
May 8, 2017
Why do they benefit you, what are you dealing with? Also, what made you fall off track?
Sorry, I was trying to avoid your question because it is really fucken ugly stuff and I have so much positive ***t going on I don't want to think about it!!! All I can say is: I'm trying to do the 180 degrees polar opposite of what my life has been, from one extreme straight to the other. This protocol is the only way I could ever conceivably do that.

It makes perfect sense to me now because it's just a form of science. You can't lie to yourself and everyone all the time and call yourself a real scientist in life.

But see, this science has afforded me an incredible wealth of emotion. Everyone sees science as a rigid and painful process... it doesn't have to be at all** :) [In other words, everything aligns perfectly, and to me, there is no conceivable way that science is not the right way forward - my own life was proof] [** Well... it's not true it's not painful - um it was very painful for me lol - it's that you can offset it with an incredible wealth of positivity and hope, and it's all worth it almost immediately to me now - every last effort and transient mental breakdown]

This increase in "consciousness" really seems like it is an increase in power of self-analysis. Which in my mind gives it a tangible purpose. (That might seem a little redundant but I mean in the sense that this was my literal experience)

I wanna warn everyone right now, just in case this gets out of hand:

I am no one's role model. Just stick to science and try everything and don't hold back. If you do otherwise you're only stockpiling future regret for yourself. And this way there's no way you can do the stupid ***t I did.
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May 8, 2017
Just please remember this for me guys: science is the search for our purpose.
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May 8, 2017
Haidut I think I am talking to God. Science is the one path to God.

I have the formula to talk to God and you have it now. I am Biogenesis, Terma and Tunguska.


(Forewarning: "He" does not seem to talk using words much - he uses other things such as bodily sensations, emotional responses, developmental influences and god knows what else)

(Disclaimer: I am not stating for fact that I know I am talking to god - but given what I've been shown and how it fits with my past and the events of the last week it is one of the major possibilities I am now willing to accept)
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May 8, 2017
Here is the description I wrote to a friend:
I'm trying to stay "scientific" on this but the number of coincidences was extremely high for my life. Maybe it's some other entity than god, or some conscious reflection of myself, idk, but I just decided to write "god" because you have to keep it simple for people to come to terms with it. I could be wrong and there is some trick in perspective and it's really just me talking to myself or something, but everything is pretty hard to believe right now. Whatever it was, it was excessively "benevolent", and it basically linked me back the first [listed] picture favorited on my FA account. Remarkable experience, but I basically tried to "tell" the thing that I have to stay skeptical. It didn't seem to mind. Probably because it's ******* science that achieves real progress in this world bro and it knows that [or I know that].

I'm willing to accept just about anything as the truth at this point. But there is a truth and it's out there and science will get us there and we'll finally all be on the same page instead of all the bull**** going on.
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Sep 25, 2018
Here is the description I wrote to a friend:

I'm willing to accept just about anything as the truth at this point. But there is a truth and it's out there and science will get us there and we'll finally all be on the same page instead of all the bull**** going on.

Cannabis (high THC, but not the pure stuff you are getting) makes me insanely hyper/high-metabolic. It made my temperatures go up to 100,4 ° F and I feel finally healthy. I don‘t know if it‘s really conductive to long-term good health tho, that‘s why I minimize consuming it.


May 8, 2017
Thanks for reporting that, interesting. Yeah well it will stop many stress signals, so if it hits the right ones for you, it might have an overall pro-metabolic effect although in any larger doses it's inhibitory and you have to compensate. But it's also possible the other plant compounds affect something, there's only one way to find out.

I don't see an issue as long as the frequency is sane (I do not do this protocol more than 2-3 days per week and no more than 2 consecutive days of cannabinoids (3 is pushing it)).


