Food revving up my adrenals


Jul 18, 2018
Since last few months, I can feel my adrenals have really become hyper. Symptoms I associate this with includes delayed sleep, impatience, easily panicked, racing mind etc. I don't take any medications or supplements and so I feel something I am eating (my diet since last 1 year is fixed) is causing this for me. I am hypothyroid (TSH around 2). Is there anything from my food list that can made adrenals go hyper?

Breakfast 7:30am:
2 whole eggs scrambled with 2-3 slices of white bread.

Lunch 1pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, big serving of tolerable boiled veggies (Alternate between Breadfruit, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Okra). Cup of hibiscus tea(For the manganese) with 1tbsp sugar

Dinner 7pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, chicken curry (mixed in with some onions, tomato, and spiced with 1-2 cloves and coriander, curry powder, salt), 1 boiled egg. 1-2 Mangosteen fruit (as a midnight desert)


Oct 18, 2023
Since last few months, I can feel my adrenals have really become hyper. Symptoms I associate this with includes delayed sleep, impatience, easily panicked, racing mind etc. I don't take any medications or supplements and so I feel something I am eating (my diet since last 1 year is fixed) is causing this for me. I am hypothyroid (TSH around 2). Is there anything from my food list that can made adrenals go hyper?

Breakfast 7:30am:
2 whole eggs scrambled with 2-3 slices of white bread.

Lunch 1pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, big serving of tolerable boiled veggies (Alternate between Breadfruit, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Okra). Cup of hibiscus tea(For the manganese) with 1tbsp sugar

Dinner 7pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, chicken curry (mixed in with some onions, tomato, and spiced with 1-2 cloves and coriander, curry powder, salt), 1 boiled egg. 1-2 Mangosteen fruit (as a midnight desert)
Hi, considering that you think your diet has been fixed for 1 year with no specific changes that you can observe in recent months in food and supplements,

I suggest that you experiment with the factors specific to winter, by exposing yourself to more light, in terms of intensity and length, and by keeping as yourself as warm as possible with layers of clothing and heating, if you find that it persists,

I suggest you consider foods that are more likely to cause these kinds of symptoms in winter, in my experience eggs and tomatoes (even in small quantities for tomatoes) can contribute to the things you've listed

You could also experiment by reducing cabbage and brussels sprouts
Mar 10, 2021
Since last few months, I can feel my adrenals have really become hyper. Symptoms I associate this with includes delayed sleep, impatience, easily panicked, racing mind etc. I don't take any medications or supplements and so I feel something I am eating (my diet since last 1 year is fixed) is causing this for me. I am hypothyroid (TSH around 2). Is there anything from my food list that can made adrenals go hyper?

Breakfast 7:30am:
2 whole eggs scrambled with 2-3 slices of white bread.

Lunch 1pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, big serving of tolerable boiled veggies (Alternate between Breadfruit, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Okra). Cup of hibiscus tea(For the manganese) with 1tbsp sugar

Dinner 7pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, chicken curry (mixed in with some onions, tomato, and spiced with 1-2 cloves and coriander, curry powder, salt), 1 boiled egg. 1-2 Mangosteen fruit (as a midnight desert)
This day of eating you posted here is not good, much less optimal, with 3 to 4 slices of bread and two bowls of rice, PUFA laden chicken, Brussels sprouts and cabbage, and no dairy. No wonder you are not doing well. Get all of that gone, and start over.


Dec 8, 2016
Since last few months, I can feel my adrenals have really become hyper. Symptoms I associate this with includes delayed sleep, impatience, easily panicked, racing mind etc. I don't take any medications or supplements and so I feel something I am eating (my diet since last 1 year is fixed) is causing this for me. I am hypothyroid (TSH around 2). Is there anything from my food list that can made adrenals go hyper?

Breakfast 7:30am:
2 whole eggs scrambled with 2-3 slices of white bread.

Lunch 1pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, big serving of tolerable boiled veggies (Alternate between Breadfruit, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Okra). Cup of hibiscus tea(For the manganese) with 1tbsp sugar

Dinner 7pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, chicken curry (mixed in with some onions, tomato, and spiced with 1-2 cloves and coriander, curry powder, salt), 1 boiled egg. 1-2 Mangosteen fruit (as a midnight desert)
You may not feel like it
Or believe it
But you are starving


Mar 26, 2014
Since last few months, I can feel my adrenals have really become hyper. Symptoms I associate this with includes delayed sleep, impatience, easily panicked, racing mind etc. I don't take any medications or supplements and so I feel something I am eating (my diet since last 1 year is fixed) is causing this for me. I am hypothyroid (TSH around 2). Is there anything from my food list that can made adrenals go hyper?

Breakfast 7:30am:
2 whole eggs scrambled with 2-3 slices of white bread.

Lunch 1pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, big serving of tolerable boiled veggies (Alternate between Breadfruit, Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Okra). Cup of hibiscus tea(For the manganese) with 1tbsp sugar

Dinner 7pm:
Small bowl of parboiled rice, chicken curry (mixed in with some onions, tomato, and spiced with 1-2 cloves and coriander, curry powder, salt), 1 boiled egg. 1-2 Mangosteen fruit (as a midnight desert)

Pantothenic acid/B5 is associated with adrenals function, but it could also be your hypothyroidism causing you to run on adrenalin, rather than a problem with your adrenals.


Sep 13, 2012
Starvation causes this.


Jul 18, 2018
Hibiscus is known for being strong estrogenic herb.
Thanks mate. It certainly feels like its stimulating bile for me. Does this bile releasing reaction make one hyper due to detox effects?


Dec 2, 2022
I think you can switch to Radix Taraxaci for increasing bile flow and stimulating bile production. It's safe compared to hibiscus (ketmia) that can cause even infertility in women.
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