Bacterial/Parasites/Fungus Overgrowth after Covid


Mar 30, 2021
Hi, I have since 4 months serious problems with my gut. It all started when i got Covid(4-5 months ago). The first Symptoms to manifest were constipation/stomach ache and GERD(I never had it before) and then after a week got fever and other covid symptoms. After the fever went down I was feeling better. Then I got sick 2 times within 2-3 weeks(I wasn’t sick since 5 years)my lungs were hurting so much during that time.Then I had GERD again and it lasted for 2 months, I was Waking up every time with acid reflux and noticed that my tongue became white. The white Tongue went away after 1-2 week but then reappear again multiple times. Btw when I had covid I took aspirin,methylene blue, glycine and penicillin( for the first time in my Life, I didn’t took antibiotics before) I took 1 500mg pill in the morning and another in the evening(only 2 Pils in total)Maybe it wrecked my gut flora???(i really don’t know why I took it...

Symptoms now:
White/green tongue
Brain fog
I have a bad/weird smell in my nose and a bad Taste in my mouth(since 3 weeks)
Bloated(extremly bloated after eating)
Excessive Gas
Cold body(feets/hands/legs)
My stool smells very bad
I feel in general like ***t

Things i done to resolve my gut issues that didn’t work: High Dose Niacinamide,Aspirin, Lactobacillus reuteri 6475, Pau D’arco,wormwood,flower of sulphur(it did clear half of my white tongue, but after 3 days it reapper again.

About me:
188cm, 91kg, 18 years old

I don’t know what to do anymore, it really wrecked my overall health and I don’t know how to resolve this Problem. Do you guys have any advice for me?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hi, I have since 4 months serious problems with my gut. It all started when i got Covid(4-5 months ago). The first Symptoms to manifest were constipation/stomach ache and GERD(I never had it before) and then after a week got fever and other covid symptoms. After the fever went down I was feeling better. Then I got sick 2 times within 2-3 weeks(I wasn’t sick since 5 years)my lungs were hurting so much during that time.Then I had GERD again and it lasted for 2 months, I was Waking up every time with acid reflux and noticed that my tongue became white. The white Tongue went away after 1-2 week but then reappear again multiple times. Btw when I had covid I took aspirin,methylene blue, glycine and penicillin( for the first time in my Life, I didn’t took antibiotics before) I took 1 500mg pill in the morning and another in the evening(only 2 Pils in total)Maybe it wrecked my gut flora???(i really don’t know why I took it...

Symptoms now:
White/green tongue
Brain fog
I have a bad/weird smell in my nose and a bad Taste in my mouth(since 3 weeks)
Bloated(extremly bloated after eating)
Excessive Gas
Cold body(feets/hands/legs)
My stool smells very bad
I feel in general like ***t

Things i done to resolve my gut issues that didn’t work: High Dose Niacinamide,Aspirin, Lactobacillus reuteri 6475, Pau D’arco,wormwood,flower of sulphur(it did clear half of my white tongue, but after 3 days it reapper again.

About me:
188cm, 91kg, 18 years old

I don’t know what to do anymore, it really wrecked my overall health and I don’t know how to resolve this Problem. Do you guys have any advice for me?
COV is known to induce a lot of inflammation in the gut which can lead to dysbiosis. Perhaps you can play around with your macros and food types. For example, meat with honey or fruit. If I consume rice too many days in a row, my tongue becomes white. It's clean with milk, fruit and meat. Starches can cause issues for some people. Even vegetables and too much plant matter.
Try to optimize digestion with digestive enzymes (betaine, pepsin, protease, lipase, etc.), bitters (coffee, quinine, etc) and some vinegar. All that bloating and gas indicates incomplete digestion.

Using large doses of coconut oil with activated charcoal always helps me. 1 tsp activated charcoal dissolved in some fruit juice and then swallow 2 tbsp coconut oil with the AC. I would sometimes take 6 tbsp coconut oil total during the day.


Jun 16, 2015
Hi, I have since 4 months serious problems with my gut. It all started when i got Covid(4-5 months ago). The first Symptoms to manifest were constipation/stomach ache and GERD(I never had it before) and then after a week got fever and other covid symptoms. After the fever went down I was feeling better. Then I got sick 2 times within 2-3 weeks(I wasn’t sick since 5 years)my lungs were hurting so much during that time.Then I had GERD again and it lasted for 2 months, I was Waking up every time with acid reflux and noticed that my tongue became white. The white Tongue went away after 1-2 week but then reappear again multiple times. Btw when I had covid I took aspirin,methylene blue, glycine and penicillin( for the first time in my Life, I didn’t took antibiotics before) I took 1 500mg pill in the morning and another in the evening(only 2 Pils in total)Maybe it wrecked my gut flora???(i really don’t know why I took it...

