Ben Shapiro On Why Jewish People Vote Leftist

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Mar 1, 2017
If you think that posting a video titled "Jews Behind White Genocide" isn't hateful then you are right, I shouldn't take internet jokers like you very seriously.
Whether or not the videos themselves contain hateful content is not relevant. Your claim was that forum members were spouting hatred in this thread. Which was a claim you could not defend. Sharing public content =/= sharing personal opinion


Sep 15, 2016
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LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Isn't it the point of the NWO to get everyone to hate each other anyway?


Sep 15, 2016
double post
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Sep 15, 2016
Isn't it the point of the NWO to get everyone to hate each other anyway?
good point. I think the whole point of letting Muslim immigrants into Europe and the US is to get us ready for the next Dictator who will solve all our problems by getting rid of all the "inferior races". Sounds familiar.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
It isn't hateful. Your response is estrogenic hysteria.
Leftists almost always respond in this manner. There are studies showing low testosterone being linked to leftism. Emotions are the mantra, rather than logic and reason.

Obviously research leads to a worldview which causes one to believe that jews, or more particular zionists are behind it. There are innumerable videos/texts showing that zionists promote this.
So if one believes the sources, how is it hateful if they are convinced by data?
That’s not much of an argument. Every member of the KKK, Jihadi, or anti-white BLMer also believes what they have read. But just because they believe it doesn't make their hatred any less real. I would also say that it’s only a rather naive researcher who would come to the conclusion that the Jews run the world and can’t see through the anti-Semitic scape-goating that is so heavily promoted on the Internet. The ruling elite did the same thing in the 1930s, often with the same material but only in paper form.

I also assure you that I am perfectly calm and not engaged in any hysteria, nor am I a leftist, or estrogen dominant. I do love how so many people here think that they are experts in hormonal behaviorism. I think Ray would actually say that you are being overly reductionist.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
good point. I think the whole point of letting Muslim immigrants into Europe and the US is to get us ready for the next Dictator who will solve all our problems by getting rid of all the "inferior races". Sounds familiar.
It's partly for cheap labor, but moreso for a voting base that expands government control of an economic sector and facilitates corporatism.
Nov 21, 2015
Famous Jewish economists include the very best and the very worst.

Marx is the very worst.

Friedman was kinda shitty but better than some. Middleish.

Mises and Rothbard were the best.

Daniel Kahneman was brilliant.

Jews have been intellectuals in the world. I think this is from the traditional study of Talmud and the scholarly traditions that go along with it for thousands of years.

The governments need intellectuals as cover for their coercive activities.

So they also depend on ones like Bernanke, Friedman (see above), Arthur Burns, Martin Feldstein, Greenspan...what I think have been called court intellectuals. Some like Kenneth Arrow (who I believe just died) were intellectuals and smart but I think misguided, others like Bernanke and Greenspan lack integrity altogether.

But Mises and Rothbard tower above any economists in world history, and Rothbard could write (and is a very exciting read today, get his books mostly free at Here is a good write up by Lew Rockwell with links.

Read Rothbard
Nov 21, 2015
And, one more thing. I think Jewish traditions have often leaned towards collectivism. This is very sad. Israel is so screwed up you can't imagine. Almost as bad as the USA, LOL.

Collectivism is something that we genetically crave due to our desire to be close to family and kin. Our genetic propensity for collectivism is easily exploited. We need education and intellectual reason to understand how horrible collectivism is.

Unfortunately we are mostly all "educated" in government-run schools by government employees so the truth doesn't often get out. The government schools leave us purposely economically illiterate and ideal "progressive" voters. Which is the point.

"Left" and "Right" are stupid ideas in some ways. It's "more government" or "less government" that really counted. Today's "liberals" and "conservatives" are both for more government, just a few differences around the edges. The difference is between pro government and small/no government.

I suggest you read and and you will see that some Jews are not "left" leaning, LOL.


Sep 12, 2015
Many that are called Jews are not so, but are, rather, of the Khazarian synagogue of Satan. A true Jew, as the world sees it, must of necessity be of the tribe of Judah; others are no more Jews than is a man a car because he sleeps in a garage.

Many a redpill in this thread (archive) [Aside: it's humorous to me that the popularizers of the red pill idea are living now as sexual perverts].
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Mar 15, 2013
That’s not much of an argument. Every member of the KKK, Jihadi, or anti-white BLMer also believes what they have read. But just because they believe it doesn't make their hatred any less real. I would also say that it’s only a rather naive researcher who would come to the conclusion that the Jews run the world and can’t see through the anti-Semitic scape-goating that is so heavily promoted on the Internet. The ruling elite did the same thing in the 1930s, often with the same material but only in paper form.

