How to promote gum regrowth?


New Member
Aug 27, 2023
I noticed some gum recession earlier this year, likely (and in my dentist's opinion) due to complications from previous orthodontics and my bite mechanics. Since then I've been trying various things to promote gum regrowth, with very slight improvements over the past 6 months. Things I've tried include: coconut oil pulling, CoQ10/K2/D3 (applied to gums and taken orally), oral red light, topical application of DeFibron, xylitol, upping my collagen intake, and vitamin C. I am open to considering a gum graft or 'remedial' orthodontics but it's not pressing and I would like to exhaust cheaper, less invasive procedures first.

I'm trying to make a list as possible of other potential protocols, an admittedly haphazard list of everything for which I've found either science or anecdotes to indicate it could help gum recession, or even just a semi-plausible mechanism. So by no means is any of this to be taken as a strong claim that the following things help gum disease. Please everybody share your thoughts and experiences with halting/reversing gum recession, and other potential approaches.

The list so far:

Oral Hygiene
Water Flossing
Oil Pulling
Red Light
Xylitol (gum/rinse)
Dr. Ellie's Protocol
Calcium Therapy
Essential Oils (topical or mixed with oil pulling)
Massaging Gums

Vitamin K2, D3, C, CoQ10 (applied to gums or ingested orally)
Upping calcium, collagen, 'probiotics', fat soluble vitamins
Activated Charcoal
Topical DeFibron, Allopregnanolone, MitoLipin

Gum Graft
Platelet-Rich Plasma Treatment
Pinhole Method
Orthodontics to fix imbalanced bite

Antibiotics (especially doxycycline and tetracycline)


Sep 12, 2015
Ever since I started taking high doses of chondroitin sulfate, I do not get aphthous ulcers. I would always get them after biting my lip or cheek, or after eating certain foods, but that no longer happens. I've bitten my lip and cheek several times since I started high doses of chondroitin sulfate, and the wounds simply never become ulcers. They never become anything, nor do I notice them after the bite. It's pretty remarkable, because all my life I could count on a week or two of obnoxious irritation in my mouth every time I bit my lip or cheek, but no more.

I don't know if this will accomplish what you want, but it has helped me in a lot of ways. It seems to be essential for the healing of soft tissues. Below are links on the cardiovascular benefits of chondroitin sulfate.



Feb 4, 2019
Check out YouTube videos on using wheatgrass powder to support oral health. I myself add wheatgrass juice powder and sodium ascorbate to coconut oil when doing oil pulling.
Jul 11, 2020
Doxycycline wont do anything for gums, but very low doses are apparently able to halt the progression of bone loss in the jaw(20-40mg)

WheatGrass is a waste of time as is coconut oil. Coconut oil mixed with saliva is basically soap. Nothing regenerative about that. There's nothing in wheatgrass that would encourage gum regrowth. Most things you do for gums will not signal the basal membranes of the periodontal tissue to tell them that they need to grow. BPC157 and TB500 "might" be useful, if directly injected into the pockets, but always the chance that goes horribly wrong. Taking it orally wont do anything for this specific issue

Improving your oral microbiome and your gut microbiome which in turn improves the quality of your saliva can help you produce less plaque which will cause less swelling, but i don't think anything you can do yourself will actually regrow your gums. I've been trying to do that exact thing since i quit smoking 10 years ago, and i've reversed my periodontitis, gingivitis and filled a cavity(was minor though)also have complete reattachment of all gum tissue on every tooth surface, but despite that, i've saw no actual increase in the length of my gum tissue


Nov 6, 2020
Doxycycline wont do anything for gums, but very low doses are apparently able to halt the progression of bone loss in the jaw(20-40mg)

WheatGrass is a waste of time as is coconut oil. Coconut oil mixed with saliva is basically soap. Nothing regenerative about that. There's nothing in wheatgrass that would encourage gum regrowth. Most things you do for gums will not signal the basal membranes of the periodontal tissue to tell them that they need to grow. BPC157 and TB500 "might" be useful, if directly injected into the pockets, but always the chance that goes horribly wrong. Taking it orally wont do anything for this specific issue

Improving your oral microbiome and your gut microbiome which in turn improves the quality of your saliva can help you produce less plaque which will cause less swelling, but i don't think anything you can do yourself will actually regrow your gums. I've been trying to do that exact thing since i quit smoking 10 years ago, and i've reversed my periodontitis, gingivitis and filled a cavity(was minor though)also have complete reattachment of all gum tissue on every tooth surface, but despite that, i've saw no actual increase in the length of my gum tissue
What kind of things did you do to achieve the benefits you list?

"i've reversed my periodontitis, gingivitis and filled a cavity(was minor though)also have complete reattachment of all gum tissue on every tooth surface, but despite that, i've saw no actual increase in the length of my gum tissue"
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