Symptoms now:
White/green tongue
Brain fog
I have a bad/weird smell in my nose and a bad Taste in my mouth(since 3 weeks)
Bloated(extremly bloated after eating)
Excessive Gas
Cold body(feets/hands/legs)
My stool smells very bad
I feel in general like ***t

Things i done to resolve my gut issues that didn’t work: High Dose Niacinamide,Aspirin, Lactobacillus reuteri 6475, Pau D’arco,wormwood,flower of sulphur(it did clear half of my white tongue, but after 3 days it reapper again.

About me:
188cm, 91kg, 18 years old

I don’t know what to do anymore, it really wrecked my overall health and I don’t know how to resolve this Problem. Do you guys have any advice for me?
Some of your symptoms also sound like they could be low bile acid production. Are your stools pale? If your liver gets messed up it will not produce bile as well.


Mar 30, 2021
COV is known to induce a lot of inflammation in the gut which can lead to dysbiosis. Perhaps you can play around with your macros and food types. For example, meat with honey or fruit. If I consume rice too many days in a row, my tongue becomes white. It's clean with milk, fruit and meat. Starches can cause issues for some people. Even vegetables and too much plant matter.
Try to optimize digestion with digestive enzymes (betaine, pepsin, protease, lipase, etc.), bitters (coffee, quinine, etc) and some vinegar. All that bloating and gas indicates incomplete digestion.

Using large doses of coconut oil with activated charcoal always helps me. 1 tsp activated charcoal dissolved in some fruit juice and then swallow 2 tbsp coconut oil with the AC. I would sometimes take 6 tbsp coconut oil total during the day.
COV is known to induce a lot of inflammation in the gut which can lead to dysbiosis. Perhaps you can play around with your macros and food types. For example, meat with honey or fruit. If I consume rice too many days in a row, my tongue becomes white. It's clean with milk, fruit and meat. Starches can cause issues for some people. Even vegetables and too much plant matter.
Try to optimize digestion with digestive enzymes (betaine, pepsin, protease, lipase, etc.), bitters (coffee, quinine, etc) and some vinegar. All that bloating and gas indicates incomplete digestion.

Using large doses of coconut oil with activated charcoal always helps me. 1 tsp activated charcoal dissolved in some fruit juice and then swallow 2 tbsp coconut oil with the AC. I would sometimes take 6 tbsp coconut oil total during the day.
Thanks for your reply Hans.
I’m already taking like 4-6 tbsp coconut oil daily and have some AC that i didn’t try regulary.
I will try the digestive enzymes and the vinegar but they will maybe improve my digestion while on it but won’t fix the root cause.

but before the covid I had never had any problem with my digestion/gut, Infact my digestion was really good I had almost every time a bowel movement after eating(2-3 bowel movements a day) I could tolerate starches very well, I was eating up to 800-900g(with no bloating and gas)a day but had to lower it to 400-500g when I introduced more milk in my diet. I cut out all the starches two weeks ago and had to lower my milk intake from 3-4l to 1.5-2l cause I can’t tolerate it no more.
Diet now: red meat 4-5 weekly,milk,chicken liver 1-2 weekly,4-5 cans oysters 3 times a week,honey,eggs,coconut oil,butter,olive oil,cheese,bone broth(not regularly) and sometimes some chicken.

Are those opportunistic pathogens that took my gut over when I was immunocomprised after the Covid causing the dysbiosis or maybe the pathogens are only a side effect of the real cause(like low bile,low stomach acid, or just gut inflammation)?

Btw since 3 weeks I got so many big stretch marks on my hips/stomach,shoulders,legs and arms, but my weight didn’t change so much(I lost a bit of muscles but nothing drastic.
I think maybe that I got those stretch marks cause my body can’t absorb enough nutrients anymore.


Mar 30, 2021
Some of your symptoms also sound like they could be low bile acid production. Are your stools pale? If your liver gets messed up it will not produce bile as well.
I had really very pale stools for like 2 months straight.In these last weeks my stool became a little more brown but the odor of my stool has become so strong(it‘s really disgusting). Like the shape and the consistency of my stool is very weird, like if you see my stool you can tell that something is wrong with my gut.
Btw I thought too that I have low bile. I got my liver enzymes last week tested and they were a bit high(I don’t drink)

Alkalische Phosphatase was: 137H (Range is 40-129)

Aspartat-Aminotransferase was: 96H( Range is 10-50)

Stool pics: Stool pics


Jun 16, 2015
I had really very pale stools for like 2 months straight.In these last weeks my stool became a little more brown but the odor of my stool has become so strong(it‘s really disgusting). Like the shape and the consistency of my stool is very weird, like if you see my stool you can tell that something is wrong with my gut.
Btw I thought too that I have low bile. I got my liver enzymes last week tested and they were a bit high(I don’t drink)

Alkalische Phosphatase was: 137H (Range is 40-129)

Aspartat-Aminotransferase was: 96H( Range is 10-50)

Stool pics: Stool pics
Yeah that looks quite consistent with low bile. But of course there could be other issues. Have you tried taking bile salts? Those will help that situation a lot. You also might want to reduce the fat you eat until you get bile production normaized.