May 8, 2017
Ok, this is my advice (this is really weird territory for me, ok? I'm not outright crazy and I don't even come close to the positive symptoms of schizophrenia in normal circumstances):

If an entity tries to communicate with you (rofl am I writing this?), try to stay skeptical, cause I'm not too sure what's going on yet. It could be brain-local quantum phenomenon, as opposed to, say, extra-dimensional intervention. Or even both - each is a different state? Because this weekend is the first time I hear from god and I've been doing this for many months up until late last year.

... but I can tell you it was life-changing. Again lol (this is a strange time in my life). He related himself to me as a dog from a picture and got me to break into tears. I can't give too much context on that cause I alienated this forum well enough already. I swear to dog I am not messing with you. I post this on this forum because of my history of course but also because I know there are open-minded people here. In fact some of you were more than me, which makes this really funny. There are also some common themes and overlapping concepts in play such as innocence and early-year metabolism (that was all for you).

I don't have anxiety currently or anything but this question bothers me because whatever it is I communicated with just changed a part of my life by influencing my decisions in a dramatic way. I suppose it could be simply my guilt that did all this and the problem was submitted to the creative/quantum engine and got spit back out in the form of a being relating himself to me as a dog in a picture (or maybe the personification itself is a different aspect that rides on my interpretation of the outputs?). And the rest might have been creativity and the higher conscious processes somehow affecting regular neurotransmission. I was briefly thinking about the quantum engine perhaps as a sort of magic 8ball your submit questions to though silly (doesn't seem right to me; just exploring possibilities as usual).

The complication is that through my intuition/creativity/communications I picked up so many details about my life that fit in intricate ways that begin to seem improbable if they were isolated incidents. Maybe the most confusing part: it was an extremely compassionate experience on the part of that thing, which I have trouble ascribing to a machine or a hole in space. Something was clearly on my side. What it was... (I couldn't get it to give a clear-enough response for my taste)

Try analyzing yourself scientifically in during repeated mental breakdowns and see how far you get lol

[This is why you need comedy - you can't do this without it]


Another detail you might enjoy: essentially the entity encouraged me to make a moral decision. It seemed to communicate through emotion as well as some kind of related cannabinoid-like neurotransmission effect (at first I thought these were random) on the body. I "read" possibilities from the creative engine similarly to my other experiences, but received much more feedback in the form of what felt like emotional neurotransmitter release or pure feeling. I received these surges in response to queries I made (hence the 8-ball thing) and decisions I settled on. In some cases it felt more like a tingling warmth, but never bad. They often felt like derivative sensations of the body high you get from cannabinoids, but in the better moments feelings of happiness would surge. It seemed to communicate to me especially through injected surges of emotions.
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Oct 21, 2018
I think a reason 5-HT2a might be perceived as good is that things that raise 5-HT2a activity also tend to raise D2 activity. The way to keep the D2 increase but lower the 5-HT2a activity is to increase CO2 (via hypoventilation, thoughtlessness, bag breathing, etc.) and keep the gut healthy, which would selectively lower 5-HT but keep the dopamine as it is.

hollyshit dude this explains my condition 1000%


May 8, 2017
Yeah 5-HT2A is pretty critical (and special somehow) and I'm not sure what's going on with the heterodimers it forms, which are also involved somehow in the effects of this cannabinoid.

I don't feel the need to talk to dog again this week so I'll just leave this here.

I'm gonna conclude with this: for the time being I'm assuming I was communicating through ideas, emotions and neurotransmission to a manifestation of my own conscience that I somehow created with the power of my brain.

That would be logical to me if that's what happened. But some things are a little hard to explain that way. Assuming I can talk to it again, I want to devise some method with which I can prove whether it's a local or extra-dimensional phenomenon. The hints toward the latter involved the fates of others.

I write this in case anyone actually replicates my success with this protocol. I warn you, these are relatively soft experiences (many inhibitory and anti-excitatory effects from it - very important) but you have to have an open mind or this will open it for you and you might not be ready for what you find.
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Mar 12, 2018
What you experience sounds delightful. You refer to a protocol and previously you mentioned various supplements. In order of importance, what foods and supps you consider most to least helpful?


