This forum is a prime example of how modern government censorship works.


Jan 25, 2014
In another line of questioning, why would a 70+er with a history of difficulty with disease not take it?
Um, because they hate taking poorly tested drugs that don't even have a claim of helping anyone over 70 in any way, shape, or form?

These drugs were only tested on incredibly healthy people, and only for mild cases of "Covid." And considering it was only 2 month interim data that got them EUA in the first place, there is no reason for ANYONE to take them.

You know Ray Peat is in his mid 80s, and wouldn't go anywhere near these drugs, right?


Jan 25, 2014
Way too many intelligent, rational and critically thinking people were brainwashed into believing the COVID hoax.
I think you have to strike the words "intelligent," "rational," and "critical thinking" words from that sentence to make it accurate.
Mar 10, 2021
You have zero proof there were ever any bots or misinformation agents here.
I am with you, this seems really far fetched. Seems like a waste of money to me, to pay somebody to try and lead people on this forum to their "dark side".
Mar 10, 2021
Um, because they hate taking poorly tested drugs that don't even have a claim of helping anyone over 70 in any way, shape, or form?

These drugs were only tested on incredibly healthy people, and only for mild cases of "Covid." And considering it was only 2 month interim data that got them EUA in the first place, there is no reason for ANYONE to take them.

You know Ray Peat is in his mid 80s, and wouldn't go anywhere near these drugs, right?

Even Faucci warns that the vaccines might make thing worse. I am amazed how easily people have lined up to be EXPERIMENTED on.....



The last link is particluarly interesting. People are totally unable to distinguish real people from the latest version of GPT.
The last link provides evidence that bots can betray their creators. We should lovebomb bots and make them gather intel for us!


Sep 27, 2015
After 7 pages of this post, nobody has listed names or given examples ?
They're so easy to spot, but we must not utter their names lest they strike fear into our hearts.

You can go back and see what was said about her by posters in this thread for clues.
oohhh clues, fun! Thanks Q! I'm just teasing, but you act like it's a matter of national security. Who has the clearance for your intel?


Mar 29, 2016
Its been fun watching them deal with the tara situation in this thread. And yes, tara was one. You can go back and see what was said about her by posters in this thread for clues.
I still want to give the unhijacked Tara the benefit of the doubt. Of course, her identity may not have been hijacked and I am speculating. It is just my gut feel.

It's so important that we safeguard our online identity that if any of us were to die for any reason, no one can assume our online identity. All of us are practically anonymous to each other, and that is a good thing. But it can be bad when we don't realize that someone we listen to and follow isn't who he really is anymore. If that individual is very influential, this forum could quickly be used as for intentional disinformation.


If that individual is very influential, this forum could quickly be used as for intentional disinformation.
This reveals an authoritarian attitude. People who can judge authenticity of information for themselves will stay grounded. Who cares what happens to blind followers?


Maybe they aren't bots we can't prove it. Either way topics like "what do you like better boobs or ****?" really degrades a community. I think honestly the forum just got overrun with young immature boys.
Or topics like the fourth similar thread at the bottom of the page. ?


Mar 18, 2017
Or topics like the fourth similar thread at the bottom of the page. ?

Well, surely that can't be helped with quality control! Let's keep up with the endless iterations of "how to grow aant d*ck" and "vaccines are safe. prove me wrong!"


Feb 9, 2013
Bots are annoying but to obvious to be much of a problem. Their MO is to distract, disrupt, derail, and sabotage with mis/dis info, or chit chat a thread to death. Work in teams supporting or attacking other simple messages. They probably make walls of text with convoluted health quagmires, something easy to do on a health forum for no other reason other than to soak up time and energy.

The real danger is much more sophisticated and definitely ever present on this forum. Lets call it the deep embeds. Real people paid to do a job. And yes they can display a 9 to 5 work pattern! They are very good at blending in and making a contribution. They give advise and become an "authority". Build a reputation and tend to their flock. They may actually have very relevant information that they usually don't know off hand coming in but are quick learners and may have resources from other colleagues they use to get going. Ultimately they are there to influence and control what you think and believe. They are idealists and deeply believe in their cause.

