Scalp Progesterone For Hair Loss Experiment


Feb 8, 2017
libido has gone down a bit.... after dosing Prog. Erection is fine but desire isn't as strong.

I must admit.... I think I am becoming addicted to using clomid.

Makes me feel so good, even if I just dose it for a few days and stop.


Apr 29, 2018
libido has gone down a bit.... after dosing Prog. Erection is fine but desire isn't as strong.

I must admit.... I think I am becoming addicted to using clomid.

Makes me feel so good, even if I just dose it for a few days and stop.
Lowers libido and facial hair... "not an anti androgen" da fuq


Apr 29, 2018
To help with hair loss.
Wouldn’t it be healthier and more productive to get estrogen, prolactin, and cortisol in range.
That should stop hair loss and then try the calcification /fibrosis angle which several members say is the cause


Feb 8, 2017
Wouldn’t it be healthier and more productive to get estrogen, prolactin, and cortisol in range.
That should stop hair loss and then try the calcification /fibrosis angle which several members say is the cause

I suppose.

Maybe not though, as Prog is 'supposed' to be quite healthy for you.

I also have quite a stressful job/life at the moment.


Apr 29, 2018
I suppose.

Maybe not though, as Prog is 'supposed' to be quite healthy for you.

I also have quite a stressful job/life at the moment.
Doesn't sound healthy if you reduces your androgens. Personally I've never had a worthwhile experience adding synthetic hormone to my body :grumpy:
If you have high estro I could mail you some exemestane (Aromasin), though if it's not too high just fat soluble vitamins like E would help
If it works it works, it just doesnt sound optimal


Feb 8, 2017
Doesn't sound healthy if you reduces your androgens. Personally I've never had a worthwhile experience adding synthetic hormone to my body :grumpy:
If you have high estro I could mail you some exemestane (Aromasin), though if it's not too high just fat soluble vitamins like E would help
If it works it works, it just doesnt sound optimal

I am on edge 5 days a week, high revving literally mon-fri... been working 60hr weeks lately.

To take prog and chill out a bit, is actually quite nice.

I can't say for sure what prog is doing in my body, tbh, I really can't. The studies say it's a potent 5-AR inhibitor. I've also heard it's anti-estrogen, etc.

Thanks btw I appreciate that.

If hair wasn't an issue, tbh, I'd be on clomid non-stop. Good stuff in terms of how it makes me feel.

I don't think I have high E... but I have no idea. btw I used to use exemestane back in the day (coincidentally in combination with clomid). Good stuff too. :)


Jun 2, 2017
@xetawaves how is your estrogen?
I’m convinced it’s elevated estrogen that ruins the calcium metabolism and causes such scalp pain, perhaps in conjunction to hypothyroidism.

You could also try olive oil massages every other day. I leave the oil in my hair overnight, I think it helps to heal and hydrate the skin. It was also shown in mice to be more effective at hair growth than minoxidil (won’t have same effect in humans) but that shows something.

No idea. I've never had it tested.

My scalp starts to become pretty sore when I don't wash it. I shower everyday, but if I skip a day it gets sore. It's weird as hell. I've been using a plastic pick type thing to scrape all the gunk off my scalp after every shower.

At this point, I've tried so many things and I still truly have no idea what is causing my hair loss. For a while I thought maybe androgens, but long-lasting, visceral sex 3 times a day really seemed to stop my shedding. It also really helped with facial oiliness. I could really feel the boost in test.
I do wonder if men absorb estrogen from women during sex though.

When I buzz my head, I plan on making a mix of olive oil, progesterone, vitamin e and vitamin k2 to apply to my scalp every day.


Apr 29, 2018
No idea. I've never had it tested.

My scalp starts to become pretty sore when I don't wash it. I shower everyday, but if I skip a day it gets sore. It's weird as hell. I've been using a plastic pick type thing to scrape all the gunk off my scalp after every shower.

At this point, I've tried so many things and I still truly have no idea what is causing my hair loss. For a while I thought maybe androgens, but long-lasting, visceral sex 3 times a day really seemed to stop my shedding. It also really helped with facial oiliness. I could really feel the boost in test.
I do wonder if men absorb estrogen from women during sex though.

When I buzz my head, I plan on making a mix of olive oil, progesterone, vitamin e and vitamin k2 to apply to my scalp every day.
Washing it probably removes the histamine
Antihistamines for Pattern Hair Loss?

You should get your estrogen tested. I know it costs a little bit of money but in the hairloss game your estrogen level is fundamental


Apr 29, 2018
I don’t know where you live but Private hormone panel test costs about $60.
If you’re be concerned about hairloss you should find out your estrogen.
By taking k2 which you say helps that vitamin lowers estro.

It could be other things but estrogen is a big player and in the Danny Roddy histamine link he discuss it causes lowered cAMP, increases histamine, increased mast cell degranulation, increased inflammation, increased DHT action in the skin, messes with the calcium metabolism, increased prostaglandin D2


Feb 8, 2017
What's this talk about estrogen though?

Some guys have had success, not only just success, but aggressive regrowth of hair, using bio-identical estrogen for MPB.

