Carnivore MD and Haidut

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Jun 22, 2021
Ok FINE guys YOU'RE RIGHT I don't know anything and I'm a Jew-Loving Agent of the NWO

but come on guys, his logo is LITERALLY the third eye of the occult/New Age Movement, this is an easy one COME ON GUYS



Sep 9, 2019
If anyone claims that they know what’s going on, I’m sorry, you’re full of shite and have gone down way too many rabbit holes.
You don’t know. You read some stuff on the internet too that fits your bias.
Way too complicated to have any of this figured out.
In the spirit of Dr Ray Peat, do the best you can with what you’ve got.
Smile in the face of death.


Nov 13, 2021
What is so hard for you to UNDERSTAND about the concept of controlled opposition?

Lets make a scenario:

Lets pretend im Jacob Rothschild and I want all the PLEBS to take my shot (Good Goy)

So what do I do?

I call up all my SLAVES and all the people I ORDER AROUND and I say "tell the PLEBS to take the shot, force it through school, force it through work, smother it all over social media yadada"

And of course a lot of the sheep get the shot

But WAIT A SECOND theres a problem here:

I got like 25% of the population or so that ISN'T THAT DUMB and they sense something FUNNY is going on

These people are a little bit smart right? So if they hear a person promoting the shot they get WEARY, they get SUSPICIOUS , they don't trust you

Me - Jacob Rothschild HAS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS - why?

Because IF I DON'T - then ONE OF THOSE PLEBS is going to rise up and is going to start SPREADING HIS MESSAGE so that people wake up entirely and start uncovering all the other trash IM LYING ABOUT

I can't control this guy - so he's dangerous

I can't have that now can I?

So what I do?

I CALL UP MY SLAVES and say - PUT MY PEOPLE in controlled opposition - tell the PLEBS what they want to hear (vax is bad, all politicians are controlled, yadadada), THIS IS WHAT YOU GUYS WANT TO HEAR RIGHT?

BINGO, NOW YOU TRUST THEM, now they got you in their pocket, they can mix a little BS with truth and you will be none the wiser

This is what Joe Rogan does

Tell me, why doesnt Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, David Icke, Russel Brand, etc




They never tell you to act, they never tell you HOW TO STOP IT

why? Because THEY DONT WANT YOU TO STOP IT, they want you to sit back in your chair, be angry and helpless while the agenda goes as planned
Not everyone is controled opposition. If anything, they did everything to destroy the Tate's and they succeeded. You can't stop them. They're too powerful.


Jun 22, 2021
Not everyone is controled opposition. If anything, they did everything to destroy the Tate's and they succeeded. You can't stop them. They're too powerful.
Not everyone is controlled opposition true - only about 99% are, this is a reality and the Tate's are a classic CO example

No way IN A MILLION YEARS are the Tate's genuine opposition, SO MANY THINGS ARE OFF with that guy and his family and ALL HE PUSHES are NWO agendas

Hes not your friend, hes throwing you all under the bus


Jan 15, 2021
Not everyone is controlled opposition true - only about 99% are, this is a reality and the Tate's are a classic CO example

No way IN A MILLION YEARS are the Tate's genuine opposition, SO MANY THINGS ARE OFF with that guy and his family and ALL HE PUSHES are NWO agendas

Hes not your friend, hes throwing you all under the bus
I get where you’re coming from JamesGatz.

For me personally, I give zero weight to how other people come across. It has no power over me. I simply listen, I interpret from a place of experience of a reality that is mine and mine alone.
Our realities meander through life together and it’s up to the individual if they want to clash or flow.
These people that are ‘stars’ emit large energies no doubt, they are magnetic in nature.
Yelling about it is just part of that pull.
Flip the magnet and it repels.
It’s quite peaceful.
I’ve been you, there is still that part within me.
I was in a punk band yelling at people to wake up for 20 years. No one cared.

Live your own life, be something others will look up to.

I respect your thoughts I’m not having a dig.