I also assure you that I am perfectly calm and not engaged in any hysteria, nor am I a leftist, or estrogen dominant. I do love how so many people here think that they are experts in hormonal behaviorism. I think Ray would actually say that you are being overly reductionist.
How do we know that the Jesuits aren't being scapegoated as well though? Serious question. Was there a 'final piece of the puzzle' that convinced you? If so, what was it? There's just so much disinformation and misinformation out there...


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Do you disagree, Charlie? If so, I'd like to know why, so I can know if my thoughts are flawed.
I do not disagree. This is exactly what is going on. Satan's children(Kenites) are saying they are Judah, giving Judah a bad name while giving themselves cover to run their evil. Everyone arguing Jew this, Jew that, when it's not even Jews and everyone tears each other up over it. Great plan by satan, no doubt.

The King line, Judah, is being raised up right now as we speak, right in front of our eyes for the entire world to see.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Famous Jewish economists include the very best and the very worst.

Marx is the very worst.

Friedman was kinda shitty but better than some. Middleish.

Mises and Rothbard were the best.

Daniel Kahneman was brilliant.

Jews have been intellectuals in the world. I think this is from the traditional study of Talmud and the scholarly traditions that go along with it for thousands of years.

The governments need intellectuals as cover for their coercive activities.

So they also depend on ones like Bernanke, Friedman (see above), Arthur Burns, Martin Feldstein, Greenspan...what I think have been called court intellectuals. Some like Kenneth Arrow (who I believe just died) were intellectuals and smart but I think misguided, others like Bernanke and Greenspan lack integrity altogether.

But Mises and Rothbard tower above any economists in world history, and Rothbard could write (and is a very exciting read today, get his books mostly free at Here is a good write up by Lew Rockwell with links.

Read Rothbard

I agree. The Jews have always been used by the Nobility to serve as advisors beginning with Joseph in Egypt. The Nobility also quickly realized that it was better for them to have the Jews deal directly with the people as Tax collectors for example so that they would be insulated from the hatred of the peasantry. These became known as the Court Jews or the Hofjuden (High Jews). Court Jew - Wikipedia The normal everyday Jews were still kept in Ghettos and lived very miserable lives of squalor.

In the case of the Rothschilds, Amschel Rothschild was the Court Factor (financial advisor) to William I of Hesse. The family then teamed up with Jesuit Priest and Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt in Frankfurt and eventually became bankers and front men to the Jesuits. It is here that they became the front group for the intrigues of the Jesuits. Many Rothschilds were/are Papal Knights of Malta with sworn obedience to the Pope. There is no way that a single family of upstart Jews could rise from the Ghettos and displace the existing power structure in a generation. They would have been beheaded in an instance if that were the case. The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

Also it was the Jesuits who had first invented Communism and Collectivism in the 1600s with their Reductions in South America not the Jews. These were communal villages were the Jesuits had enslaved the native Indians to work for them under a collectivized system were all profits were kept by the Jesuits.

Marx was not Jewish. His parents had converted and he was born as a Protestant. There is a saying that there is no stronger belief than that of a convert and he was no different. He actually hated the Jews and was a major anti-Semite. Marx became the front man for the Jesuit reintroduction of Communism who tutored him in the British Library. The first thing Lenin did was to reinstate the Jesuits in Russia after the Czar had them banned for continual meddling in State affairs. Here is a good summary with references: Karl Marx, Social Justice and Communism are all Catholic monastic/Jesuit creations • r/RomeRules
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Many that are called Jews are not so, but are, rather, of the Khazarian synagogue of Satan. A true Jew, as the world sees it, must of necessity be of the tribe of Judah; others are no more Jews than is a man a car because he sleeps in a garage.

Many a redpill in this thread (archive) [Aside: it's humorous to me that the popularizers of the red pill idea are living now as sexual perverts].
The Khazarian myth is just more Jesuit Black Propaganda to scapegoat the Jews and to refute the Jewish claim to Israel. This would help to lay the movement to make Jerusalem an International city under the control of the Vatican which has been the Jesuit goal since their founding and before that with the Crusades to reclaim The Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem. There are rumors that the plan is to rebuild the Temple and have the Pope or some other Jesuit puppet rule from there.

The idea that the Jews came out of Khazaria was started by Arthur Koestler who has ties to the Jesuits. It is true that in the 900s a Khazarian King and many of his nobility converted to Judaism but that didn’t last very long and most of the common people did not convert.

However how could this one act of conversion affect the millions of Jews already living in other parts of the world. It is nonsensical. It’s like saying that because the Irish druids converted to Catholicism all Catholics must actually be Irish. Over 10% of the Roman Empire was Jewish. What happened to all these Jews? Moreover the DNA of the Jews can be traced back to the Middle East and shares a common ancestry with Arab DNA. Also if all Jews came out of Khazaria why are there no Khazarian words in Yiddish? It’s because it is all a big lie.

The quote from Jesus “I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan“ is describing the hypocritical Jewish leadership during that time. It certainly did not apply to all Jews as I’ll remind you that Jesus, his disciples, and most early Christians were Jewish.

