Charlottesville Event Confirmed For CIA Op


Mar 7, 2017
A thought to ponder, true or false? Tearing down Confederate statues (and soon founding father statues) is akin to ISIS or the Taliban tearing down religious landmarks they disapprove of. The Alt-Left is just like ISIS and the Taliban.

Not to complicate the issue, but this guy throws monkey wrenches into all of these narratives:



Jan 23, 2017
Pieczenik is good, especially on Lincoln and true reasons for Civil War then, but I think one can toss the monkey wrench of Soros at his claim that another Civil War isn't possible. He neglects to talk about Soros, who is behind a civil war and has a real shot at getting it, unless, as I think you said before, he is sick or may die, given his age.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Satan's consorts?
i wonder if they were eating pizza?
I don't think they even bother with the code words at that level, but yes, most likely for dessert.
Here is a good video that covers the Hegelian Dialectic being played. He uses prophecy as a background but you don't have to be a believer to appreciate his findings. Prof Veith is a former full professor of Zoology from South Africa.

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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I don't think they even bother with the code words at that level, but yes, most likely for dessert.
Here is a good video that covers the Hegelian Dialectic being played. He uses prophecy as a background but you don't have to be a believer to appreciate his findings. Prof Veith is a former full professor of Zoology from South Africa.

Thanks I've watched some of his videos before.

Here's an article about the CIA funding Neo-nazis way back in 1953.

Assistant Secretary of State for European/Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the baked goods-bearing «Maiden of Maidan,» told the US Congress that the United States spent $5 billion to wrest control of Ukraine from the Russian sphere since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the recent disclosures from the CIA it appears that the price tag to the American tax payers of such foreign shenanigans was much higher.


Mar 7, 2017
For those who are interested, Rebel Media (Lauren Southern, Faith Goldy, Gavin Mcinnes) is in free-fall :



Jan 23, 2017
ABC World News tonight stated the alt left - the "good guys" and pillars of virtue, right? - counterprotesters in Boston threw bottles of urine at the police today. And I recall from the news from the prior night people shrieking at Trump there is no "moral equivalence" between the neo Nazis and and alt left. This all reminds me of a superb article I just read by Paul Craig Roberts, who reveals the bottomless hypocrisy of the alt left Soroist opponents of Trump, and I strongly recommend reading it:
A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand
Here's a sample of it:
"Three New York Times presstitutes yesterday blamed the crisis on Trump, declaring him “increasingly isolated in a racial crisis of his own making.” Apparently, Trump is responsible for the crisis because he blamed both protest groups for the violence. But isn’t that what happened? Wasn’t there violence on both sides? That was the impression I got from the news reporting. I’m not surprised that Trump got the same impression. Indeed, many readers have sent emails that they received the same impression of mutual violence. So Trump is being damned for stating the truth.

Let’s assume that the impression Trump and many others got from the news is wrong. That would make Trump guilty of arriving at a mistaken conclusion. Yet, he is accused of instigating and supporting Nazi violence. How is it possible to transform a mistake into evil intent? A mistaken impression gained from news reporting does not constitute a “defense of white nationalist protesters.” An assertion by the New York Times cannot turn the absence of intent into intent. What the Establishment is trying to do is to push Trump into the arms of white supremacists, which is where they want him. Clearly, there is no basis for this charge. It is a lie, an orchestration that is being used to delegitimize President Trump and those who elected him.

The question is: who is behind this orchestration? The orchestration is causing people to run away from Trump or is being used as an excuse by them to further the plot to remove him from office. Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum headed by Stephen A. Schwarzman ran away, just as members of the Carter Center’s board deserted President Jimmy Carter when he criticized Israel for its apartheid policy toward the Palestinians. The New York Times says that the armed services chiefs are running away. And the entire Republican Party. The hypocrisy is stunning. For 16 years the armed services chiefs, the New York Times and the rest of the presstitute media, both political parties and the liberal/progressive/left have participated actively or passively in massive crimes against humanity. There are millions of dead, maimed, and displaced people. Yet one death in Charlottesville has produced a greater outpouring of protest.

I don’t believe it is sincere. I don’t believe that people who are insensitive to the deaths of millions at the hands of their government can be so upset over the death of one person. Assume that Trump is responsible for the death of the woman. How much blood is it compared to the blood on the hands of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama? It seems clear enough that the outpouring of grief is an orchestration designed to deligitimize the president and the people who elected him. We are now experiencing at home what the Obama regime inflicted on Ukraine, with the support of course of the liberal/progressive/left just as John Wight said in CounterPunch."

