ELECTRIC CAR HATE THREAD - Electric cars are extremely dangerous and should be avoided at ALL COSTS



Jun 22, 2021
I think it is shielded somewhat, at least the more modern versions. I had this concern too and feel nauseous with vertigo in my friend's Tesla and some hybrids. But this is n=1 and I also feel dizzy in normal cars.

It turns out most cars have high EMF, not just from connectivity/wifi, but also from their alternator.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ2Xs3CHMg0&ab_channel=WholeHomeandBodyHealth

I've seen youtube videos of people measuring EMF (theres so many different types so personally I don't think they are ever able to get the full story)

I've been around all kinds of gas cars, I know all cars have batteries, etc but EMF never bothered me unless it was a hybrid or a Tesla

Even when a Tesla is 'OFF' and across the street (20+ ft distance) The EMF really bothers me and I've never had that happen to me with any other car

But yea I think driving is pretty stressful in general (99% of seats and seat belts are toxic estrogenic material, sitting is stressful in general) but inhaling the fumes from a gas car is nowhere near as damaging as the EMF I have suffered from a Tesla in my opinion

And the worst thing is it never goes off, so if you have a Tesla in your driveway you are suffering 24/7 damage


Jun 22, 2021


Great thread. I knew there were problems with Tesla’s, but had no idea how many problems there were, and how frequent it happens. Scary stuff especially people falling asleep at the wheel. I am going to post that YouTube video of “Tesla drivers sleeping is an epidemic” on my social media, and tell people to pay attention to the driver of all Teslas, and get videos and snapshot of the license plate if possible.

I dated a guy last year that had a Tesla and loves all things Tesla. He worships Elon musk. Always minimized anytime there would be a report on the news about Teslas, crashing and burning or spontaneously combusting or anything else. They always seem to have a way to explain it away and minimize it.
anyway, one time he wanted to show me how he could make the Tesla come to him from being parked in a parking lot. So we went in an empty parking lot and he had me sit in the passenger seat and he went to the edge of the parking lot and used the app on his phone to have it come. That was a very scary experience because the Tesla freaked out and didn’t know what to do so it was going backwards and forwards very jerkily, and the wheels were turning back-and-forth in the same manner. He never could get it to come to him. I never should’ve been stupid enough to stay in the car when he did that. I was just fortunate nothing bad happened.
Yep - the media WILL NEVER turn on Tesla for THE MANY ISSUES it has because Elon Musk and Tesla are used by ABC agencies to get everyone excited about NWO ideas - Electric Cars, Tunnels, Brain chips - so they suppress all the content I post, no lie CITIES CANNOT EXIST if it is filled with electric cars, dangerous vehicle that will kill a lot of people


Jun 22, 2021
I hate electronics. Period. Tesla or not Tesla.

Ironically, even without moving parts, they wear out faster than mechanical parts.

The best cars came out in the 90s. because there is much less electronics in them. Less prone to fail. I could care less about the convenience of push button this push button that.

Go out on a date with an old car and you can open the door for your date. And once seated, your date can show similar courtesy by unlocking the driver side door for you.

There are much, much less bugs to deal with once you get an ICE car with a good brand and vintage. Just like your body, you take good care of it, it does you a return favor.

Not so with electric cars. Bugs galore, more glitches to deal with. Get flooded, its central computer xonks out and you can't just let it dry and restart. Or help it along the way by pushing it (with stickshifts). Even with everything seemingly fine and dandy, you are the mercy of an el cheapo capacitor blowing out rendering the car inoperable. Worse than a horse with no horseshoe.

Because electronics. Which should stay within your boob tube and your smartphones and your home PCs. Not in your AC, not your refs, no no no.

Not even your waterpumps, if you use water pumps. Sleek hi tech pumps with variable frequency drives claim to save you electrical consumption because they can provide constant water pressure by varying frewuency. Aside from the high initial acquisition price, the electronic last only 5 years, and the replacement part costs you an arm and leg. Whereas the mechanical parts last you decades of normal use. I simply attach a mechanical giamo called a cycle stop valve to keep a pump from going thru start and stop cycles that increase your electric bill, and it also provides constant water pressure in varyings loads of water usage.

As for inverter ACs, the electronics fail even more often and your electric bill savings are eaten up by the high maintenance cost of replacing the inverter electronics. I'll just buy a cheaper non-inverter AC that is underpowered for what the manufacturers recommend, and that will keep the AC running continuously and prevent stopping and restarting the compressor so often and that's where I see savings in the electric bill.