Sep 22, 2020
You both are showing very high serotonin cultish thinking.

He talked to someone outside of the tribe. He is the enemy.

There is 8 billion people in the world why would they choose a pothead stand up comedian.

Yeah don't listen to them. There's a big fraction of this forum who will try to scare you to death with the scary powers that be.

Ray Peat is never going to be as big as paleo or even Keto. Think about how hard it is to actually follow all of Peat's guidelines, and not end up in trouble. There are loads of people on this forum who have been at this for years now, and still nowhere near where they want to be (health wise). And we are supposed to be the super smart kids (apparantly). Also, with the mainstream audience, they are always going to be more drawn to keto. Instant results in losing weight (actually burning fat). Instant normalising of blood pressure/blood sugar issues. Lowering of pulse (which is good for them, of course). And loads of other health parameters that Dr Berg will tell you is an improvement.

Do you see the powers that be going for the keto gurus? Nope. Dr Berg has how many subscribers now? 5 or 6 million? That guy (along with Thomas Delaurer) is a juggernaut. The scary powers that be couldn't care less about these people. And they don't care about Ray Peat. Even if it blows up in a serious way for Peat, how many people are going to have success? You're everyday pleb knocking back the ice cream and whatever else, and packing on the pounds. People soon realising what a ridiculous diet this is (even though it isn't one), and Peat will be popular for a tiny second in time, before they return back to keto.

The degradation of the food supply is just a natural progression of the stupidity of human beings over the last few centuries, which is caused by a variety of factors.

Sure, there probably is a secret group of organisations that control the world. But do they care about you, or what you're eating? No they don't. Became the vast majority of people will always chose crap convenience foods that are processed in way which makes them highly palatable and doesn't help people to thrive. So that means no rebellion. No rioting in the streets.

Human beings these days are more dumb and more stupid than they've ever been. The scary powers that be have the mass plebs just where they want them.

So enjoy your Ray Peat way of eating (whatever your interpretation is of it). And Peat going more mainstream in health circles is nothing to worry about.
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Jun 22, 2021
Yeah don't listen to them. There's a big fraction of this forum who will try to scare you to death with the scary powers that be.
I'm actually not trying to scare anyone believe it or not - I'm actually an OPTIMIST but I'm also a REALIST

the problem with people who are OVERLY OPTIMISTIC is that you become totally OBLIVIOUS to the point that you do NO PREPARATION - OR POOR PREPARATION, so when that day comes, It's over for you

People on this forum talk about fighting back - that's nice but NO ONE IS DOING A THING and thats the truth, and most people on the forum don't even know who their real enemies are

How are any of you fighting back? Raising awareness? Protesting? THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER - your food supply is falling apart in front of you and YOU AREN'T DOING A THING ABOUT IT

You WILL ONLY REMAIN OPTIMISTIC until your food supply is gone - once you start having to STARVE and eat rationed plates of insects to stay alive, that GOOD OLD SURVIVAL HORMONES are going to start kicking in and you're going to wish you had done something earlier

Everyday the NWO moves closer to their agendas unchallenged

If you NEED TO BE SCARED to start preparing for your future then by all means scare yourself to death

Or.., you can do nothing and go about your life and when that day comes... you will be a SLAVE and a CREATURE of the NWO and you will meet your end via euthanization like a farm animal


Jun 22, 2021
I get where you’re coming from JamesGatz.

For me personally, I give zero weight to how other people come across. It has no power over me. I simply listen, I interpret from a place of experience of a reality that is mine and mine alone.
Our realities meander through life together and it’s up to the individual if they want to clash or flow.
These people that are ‘stars’ emit large energies no doubt, they are magnetic in nature.
Yelling about it is just part of that pull.
Flip the magnet and it repels.
It’s quite peaceful.
I’ve been you, there is still that part within me.
I was in a punk band yelling at people to wake up for 20 years. No one cared.

Live your own life, be something others will look up to.

