come up with a vit C protocol? That's not his thing at all. I think you have him confused with someone else.
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Jan 1, 2013
Censoring and withholding information is different than falsifying or corrupting it. Even if his vitamin C data was censored, and the hydroxychloroquine stuff had media backlash, that's different than published medical literature being made up, falsely created.

Falsified medical data has been a very hot topic in the scientific community for these last 20 years.

Has he been living in a cave all along ?


Sep 17, 2020
I am also wondering what's up with Malone being interviewed so much recently.
He was even interviewd on GBNews in UK, a tv station that is basically the same as all msinstream media.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
it shows he's too trusting. It takes a lot for doctors themselves to not trust. They are brainwashed to trust.

He is for real. You can listen to him. This is a sad story but he was taken in. Simple as that.

Even if he is a CYA type of person who was/is part of the cabal but is now seeing the narrative collapsing so he is jumping ship, the net benefit of him saying all that on the JRE is very positive and seems to help winning over some sheeple. When I told a group of completely zombified "friends" that two Nobel laureates, and the inventor of the very thing they got injected with (and the test used to diagnose the malaise) have said this whole thing is a scam that can reach genocidal proportions, the reaction is strikingly different than what I was getting last year (let alone in 2020) when I tried to question the narrative in front of them. Now, I see basically foaming rage and fear, so let's hope the former will be put to good use to enact change, instead of being unleashed on the unvaxxed...

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Mal-one is making his own vaccine to market to the third world they're focusing on the RBD and N-protein rather than the S-protein. Not crazy about the aluminum adjuvant.

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred an unprecedented movement to develop safe and effective vaccines against the SARS-CoV-2 virus to immunize the global population. The first set of vaccine candidates that received emergency use authorization targeted the spike (S) glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that enables virus entry into cells via the receptor binding domain (RBD). Recently, multiple variants of SARS-CoV-2 have emerged with mutations in S protein and the ability to evade neutralizing antibodies in vaccinated individuals. We have developed a dual RBD and nucleocapsid (N) subunit protein vaccine candidate named RelCoVax® through heterologous expression in mammalian cells (RBD) and E. coli (N). The RelCoVax® formulation containing a combination of aluminum hydroxide (alum) and a synthetic CpG oligonucleotide as adjuvants elicited high antibody titers against RBD and N proteins in mice after a prime and boost dose regimen administered 2 weeks apart. The vaccine also stimulated cellular immune responses with a potential Th1 bias as evidenced by increased IFN-γ release by splenocytes from immunized mice upon antigen exposure particularly N protein. Finally, the serum of mice immunized with RelCoVax® demonstrated the ability to neutralize two different SARS-CoV-2 viral strains in vitro including the Delta strain that has become dominant in many regions of the world and can evade vaccine induced neutralizing antibodies. These results warrant further evaluation of RelCoVax® through advanced studies and contribute towards enhancing our understanding of multicomponent subunit vaccine candidates against SARS-CoV-2.


Infinite Papers on Telegram has critical info on this Mal-one :):cool:)
My intuition on first reading about his 'regret taking the needle' story was like I don't trust him as far as I can spit and I cannot spit, my kids will verify that!
Read and be informed.


Nov 22, 2017
He's been part of the establishment for decades, has worked with the NIH, consulted with the government since the 1980s so it's not altogether surprising that he wasn't aware of the scale of the scandal. He had blind faith in the system.

Go back and watch the talk he had with Bret Weinstein and Steve Kirsch last spring, he was much more careful then. Clearly the blinders have been taken off over the past few months.

I've never been worried about him getting vaccinated. His rationale was sound, he trusted his colleagues and I've heard him give the same explanation since the beginning.

I think he's very trustworthy, same as Peter McCullogh or Robert Kennedy. They're not controlled op at all IMO, they're modern day heroes.


Mar 29, 2016
Malone is just as guilty of projecting his own benevolence on his community of scientists as we are of projecting our own prescience on him.

He could just have been too involved in his own research that he shut himself off from seeing what's going on around him. When you're very focused, you can't avoid developing a sort of tunnel vision.

Don't you sometimes wish you could wall yourself off from the daily grind and be able to concentrate on your goals?


Jan 23, 2017
Dr Malone went public today about suffering a very bad reaction to his second Moderna shot back in April last year.

What i found very puzzling is this:

"I know to read the literature, do my own due diligence etc. before taking an experimental product or any vaccine. That is what I thought I did. The government assured us that these [COVID] vaccines were very safe. I could never imagine that clinical data would be corrupted and even falsified – as we now know it was."

He couldn't ?

By law, the only way emergency vaccines without complete safety data could be mandated is if no treatment existed.

Therefore, there was a direct interest by Pharma companies in censoring treatments.

So what about Shanghai publishing it's Vit C protocol for Covid and the whole world censoring it ?

What about Trump touting hydroxychloroquine back on 19 march and all the dishonest media backlash that ensued ?

Malone's claiming clinical data cannot be falsified and corrupted, and we have to believe him ?

This guy doesn't pass the smell test .
Malone: a trojan horse to keep childhood and adult vaccine gravy train going?

