Trump Elected Again?


Sep 18, 2016
Oh please
  • High taxes - Democrat >> **ON THE WEALTHY** TRUMP PAID 700 DOLLARS IN TAXES
  • Free healthcare - Neither Party >> The democrats want this, but the insurance lobby is too powerful. This will probably passed if democrats win both the house and the senate. The presidential campaign is too moderate for this.
  • Free University - Neither Party >> same but with less vigor.
  • Six weeks of paid vacation - Neither Party
  • 1 year of paid maternity leave - Neither Party
  • State paid abortion rights - Democrats
  • Gun violence - Republican policies lead to fewer gun deaths, Democratic policies lead to more gun deaths >> there is no way to accurately measure this, NRA policy actively seeks to make it easier for people to purchase fire arms. How could this possibly help with gun deaths.
  • Police brutality - Majority of cases in Democratic run cities >> Cities are where people live, of course there will be more cases in cities. Police institutions are anything but democratic even in democratic cities they almost all endorsed the GOP.
  • Riots - Democrat caused due to unwillingness of left wing district attorneys to prosecute people who break laws.
  • Poor pandemic response - Trump response better than democrats >> ??? the democrats did not have an opportunity for a response and yet you say it was better. This imaginary response must have been preeeeetty bad lol. Bad faith to count this one for Trump.
  • Poverty - Trump's opportunity zone program better than anything democrats have every done to help poverty stricken areas > The most benefit from this came to the ultra wealthy, as with all of Trumps policies. Democrats constantly are pushing to raise taxes on the hyper wealthy and support those of us stuck in poverty. Progressive income taxes are needed in america, tell this to a republican politician and they will have a heart attack, and yet 70% of Americans approve.
so far I am counting
6 Dems
a few neither
and maybe if you are really generous 1 or 2 Republican?
As far as gun violence in democratic cities, isnt that because their cities are much more highly populated?


Aug 11, 2016
We need more leaders challenging scientism. Ron Desantis was the first Republican governor to lift all Covid restrictions. You can see a pattern of who are the ones pushing Covid agenda very easily


Sep 10, 2019
Possibly. I took it to mean cities controlled by Democrats, thus stricter laws on guns.

Ironically less strict laws on violence. Criminals guilty of violent crimes are out on the streets quickly in cities like New York.


May 18, 2018
Lack of gun control/gun violence and police brutality are two sides of the same coin


Mar 29, 2016
Ending Fractional Reserve Banking or otherwise taking money creation powers out of Private Banking hands..
Neither Trump nor Biden

Applying the Civils Rights Act equally as intended and not giving preferential money or allowing explicit hiring/admission preference to certain groups... Neither Trump nor Biden

Increasing liability of Vaccine manufacturers
Neither Trump nor Biden
Protecting independent journalists and whistleblowers

Reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act to protect the economy from monopolies

Breaking up the media propaganda cartel

Breaking up the financial cartel

Breaking up the pharma cartel

Breaking up the tech cartel

Breaking up the military industrial complex

Breaking up the education certification cartel of expensive diplomas in higher education


Sep 18, 2016
Protecting independent journalists and whistleblowers

Reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act to protect the economy from monopolies

Breaking up the media propaganda cartel

Breaking up the financial cartel

Breaking up the pharma cartel

Breaking up the tech cartel

Breaking up the military industrial complex

Breaking up the education certification cartel of expensive diplomas in higher education
Who is breaking up the military industrial complex?


Apr 8, 2016
Presidential debate: Read the full transcript of the first debate

1:04:23 WALLACE

Okay, you have repeatedly criticized the Vice President for not specifically calling out antifa and other left-wing groups. But are you willing, tonight, to condemn white supremacists and militia groups? And to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities, as we saw in Kenosha, as we've seen in Portland? Are you prepared specifically to do that?

1:04:46 TRUMP

Sure, I’m prepared to do it. I would say- I would say, almost everything I see is from the left-wing, not from the right wing-

1:05:55 WALLACE

So what do you, what do you say-

1:04:56 TRUMP

I'm willing to do anything I want to see peace.

1:04:57 WALLACE

Then do it, sir.

1:04:59 BIDEN

Say it, do it, say it.

1:05:00 TRUMP

You want to call them -- What do you want to call them? Give me a name, give me --

1:05:04 WALLACE

White supremacists and, white supremacists and right-wing --

1:05:07 BIDEN

The Proud Boys.

1:05:07 TRUMP

Proud Boys, stand back and stand by. But I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what, somebody's got to do something about antifa and the left because this is not a right-wing problem. This is a left-wing problem

1:05:19 BIDEN

His own FBI director said -- white supremacists. Antifa is an idea not an organization. Militia --

1:05:27 TRUMP

Oh you’ve got to be kidding me

1:05:27 BIDEN

His FBI said --

1:05:28 TRUMP

Well then, you know what --

1:05:29 WALLACE

Gentlemen, we’re done, sir. We’re going to go on to the next-


Oct 2, 2018
See this is the problem in the US--it's not about republican or democrat. The entire social and political system needs fundamental change from the bottom up and that will not happen with either of these people. The country is imploding and it seems to me some fundamental conversations need to happen. But the amount of change needed and the shocking divides between people are daunting challenges. From europe, the US looks like a bit like a powder keg that could explode any moment. As I said in another post, I just hope Americans wake up in time

I agree with you about the country needing fundamental change. I think a similar sentiment exists in many western countries at present where ordinary people are tired of special interest groups, industry and finance organizing everything to suit themselves, and everyone has to either fit in or f**k off.


Apr 8, 2016
Trump was about to disavow white supremacists and at that moment Biden interrupted him by saying, "Proud Boys". Of course the proud boys have nothing to do with white supremacy so Trump had to untangle that. But Chris Wallace quickly changed the subject so Biden wound't have to answer for Antifa.

Chris Wallace is more dirty than I thought. He used to be a fair reporter at one time but he is willing to destroy his own reputation in order to help Biden get elected.


Mar 3, 2016
Trump was about to disavow white supremacists and at that moment Biden interrupted him by saying, "Proud Boys". Of course the proud boys have nothing to do with white supremacy so Trump had to untangle that. But Chris Wallace quickly changed the subject so Biden wound't have to answer for Antifa.

Chris Wallace is more dirty than I thought. He used to be a fair reporter at one time but he is willing to destroy his own reputation in order to help Biden get elected.
He was never a fair reporter.


Apr 8, 2016
I've had enough of this political cycle. Way too much propaganda, too many conspiracy theories, and way too much dishonesty.

I'm unplugging until after the election.


Mar 29, 2016
I've had enough of this political cycle. Way too much propaganda, too many conspiracy theories, and way too much dishonesty.

I'm unplugging until after the election.
Take a break. Watch the NBA Finals. The only lying that goes on is with the referees. Pack it.


Apr 13, 2020
Protecting independent journalists and whistleblowers

Reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act to protect the economy from monopolies

Breaking up the media propaganda cartel

Breaking up the financial cartel

Breaking up the pharma cartel

Breaking up the tech cartel

Breaking up the military industrial complex

Breaking up the education certification cartel of expensive diplomas in higher education

Preach it!
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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