This forum is a prime example of how modern government censorship works.



i stand corrected, idk wtf i was doing wrong maybe i needed to capitalize the T LOL
They don't appear when you're typing them into the search bar or after an @ symbol, but you can still search them. This doesn't apply to members who no longer have profiles such as @Lollipop2's old account lollipop.


Nov 22, 2017
No, I wouldn't expect any forum to be sunshine and rainbows these days. I guess when I say I miss how the forum used to be, I'm basically saying I miss how the world used to be. But we can't live in a fantasy world. I try and stay as optimistic as I can be, though. That's just how I am. At any rate, I still like being here and there's still a lot of quality info posted. It's just not as chipper anymore.

I can only speak for myself but the totalitarian nature of the times we live in is rather stressful and feels like a constant weight. I think it affects my ability to think and interact with others about any other topic other than c19 stuff.

If others have the same experience, maybe it's not a surprise that the forum isn't like it was.


Mar 29, 2016
I can only speak for myself but the totalitarian nature of the times we live in is rather stressful and feels like a constant weight. I think it affects my ability to think and interact with others about any other topic other than c19 stuff.

If others have the same experience, maybe it's not a surprise that the forum isn't like it was.
I find that when somebody tells me he tested positive, I keep myself from telling him to get well soon..Instead,I wish him negative soon.


Sep 24, 2016
I think that in all fields, quality dovetails with the excitement of discovery. Even if everything is already known and there is no need to discover, a plateau would lead us to find outlets to expend energy towards less useful activities. It becomes 'make work.'

Not that we have achieved perfection and the forum has solved all problems relating to health, but that a lot of discovery is in excavating the gold buried in posts of years gone by. That discovery is more of an individual task, and less of a team effort. And not suited for people used to the traditional learning experience in a classroom.

Still, not all information in the past is useful, so the research has to involve more time spent. Most people do not want that.

Most people want to have a resident shaman garbed in an aura of being knowledgeable who has done all the research and will work out a recipe.

The more shamans the better. Especially if the shamans argue among themselves on points of substance.
The early days had the excitement of finding studies and publications that corrobated Peats ideas and theorems.

„Peat right again“!

Then we kind of saw some breakthroughs in that some ideas were absorbed or gained headway in mainstream science (pufas, every metabolism, Warburg/Reverse Warburg interpretations/ NAD among others)

A lot of the competent forum members worked together to reassure each other so to speak. Then they developed some etiology hypothesises for a number of pathologies and discussed treatment options. At that point some kind of left to implement that reassured knowledge in their daily life.

Also, we grow older and move on. Some forum members hadn’t have families when they were most productive - now they have. Or other jobs and so forth.

But also, it’s true, some of the younger guys joining here in 2021 are less educated or less originally thinking than guys back in 2015. 5-7 years doesn’t seem much but we are at the far side of a self-reinforcing downward spiral in western societies. The pace of deterioration is breathtaking.

Think about how social media got even more prevalent and dumber, censored. Stuff like tik Tok making youngsters completely deranged. The conflicts since those years:
Migration crisis, Crimea, Brexit, Trump and Anti-Trump, Covid, climate change radicalization.

It increases cortisol, serotonin, estrogen - reducing IQs further. Also, the stress and agitation diminishes the ability to work and think focused


Sep 24, 2016
I can only speak for myself but the totalitarian nature of the times we live in is rather stressful and feels like a constant weight. I think it affects my ability to think and interact with others about any other topic other than c19 stuff.

If others have the same experience, maybe it's not a surprise that the forum isn't like it was.
I just wrote the very thing - thanks


@LeeLemonoil When most has been figured out, and the remaining pathways to discovery are difficult, loss of morale is at stake. When one era is complete, there must be an awakening of another or there will be degeneration and enslavement. Likewise, in order for people to keep posting, there must be new topics explored. Conspiracy theories and Covid are uncharted territory which breathe life into this place and keep it alive.


Dec 9, 2015
I don't think it's your imagination.

Am an active 20 year member at another fairly busy forum with a large off topic discussion section. Many of the posters there have known each other for many years and have some recollection of former members. I did not pay attention pre-covid, but after covid these older inactive accounts with 2000-5000 posts would come to life and always seem to promote the establishment's mantra. It appears to be two men and one woman based upon their personalities. The men will get themselves banned but seem to re-appear under another old account to reply in hot button threads, anything medical related. We spot them, swarm them, obfuscate and fluster them till they get themselves banned again. They are referred to as Pharma Shills.

It is also the same time frame that i became a new Peater and began to lurk the threads here where I saw similar shenanigans. One account i had been tracking, due to name and writing style, has just came back to life after a 2 year hiatus to reply to a certain someone. Sidenote: I do not recall having seen Tara's posts to check her writing style. Edit: Have now read a few of her posts, nope, writing style not familiar to me.

As for curiosity seekers here, i understand the underlying feeling but I'll recommend seeking thrills elsewhere since the people i'm specifically referring to are simply Shills.

Yerrag, certain other responsible veteran members, and mods are always welcome to PM me for what little info i have left to share, but i doubt i could provide much that's definitive.

For those accounts that suddenly came back to life but were behaving differently, do you know if they had anything suspicious like a change in IP address, browser/OS, etc.? Or if they had a password reset right before they came back to life? I'm not that familiar with the internals of forum software, but I'm assuming it has some sort of logging and security record.

