Trump Elected Again?

Dec 18, 2018
Oh, the irony with this statement.

As soon as state funding is involved, it is a public matter. It ceases in any way to be private. Public and Private don't mix.

Think about this with other controversial issues.

Do you think Prostitution should be legal? Do you think it should be paid for by the state?

Do you think Pornography should be legal? Do you think it should be paid for by the state?

Should drugs like cocaine and heroin be legal? Should these drugs be paid for by the state?

You can very easily be supportive in answering "yes" to the first part, and strongly disagree with the second.

That argument doesn't cut it. Abortion is so severely negative that there never can be true effective endorsement or advertisement, women will never get abortion "just for fun", no matter how much the state or private entities endorse them.
Jul 9, 2017
Asking primarily the Americans on here that follow the developments.
I‘m not from the US and it is difficult to get a serious overview about polls and surveys and chances of the coming election.

In Germany virtually all msm are extremely anti-Trump and predict his loss or wishing him a severe loss. Voices that are more cautious or neutral about the possible outcome are scarce despite the previous „upset“

So, what I gather is that most polls see Biden in front but with differing margins. It’s unclear how reliable those polls are when there is increasing pressure not to openly support Trump.
Then there are the swing states that really decide the electoral college/the election, I’m at a loss how things stand there and which states are especially close and crucial this year.

What is your assessment? Is there a real chance that Trump could be elected again or no? And why?

Trump will be re-elected. I am 100% sure. There is a Facebook group called #Walk Away Campaign. It's about Democrats who have seen the light and are now supporting the Republicans. The news media is awful and very biased here. Even Fox News is becoming liberal. Here in the US, I watch OAN, channel 347 on Directv, they lean right but at least they are fair. On a side note, the celebrities who are the loudest opponent of Trump's were on Jeffrey Epstein's flight log. Now what does that tell you? The evil powers that be are all demonic pedophiles. Trump never drank or did drugs, so he knows all of their dirty little secrets and is exposing them. There have been so many human trafficking arrests in the US lately. Very happy about that! Is Trump perfect - no, but he is not as bad as the media makes him out to be. He uses a lot of sarcasm in his speech, then the liberal news will replay what he said out of context.


Apr 8, 2016
The evil powers that be are all demonic pedophiles.

This statement is ridiculous and it is an absurd generalization. If there are some individuals who fit this description then hopefully law enforcement will catch up with them and put them and prosecute them. But until said individuals are arrested, put on trial, and convicted, it is not right to apply such labels on anyone. In the United States every individual is innocent until proven guilty by a jury of peers.


Jan 25, 2014
Tax fraud. that should just about do it.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, this one will surely stick, unlike the 437 other non-troversies that the Mass Satanic Media have made up over the past 5 years.

Remember when Jessica Drake was gonna take down Trump?
Only to be replaced by Stormy Daniels who was gonna do the same?
A Fake Christopher Steele Dossier?
A Trump Tower in Russia that was never built?
Firing James Comey?
Paul Manafort?
The Mueller investigation?
Russia Collusion?
Ukraine Collusion?
John Bolton writing a book?
Omarosa trying to write a book?
Impeachment (which was rushed in on that basis of Ukraine Collusion, not Russia)?
Or when Rachel Maddow read his tax return on air the first time?

Opponents of Trump will always claim that any story or rumor, no matter how flimsy, will finally be his "undoing."
Trump supporters will take all these stories to mean that the MSM is their personal enemy, not just an enemy of Trump.

The average person probably doesn't even pay attention. At this point, it's the Boy Who Cried Wolf.

Razorfist made this exact point in his rant a year ago entitled "The Impeachment Impeaches Itself."


Apr 8, 2016
At this point, it's the Boy Who Cried Wolf.


Even if the NY Times is being accurate about the tax returns, the newspaper's credibility is so badly damaged that most middle of the road voters don't take anything the newspaper reports seriously. The once great Gray Lady has deteriorated into a left wing propaganda and conspiracy theory outlet. Very sad.