I respect your thoughts I’m not having a dig.
You're right - I shouldn't waste my energy anymore

I'm just disappointed in people - having the will and energy to rebel but not directing it with the right intentions or at the right people

I think my time on the Internet will be done soon - I grow more hatred for technology with every passing day and in the future I only see myself needing to use it for work


Jan 15, 2021
You're right - I shouldn't waste my energy anymore

I'm just disappointed in people - having the will and energy to rebel but not directing it with the right intentions or at the right people

I think my time on the Internet will be done soon - I grow more hatred for technology with every passing day and in the future I only see myself needing to use it for work
That energy you do have and there is a lot of it, affects those who come in direct contact with you. Sounds like I’d love to be exposed to it to be quite honest.

On the internet we’re all just casting spells wasting precious time at the end of the day.

We care deeply for humanity but humanity cares not for us. It’s the individual, face to face, if curious, will ask the questions, otherwise, live and let live. You are not responsible for others choices in life.
Like lambs to the slaughter, so shall it be.

I’ve been waiting for that day to come for 40 years, I want someone to stand in front of me and tell me I’m going to a ‘re-education camp’, so I can unleash pent up resistance physically with my bare hands, only to be bludgeoned to death… with a smile :)


Oct 22, 2019
What a bizarre thread.

Paul Saladino added fruit, honey, and dairy to his diet years ago. Haidut was not a factor in his diet change.

And being a fan of Ray Peat is already being associated w/being "far right" online. As is being carnivore/meat based, so it was only a matter of time before Peat was lumped in -- Peat seems to be where many people go once carnivore fails them.

As far as the NWO conspiracies, etc, I'd imagine that anyone in the "NWO" who reads these threads just thinks we're a bunch of fruitcakes spinning our wheels. And they might be right.
May 9, 2022
What a bizarre thread.

Paul Saladino added fruit, honey, and dairy to his diet years ago. Haidut was not a factor in his diet change.

And being a fan of Ray Peat is already being associated w/being "far right" online. As is being carnivore/meat based, so it was only a matter of time before Peat was lumped in -- Peat seems to be where many people go once carnivore fails them.

As far as the NWO conspiracies, etc, I'd imagine that anyone in the "NWO" who reads these threads just thinks we're a bunch of fruitcakes spinning our wheels. And they might be right.
The thread isn't bizarre, it just got derailed.

On one of Saladino's podcasts with Dinkov he mentioned having read his blog. We dont know when he (Saladino) first found the blog, so Haidut may well have swayed Saladino's decision to start eating, fruit and milk.

Being a fan of Peat is associated with being Far-Right only to the extent that this forum is associated with Peat, which admittedly is a lot. There are other, smaller Peat groups to be found online and they are all ,that I've found, more center to liberal. There are a number of center posters here, though the political compass is scrambled post covid.


Jun 22, 2021
What a bizarre thread.

Paul Saladino added fruit, honey, and dairy to his diet years ago. Haidut was not a factor in his diet change.

And being a fan of Ray Peat is already being associated w/being "far right" online. As is being carnivore/meat based, so it was only a matter of time before Peat was lumped in -- Peat seems to be where many people go once carnivore fails them.

As far as the NWO conspiracies, etc, I'd imagine that anyone in the "NWO" who reads these threads just thinks we're a bunch of fruitcakes spinning our wheels. And they might be right.
What to know whats even more bizarre?

You said BAD THINGS about the forum about 6 months ago and said you WERE LEAVING FOR GOOD

AND YET - here you are again

Admit that you missed us and APOLOGIZE


New Member
Jun 14, 2023
If anyone claims that they know what’s going on, I’m sorry, you’re full of shite and have gone down way too many rabbit holes.
You don’t know. You read some stuff on the internet too that fits your bias.
Way too complicated to have any of this figured out.
In the spirit of Dr Ray Peat, do the best you can with what you’ve got.
Smile in the face of death.
Bingo. You nailed it, fren.
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