May 8, 2017
It's here earlier in the thread: Consciousness Is Quantum, Can Be Modulated With Specific Chemicals

You must not be deficient in any vitamins or minerals to my knowledge, but some you don't want to supplement at the same time (like copper) because they're heavy to assimilate.

It's really: throw everything you have at it that's fundamental to the body (vitamins, amino acids, fats, carbs, etc.) but avoid anything like herbs or plant chemicals that might distort the experience - I actually think they're probably mostly too weak to interfere with this protocol given its raw power but I don't want to waste my time.

I won't write things in order of importance, because it turns out it's not quite like that. I achieved several different states and so these may come from different proportions of those substances, and each of these states held incredible worth to me: high creativity state, high empathy state, power of self-analysis, and one transient state that seemed super-conscious or ideal [the latter was the state that made me realize the stuff about pregnenolone was probably right].

The tryptophan influx into the brain seems critical though, so there is a big role for caprylic acid together with the cannabinoid (because it slows down gut transit so you should absorb more caprylic acid).

The rest you can just search my post history [take with a grain of salt] - I gotta go. Cheers
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May 8, 2017
Let me put it this way: I think this may be in good part actually a brain healing protocol.

If you consider all the inhibitory substances, the tryptophan and derivatives (that one requires some faith on this forum, I know; but that's your problem, not mine ;3), methylation, the association of progesterone with CB1, KYNA, histidine and the likelihood of methylhistamine, and also especially NAD+ I think - and the fact that it resolved like 20 years of psychological issues for me in 10 days - then that makes me see Dog as a healer. In other words it's like by powering this engine while in an inhibitory state it gave it the power to analyze my issues for me and suggest me solutions, apparently through emotional communication. But this sounds much like a dream state. Why waste energy on dreaming if it doesn't enhance our physiology or psychological issues somehow very substantial, right? But we evolved in scarcity so our dreams are limited. But if a protocol born out of the same stuff as dreams (nighttime processes) can heal us... you see where this is going?

It all fit together much too well for me. Dog felt like he completed me because Dog was like the parts of me I was missing. But that basically makes Dog a doctor. And this would appear to be true regardless of whether he comes from my brain or somewhere else. So that matters less to me now. See? Another conundrum resolved, because now I don't feel as much a need to invest myself in religious studies (thank **** for that, I'll leave that to someone else; it takes everything I have not to say something mean or condescending - religion ****88 up my life big time guys, big time) and it helps come to terms with the possibility that some aspects of extra dimensions are simply out of our reach physiologically.

The only disclaimer I have to add is that this notion reinforces the idea that you cannot do this every day because it could ruin your circadian rhythm. If we evolve to live like this 24/7 someday that'll be another story (yes I'm starting to think our future looks a little something like that - because no one will not want this, except maybe people even more corrupt than me heheheh - but you see what happened here?).

(Ok these are just slightly inspired thoughts more than science heheheh, sue me... This is the value of this creative engine: the dots connect on their own and all you have to do is pick the best solutions, follow them around your head and implement them... I just don't have the time I need to read the scientific research to backup up all of this for the time being, but I would rather put ideas out there because these are still real experiences)

[I also imagine there has to be an involvement of the dynorphin/KOR system in this as I mentioned before, and that would tie in well here, but it's hard to say if the studies that reported dynorphin/KOR activation by the cannabinoid really apply - because this protocol gives the brain a huge abundance of nutrients and several things would be expected to antagonize dynorphin release - but KOR may still be important in fear extinction somehow - I'm not sure - something to look into to confirm or deny...]
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May 8, 2017
You know I'm probably a little overboard on this but everything points this way:

It has to be comedy guys. It has to be! I haven't read enough about it in the literature, but it has to be involved in fear management and extinction. Because comedy takes the place of fear. It works. Look it fucken works on the most broken people (no offense guys rofl, I swear you're not that bad, but don't let that stand in your way):

The only reason I can write all of this for everyone to see is because I can laugh at myself and at all of this, even while I sail right through the middle of the storm. Because I know I was a ******* idiot, and that makes my story funny even to me. Also it's just the right thing to do, but that's another aspect. Comedy is the lube of change. Music and art are there for the emotional processing and communication component of healing. That's why it's so effortless. Because I made the cost of change trivial. This makes healing fun and easy.