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Thanks I've watched some of his videos before.

Here's an article about the CIA funding Neo-nazis way back in 1953.

Assistant Secretary of State for European/Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, the baked goods-bearing «Maiden of Maidan,» told the US Congress that the United States spent $5 billion to wrest control of Ukraine from the Russian sphere since the collapse of the Soviet Union. With the recent disclosures from the CIA it appears that the price tag to the American tax payers of such foreign shenanigans was much higher.
Interesting read but unfortunately not too surprising. After WWII the CIA absorbed the Nazi Intelligence agency under Reinhard Gehlen and let him take the lead in Europe. If you look at the NATO symbol you can see a swastika hidden with in it. Of course we also shipped plenty of Nazis back to the US through the Vatican ratlines.


Jan 23, 2017
Here's an analogy I've been thinking about to apply for understanding what happened in C'Ville and other places recently: fracking in places like Oklahoma, or even natural earth quakes, can make present and new fissures in the land wider and deeper and consequently, much more dangerous. The bigger the fissures and cracks they make, the more lethal. So I have to hand it to George Soros, as he has, with his diabolical genius for subversion, figured out, I think, the formula for radically amplifying psychological and moral fissures in the collective psyche of the the American people. His brilliant strategy? Latch onto and financially supported alt left to attack alt right in a big way, using dupes and paid agitators to help eliminate US historical monuments and key cultural artifacts. Note what Pat Buchanan says:

"In Durham, North Carolina, our Taliban smashed the statue of a Confederate soldier. Near the entrance of Duke University Chapel, a statue of Lee has been defaced, the nose broken off. Wednesday at dawn, Baltimore carried out a cultural cleansing by taking down statues of Lee and Maryland Chief Justice Roger Taney who wrote the Dred Scott decision and opposed Lincoln's suspension of the right of habeas corpus. Like ISIS, which smashed the storied ruins of Palmyra, and the al-Qaida rebels who ravaged the fabled Saharan city of Timbuktu, the new barbarism has come to America. This is going to become a blazing issue, not only between but within the parties.

For there are 10 Confederates in Statuary Hall in the Capitol, among them Lee, Georgia's Alexander Stephens, vice president to Jefferson Davis, and Davis himself. The Black Caucus wants them gone. Mount Rushmore-sized carvings of Lee, Jackson and Davis are on Stone Mountain, Georgia. Are they to be blasted off? There are countless universities, colleges and high schools like Washington & Lee named for Confederate statesmen and soldiers. Across the Potomac from D.C. are Jefferson Davis Highway and Leesburg Pike to Leesburg itself, 25 miles north. Are all highways, streets, towns and counties named for Confederates to be renamed? What about Fort Bragg? On every Civil War battlefield, there are monuments to the Southern fallen. Gettysburg has hundreds of memorials, statues and markers. But if, as the left insists we accept, the Confederates were traitors trying to tear America apart to preserve an evil system, upon what ground do Democrats stand to resist the radical left's demands? What do we do with those battlefields where Confederates were victorious: Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville?

"Where does this all end?" President Trump asked. It doesn't. Not until America's histories and biographies are burned and new texts written to Nazify Lee, Jackson, Davis and all the rest, will a newly indoctrinated generation of Americans accede to this demand to tear down and destroy what their fathers cherished."

This will inevitably amplify or fan emotional/moral and unresolved fissures in people everywhere, and therefore provoke terrible ugliness and darkness that was restrained to come out right into the open, manifesting in mass violence and physical conflict. In coming months and years, this destructive process will become all-consuming and very, very divisive. The kinds of rancor and conflict that has occurred between people due to Trump's election is going to become stepped and much more pervasive.