May 4, 2019
I had really very pale stools for like 2 months straight.In these last weeks my stool became a little more brown but the odor of my stool has become so strong(it‘s really disgusting). Like the shape and the consistency of my stool is very weird, like if you see my stool you can tell that something is wrong with my gut.
Btw I thought too that I have low bile. I got my liver enzymes last week tested and they were a bit high(I don’t drink)

Alkalische Phosphatase was: 137H (Range is 40-129)

Aspartat-Aminotransferase was: 96H( Range is 10-50)

Stool pics: Stool pics

I agree with DrJ, your symptoms line up with poor bile flow and it makes sense seeing as Covid-19 infects and damages the gallbladder Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in gallbladder and aggravating cholecystitis to septic shock: a case report - Hong - Annals of Translational Medicine

You could try drinking hot water between meals to gently promote the flow of bile from liver to GI tract. Dr Garret Smith claims that lactoferrin can heal the bile ducts but I haven't tried it personally so can't really vouch for its effectiveness.


May 30, 2018
If you're desperate (I don't mean suicidal, I have already done it and I'm here to talk about it ;)), try a prolonged dry fast like more than 4 days if you're able. I know it seems hardcore but it's possible with some training (you shouldn't do a 4+ day dry fast your first time, less than 24 hours is already something hard for beginners) and proper resting during the fast. There are testimonies of improved or totally healed digestion / bloating / hemorrhoids, improved metabolism, healed skin issues (eczema, psoriasis, strecth marks), cured infections, improved or healed depression, etc.

Or simple water restriction (I know, it's opposite to what Korven says) if it's easier and effective for you, like 700mL a day max.

The idea is to have a negative fluid balance (acutely with a dry fast or chronically with water restriction), so that bloating / edema is forced to dissipate. The hypothesis is that when edema leaves, tissue metabolism (via increased oxygen access to the cell mitochondria, as hypothesized in a publication on a 5 day dry fast) and immunity (increased osmolarity is linked with immune system efficiency) are increased.

My idea now is that edema "allows you" to dry fast (because your body can "unlock" this excess water when blood osmolarity increases) and when there is no more or very little edema, the inflammation / infection can be healed by metabolism increase and immunity (among which transcription factors like NFAT5, FXR and LXR play a role, and they can also have effect on detoxification pathways).

I'm also hypothesizing that prolonged dry fasting could help reset oxytocin levels which seems to be linked to the temperature of extremities, energy / metabolism and steroid metabolism (the 5-AR enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT is increased by oxytocin in rats).


Feb 13, 2021
Hi, I have since 4 months serious problems with my gut. It all started when i got Covid(4-5 months ago). The first Symptoms to manifest were constipation/stomach ache and GERD(I never had it before) and then after a week got fever and other covid symptoms. After the fever went down I was feeling better. Then I got sick 2 times within 2-3 weeks(I wasn’t sick since 5 years)my lungs were hurting so much during that time.Then I had GERD again and it lasted for 2 months, I was Waking up every time with acid reflux and noticed that my tongue became white. The white Tongue went away after 1-2 week but then reappear again multiple times. Btw when I had covid I took aspirin,methylene blue, glycine and penicillin( for the first time in my Life, I didn’t took antibiotics before) I took 1 500mg pill in the morning and another in the evening(only 2 Pils in total)Maybe it wrecked my gut flora???(i really don’t know why I took it...

Symptoms now:
White/green tongue
Brain fog
I have a bad/weird smell in my nose and a bad Taste in my mouth(since 3 weeks)
Bloated(extremly bloated after eating)
Excessive Gas
Cold body(feets/hands/legs)
My stool smells very bad
I feel in general like ***t

Things i done to resolve my gut issues that didn’t work: High Dose Niacinamide,Aspirin, Lactobacillus reuteri 6475, Pau D’arco,wormwood,flower of sulphur(it did clear half of my white tongue, but after 3 days it reapper again.

About me:
188cm, 91kg, 18 years old

I don’t know what to do anymore, it really wrecked my overall health and I don’t know how to resolve this Problem. Do you guys have any advice for me?
Had the same thing. I cut out grains, took Bs, Mg and niacinamide, lots of antibacterial herbs and carrot salads, mushrooms. Gut is clear(ish) now. Wormwood tincture made by yourself or wormwood capsules? Self made should be better. Just focus on antibacterial herbs and carrots/mushrooms. And lots of sun exposure and nature walks to relax

Neeters 27

Mar 21, 2022
I presonally think the penicillin caused candida overgrowth for you - this happens to me often, unfortunately due to recurrent uti's that I have to take antibiotics for, along with insulin resistance and age...the only thing that works for me to get rid of yeast overgrowth in the gut and elsewhere, is to take otc generic DIFLUCAN, 3 doses, 3 days apart, and avoid sugary things.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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