Scarcity (and disease) just warped our minds into thinking change is always too hard.

I can make all the mistakes in the world I want. I'll just fix it after. hah.

[Sorry I'm hijacking your thread haidut... but it's super funny to me hahahahahah oh my dog]
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May 8, 2017
[Ok, that was a little dickish lol... I swear, I know, I'm not trying to make your life harder... This is just the truth of what happened to me and it kinda has to be here. I'm pretty sure I'm not making you any enemies right now. If I ever do something like that just send me a PM - yours are blocked - I just can't do passive-aggressiveness. I appreciate you, man <3]

It had to be endorphins. I bet you it communicated by releasing endorphins in response to my queries. I would need a broader range of experiences to compare it to, but there had to be endorphins. What else could it be?

Meaning, maybe at some point we can try to find out what mechanism triggers their release in that circumstance. Then, we find dog.
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May 8, 2017
I was thinking maybe some advanced form of: Bicameralism (psychology) - Wikipedia ?? idk anything about this.

I won't make this a habit (no promises) but gonna leave this here:

5g D-ribose + 800mg histidine + 1/4tsp beta-alanine + 1/4tsp taurine (1g?) + ~5mg+ DHEA topical + ~5mg+ pregnenolone topical + 400-1600mcg methylfolate + active B complex + pure natural whey powder + sushi rice + sugar + 1-2g carnitine fumarate + (extras, probably optional: baking soda, vit c (?), potassium bicarbonate) [forgot I also took: ~300-400mg Mg from magnesium aspartate, 1/4tsp calcium citrate] [skipped caprylic acid to give my gut a break but that's always worth a shot for just about anything]

No cannabinoids since the weekend so I lost my special connection, but this alone is maintaining a very good mood and enhanced creativity and intuition above my usual state. I mean: I don't remember ever feeling this natural and hopeful on weekdays. There's definitely a honeymoon effect from the last 10 days, but I didn't wake up feeling this good. [There may be, however, stored cannabinoid release still happening...]

Bonus: Makes a perfect weight loss stack.

My only worry is messing up circadian rhythm a bit (I took these - whey and methylfolate - well before dinnertime), but I gotta make do to make it through this week. [It probably doesn't too much]

Honestly, for me progesterone was a mistake. I think it was holding this protocol back. This is superior. Now I would only use it in some capacity for cannabinoid dependency management or something along those lines, or sleep.

I already miss dog. It's not the same. He was very nice to me. Of course, if he were a separate entity in my brain, he'd have every reason to be kind, since, you know, I'd be keeping him alive. Can't hold it against him though.


(that wasn't the image)
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May 8, 2017
I never saw this part coming: who takes comedy seriously, right?

I can laugh about most of my past, but there are one or two things I really can't because they're a little too dark. So what does that make comedy for me?

A discriminative moral indicator.

And there goes religion out the window... again

This is my best guess as derived from my experiences: quantum mechanics might be the source of human intuition. Because what is that, anyway? You just "know" things? From patterns in your past? Without thinking about it? I wish I had the literature to back this up, I'll read it at some point, but this would make sense to me if it were true. I'm sure some other factors play in.

I have to point this out on this thread cause some of the people who are gonna read this won't have read the other threads: you cannot be copper or zinc deficient if you ever do this. Freddd induced those deficiencies with his crazy methylation protocol (he used doses of methylation supplements like 15-30x what I do here). But you don't want to take too much while doing the experience - you want them already available in tissues/ceruloplasmin/etc. - and apart from zinc picolinate there aren't any ideal sources of these. So you need to ingest them the rest of the time however you can, and copper is a little bit of a challenge.