But I would go further than Buchanan. Tearing down civil war monuments is only the beginning, really a preface, to what's coming. The kinds of people who support destroying Civil War statues and more are the same people who want laws to permit mentally ill men to share restrooms with girls and disrupt normal and age-old boundaries between genders, that is, impose a sort of Marxist identity politics and rules on everyone. They are the same people want to eliminate border controls that keep out riff-raff of all kinds and whose values (primarily the Wahhabi and Salafist religious values of new Muslim immigrants) are incompatible with American values. The same people who aggressively seek to legally persecute, harass, subdue, restrain and incarcerate anyone who disagrees with them, the same people who want to cut off access to all alternative information and viewpoints on the Internet and other media to the masses. The same people who want to give rights and protections to what has been normally - over the course of centuries in all cultures - looked upon as degenerate and decadent, and so on and so forth.* (*NOTE - I don't like neo-nazis or identify with extremist rightism, but one does not have to have anything to do with these ideologies in order to find all or much of the agenda items listed above as repulsive and very objectionable.) The American Soros Taliban and their Deep State confederates (what a useful word these days in this context!) and allies, are the tip of the spear for using violence and other tactics to widen and deepen psychological/moral fissures and create even new fissures directly pertinent to the agenda items listed above. And as a result, living in America is going to become a whole lot more dangerous and lethal.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
The AgitProp we are seeing is called the Strategy of Tension which was perfected in Europe and especially in Italy. False flag terrorism was used without mercy to maintain control of Europe and keep them from turning to Communism. It seems the goal here is to divide the US public more and more to weaken us or spark a civil war way down the road.

Soros is only the token boogyman. There is no way he could do any of the stuff he's done without top level direction. Individuals dont make foreign policy or destabilize their own country without consequence. If the Soros was freelancing the CIA or other shadow agency would have taken him out long ago. Just like Gates depopulating Africa with vaccines Soros is just doing what he is told to do.

George Soros more importantly is a member of the Knights of Malta and has sworn loyalty to the Vatican. The top Knight of Malta in the US is Cardinal Dolan of NYC and it is he who gives Georgie boy his marching orders.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Interesting read but unfortunately not too surprising. After WWII the CIA absorbed the Nazi Intelligence agency under Reinhard Gehlen and let him take the lead in Europe. If you look at the NATO symbol you can see a swastika hidden with in it. Of course we also shipped plenty of Nazis back to the US through the Vatican ratlines.
Yep, very true. Also through "elite" institutions like Standford, CalTech and the Ivy's. Have you listened to the KMUD interview with Dr. Peat entitled authoritarianism? A caller at the end of the show mentions the Gehlen Group.
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Mar 7, 2017
Funny how the media couldn't get a grasp on a narrative for the protest in Boston today.........too many peaceful "anti-protesters".

30+ antifa were arrested for assaulting cops. Not sure Soros was expecting them to be this stupid.



Jan 23, 2017
While I just don't know enough about his Vatican connections to say I agree on that score, I do agree with what else you say about him. He's not the top dog, he does what he's told.

The AgitProp we are seeing is called the Strategy of Tension which was perfected in Europe and especially in Italy. False flag terrorism was used without mercy to maintain control of Europe and keep them from turning to Communism. It seems the goal here is to divide the US public more and more to weaken us or spark a civil war way down the road.

Soros is only the token boogyman. There is no way he could do any of the stuff he's done without top level direction. Individuals dont make foreign policy or destabilize their own country without consequence. If the Soros was freelancing the CIA or other shadow agency would have taken him out long ago. Just like Gates depopulating Africa with vaccines Soros is just doing what he is told to do.

George Soros more importantly is a member of the Knights of Malta and has sworn loyalty to the Vatican. The top Knight of Malta in the US is Cardinal Dolan of NYC and it is he who gives Georgie boy his marching orders.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Yep, very true. Also through "elite" institutions like Standford, CalTech and the Ivy's. Have you listened to the KMUD interview with Dr. Peat entitled authoritarianism? A caller at the end of the show mentions the Gehlen Group.
I listened to that a while ago but just listened to that caller again. thanks. Dr Peat also talks about the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State and Allen Dulles, head of the CIA who were instrumental in bringing in the Nazis. John Foster Dulles's son Avery Dulles became a Jesuit Priest who taught at Fordham University, Trumps Alma Mater. Small world.
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
I listened to that a while ago but just listened to that caller again. thanks. Dr Peat also talks about the Dulles brothers, John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State and Allen Dulles, head of the CIA who were instrumental in bringing in the Nazis. John Foster Dulles's son Avery Dulles became a Jesuit Priest who taught at Fordham University, Trumps Alma Mater. Small world.
I also went to Fordham. Even smaller world?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
While I just don't know enough about his Vatican connections to say I agree on that score, I do agree with what else you say about him. He's not the top dog, he does what he's told.
Here is Georgie in uniform. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta are a Papal Knighthood that goes back to the crusades. They are some of the most powerful people in the world.


LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Here is Georgie in uniform. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta are a Papal Knighthood that goes back to the crusades. They are some of the most powerful people in the world.

View attachment 6308

Do George Soros and Bill Clinton have some sort of blood borne cannibal disease? they just reek of ugly.


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