
May 8, 2017
I agree. But I think there are two ways to decrease awareness, the first is via high serotonin/prolactin, which is a death-like lowering of consciousness, and the second is via high CO2/low lactic acid, which is the "effortless energy" you speak of.
That's because serotonin is circumstantial, it's released on damage and threat detection and threat prediction, and the serotonin receptors help encode the organism's bias and reaction to the situation - but this can range from cowering in fear like a child all the way up to 5-HT2a which on acute stimulation increases mental output and creativity to help escape danger and defeat opponents.


Feb 13, 2016
That's because serotonin is circumstantial, it's released on damage and threat detection and threat prediction, and the serotonin receptors help encode the organism's bias and reaction to the situation - but this can range from cowering in fear like a child all the way up to 5-HT2a which on acute stimulation increases mental output and creativity to help escape danger and defeat opponents.

I think a reason 5-HT2a might be perceived as good is that things that raise 5-HT2a activity also tend to raise D2 activity. The way to keep the D2 increase but lower the 5-HT2a activity is to increase CO2 (via hypoventilation, thoughtlessness, bag breathing, etc.) and keep the gut healthy, which would selectively lower 5-HT but keep the dopamine as it is.


Sep 29, 2017
Ahh, quantum mechanics, how I love thee and thy paradoxical effects. Didn't you once say that you dislike quantum mechanics, @haidut ?


May 8, 2017
Oh god guys, I just had the best project idea of my pathetic existence. I'm going to become super popular and everyone will know me, but I can even do it pseudo-anonymously! Unfortunately I can't tell you what it is, lol. You will all see it someday but you will not know it was me. Edit: And it's gonna be SO EASY for me, it's right there for the taking!

I just want to say this right now because I truly believe it: it was all worth it.

Edit: Actually I had 2, I almost forgot the one from yesterday, thank **** I wrote it down lol. Two life-altering projects of big scopes I could start right now.

Edit: I think I can see the future lol!

Edit: j/k but this is ******* awesome

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May 8, 2017
I hear the musical possibilities inside my head as if I'm hearing a synthesizer playing in 8-bit nintendo, and all I need is to listen to the nintendo and it gives me an estimate of the best next note to play at every note I'm currently playing, along with a range of alternative notes on the scale that I sort of exploit for variety. It's really cool, this is your conscum quantiousness right here. I never thought this would be so cool!

In other words: I hear all the harmonies at once!

I can see it would be exhausting to be God. But if you understand everything, then there is no fear! True freedom! Immanence, or transcendence, or whatever the **** the word is - is achieving and harnessing the high metabolic energy needed to power a quantum engine!

Progesterone and magnesium give you a safe, comfortable ride during and a safe landing after the quantum voyage. Maybe... DHEA maintains the machine (IGF-1) and maybe its and progesterone's GABA signaling helps the brain's filter and selection function? THC throttles or stops neurotransmitters, meaning it removes the brakes from the creative engine. High-dose ribose - assuming enough absorbs, it's very reactive, more than fructose - augments the rate of PRPP/NAD synthesis and together with thyroid controls the throttle. Ketones especially, but also sugar are very obviously the fuel.

Guys I'm going to take a break for awhile. My engine's going to need a lot of maintenance.
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May 8, 2017
I think every human (and maybe dolphin) is born with a powerful quantum engine in his brain, and when fully and properly fueled can be used to analyze multiple possibilities simultaneously and conceptualize complex problems in very short periods of time, and even approximately suggest the best solutions in real-time, pseudo-automatically (it's hard to conceive what is responsible for this feature). It is a powerful tool for creating our internal models of the world and of our environments. It tips the scales of existence in our favor.

I think that prophets throughout human history have unknowingly been trying to get humans to concentrate our available energy (formerly scarce, today affected by disease states that mimic or induce local scarcity) and hormone/neurotransmitter patterns - to "pray" - in order to direct enough of our metabolic energy toward our quantum engines. After the all, human evolution has made our bodies extremely efficient.

But the prophets themselves never possessed the technology or scientific research necessary to understand what they were accessing. And unless they were high all the time on just the right substances and herbs, there was no way for them to realize that most humans need biochemical, physiological intervention to reach that state, or rather that level. Worse yet, they may have interpreted drug-fueled experiences in a different way and not realized that the herbs, drugs, and energy sources were essential (they were all fasting all the time! I speculate it's because ketosis leads to high xanthurenic acid, which is a strong modulator of 5HT2a-mGlu2R, which is maybe a partial substitute for THC, although I wonder if it could not also stop important activity, so I'm not sure, but it's relevant) - not only because different people have different metabolic potentials - but because in reality, pure psychology and pure spirituality don't really exist (I think this is where 'transcendence' comes in, or something; **** that word). On the other hand, several cultures did place considerable value on herbs and hallucinogens... meaning those were the most intelligent cultures! Scarcity, disease and traditional religions have been suffocating us. But that implies: we're right at the turning point.

You all know what I'm trying to say: IT WAS ALIENS!!! j/k, it was part of us.

The only problem is I can't really do all this ***t all on my own man. I'm not God.