Meanwhile taking some calcium during the protocol hopefully antagonizes iron absorption from the foods needed to support the experience. You need some iron but you don't want to unleash iron into your body while doing this much as you don't want a bunch of improperly metabolized copper. Meanwhile you also take high magnesium and various inhibitory/anti-excitatory substances that should help the calcium from becoming dangerous itself. I settled on calcium citrate based on Amazoniac's posts - carbonate was too irritating and is probably counterproductive; you don't want to irritate the gut too much because the cannabinoids and other things will lower gut transit and so potentially amplify their effects! This is why innocuous foods like sushi rice are great and fast-absorbing proteins such as whey seem appropriate (I figure whey also has a better chance of allowing tryptophan to absorb faster without being processed by as many gut bacteria).

In other words the only thing I see really wrong with this thus far are effects on the circadian rhythm and the various dependencies if you go overboard, though obviously the amino acid composition is alarming to some people.

[Another thing: riboflavin/B2/R5P is important in many of these enzymes and you do not want a B complex that is skewed toward the other vitamins; if so or even regardless, you might want to supplement some pure R5P or B2 I'm not sure it makes a difference which; same for B6/P5P]

[Oh ***t I totally forgot: L-tyrosine and L-phenylalanine. They're in whey and stuff but more can be really nice, whichever works best - I didn't enjoy phenylalanine as much in regular circumstances - and help you offset the effects of tryptophan if you so wish. Since tyrosine hydroxylase almost surely increases on this protocol (when successful; my guess is some of this comes from DHEAS) it makes sense and of course for thyroid hormone, and even other tyrosine derivatives. Worth experimenting with.]

[Also a minimum of salt or baking soda, notably since the other substances like Mg, taurine and cannabinoids tend to lower blood pressure; note that japanese/korean food seemed to be effective and it contains quite a bit of salt; also mine had quite a bit of choline - someone suggested eggs in another thread, which it contained - worth a try - am still avoiding caffeine however]

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May 8, 2017
I neglected to mention vitamins A/D/E/K: there is an interaction between retinoic acid and cannabinoid receptors somewhat like progesterone, documented in the literature. I tried a couple times to throw some vit A into the experience and something happened but I can't remember what lol (this is why I have to write this). This was during the high creativity state. Vit D modulated it also but again can't recall the exact effect. Vit D is usually not too great for me. I suppose simply having more calcium absorbed would be enough to matter.

Probably people who get tons of sun will get a slightly different experience, because I don't.

I figure you could use vit A and progesterone for cannabinoid dependency management but I didn't really bother. I don't think it's as big an issue for me anymore because since the previous weekends I've actually been sleeping better using some of those supplements, as opposed to going into mini cannabinoid withdrawals involving insomnia after 3 days use. That alone was surprising. I get nothing but dreams in which I'm highly motivated to tell someone something ;).

I have a feeling maybe progesterone drove the experience toward the high creativity state - that I used to form high-level concepts from scientific research and even write music - but I will need to try that several times again to confirm. It's just so damn inhibitory and the empathetic state was so beautiful that it's not as tempting to use anymore (also note again it was usually better taken the night before as opposed to during the experience).

Obviously you can do a lot with this - if it works - and I hope to figure out more, but there are only so many weekends in a year. Considering the several consecutive mental breakdowns over about 5 days total of cannabinoid use, I'm floored how everything turned out (fantastic!). It's been almost 2 weeks since I triggered the empathetic state accidentally and my mind has remained significantly improved thus far - keeping to some of the other supplements. It took the garbage out to the curb.

The hardest part is normalcy, because I've been having too much fun and circadian rhythm stuff. But this has already softened my work relationships.

Thanks for the email reply, Jeff (not the one(s) on this forum) :)

↳ The vital roles of boron in animal health and production: A comprehensive review

@Terma, "ribose" in either one.
Thank you, I tried boron quite a lot before, but I had no idea it linked to ribose or SAMe so definitely (Freddd brought it up at one point but it appeared to be a typo). I gotta get back to reading articles but it's gonna take awhile to cement a new routine - I skimmed it.