Apr 8, 2016
As of 10:28 PM eastern, it looks to me like Biden is holding is own in the debate and Trump looks like a complete douche the way he keeps on interrupting. Trump had the perfect chance to condemn white supremacy on the record and he was like a petulant child trying to get Biden to condemn BLM/Antifa at the same time. Then the opportunity slipped away.

To me, Biden seems better prepared than Trump. So with Biden doing pretty well and Trump coming across like a douche I was expecting to see Trump's odds dropping like a rock in the betting markets. But as this debate progresses I see Trump's odds going up and Biden's odds going down but just a little bit.

Trump is annoying me a lot but he was just pretty smart to get Joe Biden to say, "The Green New Deal is not my plan". That should piss off the far left.


Jan 25, 2014
Trump had the perfect chance to condemn white supremacy on the record and he was like a petulant child trying to get Biden to condemn BLM/Antifa at the same time.

Puh-lease. Trump has condemned white supremacy and racism plenty of times, during his Presidency. It's on video tons of places.

The whole question is ludicrous, however. No one ever asks any of the other celebrities that appeared in Bobby Brown's "On Our Own" video to condemn white supremacy-

Rick Moranis? Doug E. Fresh? Victoria Jackson? Iman? Your silence on this issue is deafening.


Apr 8, 2016
Puh-lease. Trump has condemned white supremacy and racism plenty of times, during his Presidency. It's on video tons of places.

We all know that Trump has condemned white supremacy before and we all know the question is ludicrous. That's not the point. Don't want to make it any easier for the left wing propaganda outlets to smear Trump. Guess what the headline was on immediately after the debate in a huge text?

It is partially Chris Wallace's fault. Trump was trying to steer the question to make an attack on Biden and Chris Wallace saw that as a good opportunity to help Biden and he quickly changed the topic before the question could take its course.


May 11, 2020
We all know that Trump has condemned white supremacy before and we all know the question is ludicrous. That's not the point. Don't want to make it any easier for the left wing propaganda outlets to smear Trump. Guess what the headline was on immediately after the debate in a huge text?

It is partially Chris Wallace's fault. Trump was trying to steer the question to make an attack on Biden and Chris Wallace saw that as a good opportunity to help Biden and he quickly changed the topic before the question could take its course.

I fully agree that Wallace was against Trump in the debate. We all know Fox's role as the only globalist conservative media isn't truly to make Trump look good, it's to divide people down the middle and make half the country hate each other. It's why they're the only globalist conservative media. By globalist media, I mean prominent members of the CFR. Wallace just kept interrupting Trump at every turn during "open debate". The debate should be two minutes two separate times on each topic. Not just 2 minutes each and then "open debate" where Biden's corpse prattles on endlessly, leaving Trump only the opportunity to interrupt and not actually retort. I'm not sure Biden said anything substantial or even factual the entire time, but somehow Trump ended up looking worse. And nobody can say it was biased against Trump because a Fox anchor was there and people actually think Fox's goal is to provide the real conservative spin. Trump failed in not reserving himself more, but it was pretty obviously set up for him to fail. If you watched, Biden always butted in first in the open debate and just never stopped rambling. Pretty good strategy, really.


Mar 29, 2016
As of 10:28 PM eastern, it looks to me like Biden is holding is own in the debate and Trump looks like a complete douche the way he keeps on interrupting.
That was smart of Trump. It's the only way to keep reminding us of Biden's 47 years of do nothing. And of Biden's corrupt deals with China and with Russia and with Ukraine - this is the stage where he makes a play for the "low information" voters who are very much influenced by mainstream media. And he kept pushing on law and order, as well as to push back on Biden's lies.

When you are faced with odds stacked against you, don't try to be a good boy on their terms.


Sep 27, 2015
Scariest moment of the debate, Trump said the military is at the ready, waiting to roll out the vaccine. Just waiting for Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer to rush it to the table.


Mar 29, 2016
Scariest moment of the debate, Trump said the military is at the ready, waiting to roll out the vaccine. Just waiting for Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer to rush it to the table.
Sad he had to say this in order to get the vote of dumb geezers.
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