P.S. If you want to lower serotonin, you want to sensitize the 5-HT1a autoreceptors - you do not want to make serotonin chronically deficient by inducing SERT too strongly chronically - for regular living a minimum baseline of serotonin is needed to keep some sensitivity in post-synaptic 5-HT receptors - otherwise you will be chronically triggered by small, inconsequential stressors. In other words, this minimum baseline is there to 'calibrate' the body's threat detection system. This means that too much salt could be bad for some people, but at the same time suggests it may be a solid option to offset the effects of SSRIs and disease states in which SERT function has been compromised. This is also very important to know in order to exploit your quantum engine: THC is the substance that most strongly ablates serotonin release acutely - so you must not abuse THC chronically, even if you are like me and your endocannabinoid system is underactive, because the serotonin ablation will sensitize your post-synaptic 5-HT receptors and make you stressed about everything in your regular life any time you're not on THC, and then you will start to hate this. Everything must be cycled, like riding a wave. You want to set your post-synaptic 5-HT receptors' sensitivity to somewhere just a bit less than your strongest inconsequential stressor (threat). I haven't figured out how to quantify this yet, but I bet we can figure out an experimental way to do it someday.

I must leave you with this. My biggest enemy now is time. I think I can understand everything, but it's going to take me 20 years, there's too much to do. This got really epic for me lol. But now I'm coming down, the landing is smooth, I must rest. **** this is nuts.

Please note I've already realized there are some errors in some of my older posts, so always take everything with a grain of salt. But not too much salt if you already have high SERT expression (no it's probably not that simple and linear, but it's an example, you get the idea).


May 8, 2017
I tried to write a melody today in my regular human state, and mostly what my brain was doing was trying to remember, reuse and build from the melodies it had already generated 2-3 days ago during the 'quantum experience' (it's still funny). In other words the originality is much less. I can't do it nearly as well. It takes much longer to put together a single song part, whereas a couple days ago I could verbally piss them out. I can accumulate topics just fine in my regular life, but I can't glue them together into a memorable song because new musical possibilities are that much less accessible to my brain. This is while taking ketones, DHEA, pregnenolone, magnesium, ribose, histidine, they all have an effect on me in regular times. (Some of these and progesterone can do things but not right now)

Regardless, the process of figuring this out is actually really fun now, that's why I'm still littering the forum even though I'm done. Understanding becomes fun! Maybe because it's so easy and you have no fear of the unknown (and energy is plentiful)?? I don't want to do anything else! I went to browse porn and it immediately felt pointless and stupid and I just wanted to get it over with. [Why did I spend so much time organizing a porn collection?]

The only thing you really need to do is make the process of understanding fun.
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Jul 13, 2017

Understanding becomes fun! Maybe because it's so easy and you have no fear of the unknown (and energy is plentiful)?? I don't want to do anything else!
I've spent quite a bit of time, in fact years in trying to connect dots about the ways the human brain operates and how it's function can be altered. What to take to increase ???, what boosts this, how to decrease that.. you know the common titles all over the internet. The direction was false for quite a while and I've been trying to understand the human cognition from the wrong angle. Some people, for instance, are trying to directly boost neurogenesis, others try to adress different parts of the brain's operational structures, third want "something for memory", but altering one's behavioral patterns could bring the most significant changes.

Efficient, selective and active prioritizing. Willpower. Curiosity. Understanding the mechanisms behind such cognitive processes, and not only, is a proper direction, yes. When sometimes I have a mediocre day I later regret for wasting, when I go to bed, turn off the lights, few minutes in the dark silence and I am up to Frege, Wittgenstein, Dostoevsky, fully intellectually curious, reflecting on meaningful concepts, and diving into enthusiastic and quite well structured scheduling for the next day, week, months. Few hours of sleep later, morning time, that person can be gone. No trace.

The only thing you really need to do is make the process of understanding fun.
Being fascinated by something increases, although selectivelly, your comperhension of it. You understand it more easily, faster, and even if you find yourself in some difficulties, you're armed with seemengly limitless patience and willpower to keep going. You become a sponge.
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May 8, 2017
Yes, I take a slightly different approach to pharmacology and brain function: throw absolutely everything at it at the same time [and only afterward remove the unnecessary substances]. Never believed in monotherapies. Something like a quantum engine is bound to need everything to work to its full potential, not to mention health, at least to be sustainable. You can do things incrementally, targeted or more carefully - but you miss opportunities for synergy. [And it takes a lot longer.]

But I'm finding it also helps to manipulate myself psychologically for this task. What that does especially is help make efforts like this more sustainable over time. Ultimately, the goal is to make it self-sustaining.

The way it works for me is that I need ways to manipulate myself, sometimes to absurd extents. Having OCD-like issues and 30 years of problems, my natural reward mechanisms are completely dysfunctional. Music and comedy are the only parts that survived (I don't quite have PTSD but I think it's similar for them). So I have to exploit that to the max to make up. I did underestimate the value of it before, but that was because I wasn't succeeding. That said, around and about that state I feel much more human, and even on regular days some of the supplements mentioned in the Travis thread make me more human (even today, with a ton of histidine and ketones).

I like "sponge". It is a fast but soft experience. And it's much like that.