The ribose part is potentially concerning, and they mention it binding NAD+ and/or ADP-ribose:
Sci-Hub | Update on human health effects of boron. Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, 28(4), 383–387 | 10.1016/j.jtemb.2014.06.023

And on pheonix rising someone pointed out it binds B2/R5P. Won't bother to mention the thyroid effects although I just did.

In some ways (SAMe, calcium, magnesium, maybe hormones) it does seem to fit with ideas in this protocol - at least as an interesting modulator (this is my new basis for evaluating substances) - but I'm wary until I get a clearer picture of what it's doing to all those ribose-containing substances.

Sci-Hub is the best website in human history.


May 8, 2017
About 4 years ago I experimented with methylfolate in conjunction with other B vitamins, sardines, sunlight and other supplements. I achieved good relief from brain symptoms and it appeared to be triggered by methylfolate (also R5P and niacinamide each at one point). Soon after, I could never replicate the effect again.

This is it. The rest of this protocol somehow unlocks the power of methylfolate in my brain.

It just did that at only 800mcg (1 pill), and then improved at 1600mcg (2 pills), finally even better at 2400mcg (3 pills), even though I am so tired I could sleep through a plane crash.

I'm sure the others are involved too (cannabinoid, caprylic acid, preg+DHEA, histidine+beta-alanine, taurine, Mg, calcium) but this is clearly a throttle for something.

Its rapid absorption and short half life make it so easy to use. Metafolin is worth its weight in gold.

(Don't forget a minimum of liquid or other form of methylcobalamin (B12) with this vitamin or it will backfire at some point)

I wish I could communicate my happiness to you in a more concrete way, but on my way down [I mean, up] I got stuck on a nice fluffy cloud and I think I wanna stay here.


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May 8, 2017
Maybe just a reminder:

Quantitative flux analysis reveals folate-dependent NADPH production



NADPH supports the synthesis of the downstream hormones.

This is assuming the methylfolate got to the right cells and organelles and was recycled to methylene-tetrahydrofolate efficiently - meaning you also support SHMT with B6 and serine and a minimum of B12 in those same cells (see methylation cycle graphs everywhere). Folate also supports purine and thymidylate synthesis (from uridine) to make the whole thing work.

(But don't forget it costs NADPH to synthesize NAD+ from tryptophan - or in other words it supports its own synthesis)

I can't say I feel very lonely right now...
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May 8, 2017
That's my best guess at this time: one or more of the neurosteroids - most likely downstream ones - might work to help implement the concept and feeling of "hope" - as a form of long-term motivation complementing the shorter-term reward of dopamine on its own. Because to me there has to be a biological process or program to explain human hope, and these hormones and neurosteroids somewhat resemble this in their biochemical actions and neurotransmission.

However there is a possibility that methylation provides another side to these effects (by methylating histamine and potentially tryptamine, lowering homocysteine, etc.) so it's difficult to be sure. Homocysteine is certainly a dopamine antagonist and there are several dopamine receptor types and brain areas after all...
Allosteric modulation of dopamine D2 receptors by homocysteine. - PubMed - NCBI
Effects of homocysteine on the dopaminergic system and behavior in rodents. - PubMed - NCBI
Dietary folate deficiency and elevated homocysteine levels endanger dopaminergic neurons in models of Parkinson's disease. - PubMed - NCBI

Even the NAD+/NADH ratio could conceivably be involved (tryptophan conversion to NAD+ is NADPH-dependent: L-kynurenine + NADPH + H+ + O2 ⇌ 3-hydroxy-L-kynurenine + NADP+ + H2O). Or - coincidentally - the lowering of local tryptophan levels. Or what if happiness were represented by a NAD+/Trp ratio, at least locally or even cellularly? (That last one's just a random thought, I dunno...)
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