However ironically there is a group of false Jews called Sabbateans or Frankists who followed the false Messiah Shabbatei Zvi in the 1600s who was heavily promoted by the Vatican. After Zvi recanted, some followers continued to believe in his twisted ideas which was the complete opposite of Judaism. Eventually this small minority were excommunicated from Judaism in the 1700s and converted to Catholicism en masse for protection from the real Jews. The Rothschilds are actually Frankist Jews as are many of the Jewish leadership today. They still maintain their outer Jewish customs but have been working with the Jesuits to destroy the Jews. I would bet that many of the videos of supposed Jews claiming horrible things about their fellow Jews are actually Frankists or not even Jewish to begin with. This book is probably the best on the subject Rabbi Marvin Antelman - To Eliminate the Opiate, vol. 1 .pdf - PDF Archive
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I do not disagree. This is exactly what is going on. Satan's children(Kenites) are saying they are Judah, giving Judah a bad name while giving themselves cover to run their evil. Everyone arguing Jew this, Jew that, when it's not even Jews and everyone tears each other up over it. Great plan by satan, no doubt.

The King line, Judah, is being raised up right now as we speak, right in front of our eyes for the entire world to see.
More propaganda with absolutely no proof. The general claim is that the descendants of Cain (of Cain and Abel fame) somehow survived the flood and were later named Kennites. The only proof being the similarity of the name Cain and Ken. And somehow these Kennites who were only mentioned a handful of times in the Bible as a people living in Canaan are either the true ancestors of the Jews or are hiding amongst the Jews. This is a very imaginative thesis. It claims it is based in the bible except where the bible clearly states the opposite. If this was true how come Jesus never mentioned them by name as surely the Kennites would have already have infiltrated the Jews. As a fellow Christian I can tell you that this belief is extremely unBiblical and contradicts the word of Jesus, the root and offspring of non-Kennite King David. The Christian preachers pushing this have absolutely no historical or Biblical proof for such a claim. Just more end-times deceptions.
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x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
How do we know that the Jesuits aren't being scapegoated as well though? Serious question. Was there a 'final piece of the puzzle' that convinced you? If so, what was it? There's just so much disinformation and misinformation out there...
When I first looked into this I of course was overwhelmed by all the supposed documentaries and proofs that the Rothschilds run the world and the Zionists are behind everything. I knew that it just didn't make any sense as to how a single family could run the world with absolutely no visible infrastructure or way to maintain their grip on power. It was then that I learned of their connections to the Jesuits and their role as the Bankers to the Vatican. Also it never made sense that if the world was run by Jews then how is it that the Holocaust could happen while the whole world stood by and why is it that Israel is the most condemned nation in the UN when clearly there are several vicious dictatorships and theocracies that have much worse records on human rights abuses than them.

Once you start researching the Jesuits and their founding as the Military arm of the Vatican to lead the Counter Reformation against the Protestants and all other heretics including the Jews you realize how much of the world's lunacies actually make sense. The Jesuits true power comes from its army of loyal students who graduate from their thousands of schools and Universities and are hand chosen to be put in the right positions of power to do the bidding of their doting Father priests. Trump is one such student as are many others throughout all Governments of the world. Look at some of the videos I linked to on the Jesuits and you will see how it all fits together.

here is a good overview The Jesuits | History of Jesuits | Jesuits Power and Political Nature
and Jesuits Behind Politics and The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

Moreover, symbols are very important to these occultists and you will see that the very familiar symbols of the NWO are actually from the Jesuits and the Vatican. Everything is hidden in plain sight. The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

Finally it is an obvious strategy that if you are going to try and take over the world you shouldn't do it from the frontlines but have cutouts to do your dirty work for you. That way the cutouts get blamed, the masses can be appeased by their destruction, and the work can go on unhindered. The Jesuits are actually the continuation of the papal Knights Templars that were the most powerful group in the 12th century. They were the true inventors of modern Banking, not the Jews. The Kings of Europe and especially the King of France were so indebted to them and feared their power that they banished the Templars and had the Pope abolish them. Their leaders were burned at the stake but many escaped with their treasure to Scotland, Switzerland, and Basque Spain and joined the Knights Hospitallars, Knights of Malta and other Papal Knighthoods. 200 years later the Templars were reformed as the Jesuits to fight the Protestant Reformation. As before, they were formed as a military order who could freely engage in commerce and banking. They however learned that it was foolish to display their actual power to the world but it was better to keep it hidden behind the Jews.

“It is my opinion that if the liberties of this country – the United States of America – are destroyed, it will be by the subtlety of the Roman Catholic Jesuit priests, for they are the most crafty, dangerous enemies to civil and religious liberty. They have instigated MOST of the wars of Europe.” Marquis de LaFayette
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