Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allowed


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

Passwater: After publishing your selenium - HIV discovery, you proposed a possible relationship between selenium and the Ebola virus. What did you find and why did you think to look for this relationship?

Taylor: Coincidentally, I began to study Ebola less than a month before the 1995 outbreak in Kikwit, Zaire that brought this virus so drastically into the public consciousness. I did so because of a poster presentation I had seen that spring in Santa Fe, at a meeting of the International Society for Antiviral Research. A Russian group presented a world map showing the geographic areas where various hemorrhagic viral diseases tended to occur, and I was struck by the fact that the area shown for the filoviruses Ebola and Marburg matched a region in Africa that I suspected might be a low-selenium region. What we found was striking: several gene regions in Ebola contained large numbers of UGA codons, up to 17 in one segment. We later published a paper showing that it might be possible for Ebola to synthesize selenoproteins from these gene regions, and proposed a mechanism whereby this might induce artificial selenium deficiency and contribute to the blood clotting characteristic of Ebol
a pathology.During the revisions to the final draft of that paper, we learned of a 1993 paper in a Chinese journal that reported the use of selenium to treat an Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever, with remarkable results. Luckily, the English translation of the abstract was available. Using the very high oral dose of 2 mg selenium per day as sodium selenite, for only 9 days, the death rate fell from 100% (untreated) to 37% (treated) in the very severe cases, and from 22% to zero in the less severe cases. Apparently there were about 80 people involved in this outbreak. Dr. Hou of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the author of this study, has since told me that he thinks more lives could have been saved if he had been permitted to give the selenite by injection, because in many of the more severly affected there is so much organ damage due to internal bleeding that they may have been unable to fully absorb or retain the oral dose of selenium. All in all, this is the closest thing to
a curative result in the treatment of hemorrhagic fever that I have ever heard of.

Passwater: Dr. Hou used selenite because quick and dramatic action was required as the patients were dying in front of him. For normal, long-range protection, organic selenium supplements, such as selenium-rich yeast or selenomethionine, are preferred, as discussed by Dr. Gerhard Schrauzer in the December 1991 issue, and by others as will be discussed later in this series.

How do hemorrhagic fever viruses cause hemorrhaging? Would selenium's effect on blood clotting in the host play a role in such diseases, or is the effect strictly an interaction with the virus itself?

Taylor: The characteristic hemorrhaging produced by various "hemorrhagic fever" viruses involves the production of blood clots that ultimately block small capillary vessels, which rupture under pressure to produce internal and even external bleeding in severe cases. This is known as "disseminated intravascular coagulation", or DIC. Thus, paradoxically, the bleeding is produced by a pro-clotting mechanism, and anticoagulants (which usually promote bleeding) have been used to treat symptoms of the disease.

This may be very significant in regard to selenium involvement, because the biochemical basis for an anti-clotting effect of selenium is very well established. Severe selenium deficiency, usually artificially induced in animals, is known to produce hemorrhagic symptoms. Thus, the idea that hemorrhagic fever viruses might produce a severe selenium depletion would be consistent with the established pro-clotting mechanism of DIC. So there may be an interaction here, where viral activity is having a direct impact on host selenium status over the period of one or two weeks, sufficient to cause serious pathology.

Alternatively, the results obtained in the Chinese study could have been simply due to the anti-clotting effect of selenium, or other mechanisms. Dr. Hou apparently decided to try the selenium treatment because of his own theories about the involvement of selenium in complement activation, another feature of hemorrhagic disease. So additional studies are badly needed, to determine what the predominant mechanism of protection by selenium really is.


Jan 1, 2013
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

Extremely interesting.

Selenium was too one of the main components of Emmanuel Revici's cancer treatment.

It's decided ! i'm stacking up barrels of selenium in my basement...


Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

burtlancast said:
Extremely interesting.

Selenium was too one of the main components of Emmanuel Revici's cancer treatment.

It's decided ! i'm stacking up barrels of selenium in my basement...



Jan 1, 2013
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

gretchen said:
They must know who asked for it to be installed.

How difficult would it be for the local authorities to discover the owners by deciding the stones constitute hate material ( or incitation to unlawfull killing, some sort) ?

They could bring these buggers down in chains and have the monument disassembled in a few days.

But they just won't do it.


Nov 30, 2012
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

burtlancast said:
gretchen said:
They must know who asked for it to be installed.

How difficult would it be for the local authorities to discover the owners by deciding the stones constitute hate material ( or incitation to unlawfull killing, some sort) ?

They could bring these buggers down in chains and have the monument disassembled in a few days.

But they just won't do it.

Actually, it's called free speech.

Although whoever commissioned the stones signed a non disclosure agreement (and can therefore never be revealed), they must have surveillance footage of whoever installed the 2014 stone, unless the cameras were turned off for whatever reason....

The agenda to depopulate the world will continue irregardless of any monument. All the GG stones do is inform an otherwise unsuspecting public.

Who would they prosecute? The "Good Club" billionaires(Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah, etc.) who have worked with the UN and given endless time and money towards the effort? They're philanthropists, not murders.

I forgot to mention Obamacare. Deciding who lives and who dies is definitely part of the plan.


Jan 1, 2013
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

gretchen said:
Actually, it's called free speech.

The free speech first amendment protection has been waived in some situations already:
Speech that involves incitement, false statements of fact, obscenity, child pornography, threats, and speech owned by others are all completely exempt from First Amendment protections ... exceptions

Another example:
the Court has decided that the First Amendment provides no protection for obscenity, child pornography, or speech that constitutes what has become widely known as “fighting words.”
The Court has also decided that the First Amendment provides less than full protection to commercial speech, defamation (libel and slander), speech that may be harmful to children, ... GU&cad=rjt
( i suppose all the people needing to be bumped off aren't all adults...)

When your message indirectly calls for the elimination of 90 % of world population, i believe the law should have something to say about it.

But as i speculated, they probably are all in bed toegether, so....


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

Doctors Suggest That Marijuana Can Protect You From Ebola

Cannabinoids in marijuana have gained more and more of a reputation as a way to control and aid one’s immune systems, specifically with diseases that target a body’s natural defense measures against viruses, like HIV. Dr. David B. Allen, medical director of Cannabis Sativa, Inc, and Brad Morehouse, founder of, both believe cannabis can combat Ebola in the same way.

What makes Ebola deadly is the way in which one’s immune system reacts as time goes on. Aside from creating hemorrhaging and leaking between cells, Ebola primarily kills when a person’s body releases a massive amount of enzymes (a cytokine storm) and an overabundant, and fatal amount, of immune cells being activated.

That’s where marijuana comes in as a potential saving grace to those afflicted with Ebola. As Joe Martin points out, cannabis is contains natural antiretrovirals and is also an anti-inflammatory able to reduce the harm to the body caused by a cytokine storm. ... rom-ebola/


Nov 30, 2012
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

Obama says the current outbreak is a trial run:
[BBvideo 560,340:11lm5mcz][/BBvideo]


Nov 30, 2012
Re: Alternative Media, Blogs, Speculation, TinFoil Hats Allo

^^ Whoops, wrong thread. It could be moved to official press release or U.S. news.


Nov 30, 2012
Natural News blogger Mike Adams has posted this article saying that Kaci Hickox is an intel operative trained by the CDC: ... ficer.html
Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made headlines over the last few days by refusing to quarantine herself after returning from Ebola front lines in Africa, turns out to have been trained as an "intelligence officer" under a two-year CDC program modeled after the U.S. military.
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