
  1. P

    High Rates Of Muscle Glycogen Resynthesis After Exhaustive Exercise When Carbohydrate Is Coingested We determined the effect of coingestion of caffeine (Caff) with carbohydrate (CHO) on rates of muscle glycogen resynthesis during recovery from exhaustive exercise in seven trained subjects who completed two experimental trials in a randomized...
  2. haidut

    Soy protein detrimental for muscles strength in older people

    A humans study, which once again confirms the detrimental effect of soy on muscles. According to the authors, the effect is likely due to the estrogenic properties of soy. Btw, the high dairy protein group had the biggest increase in strength gain. ...
  3. haidut

    Statins cause fat buildup, adrenergic activation causes muscle wasting

    The study was in lab-grown muscles but the claim is that those muscles work just like human muscles. The study tested the effects of statins and clenbuterol (a pro-adrenalin drug used for weight loss). "...They found the statins caused...
  4. haidut

    Even protein distribution in meals is healthier than a bolus

    This may sound rather obvious, but until at least 2010 the consensus "expert" opinion was that protein was protein no matter how and when you consume it. In fact, some "nutritionists" were advocating eating most of the protein at night. A high dose of protein will drastically lower blood sugar...
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