Electronics are useful, but they end up in places often enough where they aren't needed, and up becoming a money pit.
Yep, ironically the cheapest, crappiest cars are the best because they are the LOWEST EMF - every company wants to pimp their cars with electronics to justify a high price tag
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Jun 22, 2021
Not sure if this is related but here is a cool drag race between two EVs (Tesla Model S Plaid, Lucid Air Sapphire) and a 1.5 million dollar combustion engine hypercar (bugatti Chiron)

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NKrLPcJNCao

Kevin, you got to get rid of your Tesla bro - once you do that and immerse yourself fully in RP your full head of hair will grow back trust me. I've regrown hair all the time once I addressed my stresssors and this Tesla is a HUGE EMF stressor

You know what you have to do Kevin, just drive your tesla to an abondoned Hill and say your goodbyes and send it away - for your own Health Kevin - You GOT TO do it
Jan 25, 2021
Kevin, you got to get rid of your Tesla bro - once you do that and immerse yourself fully in RP your full head of hair will grow back trust me. I've regrown hair all the time once I addressed my stresssors and this Tesla is a HUGE EMF stressor

You know what you have to do Kevin, just drive your tesla to an abondoned Hill and say your goodbyes and send it away - for your own Health Kevin - You GOT TO do it

You've convinced me, trading it in for a C8 next week and then it's open season on EVcels.


Sep 21, 2014

Agreed. Electronics are also increasingly used as a surveillance and control tool. I cringe when people say "but it's convenient". I don't think humans are made for (excessive) convenience.


Nov 22, 2015
I noticed where I live I see more and more Teslas, LITERALLY MOST DANGEROUS CAR EVER - So much EMF comes out of the vehicle it feels like my body wants to shut down, VERY DANGEROUS and whenever I see someone drive a Tesla - they are in a HYPER-ESTROGENIC state

When I look at people who live in houses with a Tesla in the driveway, they look VERY STRESSED and HYPER ESTROGENIC

and to top it off, this vehicle spontaneously catches fire and/or explodes and they hide it 😂😂😂 Post ALL images/videos of the damage that electric cars do

The WORST THING you can do is buy a Tesla or an electric car and keep it in your garage - 24/7 MASSIVE EMF STRESS

Hybrid cars are bad EMF stressors too, so if you got one don't park it in your place of living, and if your neighbor has a TESLA the EMF will get you too so be careful out here guys - if you live in and have a tesla around you and have health problems, thats probably a MASSIVE CAUSE

but ANYWAY, this is an ELECTRIC CAR HATE THREAD, so post images/videos of the damage these cars do below
Any scientific studies on this showing a difference in emf between teslas and petrol cars? Comparing like for like.. (ie new petrol cars with teslas)


Mar 15, 2014
in October 2021, there was a huge Tesla explosion
In December 2021, there was a story about some european blowing up his Tesla on purpose. It was very high profile and almost obnoxiously lasted in the news cycle for a month

I think it was purposefully shilled in order to distract queries from "Tesla explosion"


Jun 22, 2021
Any scientific studies on this showing a difference in emf between teslas and petrol cars? Comparing like for like.. (ie new petrol cars with teslas)
No studies will ever exist because like Apple - Tesla is run and was started by the NWO, therefore, any negative news/studies on Tesla is surpressed

Why does Apple exist?

To market surveillance, you don't need to spy on people when they all carry around a phone in their pocket that records all their speech and locations

- can be turned off remotely
- electric car
- incorporating 5G in the near future
- Sentry cams ALL OVER the vehicle (camera surveillance)
- Musk is even incorporating bluetooth so nearby tesla users can talk to each other (AKA hive mind - to shame non tesla owners)

Most studies are completely fake these days anyway, the NWO creates fake studies to support their agendas


Jun 22, 2021
Another experience I had:

Yesterday: Saw a guy drive an ALL ELECTRIC Hyundai IONIQ 5 (think thats what its called) - never seen anything like it, looked like a really futuristic car but the EMF coming out was just a stressful as a Tesla

I have to be 50+ feet away from a Tesla that is 'OFF' for it to be bearable (let alone safe) -had another Tesla park in front of my house today about 30-40 feet away from me and never had serotonin raise so fast/high in my life, dude driving it had really high serotonin too

and keep in mind in my city currently I think only about 1.6% of vehicles are ELECTRIC - and at this current rate I already find it unbearable to be in a city block with ONLY 1 or 2 Teslas parked - imagine a city with 50% Teslas (they want to push this to 100% eventually), everyone would be LOSING their MINDS, every living thing in that city would die I promise you if 50%+ of cars were electric (not just people, but animals and trees would too)

And ultimately, this is not just for people buying a car, but the effect is REALLY BAD if your neighbor has a Tesla too and its parked in the driveway within a 50 foot radius, so be mindful where you live in the future I guess
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Jun 22, 2021
By the way, batteries in gas cars vs electric cars are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, in electric cars, theres a power converter converting from AC/DC while gas cars use DC, so VERY, VERY DANGEROUS

ALSO, theres people that I see on Twitter and YouTube posting about EMF from electrical fields, first of all, theres DIFFERENT TYPES OF EMF, not just one, and whenever I see people on Youtube, they only look for ONE TYPE OF EMF, so honestly if you CAN'T feel the stressors from these deadly cars yourself within a 10 foot radius then your stress hormones are sky high and masking it

A Tesla is the equivalent to probably about 50 laptops or worse in terms of the size of a battery and how much EMF its outputting


EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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