There is a product that one can buy OTC (from amazon, etc), bio-estrocare, which has estriol and estradiol. I know whatevr used this and claimed it worked (with sides).

He contends (whatevr) using estrogen has worked better for him than anything else, including finasteride (which didn't do much for him).

So what are you saying about estrogen, @Arrade ?

We must be careful not to put blinders on while investigating all the possible 'treatments'.


Feb 8, 2017
No idea. I've never had it tested.

My scalp starts to become pretty sore when I don't wash it. I shower everyday, but if I skip a day it gets sore. It's weird as hell. I've been using a plastic pick type thing to scrape all the gunk off my scalp after every shower.

At this point, I've tried so many things and I still truly have no idea what is causing my hair loss. For a while I thought maybe androgens, but long-lasting, visceral sex 3 times a day really seemed to stop my shedding. It also really helped with facial oiliness. I could really feel the boost in test.
I do wonder if men absorb estrogen from women during sex though.

When I buzz my head, I plan on making a mix of olive oil, progesterone, vitamin e and vitamin k2 to apply to my scalp every day.

Ejaculating 3 times a day would reduce your T if anything, wouldn't it, rather than RAISE IT... so perhaps that IS related to androgens?! and explains why your face is less oily, etc.


Apr 29, 2018
What's this talk about estrogen though?

Some guys have had success, not only just success, but aggressive regrowth of hair, using bio-identical estrogen for MPB.

There is a product that one can buy OTC (from amazon, etc), bio-estrocare, which has estriol and estradiol. I know whatevr used this and claimed it worked (with sides).

He contends (whatevr) using estrogen has worked better for him than anything else, including finasteride (which didn't do much for him).

So what are you saying about estrogen, @Arrade ?

We must be careful not to put blinders on while investigating all the possible 'treatments'.

Estrogen in the dermis is a whole other animal from serum.
Antihistamines for Pattern Hair Loss?

“Estrogen, free fatty acids, prostaglandins, mast cells, and histamine are involved in the development of fibrosis, or the abnormal progression of the normal formation of fibrous material between cells due to inflammation”

Putting estrogen on the skin will remove DHT which causes collagen build up. You’re basically castrating the skin, which blocks the DHT from being able to cause perricular fibrosis

DHT would not be attenuating inflammation in the first place if cortisol or estrogen levels in the serum were not elevated.


Apr 29, 2018
Ejaculating 3 times a day would reduce your T if anything, wouldn't it, rather than RAISE IT... so perhaps that IS related to androgens?! and explains why your face is less oily, etc.
Studies of “no-fap” has shown that on the 7th day of abstaining testerone spikes, but after this testoterone is reliably lower for people who avoid ejaculating.


Apr 29, 2018
Ejaculation also causes a burst of DHT, which is basically the opposite of estrogen.
Masturbation is supposedly preventative for prostate cancer so it would be hard to say how “bad” it is for you
Also it seems you’re trading off cortisol for prolactin


Feb 8, 2017
Estrogen in the dermis is a whole other animal from serum.
Antihistamines for Pattern Hair Loss?

“Estrogen, free fatty acids, prostaglandins, mast cells, and histamine are involved in the development of fibrosis, or the abnormal progression of the normal formation of fibrous material between cells due to inflammation”

Putting estrogen on the skin will remove DHT which causes collagen build up. You’re basically castrating the skin, which blocks the DHT from being able to cause perricular fibrosis

DHT would not be attenuating inflammation in the first place if cortisol or estrogen levels in the serum were not elevated.

This is under the hypothesis that the only reason using bio-identical estrogen worked for those men is because they were using it DIRECTLY on balding areas, right?

But, we know this isn't true. They were mostly just increasing serum levels by applying the estrogen locally somewhere (not necessarily directly on scalp and/or balding areas). Also, I know of a case where this guy is also taking the estrogen orally, too.

There is direct evidence that estrogen is helpful to hair.

It's all much more complicated than only looking at fibrosis angle, IMO.


Apr 29, 2018
This is under the hypothesis that the only reason using bio-identical estrogen worked for those men is because they were using it DIRECTLY on balding areas, right?

But, we know this isn't true. They were mostly just increasing serum levels by applying the estrogen locally somewhere (not necessarily directly on scalp and/or balding areas). Also, I know of a case where this guy is also taking the estrogen orally, too.

There is direct evidence that estrogen is helpful to hair.

It's all much more complicated than only looking at fibrosis angle, IMO.
Elevated estrogen also impairs the calcium metabolism.

I’ve only known people to apply estrogen on their scalp, besides one guy who used estriol cream but he was also applying an anti androgen.

If you have examples of men who didn’t castrate themselves but also applied estrogen not on the scalp while regrowing hair, now is the time to show us.

Taking estrogen orally often castrates men, therefore no DHT to make fibrosis


Apr 29, 2018
If you look at the link I posted, elevated estrogen increases mast cell degranulation, prostaglandin D2 production, increased cortisol, lowers intracellular cAMP, inhibits thyroid function

I agree it is more complex than fibrosis
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