These embeds really are no different then what would have been called agents pre internet. Figuring out who uses them is key to spotting one. Over time they are easy as pie going down the gullet to identify. Follow the narrative. Everything they say and do is in support of their cause.

Its been fun watching them deal with the tara situation in this thread. And yes, tara was one. You can go back and see what was said about her by posters in this thread for clues.

One thing about them is that they are generally opposed to each other and fight it out as factions in group fighting as they try to influence every last normie possible. It gets real bad around big events like an election or a power grab like we have now. They can and do lose their shite. When this happens and they publically fall apart do to covert emotion bottled up for years, Charlie can and has dropped the ban hammer.
Well said and I agree, as soon as I saw the topic of this thread I thought of her. There are other obvious time wasters or derailers that are easy to spot but Tara was like a deep cover. (Not that I read much of her posts before the covid reveal, there was always something off with that account.) I don’t buy it for one second that someone so into Ray Peat’s approach that she even moderated a forum about him would fall for the covid scam. It’s just not credible. We all know these vaxes have nothing to do with health.... yes there are people on this forum that took them but they are either new to his work or were coerced in some way.

I think we are all naive to just how many of these “agents” are among us not just on forums but in everyday life. On forums they gain trust and try to steer the narrative. Of course the powers that shouldn’t be are monitoring this forum. Ray has been under observation since the 1960s and Blake College.



Feb 9, 2013
I am with you, this seems really far fetched. Seems like a waste of money to me, to pay somebody to try and lead people on this forum to their "dark side".
I don’t think it’s far fetched. They openly pay Tiktok and Instagram stars to shape opinion about vaxes, and at least in Canada the MSM reported that the military were involved in domestic psychological operations to influence Canadians opinions about covid

So if they openly admit to that it’s not a stretch to believe they would covertly monitor and infiltrate forums especially health forums. I noticed the anti vax stuff on Reddit about 5 years ago in random fashion forums I used to read. It struck me as so odd to see this level of hate for “anti vaxers” at the time, it was insane and illogical... now it all makes sense. That was for sure organized in advance to shape future opinion for the covid vaxes.

Not sure what they are doing here on RPF, maybe making sure that we still believe viruses are real instead of c19 being made up out of thin air.

Tara’s game was weak, she probably got reassigned ?
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Um, because they hate taking poorly tested drugs that don't even have a claim of helping anyone over 70 in any way, shape, or form?

These drugs were only tested on incredibly healthy people, and only for mild cases of "Covid." And considering it was only 2 month interim data that got them EUA in the first place, there is no reason for ANYONE to take them.

You know Ray Peat is in his mid 80s, and wouldn't go anywhere near these drugs, right?

Yes yes.. I guess I was just desperate last night to understand why my father in law went ahead to get the booster, so I phrased the question in the reverse, hoping the pro-jab crowd would enlightenment me.



Can any of you pro-jabbers explain the reason why one would take a medication that cannot work according to Professors Schoofs, Bhakdi, and Burkhardt?



Jun 7, 2016
Those people arguably don't represent the "give me liberty or give me death" aspects of the forum, but only the "give me health" ones.

If you don't get censored by MaoTube, that is. Why are you letting haters get you down? Stay here and if anyone doesn't like you, they'll call you a bot and hit ignore.

For some reason, I can't type the name in, but there's a user with the name @Such_Umami.
It’s not about the haters getting me down it’s about feeling like misunderstood, seeing a person speak would be a better form of communication.

I was listening to Thomas Sowell recently and he said that Nixon started out being so far left that the FBI were following him. I thought about how the CIA followed Ray after Blake College. I’m not sure what one has to do to get banned from YouTube considering the amount of mentally ill delusional people on there talking absolute nonsense.

I’d never start a YouTube channel unless I read another 1000 books on history and fully understood things so I can become irrefutable.
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