Wondering if something similar had been observed with Tara on this forum.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
For those accounts that suddenly came back to life but were behaving differently, do you know if they had anything suspicious like a change in IP address, browser/OS, etc.? Or if they had a password reset right before they came back to life? I'm not that familiar with the internals of forum software, but I'm assuming it has some sort of logging and security record.

Wondering if something similar had been observed with Tara on this forum.
Cannot confirm IP adresses or similar but they do not try to hide it at all. They would even tell you the same occupation as the last Shill that was booted. The man or men claim to be MD's and the woman alternates between Veterinarian-farm-animal-researcher and independant computer technician. The mods there also verified for us, to them it's actually a big joke and enjoy watching us members go after them. The woman plays mrs nice air-head and simply attempts to plant seeds of doubt in our political-medical discussions.

Outside of possibly the one member i mentioned who recently became active again, i do not see them active here. The nefarious ones at this forum seem to be european men who post slightly outlandish conspiracy theories and act a little creepy. They may be migrants from other forums simply trolling, or they could be agenda driven and polluting the discourse here to make this forum appear less "legitimate". Are these the ones that everyone is referring to as AI bots? If so they seem too intelligent imho, but the easiest way to test a bot is to obfuscate your language, a bot would never figure it out.
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May 19, 2017
Have you heard the stories of people complaining that facebook profiles of their dead relatives, who died long before covid, were commenting on CDC's facebook posts and recommending to get jabbed?


Have you heard the stories of people complaining that facebook profiles of their dead relatives, who died long before covid, were commenting on CDC's facebook posts and recommending to get jabbed?
No. This reminds me of kids sitting around the campfire and telling spooky stories.


"Clare Rewcastle Brown was barred from entering Malaysia, where she was born, after detailing how $700m of state funds went into the Prime Minister’s account"

Here, it says the dead peoples' photographs and identities were used to create accounts to smear this obviously important target.

There's no mention of "hacking" accounts. It's an exaggeration and misunderstanding. Making new accounts, with stolen identities if need be, is far easier.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
There's no mention of "hacking" accounts. It's an exaggeration and misunderstanding. Making new accounts, with stolen identities if need be, is far easier.

easier to set up, but much more costly to develop history and cred. But that can be easily acquired simply by stealing established accounts.


May 19, 2017
"Clare Rewcastle Brown was barred from entering Malaysia, where she was born, after detailing how $700m of state funds went into the Prime Minister’s account"

Here, it says the dead peoples' photographs and identities were used to create accounts to smear this obviously important target.

There's no mention of "hacking" accounts. It's an exaggeration and misunderstanding. Making new accounts, with stolen identities if need be, is far easier.
Faking engagement, post history and friend list is waaaaaaaaaaay harder than just buying or hacking a "dead profile". Faking posts dating many years back is downright impossible.

You can tell an account is fake the second you open it, when it was created using stolen identities.

That's why they got caught.

Veritas IV

Nov 5, 2021
Have you heard the stories of people complaining that facebook profiles of their dead relatives, who died long before covid, were commenting on CDC's facebook posts and recommending to get jabbed?
I remember hearing similar during the 2016 and 2020 US elections. IMHO whichever entity is responsible demonstrates callousness and disrespect to the families of the deceased, and the rest of us as well. I mean really now. Setting their message aside for a moment and focusing on their tactic... are these really the people we want to be listening to? They can shove it as far as i'm concerned, respect lost, don't come looking for it.

As far as my previous examples, we've narrowed the vector down to's data, it's the only common denominator. If you have a long history with a Yahoo email address, your associated data is completely compromised. The shills took over accounts that had registered with their Yahoo email, and it's probably how they figured out my personal info and pretend to know me from 20 years ago.

I decided to edit my last post btw since the info is a bit edgy and also personal to me.
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easier to set up, but much more costly to develop history and cred. But that can be easily acquired simply by stealing established accounts.
Hacking an account is no simple matter. It's telling that this method wasn't employed to smear a person who exposed a prime minister.
Faking engagement, post history and friend list is waaaaaaaaaaay harder than just buying or hacking a "dead profile". Faking posts dating many years back is downright impossible.
Long-term post history doesn't need to be faked to push the vaxx or climate change agenda. I haven't heard of dead social media profiles, although I've heard of hacked Paypal accounts being sold, which would attract anyone who wants to risk making dirty money.
You can tell an account is fake the second you open it, when it was created using stolen identities.

That's why they got caught.
How can you tell if it's fake unless you knew the person personally?

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Hacking an account is no simple matter. It's telling that this method wasn't employed to smear a person who exposed a prime minister.

There's probably insiders selling the info to interested parties. no hacking required


There's probably insiders selling the info to interested parties. no hacking required
Insiders such as? People typically don't share passwords with their families/friends. Even if they do, their peers would typically not sell their info for ethical reasons, not to mention not knowing such information is valuable or knowing where to sell it.

Downloaded spyware is a different story. However, I haven't seen an example of a person's account being used post-mortem, except in this case. :mrgreen:

A more realistic explanation for people starting to express different opinions and then leaving is wanting to fit in at first, leaving because they don't care, then coming back and speaking freely because they're bored.
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