"Malone appears to be a highly credentialed and ostensibly trustworthy Trojan horse who was strategically positioned within the Truth Movement in order to ensure that confidence is not lost by parents in the overwhelming childhood vaccination schedules which are vital to the timely implementation of the New World Order agenda. Likewise, the avuncular Malone appears to engender faith in the annual adult flu vaccination programs across the country, which are also pivotal to various NWO schemes."

There’s something VERY wrong with Dr. Robert W. Malone!
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Feb 9, 2013
I agree with you @burtlancast
@MCurtone EXACTLY!


Truth IS Prevailing:
(please share)

Blog Update: IMPORTANT

Please read, pass on, share on EVERY available social media outlet and email to friends:

Reading the tea leaves, it is clear that Dr Robert Malone is being groomed to replace Dr Anthony Fauci and sell WHO/Bill Gates previously documented Covid-19 mitigation strategies under the guise of 'rationale leadership':

Please review the UPDATED blog below which now links to a Gates 2018 speech outlining his Gates plan to utilize Monoclonal Antibody Therapy as a treatment in the next 'coming pandemic'........(Gates partnered with Glaxo Smith Kline to develop these highly dangerous drugs, the drugs are EVERY bit as dangerous as Remdesivir - explanation in blog below). Malone and many self appointed 'opposition' physicians support not only the use of MAT but many other of the drug therapies/technologies outlined in WHO/Gates strategy plans. And, nearly all of them continue to advocate for use of current vaccinations in the most vulnerable population groups under the lie of protection of the 'high risk'.

Update also includes a video of Malone speech at 2021 vaccine summit advocating for the next generation unnecessary Covid-19 vaccines (vaccines can NOT suppress symptoms or stop contagion of a false positive test)

Malone has been a been a prime advocate for the use of monoclonal antibody therapy and other Gates funded 'therapeutics' & technology to manage a pandemic which has been EXTENSIVELY documented by the government own public health organization data to have been manufactured through fraudulent testing and attribution standards attributing other illness to Covid-19 (documentation in blog):

Now, Robert Malone has called for a mass demonstration in Washington to oppose vaccine mandates:

Do NOT go to this demonstration and warn every single one of your friends to avoid the event.

Right now, they are recycling the Trump playbook:

-Ban Robert Malone from social media to create impression he is authentic 'outsider' while MSN right wing media and every co-opted 'alternative' media outlet on the web gives 24/7 to the 'censorship' which results in EXPONENTIALLY more exposure to larger audiences than a Twitter page (same as they did with Trump)

-Elevate him as a 'rebel' standing up to authority while he sells vaccine, drug, and test policies which would be ASSAILED by his supporters if originated from Fauci or Gates (same as they did with Trump)

-Calls for mass protest in Washington, (same as they did with Trump)
(this was a disaster last time, not going to get into details here, but given that Malone is the exact same type of insider as Trum, do NOT walk into this type of situation again.....RUN in the other direction and WARN others to do the same

The good news here is the policies Malone is actually selling are NOT what vaccine opposition or those in the freedom/truth movement have any interest in supporting...the troubling news is that many individuals who (understandably) want an advocate to stop the vaccine mandates are failing to practice the most basic due diligence in checking up on the validity of Robert Malone as a leader.....

This is not a time to for a don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good arguments, these are WHO/Gates/Controller policies he is shilling

The drugs and NEW mRNA vaccines he is promoting and harmful and potentially deadly.

If people could take a step back, take a breath, and pause for a moment before getting caught up in the latest flavor of the day ,people would realize Malone is priming himself to step in and take credit for what hundreds of MILLIONS of people are already making happen.

The vaccine mandates and vaccine program are about to fall on their own.

The vaccine program is not going to remain viable very much longer. Controller leadership failed to garner anywhere near enough support to move forward with mandated Covid vaccine or vaccine passports.

Other countries have already halted or restricted the use of US administered Covid-19 vaccines (partial list in this blog) and a judge has now ordered Pfizer to release the contents of their early trial data by March 1, 2022. Pfizer is going to face criminal charges when this happens as every policy makers, health professional, academic leader are going to be tripping over themselves to finger point and assign the blame (get ready for the 'we've been had' card, its coming).......

Already happening in Sweden:

15 Swedish scientists are demanding Sweden end the vaccine program due to trial fraud.

(granted its **** covering nonsense as no trial or drug therapy has any clinical validity due to use of testing unsuitable for detection of Sars CoV2 to diagnosis and measure end point outcomes but this shows they are in the 'cover our asses' state...

It is clear they are moving into offer up a couple of lead frontman scapegoats (Fauci and Gates - who will probably get shipped off to an island somewhere, they would not take those roles without assurance of being protected in the end) and replace the spent frontman with a new version of the same thing.

More testing to create false cases to drive people to Gates funded cures and collection of data through test and risk assessment apps.

Please share this blog far and wide

Hashtag it on social media with #fauci2

Keep doing what you have been doing - advocating truth, providing compassionate education, and standing up to the bully tactics of totalitarian oppressors

Stay in love and compassion, pray for guidance, and call on the light

We stand on this precipice of a whole new world

Steady as she goes......

Mass Formation Psychosis, Dr Robert Malone Sells Bill Gates/WHO Test & Treat Next Phase Covid Plan

Please share this post on every available social media channel and email out to all family and friends. New content added to original blog. IMPORTANT!
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