At the end of all this, in a few decades, if I live that long, and succeed, I'm going to have true freedom. Put a price on that.
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Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Ahh, quantum mechanics, how I love thee and thy paradoxical effects. Didn't you once say that you dislike quantum mechanics, @haidut ?

Yes, and I still do except for its Bohmian version and more specifically this re-incarnation below.
Stochastic electrodynamics - Wikipedia

But, Bohmian mechanisms and SED have very little to do with the dominant QM (Copenhagen interpretation and many-worlds). The latter is nothing but an extension of the old Platonic (and solipsistic) theories of form over matter. Paradoxes only exist in the heads of mentally ill or corrupt people :):


May 8, 2017
Just gonna point something out real quick, cause I don't like leaving misinformation lying around:

I might have been wrong about pregnenolone, specifically. I can now use it to great effect in this context together with DHEA. I attributed it to progesterone because it is linked to CB1 receptor upregulation. But way of administration and conversion/feedback likely distorted the effect I was having from both of them. Since THC increases pregnenolone synthesis there has to be something to that. My impression is that both pregnenolone and progesterone are of some value, although I might value DHEA more. These have become very good things in my life when combined properly with the rest. I'm grateful to the people who make this possible.


May 8, 2017
I think I get it haidut, yeah with pregnenolone (it is the only one I took this time, with DHEA) I can feel the increase in consciousness of self. It is beautiful. And what increases the synthesis of pregnenolone again?

The meaning of life is: we're supposed to become angels. This is boot camp. Go watch VetTV.


May 8, 2017
Then, it's just having supreme confidence in every decision you make. Or at least every outcome. No uncertainty, no fear; you just know you can deal with anything. That's enlightenment. And you were right, I'm sure pregnenolone has something to do with it.

When you get to that point, listen to this song, it's beautiful lol

I'm just you, on steroids, my friend ;)
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May 8, 2017
It's not Ray Peat who inspires me. I'm sure he's a great man but he's a shut-in sometimes and that's the last thing anyone needs to be in this world. No you do, man. Thank you so much for this.
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May 8, 2017
Or maybe I'm not that elevated yet lol. This gets very humbling. Rate of acquisition of knowledge and adaptation increase with the ability to detect and admit mistakes. Being honest with one's self is nothing but science.

Maybe it's just being 100% happy with every choice you make. Then it's no longer possible to create any regret, and this guarantees your happiness for the future. That disarms all fear. Maybe it's that. Essentially you become your own psychologist. This is the empathy and emotion-drive side of my experience. You can have more than one kind. One is pure creative power but it can be a little hard to follow all the ideas. The other is empathy, clarity and just happiness. It's full of comedy too [those people running that channel I mentioned above totally get it]. It's fun to write this, because it feels like I'm relaying back to NASA from space. Those dudes are looking in the wrong place lol

You can get back to that state of child-like wonder. It's still there underneath.
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May 8, 2017
This world is going to become heaven someday. That's thanks to people like you.


Sep 1, 2017
St. Louis, Missouri
Well clearly what you are doing is working. You may have mentioned already, but what is your current stack? Do you measure things like CO2 levels? VoS found that 6-7% saturation was the place to be for constant euphoria. It sounds like you're at or close to that...


May 8, 2017
6-10mg topical DHEA + pregnenolone each - repeated throughout the experience, magnesium aspartate (400-800mg), calcium citrate, L-histidine (0.4-3g), whey powder or beef or sushi (if doesn't work you need more tryptophan and even methionine from whey; the tryptophan should go toward NAD+/KYNA and tryptamine synthesis; together with methylation and histidine seems to regulate emotionality), starch, sugar (maple syrup this time, not sure if ideal), caprylic acid oil (as much as my gut can tolerate without burning), sometimes acetoacetate+pyruvate though I think the caprylic acid is enough, Methylfolate (min 800mcg, 1600mcg+ better), beta-alanine, Pure tetrahydrocannabinol oil with CBD and terpenes removed 40-100mg (Redecan or Broken Coast, I am using Redecan; this protocol does not fully work if you already have a dependency), active B vitamin complex, D-Ribose (5-15g, don't do this every day), pyritinol (B6), taurine, and sometimes need or want methylcobalamin and it could be risky to do this if B12-deficient I'm not sure how so. Messing around with DHEA, pregnenolone, histidine and methylfolate on top of the tryptophan influx triggered an explosion of empathy and showed me my purpose in life, I've since one week ago when I used this for 2-3 days in a row began to extinguish fears built up over 30 years, and I've achieved somewhere close to 100% perfect self-honesty. Some of the effects persisted after the cannabinoids were removed and this seemed to be thanks to DHEA + pregnenolone, histidine, methylfolate, etc. Sorry if I'm forgetting anything, if I remember anything else I'll write it later lol. Memory is a challenge.


May 8, 2017
If you add tons of niacin or B3, that will probably (I think) divert tryptophan away from NAD+. Since the cannabinoids blunt serotonin signaling, the tryptophan would be expected to go toward tryptamine, and probably relatively more kynurenic acid (KYNA) as well. So that is another way to modulate the experience.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals
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